- Daily Fashion Hint Wow Possible forÀNïBODTtoHave Beautiful Soft Hair The House of Quality NOTICE THE AMAZING CHANGE! Suits and In sur Fancy Goods Sostici». -Piala and Nevelty Georpsttsa, Sllk All- ovar Loess, Mstallno Cloth, Ombra Gaorgattas. Sllk Dami Flounalngs. atc. All first-quallty fabrica at prlcaa aurprialngly low. Wa Invito your Immediato Inapoctlon and soloctlon whllo thè seeortmont le at Ita boat SENSIBLE AND DAINTY KINKOUT Just rub a little safe, harmless KINKOUT in your hair and within two or three minutes your hair should be lovely, smooth, silky and wavy. SOLD ON MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IE YOU ARE NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED I NOHOTIRONSI One time does it I Positively will not turn the hair red. Could not hurt the most sensitive scalp. KINKOUTcan be used as a hair grower. Full, simple, easy directions on each package. Comes only in green and yellow tubes. Substitutes may be dangerous. Be sure and get the genuine GET KINKOUT KT YOUR DRUGGIST-50c and $1.00, in U.S.A. Xr»rrr DrrrrvwvnF ZARTKLL DRUG CO, SIATTLB. WASH. G-t it From anv of These Wholesale Dealers! Among the unusual models for the miaa of five and under is thia frock in figured muslin, trimmed with plain white voile, the voile being stitched across the shoulders io form a yoke. The kimono sleeves are lengthened with cuffs of voile, which are gathered and stitched to plain wristbands. If preferred, the shirred front and back of the dress may be joined to the yoke with insertion or piping. Medium size requires 1J4 yard 36-inch figured and M yard plain material. Pictorial Review Child's Dress No. 2114. Sues, 1 to 5 years. Price, 30 cedts. COFFIN RKDDINGTON CO, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Makes Skin So Light This company now offers to its customers, patrons, and the public what we believe to be one of the most attractive op­ portunities for putting their money to work at high wages in a great big local industry. For the first time in the his­ tory of the Northwest you are given the choice of earning regular and attractive dividends twelve times a year—one dividend day each month. Would Hardly Know She Was Colored— 7.20 per cent i Oregon’s Greatest Public Utility '"Since i have been using Ko-Verra many of the white ladies who come to my beauty shop say they would hardly know I am a Colored lady,” aaya Mrs. Elnora Gresham. going Here is an amazing new beauty secret- a preparation that is guaranteed to lighten the skin without bleaching or injuring it tn any way! Not only is Ko-Verra guaranteed but it is personally recom- merded by Mrs. Gresham, and many other prominent women. Mrs. Gresham, besides being nationally known in political work, is the owner of an exceptionally high-class beauty shop. Need­ less to say, she knows what she is talking about when she says that Ko-Verra not only lightens her skin, but leaves it delight­ fully soft and smooth. low roundtrip fares Don't use harmful bleaches and doubtful preparations that may injure your akin. Ko-Verra ia the safe, sure way to have a lighter complexion. And it ia extremely good for the skin, too, and very soothing. Just apply it like cold cream. Ko-Verra also holds the face powder ALL DAY LONG. Remember — Ko - Verra is Absolutely Guaranteed to give your skin the appearance of being several shades lighter or we will cheerfully refund your money. Send No Money $33.90 to Crater Lake and return via the cir­ cuit route which enters Crater Lake National Park through Medford and leaves through Klamath Falls. See this famous beauty spot. It is one of the st rangest of natural wonders. See also the Oregon Caves and the delightful Klamath country. If you desire to subscribe for shares on our easy payment plan you may pay $10 per share down and $10 a month per share until paid for. We will pay you 7 per cent interest on all your payments until the shares are yours and then your dividends begin to accrue immediately. Act on this opportunity today. Inquire at our Investment Department, 820 Electric Building, now! For full information and a copy of our bool ' - "Oregon Outdoor»" communicate with Portland Electric Power Co. Begin today to look your bast. Fill out the coupon and mail it at once toua. We will ehip by parcel poet a lull eised jar ol Ko-Verra enough to laat several months. When package arrives pay poetman only |1.*7 at your door. It Ko-Verra doea not do aU we claim wa will retund your money. Send lor Ko-Verra today make up your mind to lighten your akin imme­ diately. Make thia amazing test that haa delighted thousands. Boerner-Fry Co., Dept. MRS. ELNORA GRESHAM Mail This Coupon Now 1— Your Income will be regular and dependable. 2— Dividends paid by check on the drat of each month or quarterly, as preferred. 3— Exempt from Oregon persona] property tax. 4— Dividends exempt from normal federal income tax. 5— Your savings will be safe. 5—Business is firmly established, well managed and permanent. 7—To yield 7.20 per cent. Price >100. to Crater Lake and return direct route. hmoui Colored Beauty Specialist and Well-Known Politician Recom­ mends Ko-Verra. W hen a woman of Mrs. Gresham’s promi­ nence nut only usee Ko-Verra but recom­ mends it to others you can bo sure that aha known what she ia talkin« about. Mrs. Gresham haa just been appointed by the Governor of Iowa to attend the Illiteracy Conference at Washington. D. G. in January. On thia trip Mrs. Gresham will depend on Ko-Vorra to look her beat. Mr«. Gresham was elected by the House of Representatives to the puat of Assistant Post Master of Des Moines, Iowa, in which capacity she served from 191Y to 1921; she ia chairman of the Colored Women’s Federation of her city: besides thia she conducts a hi«h-< lasa beauty parlor, eatorin« to the flnest trade. I —Briefly, these are the reasons for the attractiveness of this new 7.20 per cent accumulative First Preferred Stock: $30.70 Amazing Results The first application of Ko-Verra will amaze you. Imme­ diately the appearance of your akin ia lightened. Ko-Verra makes the darkest skin look light tan, while thoae with tan akin look like dark white people. Now we offer you 12 dividends every year! Portland, Salem, Oregon City and Vancouver, Wash. * Southern Pacific JOHN M. SCOTT Assistant Passenger Traffic Manager Portland, Oregon AT YOUR SERVICE YELLOW TAXI CALL MAIN 0059 Also Seven-Passenger Touring Cars for Sightseeing LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY Make Us Your Business Agents If you are interested in Real Estate, Good Investments, Business Ventures, or any other phase of commercial effort where you desire expert advice. Consult Us. Always enclose stamp for reply. Iowa The Hamitic League of the World 309 East 39th Street Blood Polson Sometime through life you were probably troubled with blood poison and old stand­ ing sores. Remedy far cancer, tumor, open sores, gangrene, ene­ ma. rheumatism, cuts, bruises and sprains. Dittel’e Home Salve guar­ anteed to cure or no pay. Price {1.00. Manufactured by Chaa. F. Httel, 1014 West Third Street, Davenport, Iowa. AN OPPORTUNITY A Reliable Plaoe to buy Jewelry and have your eyes fitted High-Brown Face Powder A superb toilet necessity. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS AND SILVERWARE and White. In four shades— Natural, Pink, Brunette High-Brown Faoe Powder haa earned Ita place In the esteem of the most dlscrlmlnsts and skeptical users of toilet articles STAPLES THE JEWELER-OPTICIAN HAVE BETTER HAIR by Ito own distinctive merit and the oompiste satisfaction to be 266 Morrison St., between 3rd and 4th fVtRVBOOY IMU TO LOOK THOR OUT will oroomio HAIR AOOS A OR1AT DIAL TO PBRSONAL AretARAHCt av uaiNa roRoa hair FOMAOSANOFOROS HAIR STRAIOHTIN. IMO AHO IHAMSOO COMBS. STUBBORN? HARSH. SNARLY a UNRULY HAIR BI- COMBS tOFTIR, STRAIOHTtR MORS RLIABL«. ANO lAlltH TO ORISS PUT UR IN ANY STVLg THJ 4"NOTH WILL FSRMIT «XCSLLtNT FOR ALLAYINO OANORUFF ANO LOCAL SCALF TROUBLES. Far I* Oy Orwogists A Dealers I* Talat Ankles l< WI !•' "■ Iwir.aMrtrtt'W «"'V W ™:* ori .° a ^ i 1 dox "iKss.i0 Portlànd Laundry Comp’y ''The Laundry With a Purpose” If you're particular call East 0092 • ♦ Prompt Efficient Reliable ILLINOIS CHICAGO THB OVERTON-HYGI1NIC MPG. COMPANY CHK3AQO MM. B. D. CANNADY 402 Buchanan Bldg- Portland, Oro Pacific Coast Distributor J. P. FINLEY & SON MORTICIANS