* * I F Lodge Directory OWN YOUR HOME With a small down payment, I can put you in just the kind of home you always wanted. We can arrange the balance like rent IH t Ht lllI >>♦*11*4*♦♦♦♦*♦+♦44*46444 M***♦♦ Smith’s Cafe Pythian Bath House and Sanitarium Tslsphsns Brpadwsy 156710* North Ninth Strast OPEN ALL NIGHT Knights of Pythias of N. A., S. A., I-., A., A, and A, Boiled Dinner Daily Short Ordert at AU Timet (Operating Under Supervl- eion of U. B. Government) Fish and Game in Seaton CaU at 311 Macleay Bldg., and talk the matter over with us. Yet. we have them for rent, too 41F>^ Malvern Avenue Hot Springs Nat. Park, Ark. Call Vs and We Will Gladly Arrange for Private Parties Hot Radio-Active Water Furnished by the Government For All Baths. Sanihrinm hu 10 R sms *. Did art Operate R mm A. H. MORROW BONDED BROKER When You CaU a Taxi-Cab Call Brdy. 0098 BLACK AND WHITE Stands at all leading hotel* and all parts of the city Distinctive Footwear C. 11KB WO. ths wall known Hsrtoal- lai. ha» made a Ilfs •indy of the curative properties nosasassd by Orlsntal Hoot a Harba Buds and Hark, and therefrom compounded hl» tru ly wonderful Herb» rsmedie«. tn their make-up no ■ poisons or narcotics are u.mt. perfectly harmleaa and many roots and herbs that hs urns are unknown to the medical profession of today. AVOID OPERATIONS by taking hl* remedies In time for Stomach. Coughs, Cnida Rheumatism. Kidney, Lung. Liver. Catarrh, Blood. Inflammation. Neuralgia and all female and chil­ dran'a alinienta allmanta .Call C_- or — wrlta Bent dren's by mail or parcat post. L aundry Do You Know How Big a Bundle of ROUGH DRY with wearing apparel starched, dried and flat work ironed, we do for C. GEE WO MEDICINE CHINESE CO. Ml, Alder Stnot. S. W. Ooraer ThirS Phone EAst 5544 For Afternoon and Evening I B. P. O. E. OF THE WORLD Y NOTICI Ilahlla Temple No. 302. I. H K. ot \V„ of Portland. Oregon, rneeis the let and 3rd Tuesday ulghls In each mouth at Stag Auditorium All visiting Daughter Elks In good standing In their respective Temple» are Invited to meet with us. LOUISE THOMAS. Daughter Ruler, BEATRICE 11. CANNADY. Daughter Secretary. REPP & SON —and Let Us Tell You Hosiery to Harmonize—High Grade Repair Work StaplemdFflRcyGroceries Quick Delivery Service Try Our Shirt and CoBar Work—Lace Cartaiaa a Specialty Syracuse Lodge, K. ot P. No. t. meets Ute second and fourth Fri­ day nights In each month. All Sir Knights tn good standing are We DeUver welcome. Fraternal Hall. 7*6 Misais- slppl Ave. E. D. Cannady. C.C.. 111 Macleay Bldg. W. Marshall. K of P. A 8. White* Swan Laundry KNIGHT SHOE CO Morrison Street, near Broadway HOUSES FOR RENT AND SALE SPECIAL 5 room house, good condition. 82650; 8500 down, balance like rent. 600 Goodnough Building 7- room house. Peninsular district; lot 100x100; lots ot fruit and berries; a chicken run and all fenced in; an ideal chicken ranch. 82.000 ; 8400 down, balance 820 per month. 5th and Y ambili Streets Portland. Ore. 5 room modern house. East Side; lot 60x100; a snap at 83.550 ; 8500 down, balance 835 per month. In­ cluding IntereeL 8- room. strictly modern new house; full lot. all clear; an ideal home on East Side; street improvements all In and paid for. C room modern cottage on Willamette drive; lot 50x120, facing two streets Lota of fruit and flowers. A good investment; must sell to close es Ute. Croom bouse, good condition; Wood­ lawn district 82.COO; 8500 down. 530 per month. FITS The East India Hair Grower Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair. Will also Restore the Strength, Vitality and the Beauty of the Hair. If your Hair is Dry and Wiry, Try 7-rooms; garage; Woodlawn District near car line; lot 50x100 ; 52.100; terms. A. H. MORROW HAS ENJOYED SUCH UNEX­ PECTED SUCCESS IN THE PAST YEAR THAT WE HAVE DECIDED TO ADD A FEW MORE BEAUTIFYING PREP­ ARATIONS TO OUR LIMIT­ ED BUT EFFECTIVE LINE Ill Macleay Building Broadway 5807 Daily Fashion Hint The following it our compiete litt East India Hair Grower If you are bothered with Falling Hair. Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want you to try a jar of EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The remedy contains medical properties that go to the roots of the Hair, stimu­ lates the skin, helping nature do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used with Hot Iron for Straightening. Price Sent by Mail, 50c; 10c Extra for Pottage agents outfit 1 Hair Orow«r. 1 Tem­ ple Oil. 1 Shampoo. 1 Pressing Oil, 1 Face Cream and Direction for Belling. »2. 25c Extra for Postage. DUO ART AND PIA­ NOLA PIANOS, VIC- TROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS, PLAYER ROLLS AND CABINETS, AND SHEET MUSIC AND BOOKS, BAND ORCHESTRA INSTRU- MENTS. IN FASHION’S PATH She walks the path of style, does the wearer of this outfit which may be used either for sports or general wear. The skirt is in one of the novelty woolen materia!«, light in weight and color, yet durable. It has pockets for trim­ ming. A blouse of crêpe faille of the same color is worn with the skirt. ( ollar and cuffs of the short sleeves, if cuffs are used, may be of contrasting material if preferred. Medium size requires 2% yards 44-inch flannel and 2H yard» 36-inch crêpe. Pictorial Review Blouse No. 1S73. Sizes, 34 to 46 inches bust and 16 to 20 years, Price, 30 cent» Skirt No. 1051. Sizes, 28 to 36 inches want. Price, 30 cent*. ( EVERYTHING IN MUSIC ACINTI WANTBD IVt«tW>ll»t Strait-Tex Chemical Company 600 FIFTH AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA., U. S. A. NOTICE Accept My FREE Offer! Daa't rtocbt. si Don't hccttata. Jnct and your mus*« rseuiu co many others Uflatf. Bo bomb aiad wrîta ne Daily Fashion Hint Sherman,^; Sixth A Morriaon St» , Opp. Potto®« PORTLAND Phon.- Broadway 3873 Third and Burnside Postoffice Pharmacy St. Courteay, Accuracy, Reliability and Purity Our Motto Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced DR. 8. MILLKR Pharmacist, Lawyer end Proprietor Oentlet Portland Oregon Your Patronage Solicited * Store and Office: 2nd and Taylor Sta. STAR HAIR GROWER A Wsadarful Hair Dressing and 6rowar. 1,000 AGENTS WANTED. Cood Money Made We want •- ■onto In every city and village to soil 1HE Thio lo ■ won- dorful prepara­ tion. Can I* used with or without Straightening Irene and by •ny peraon. < Ono 9B cento boa proven Ito value. Any por- eon that will uoo a fl Bo box will bo oon- vlnood. No matter what hoe failed to crow vour hair. |uat give Pioneer Drug Comp’y Druggists and Chemists PAINTS, DOORS AND GLASS •TAR MAIR CROWER. UP TO DATS Broadway and Gllsan Broadway 0517 RASMUSSEN & CO Send No Money Don't ssnd ma a penny. Stmpty give me root name, age end »d many PSO ha, brought thia terrible sf- 316 N. Central Dept. B Oklahoma City, Okla. and Other Pianos 1OSI urn mJ child who or Falling Sicknaee. to . - „ bottle of my «amoue treatment LEPSO. No matter how long you have suffered, or bow many exalied rurea you have used without reeulta. do nut give up until yoo try thia treatment S. D. LYONS STEINWAY CT0KIM »avis*/ ROBB CITY LOOOS NO. 111. I. S. P. O. B. OF W„ MBITS the »NO ANO 4TH WSONKSOAY IVKN- INGS OF BACH MONTH AT THB •TAG AUDITORIUM, 881V4 BAST MORRISON STRUT. ALL VISIT. ING BROTHKRS ARI CORDIALLY INVITED. B. O. CANNADY, I. R. S11 Macleay Bldg % L J. MINOR. Secretary. 41* Abington Bldg. Ambitious Ladles and Girls can earn from 830 to 840 weekly at Homo In spare time, l^arn one of the best trades and earn while you learn. The System ot Hair Drouins and Beauty Culture, the old original and unexcelled system Is one that Is used snd practiced by thousands ot successful snd prosperous hair dressers throughout the U. H A. Learn artistic hslr dressing, manicuring, facial mas sage, scientific scalp treatment, how to straighten, cultivate and grow hair, how to weave and manufacture fine hair goods. Trans­ formations. cornel braids, switches, puffs, etc. How to make high grade toilet preparations, pomades, tonics, creams and pressing oil, etc. To those who are desirous of learning this trade or has not completed the course, this Is your opportunity to leant the quickest and most accurate system of beauty culture. An old experienced graduate hair dreeser and beauty culturist who has taught hundreds this trade will teach you this complete course by mall. Flrstcl«»» up to-dste work guaranteed on either race. Diploma awarded Mend a 2c stamp today for full particulars to the Ideal Company. Box 70. Station Q, New York City, N. Y. J. $. Bell’s Photo Studio For Sale o Hotel ha* 56 Rooms; Telephone, Hot aaJ Cold Running Water in Every Room. Rate* $1 to $ I per day BATH RATES: CHINESE ¡ 21 Baths . . . $13.00—10 Baths .... $6.50.; CO. 21 Baths to Pythlans and Calantheans, $8.50 GEE WO MEDICINE Broadway 5807 311 Macleay Bldg. :: FOR THE TROPICS Its debut at the smart Winter resorts and its first season out at the Summer vacation grounds is the programme of this suit consisting of a skirt of white flannel and blouse of white silk crêpe de Chine. The blouse ie embroidered with a Mah-long monogram in Chinese colors and has an inserted pocket at the right side below the narrow belt of self-material. Medium sise requires 2 J-f yards 44-inch flannel and 2 yards 36-inch crêpe. Pictorial Review Blouse No. 1623. Sizes, 34 to 46 inches bust. Price, 30 cents. Skirt No. 7657. Sizes, 24 to 32 inches waist. Price, 30 cents. I I « THS •TAR HAIR CROWER trial and he convinced. •and aso for full alto boa. If you wlah to booome an a- cent for thia wonderful preparation, aond SI OO and wo will eond you a full supply that you oan boain work with at onoe: aloe acont’o terme. ■and all money by money order to THE 8TAR HAIR GROWER MF’R., P. O. Box 812,______ ♦ Greensboro, N. O .* t