4 t Lodge Directory Smith’s Cafe Pythian Bath House and Sanitarium Telephone Broadway 1657106 North Ninth Street OPEN ALL NIGHT Knitfhta ofPythhB of N. < A., S. A., E-, A., A. an J A. ; Boiled Dinner Daily Short Orders at All Times (Operating Unrt«>r Suimrvl- ■ion of U. 8- Government) Fish and Game in Season 418H Malvern Avenuo Hot Springe Nat. Park. Ark. Call Us and We Will Giadlv Arrange for Private Parties Hot RadioActivc Water Furnished by the Government For All Baths. SwiUinim Us 10 Rsom. Dirt »10^«« la Portland GEE WO MEDICINE y c UKM WO, the wsll known "vh**' tot. has madv a lite study of the curative Sropwrltoe poaavaawd y Oriental Boole Harbs. Had« Hark, and therefrom compounded hie tri» ly wonderful Herb» remedies tn ihelr make-up no polaona or narcotic« are uaeil. perret'llr harmleae and many roots and herb» that ho ueoa are unknown to the medical profeaalon of today. AVOID Ol’BMATlONR by taking hie reniodlee tn time for fltoniach. Coughs. Colds llhoumsllsm. Kidney. - Lung. _____ Kidney. - Blood. Inflammation, Liver. Catarrh. Neuralgia and all fornaio and chll- dren s ailment* .Call ------ or write float by mall or parcel poet, c. -— —~ L aundry Do You Know How Big a Bundle of ROUGH DRY Distinctive Footwear with wearing apparel starched, dried and flat work ironed, we do for GEE Wo MEDICINE CHINESE CO. a«6H Aldo» Street. B. w. Oornor Third Phone EAst 5544 For Afternoon and Evening CHINESE CO. Hotel has 56 Roomti Telephone, Hot and Cold Running Water in Every Room. Rates $1 to $5 per day BATH RATES: 21 Baths . . . $13.00—10 Baths .... $6.50 21 Baths to Pythiaiw and Calanthcans, $8.50 I, B. P. O. E OF THE WORLD ¥ NOTICI Dahlis Tempi« Na 203. I. B P- O E. of W . of Porllstid. Oregon, meets the 1st and 3rd Tuosdsy nights In each month at Hta« Auditorium All visiting Dauxltter Elks In good standing in th«lr respwtlve Temple» ar» Invited to meet with ns. LOUISE THOMAS, Daughter Ruler, BKATRICK H. CANNADY. Daughter Secretary REPP & SON —and Let Us Tell You Hosiery to Harmonize—High Grade Repair Work StapleandFaacyGroceries Quick Delivery Service Try Our Shirt and Collar Work—Lace Curtaiae a Specialty Syracuse Lodes, K. of P. No. I. uiosts ths second and fourth Frl et retila« day nights In each month. All Sir Knights In good standing are W. Deliver welcome. Fraternal Hall. 766 Missis slppl Ave. E D. Cannady. C.C., 311 Macleay Bldg. W. Marshall. K. of PBS. White Swan Laundry KNIGHT SHOE CO Morrison Street, near Broadway HOUSES FOR RENT AND Every . leferer fro« Weak L.ng. — ..error. .fflki-d with ehreaie ceueti — ebould reed line remarkable blelorr at ■ druxxUl. el 6» led with Tuber celuM*. wbe eapeO- menlml oa blrnwU. Meimrt Jro.4 to hrsllh. Wub hie slapl* trr.im.ot any cough ro.»M. lortsr.d portoa mar tnd quxk re li«l ia a borne Irra» mrni. Sooth log. ylreaani: auroaa m.r uao it under plain directions just arnd name and a-kilos, on post < srd to ADDILINB. ItMCai—al Treat B -r.. Columbea SALE J. S. Bell’s Photo Studio For Salo 5room house, good condition, 32650; 3500 down, balsnce like rent 600 Goodnough Building 7- room bouse. Peninsular district; lot 100x100; lots of fruit and berries; s chicken run and all fenced in; an ideal chicken ranch. 32.000 ; 3400 down, balance 320 per month. 6th and Yamhill Streets Portland, Ore. 5- room modern bouse. East Side; lot 50x100; a snap at 33.550 ; 3500 down, balance 335 per month. In­ cluding Interest 8- room. strictly modern new house; full lot, sll clear; an ideal home on East Side; street improvements all in and paid for. 6 room modern cottage on Willamette drive; lot 50x120, facing two streets Lots of fruit and flowers. A good Investment; must sell to close es tats. 6- room house, good condition; Wood- lawn district 32,600; 3500 down. 330 per month. Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair. Will also Restore the Strength, Vitality and the Beauty of the Hair. If your Hair is Dry and Wiry, Try 7- rooms; garage; Woodlawn District near car line; lot 50x100 ; 33,100; terms. A. H. MORROW 311 Macleay Building Broadway 5807 Daily Fashion Hint r SPECIAL NOTICE Ambitious I-adlos and Girls can earn from 320 to 340 weekly at Home In spare time Ixwrn ouo of the best trades and earn while you learn. The System of Hair Dressing and Beauty Culture, the old original and unexcelled system is one that Is used and practieed by thousands of successful snd prosperous hair dressers throughout the U. B A. Learn artistic hslr dressing. manicuring, facial mat sage, scientific scalp treatment huw to straighten, cultivate and grow hair, bow to weave and manufacture tine hair goods. Trans- formations, cornet brslds. switches, puffs, etc. How to make high­ grade toilet preparations, pomades, tonics, creams and pressing oil, etc. To those who are desirous of learning this trade or has not completed the course, thia la your opportunity to learn the quickest and most accurate system of beauty culture An old experienced graduate hair dresser and beauty culturiat who has taught hundreds thia trade will teach you this complete eourae by mail. First-class up-todste work guarsateed on either race Diploma awarded Bend a 2c stamp today for full particulars to tbs Idesl Company, Box 76, Station O, New York City, N. Y. FI T.S The Ea& India Hair Grower HAS ENJOYED SUCH UNEX­ PECTED SUCCESS IN THE PAST YEAR THAT WE HAVE DECIDED TO ADD A FEW MORE BEAUTIFYING PREP­ ARATIONS TO OUR LIMIT­ ED BUT EFFECTIVE LINE 77>e following ta our complete liât Strait-Tex Hair Refining To.dc •let yar battb Refines kinky, frixxjr, coarwe hear medium; medium hair to good Strait-Tex Hair Grower Not only promote« growth of the hair, but make« it »oft. pliable and luxuriant An excellent pressing oil. Glose-Tex Brilliantine Make« the hair soft and gloaay and keep« it in good condition without leaving it oily or gummy. Strait-Tex Herb*» 1« a vetetabie preparation that ac­ tually Btraightens and restores ’he original color to gray or faded hair. Color permanent —poait i vely will not raboB, no matter how often the hair is shampooed Three shades: Brown and Che«tnut Brown East India Hair Grower If you are bothered with Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want you to fry a jar of EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The remedy contains medical properties that go to the roots of the Hair, stimu­ lates the skin, helping nature do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used with Hot Iron for Straightening. Price Sent by Mail, 50c; 10c Extra for Postage AGENT'S OUTFIT 1 Hair Grower. 1 Tem­ ple Oil, 1 Shampoo. 1 Pressing- Oil. 1 Face -ream and Direction for Selling. »2. 25c Extra for Poetaxe RASMUSSEN & CO. I vxnt every man. woman »nd child who suf- fere wsh Pits. Epilepevoe Falling Sxlineee. to aend at once for a free bottle of my famous trearmeM l.EPSO No matter how long you have tigered or how many eo alto-, -urea you have u«ed without rroulia. do nor give up until row try this tre,tmest. PAINTS, DOORS AND GLASS Send No Money Don't aend me ■ penny. Simply give me your name, age, and addre-o and I will wad roub, Kil”. *u char««» P*»t. a free bottle ot LacSO. Then you can prove to yourself. en­ tirely at my eapenee. |uar what thia l.ov-us treatment will do for you. When eo many other .uffrrrrs elate that LEPbOh.i brought them complete freedom from thio terrible «L fliciion and I offer to eend it free, you eutely owe k to rouraelf end to voer loved once to C. k . trial Mr. tlella Martie erltaa me tk«t to. ISeihmta.UwUaitaryenv«ahaloS ihaSretdaae ar ITU-SO Mr, Paul tlram aayatoa mtirmve i w aver faoruro Mre. that Sators and emlirina dM nw m. r~*. ««I fkal to. ammmi beyae» ell bus. of rUM whao toa toard af I.XCHO Hhe ton •& to. aet •to a Uagla M tar oeae lealva yuan , Store and Office: 2nd and Taylor Sta. y V THE Accept My FREE Offer! 8TAR HAIR GROWER LEPSOs^Mllwaiik««. W!«. 1,000 AGENTS WANTED. Good Money Doe t doubt Don’t keaftate. Ju«« a»t»d yoor nair« end ttddr««« for the fr»>e proof twxflo If you wlU de thia I fool ror>Ad«nt that you will hero the aamr rood raaultaw. many rrthwm Uli of IU earn and writ« me tedey. «Wl If F'«» harw any frWr .io who «tiffnr. «how thi« totbwn.eut LblauQt.ealtmay nawar appear agraue. I. P. I. A Wonderful Hair Dressing and Grower. Made Wo want a« ■onto On ovary city and villas« to aolO Daily Fashion Hint *tHE OTAR MAIR CROWER. S. D. LYONS 316 N. Central Dept. B Oklahoma City, Okla. Thio 1« a won­ derful prepare tion. o a n e • uaod with or w 11 h • u t ■tra l«htonlna Irar.a and by any pereon. f Ona 20 oonto «ox prov«« Ito valu«. Any p«r> eon that will a 2Bo box b« oon- vlnood. No matt«r what haa failed to srow »our heir. )uot give Kokomo Shampoo Is made from pure coeoamt oil; • ivwnt the ro.lp .nd roots of the bmr in ■ natural, healthy manner Bronze Beauty Vanishing Cream toe saw CTOR IX» Is a soothing, greaaeleea vani.hmg face cnam that trill not grow hair. Bronze Beauty Lemon Cream Is nourishing, softening and stimu- latingto the skin; IsAlled noth a triple strength of oil of lemon—snak­ ing it a mild, bleaching cream >051 Bronze Beauty Face Powders toe Are suited to all eomplexkms Can IN FASHION’S PATH She walks the path of style, does the «rearer of this outfit which may be used either f