( Lodge Directory Smith’s Cafe Pythian Bath House and Sanitarium Telephone Broadway 1567106 North Ninth «treat OPEN ALL NIGHT Knight« of Pythias of N. A.,S. A«, E., A., A. anti A- Boiled Dinner Daily Short Orders at All Time« (Operating Under Supervi­ sion of U. 8. Government) Fish and Game in Seaton 415*4 Malvern A venue Hot Springe Nat. Park, Ark. Call Us and We Will Gladly Arrange for Private Parties Hot Radio-Active Water Furnished by the Government For Ail Bath». Sanilinum hu 10 0« R*>«» Hotel ha» 56 Rooms; Telephone, Hot aid Cold Running I Water in Every Room. Rates $1 to $3 per day In Tornane I • BATH RATES: CHINESE GEE WO J >21 Bath» . . . $13.00—10 Bath» .... $6.50 MEDICINE CO. 21 Bath» to Pythian* and Calanthean», $8.50 Call Brdy. 0098 Do You Know How Big a Bundle of BLACK AND WHITE Stands at all leading hotels and all parts of the city - ---- ROUGH DRY with wearing apparel starched, dried and flat work ironed, we do for :îk Distinctive Footwear C. GEE WO MEDICINE CHINESE CO. All visiting Daughter Elks In good standing in their respective Temples M4 Aider Strwl a w Corner Third are Invited to meet with us. Phone EAst 5544 For Afternoon and Evening LOUISE THOMAS. Daughter Ruler. BEATRICE H. CANNADY. Daughter Secretary. REPP & SON —and Let Us Tell You StapleindFincyGroceries Quick Delivery Service Try Our Shirt and Cellar Work—Lace Curtain« a Specialty Hosiery to Harmonize—High Grade Repair Work 1. B. P. O. E. OF THE WORLD ï L aundry When You Call a Taxi-Cab . C 91» WO. the well known llarba.1- let. has m». Then you can prove to yourself en­ tirely at ny expense. just what thia famous treatment will do for you. When so m»ny «>»er sufferers etale that LEPSO haa brought them complete freedom from thia terrible af­ fliction and I offer toeend it free, you surety East India Hair Grower Th» following is our complets list She walks the rath of style, does the hearer of this outfit which may be used either for sports or general wear Tn<- skirt is in one of the novelty woolen materials, light in weight and color, yet durable. It has pockets for trim­ ming. A blouse of crêpe faille of the same color is worn with the skirt Collar and cuffs of the short sleeves, if < uffs are used, may be of contrasting material if preferred. Medium size requires 2«< yards 44-inch flannel and 2 G yards 56-inch crêpe. Pictorial Review Blouse No. 1573. Sizes, 34 to 46 inches bust and 16 to 20 years. Price, 30 cents. _ Skirt No. 1051. Sizes, 24 to 36 inches waist. Price, 30 cents. 1 want every nun, woman and ehilAwh.. suf­ fers wuh Fits Hpileneyor Falling S k I iimm , to •end st oocs f..r s frn. tart I«* I my famous treatment LEPSO No mutter how long yoe ba.e >>a»red, or b.w many so-called -ure* you here used without results, do not give up until you try this treatment. , Is a Special hair straightener for men: positively guaranteed to straighten the most stubborn hair m from 10 to 20 minutes without the use of hot irons. Will not injure the scalp or turn the hair red UP TO DATE STEINWAY Pioneer Drug Comp’y and Other Pianos DUO ART AND PIA­ NOLA PIANOS, VIC- TROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS, PLAYER ROLLS AND CABINETS, AND SHEET MUSIC AND BOOKS, BAND ORCHESTRA INSTRU­ MENTS. Phone Broadway 3673 Third and Burnside Sts. Postoffice Pharmacy 600 FIFTH AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA., U. 8. A. ' THI Broadway and Gliaan St. Broadway 0517 EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Courtesy, Accuracy, Reliability •nd Purity Our Motto Give Ua a Trial and Bo Convinced Sherman, j^fay & Co. DR. 8. MILLER Pharmacist, Lawyer and Proprietor Sixth A Morrison Sts .Opp.Postoflke PORTLAND Dentlot Portland Oregon Tour Patronage Solicited df •TAR HAIR CROWER FOR THE TROPICS Druggists and Chemists AlltNTt WANTED tVttYWHtlt Strait-Tex Chemical Company •HTGRi Ag •»vnbw I Its debut at the smart Winter resorts and its fir« aeaeon out at the Summer vacation ground» it the programme of thia suit consisting of a skirt of white flannel and blouse of white silk crêpe de Chine. The blouse is embroidered with a Mah-Jong monogram in Chinese colore and has in inserted pocket at the right side t>ek>w the narrow belt of self-material. Medium size requires 2 Vi yards 44-inch flannel and 2 J4 yards 36-inch crêpe. Pictorial Review Blouse No. 1623. Sizes, 34 to 46 inches bust. Price, 30 cents. Skirt No. 7657. Sizes, 24 to 32 inches waist. Price, 30 cents. trial and b« vonvinc«d- Sand 26o for full «lx« box. If you wl«h to b«o«m« an a- •ant for thia wonderful preparation. eend *1.00 and wa will eend you a full aupply that yau oan bewin work with at once; alee egent’e term*. Send ell money by money order to THE 8TAR HAIR CROWER MF’R.y P. O. Box 812, Greensboro, N. C .* ---------------- -W