Saturday. April i». 1934 4»T»»íT and no one condemned us for our excused. 'There were times when a smartness But now that we are colored man could put his hat,under g-ownup men. if we are found per­ his arm and stroll luto the leading Published every Saturday at Suite forming such tricks, people would stores and offices of white mon and 111 Maclesy Building Phone Broad naturally call as "nutty" or fools. Let tall hto tale of woe and come forth way 3347, us act as real men and not play the with a few dollars or their equiva part of a flunkey or a "water boy". lent. hut those days are gone forever K P- CANNADT..... -a------------------ Miter s"".» LSâÂ1fifcnsra=i- Play your part so well that people The Race to no longer looked upon will apeak of you in a commendable as a child race, not even by Its good »nvOOATl AGSVTtl Elk. BanlS^Bscbsr »hop. 314 Fla» way and treat you with courtesy and white friends, and it to hard for some dere btreeL respect. There was a time when the people to see thia point; yet It Is Race was looked upon and called the nevertheless a fact. So as you pon­ child race, because of the many der over your financial conditions. childish things which the Race did ¡always bear in mind that there are These were tolerated and jokingly many others as badly in need of as- ■ —> THE ADVOCATE SUBSCRIPTION RATES •ar ..... ■ ■■■ ---------------- 3.44 on I ha---------- - i s u ■ ■■■<— 1.M Month*-------------- y ■ llpbld in advere« entered at the Postoffics at Portland. Oregon, as —cond claae matter. OVERTON’S TRANSFER EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Coal and Wood Delivered list« rtaadsrs Street, at SUth Orafo» IMPORTANT! All communication« for publication or otherwise should be addressed to The Advocate Publishing Company. Suite 111 Macleay Building. Portland. Oregon. Advertising rates made known on application. A BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY BUT NOW IS CHRIST RISEN FROM THE DEAD and become the first fruits of them that slept—I Corinthians 13:20. The Up-to-Date Cleaning & Tailoring Co Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. It would be well for each and every one to forego other pleasures and attend divine services at some one of our houses of worship. You will surely be glad you were among those who attended. That we have attractive, beautiful, bewitching and charming women ia no news to us. and they are not all in New York. Some of the ministers of the A M. E. Z. connection are objecting to the bishops being financial custodi­ ans of the church’s finance—Where­ fore? The national song of Liberia. Afri­ ca. begins with "In joy and gladness with our hearts united, well shout the freedom of a race benighted ” Of the total number of colored chil­ dren. 10 to 15 years of age. 23.7 per cent live in cities, and 76.3 per cent live In the rural districts. SEPARATE LEGION POSTS Our attention has been called to what we hope is an untruth: a mem­ ber of the local Post of the American Legion, a colored ex-soldier circulat­ ing a petition for the purpose of or­ ganising a branch of the Legion in Portland for colored men. From our viewpoint a separate Post will do the colored ex-soldiers' cause more harm than good; besides it will strengthen the belief of the white race that the colored race is happy and better con­ tented when It is segregated and Jim- crowed 4M UNION AVENUE, NORTH leans K LOTHES LEAN Hats cleaned and blocked to suit you. Yes, we clean everything from, neckties up to rugs, blankets, etc. Suits and Overcoats made to your individual measura Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. Our prices are very reasonable. Give us a trial. We will please you. Call East 02M for TAYLOR THE TAILOR J. W. INGERSOLL. Prop. Hair and Beauty Preparations Such as MME. C. J. WALKER, MME. DE NELO AND OTHERS can be purchased at The Elks Sanitary BarberShop 315 Flanders Street Also a fine line of Straightening Combs like the one shown here OPAL HAIR DRESSING FOR MEN—NO KINK Japo Preparations—Pressing Caps—and a Full Line The Black Swan Phonograph Records are now on sale here at 75 cents each E. W. AGEE, PROPRIETOR Phone Broadway 5388 Your Patronage Desired Courteous Treatment to All DO YOU BELIEVE IN RECIPROC­ ITY? WE DO The Advocate has always striven to give to its patrons the very best it was capable of. and able to give, and it stands ever ready and willing to continue so to do. At the same time, however. The Advocate expects those patrons to whom It gives free space from week to week and year to year, when they have printing or any other work done that The Advocate is In a position to do for the same price as others, to give it to The Advocate to do. This is no more than right and just, as we see it. However, if those people who persist In giving every­ thing which they have to pay for, say printing of cards, tickets, posters, dodgers, programs, etc., to the white business man and then bring us that which they want done free, we give them fair warning that The Advocate will not continue the free business to such persons. We believe if you give your paid business to the white man. then he Is the one to do your free business, too. Is not this fair and equitable? For years we have published a free column for the var­ ious churches, »nd are still doing so. Each week the churches send in their notes and we publish them without charge, and we naturally expect those who are benefited thereby, when they have something in the printing line which they must pay out money to have done, to come our way with the same. Recently a local church woman, -whose church notes we have been publishing for years, after having been asked to let us give her a price on her printing tor a certain entertainment she was planning, took her work to a white man and brought us a poster to stick on our wall. We are just wondering why thia poster was not taken to this white man to put on his wall. We ask our patrons if they think this is fair. Every word in The Advocate coats us money to have done, there­ fore. unless our patrons help us. we cannot help them. Records Latest Hits Mamie Smith PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE Central MarXot. Ini Alala Fourth and Yamhill Streets “COAL” Phone Broadway 1885 Res., Walnut 7157 RICHARDSON BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER STORAGE Stand: North Bank Depot, 430)4 Hoyt Street Portland Oregon CüöSjMüflO'Odeix ■ (By Trixie Breauxi Entertains at Dinner some late dances wer« Introduced by Mr. ami Mrs. J*D 1‘atton. 166 N. Misses Cordova Johnson and Minnie Mr. and Mrs. R C Simms enter­ 13th street. entertained at dinner tained a coterie of friends at cards Usiseli. Bunday for the pleasure of Mrs R see and music Saturday evening, the 12th. s D. Lusher. Nebraskan Visits Hers at their realdeuce. 530 East 15th Mrs. Robertson of Omaha. Neb., a street. 8. Among the guests were To Viali Chicago Mr and Mrs. W. F Spears of Phoe­ charming young matron, was the nix. Arlaona; Edward Brown, of Los guest of Mrs. George Moore last week Mrs. Henrietta Marshal plans to Angeles. Cal.; Mrs T Johnson, of at her home in Rose City Yark Mrs leave Monday for a visit with friends RoberAon to louring the coast on a Kansas City. At 10 o'clock the host I in the Windy city ess served a Dutch lunch, after which 1 pleasure trip Card Party Enjoyed (Preston News Service I WHEELING. W. Vs. April Ne­ groes of this city were Incensed when they learned that an unidentified while man lured a six year-old color nd girl Into his automobile. Accord Ing to residents of Chspline street, last Haturday night a little six year old colored girl was playing with a rubber I ms II In Chapline street and missed catching it. At the time a well dressed white man. walking down the street, caught the ball and lured the child along, holding the ball out playfully with the child Innocent ly following, unlit they had passed the Pythton Temple when he seised her arm and pulled her into an auto­ mobile Having disarranged his clothing, ho attempted to do likewise with the child's, who became afraid and st reamed and managed to get out of the automobile. Him ran to per home aud told her mother who rushed out to Investigate, only to find that ths man had disappeared. The mother Immediately notified the police, and an hour later an officer appeared on the scene. Il was alleged by Negroes of the city Hist the delay In the ar­ rival of an officer was probably due to the color of the child, as It Is said the first queatlpu asked by the officer was the color of the child, NEWS BRIEFS stotance as you and should you ap­ qualntancca have called to see her. bringing cheer and sunshine to her proach a friend for assistance, white (Llucoln News Service. > black, let it be in a business way. "Behold. I am against the proph­ ' and not in a begging or bunco man ets" democratic. ner. Do not join an organization which has for ita object the lifting There are 6000 unorganised of humanity and the saving of souls, graduates of Howard University and as soon as you convince the good white people that you are a part and The Mohammedan religion gives us parcel of the organization, betray the a black angel with blue eyes Sounds organization by playing the child's good. part; trying to borrow or bluff a few paltry dollars. Now la the tlms to Hogs, not Including "road . be men. Race men. real honest-to- killed yearly in the United goodness men; men who will tell the would reach twice around the truth and love to tell it: men who will stand up for the right regard Our Idea of an optimist Is a north PORO COLLEGE HEAD ELECTED less of the consequences, and above em colored man who vote« a national DEL1QATE all. men who will be men and not democratic ticket. illy the Associated Negro Press ) the "water boy“. HT MH’IS. Mo Aaron E Malone, The Chicago political leaders now president of Poro College, has been allow the steam railroads to run "Jim POLITICAL NOTES Crow" cars Into that city. Schools elected delegate to the republican US tlonal convention Io be held In Clove Rufus Holman, who was defeated next! land, from the Eleventh district. at the last election for County Com­ Mr Malone served as a member of Harry Wills plans to pick up a half missioner. is trying to come back million In easy money before going the executive committee of the repub­ to the Elks' Convention with the tl lican slate committee during the cam Amendée Smith, a substantia! busi­ laigns of 1330 and ¡933. ■ R ness man. to a candidate for County Commissioner; hto opponents are NOTARY PUBLIC There are more colored machinists Ralph Hoyt, H T. Hutchinson. W E WORK in Michigan than In any other state. Kimsey, V. DeWitt Maxson and J 8 Rev. J W. Anderson, financial sec­ DONE AT THE Pennsylvania. Ohio and followed by Seed retary of the Inter Mountain Slates ADVOCATE OFFICE Georgia Baptist Association, left Thursday 311 Macleay Building The Ku Klux Klan and the Patriotic for Denver, Colo, where he will be The fellow who always delights In Societies, so It Is said, will have a with L. K. Williams, president of the FOR RENT—rumlshed rooms, 374 j full ticket at the primaries. The National Baptist Convention. Inc., on "springing bls roll" seldom, if ever, has anything else worth while to Willlama Ave. East 1633— Adv. • more the merrier. the 24th Inst Mr. Anderson's first show. stop after leaving Portland will be Friends of Senator McNary are beg La Grande, next Boise, and thence to New York, Pennsylvania and Illi I I ging very seriously for him to come Pocatello. On Wednesday night, two nols. In the order named, lead all I home and do some campaigning and weeks ago. Rev. Anderson spoke to other elates In the number of colored not leave it all to his campaign man- a club of eighty men in Spokane, electricians agers. this being the first time a minister ML Olivet Baptist Church had ever appeared before them They Among the California colored arti­ East First and Schuyler Sts. The local N. K. A. C P. is taking appreciated his talk very much and sans are 44 builders and building an active part In the political earn Invited him to return contractors. 210 carpenters. 76 brick FIRST A. M. I. ZION CHURCH paign now going on Thto to as It and atone masons, 67 painters. S3 It's an organization of 417 Williams Ave., Rev. E. J. Ma should be. CHINA TODAY plumbers, and 1 stone cutt« a national reputation for achievement gruder, A. B. Pastor. Parsonage. 260 and must be recognized and consid- By Martha Root i It to so easy to get rid of a car Cook Ave. Phono Walnut 6174. ered. (Continued from last week ) that the Editor of the Defender NOTED WOMAN WILL SPEAK AT ZION The ancient Confucian God idea* | should not circulate a "they say re- The primary election to only a five thousand years ago. was mono- ' port" to the effect that women and Runday evening. April 37. Mrs. Ada week or so away, therefore the of- theism. It was a groat preparation J second hand cars cause most of our Finch of Japan will deliver an ad flee seeker better try every means to for later world teachers, It recog- trouble dreaa which will be tho feature of the get acquainted with the voters program at First A. M E. Zion nlzed a power above, great, benlfi- cent and just, who rewards vlrtue The government of Santo Ikimingo church on that date Npecial music SHORT CUTS and punishes vice, and who can be has appointed a commission to nego­ will be rendered by some of the beet The Maryland Legislature appropri- aproached In prayer. tiate with the Haitian government local talent Other features of the j ated 3125.000 tor a Science Hall at Shangtl or T'len (these words mean concerning the boundary dispute be program will be announced later. Re I Morgan College member the date. Runday evening. tn the Chinese what God means to tween the two countries. April 37th. or tomorrow week. The the westerner) gives birth to the peo­ P. H. James, of Oklahoma City, is ple. gives blessing to the good and public to rordlally Invited Io worship WE HEAR THAT— the proprietor of a large bottling woes to the evil. He ordains the so­ with Zion. A LOW CUT works. cial order, the religious and social Early In the spring Aunt Jane BETHEL A. M. I. CHURCH ceremonies and human virtues, He had gon» to see her slater and car­ We have 47.000 children, 10 to 15 Larrabee and McMillen Streets She carried sends down rain. He to gracious to rled a few presents years of age, gainfully employed In Rev. A. R. Fox, D. D.. Pastor men and helps them, His will Is un­ her smallest nephew a cap. her slater non-agricultural pursuits. Phone East 1107 erring. He does not shorten men's a lace collar, etc. LUU*- Carol, age E. L. Jameson, Assistant Ilves, they do that themselves. He 3 years, was looking at the things Horace A. Page, president of The Phone Walnut 3900 to not bound to individuals by ties of when he saw a pair of socks, and Page Coal Company, of Indianapolis. BETHEL NOTES biased human affection. He com ho said; Ind., Is our leading coal merchant. Easter him always been a banner mands men to rectify their character "Mamma. I wonder who Aunt Jane day at Bethel A M E. church, and Georgia has the greatest number He gives man his nature, compassion­ brought these low neck stockings this coming Easter Sunday promises ates him and grants bls desires. He for." of colored carpenters, and is followed to be the best of sll The special by South Carolina. Louisiana and to only moved by virtue, but men may Easter sermon will be delivered at cry and weep and pray to Him. for A BUSINESS LETTER Alabama. the 11 o'clock service, and the bap­ He will hear." Christians say "We This to the way to write a thor- tism of Infants and adults, the read­ know that God to personal, ” Confu ­ oughly angry business letter: Mrs. Mayme Donovan, of St. Paul, ing Into full membership, and the ad­ "Sir: My typist, being a lady, can Minn., a recognized leader among the cianism say, "We do not know, for ministering of the Holy Communion we have no way of finding out what not take down what I think of you. women of our group, is a candidate God Is like." This agnosticism Is I. being n gentleman, cannot writs It. will be features of the morning wor­ for the State legislature. characteristic of the Chinese, God You. being neither, esn guess It all.” ship. At 6 o'clock In the evening the Sunday School program will be ren If the Crusaders who wish to re­ exists but he remains the unknow- dered. At 8 o’clock a cantata, "O'er the creed of Confu- able. This to WHO TOM EDISON IS cover Africa prefer to go there on a Death Triumphant," wll be rendered "Who to Thomas A. Edison?" steamship owned by the U. N. I. A., cianlsm. by the augmented choir. Now a new spirit dawn is rising “He's the man that Invented the whose business Is it? 'Follow the crowd to Bethel,“ on over China—the Bahai movement to phonograph and the radio to keep u* Easter Sunday. Our leading polticians will soon be lighting columns of the newspapers; awake so that we would stay up all universities, colleges, normal schools night Utting his electric lights. ” broadcasting, and what eome of them INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH lack In depth they will make up in and middle schools, churches and •2!4 N. 10th Strset other orginazatlons are offering their HERE'S AN EASY ONE length. Rev. E. C. Dyer, Pastor platforms for lectures on the univer­ Owner: "What will It cost me to The services last Runday were very MRS. GULLIFORD CONVALESCING sal principles of Baha'u’llah. Col­ have my car fixed?’’ Mrs. Dora Guiliford. who has been leges. Confuclantot. Christian, Mo­ Garageman: "What’s the matter interesting and helpful. Special Eas­ ter .«vices will be held Sunday by Sick unto death for the past several hammedan. Buddhist, Taoist and ag with it?” the Sunday School at 7 o'clcok. The weeks. Is convalescing nicely at the noetic have given Invitations to lec­ "I don't know.” residence of Mrs. C. A. Jenkins, 43 ture, and these were accepted. "Forty eight dollars and flfly cents. choir will also render special music beginning al 8 p. m. Coms out and (To be continued.) Grapd Ave., where friends and ac- —The Open Window. hear this program. The Sunday School to growing and wonderful work to manifest In each department of the church and all are encouraged to press on. News oi the Churches ST. PHILLIPS MISSION 24th and Savior Sis. St. Philips-11:00 A. M . Holy Com­ munion with sermon, Rev. J. C. Hat­ ton. St. Phillip’s Mission has announced extraordinary aervlcea for Bunday. Miss Frleta Shaw will be soloist Morning service, 11 a. m.; Bunday School, 12 m. Archdeacon Black in charge; Mr. B. Coles, lay reader. A cordial welcome awaits yon at BL Phillipa. Pentecostal Miss ton sf ths Churoh of God In Christ "Ths House of Prayer* 28 Union Ave. N, ■Ider Robert Sea re Io, Ranter A WATER BOY Too many of our group are playing the role of "water boy”. Do you realise whst that means' For in­ stance: when we were boys, do you remember the old-time circus days when we used to carry water to the elephant in order that we might see the show? Those were happy days WHITE FIBND ATTEMPTS RARE ON SMALL RACE CHILD The above to a picture of the Washington Harris home located in Spokane. Washington. The home, which baa Juat been purchased by the officers of the home, consists of «4 acres and two fine buildings From left to right: Mr W. B. Edmonson. Treasurer; Miss L. H. Gray, President, of Spokane; Rev. J. W. Anderson of Portland, Oregon. Financial Secretary. Beventh Day Adventist M toe ton, • 243 Russell Street Mrs. K. O. Johnson, loader. Sabbath School (Saturdays) at 10 A. M. Bible study at 11 A. M. T. P. M. V. 8. i nt 3:30 P. M. tors welcome. Viol-