A DOZEN GOOD REASONS FOR SA VING TRY OUR CURTAIN SERVICE It Isn't how inurh you sarti, bul how much you save I hai really counts Though you may ba wall paid for what you ilo. whan you spend all you mah*, your lima and labor ara lost, Maha your work coutil for moro Hee In saving Itsmomber th* bank keeps your saving* al work and payo you intsrsat. Charges Reasonable We Guarantee Satisfaction EAST 0625 Cheney • I or moro opsaa a aavlnga seooaal la «his strong beak The Cheney Phonograph is unlike common Phonographs. It is very different in construc­ tion. The tone chamber of the Cheney is violin shaped and is actually made of violin wood— spruce and maple. 1 The tone of the Chetie> ig mb. full, resonant ‘ and is free from the scratch and grind so ob­ jectionable in the old machines. 1 When You Call a Taxi-Cab Call Brdy. 0098 RASMUSSEN & CO. PAINTS. DOORS AND GLASS I. B. P. O. E OF THE WORLD CHICKERING PIANOS—MUSICAL GOODS SPECIAL ■V Distindive Footwear Smith’s Cafe For Afternoon and Evening Telephone Broadway 1559 108 North Ninth Street OPEN ALL NIGHT Hosiery to Harmonize—High Grade Repair Work Lodge Directory Store and Office: 2nd and Taylor Sts. 149 Sixth Street, Portland Stands at ail leading hotels and all parts of the city BANK Oldeet in the Northuieei annusai la this airvug bank G. F. Johnson Piano Company BLACK AND WHITE LADD « TILTON Boiled Dinner Daily Short Orders at All Times NOTICE Ambitious Ladle* and Oirl* ran earn from »30 to »40 weekly at Home In spare time Learn one of the beet trade* and earn while you learn. The System of Hair Drossing and lloauty Culture, the old original and unexcelled »ystetn le one that 1» used and practiced by thousand* of successful and prosperous hair dressers throughout the U. 8 A. Learn artistic hair dressing, manicuring, facial mas­ sage, »clou title scalp treatment, how to straighten, cultivate and grow hair, how to weave and manufacture tine hair good*. Traus formations, cornet braids, switches, puffs, etc. How to make high grade toilet preparations, pomades, tonics, creams and pressing oil, etc. To those who aro desirous of learning thia trade or has not completed the course, thia la your opportunity to learn tho quickest and most accurate system of beauty culture. An old experienced graduate hair dresser and beauty culturlat who has taught hundreds this trade will teach you thia complete course by mall. Flrstclaas upto-date work guaranteed on either race Diploma awarded. Rend a 3c stamp today tor full particulars to the Ideal Company, Box 70. Station O. New York City, N. Y. Fish and Game in Season KNIGHT SHOE CO. Call Us and We Will Gladly Arrange for Private Parties B- Morrison Street, near Broadway - HOUSES — ■ - FOR RENT ANO For Salo The East India Hair Grower ’j Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair. Will also Restore the Strength, Vitality and the Beauty of the Hair. If your Hair is Dry and Wiry, Try SALE 5-room house, rood condition. »2650; SSOO down, balance like rent 7-room house. Peninsular district; lot 100x109; lots of fruit and berries; a chicken run and all fenced in; an ideal chicken ranch. »2.000; 1400 down, balance »20 per month. East India Hair Grower 5-room modern house. East Side; lot »0x100; a snap at »3,550; »500 down, balance »35 per month, in­ cluding interest »-room, strictly modern new house; full lot. all clear; an ideal home on East Side; street improvements all in and paid tor. »-room modern cottage on Willamette drive; lot 50x120, facing two streets Lou of fruit and flowers. A good investment; must sell to close es­ tate. »•room house, good condition; Wood­ lawn district »2.600; »500 down. »30 per month. If you are bothered with Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want you to try a jar of EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The remedy contains medical properties that go to the roots of the Hair, stimu­ lates the skin, helping nature do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used with Hot Iron for Straightening. Price Sent by Mail, 50c; 10c Extra for Postage AGENTS OUTFIT Hair Grower, 1 Tem- 1 ____ _____ —“ 1 Shampoo. 1 pie Oil. St Face Pressine Oil. 1 _ ----- Zream and Direction for 25c Extra Hellinf. S3. * for Postare 7-rooms; garage; Woodlawn District, near car line; lot 50x100; »2,100; terms. A H. MORROW »11 Macleay Building Broadway 5807 J. S. Belli Photo Studio •00 Goodnough Building 5th and Yamhill Streets Main 542« Portland. Ore. HAS ENJOYED SUCH UNEX­ PECTED SUCCESS IN THE PAST YEAR THAT WE HAVE DECIDED TO ADD A FEW MORE BEAUTIFYING PREP­ ARATIONS TO OUR LIMIT­ ED BUT EFFECTIVE LINE The following ia our complete lief e Daily Fashion Hint Stralt-Tex Hair Refining Tonic »1.0* ■o MW DUO ART AND PIA­ NOLA PIANOS VIC- TROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS, PLAYER ROLLS AND CABINETS, AND SHEET MUSIC AND BOOKS. BAND ORCHESTRA INSTRU- MENTS. KeOnee kinky, frtay. coarse Mr SO medium; medium hoar to good. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Strait-Tex Hair Grower 2Sc *■ cm Not only promotes growth of the hair, but maker it son. pliable and luxuriant. An excellent pressing oil Gloss-Tex Brilliantine Me rt MO c Makes the hair soft and glossy and keeps It in good condition without leaving it ouy or gummy. Stralt-Tex Herbs fl.M Is a vegetabl 316 N. Central Dept. B Oklahoma City, Okla. and Other Pianos Do You Know How Big a Bundle of ROUGH DRY with wearing apparel starched, dried and flat work ironed, we do for Phone EAst 5544 Quick Delivery Service Try Our Shirt and Collar Work—Lace Curtain* a Specialty White Swan Laundry UP TO DATE Pioneer Drug Comp’y Phone Broadway 3673 Third and Burnald* Sta. Postoffice Pharmacy Broadway and Ollsan St Broadway 0517 Druggists and Chemists THE 8TAR HAIR GROWER * Wonderful Hair Dressing and Grower. 1,000 AGENTS WANTED. Made We want ■- ■«nta In every olty and villas* to gall iHt Sixth & Mormon Su, Opp. Pox (office PORTLAND Olve Us a Trial and Be Convinced DR. 8. MILLER Pharmacist, Lawyer and Proprietor •TAR HAIR CROWER. Dant 1st Thia la a won. dart ti I prepara­ tion. Conto used with or without ltrs Ightenlng Irer.a and by any parson, 1 On* 28 cent* box prov** It* valu*- Any par« ■ *n that will uae a 28o box will bo oon- vlnood. No matter what ha* failed t o grew y o u r hair. |uat giv* Oregon Portland Your Patronage Solicited Kokomo Shampoo 4Oe pvMSf Is made from pure cocoanut oil: cleane the scalp and roots of tha hair in a natural, healthy manner REPP & SON Bronze Beauty Vaniohlng Cream StipleandFiicyGroceries II a soothing, gr-ssrlesa vanishing face cream that will not grow hair. Me *wnr Bronze Beauty Lemon Cream la nourishing, softening and S«m- latmg to the skin, la Iliad with a triple atrength of oil of lemon—mak­ ing it a mild. bleaching cream Me swjw SIMPLE YET FASCINATING Unique, fascinating, yet practical is this frock of satin cripe trimmed with cut monkey fur. If desired, embroider­ ed braid or any other trimming may replace the fur. but f ashion says that fur trimminp will continue throughout the Spring with the same favor en­ joyed by scarfs and neckpieces The square neck and kimono sleeves ahare favor with the two-piece flounces as decorative details. The front of the dress is dart-fitted at the under-arm seams, tie-strings being attached at the darts and tied at the back. Medium sise requires 551 yards 50 inch material and 45i yard* of braid or fur for Pictorial Review Dress No. 1975. Sires 34 to 46 inches bust, and 16 to 20 years. Price, 45 cents. ___ _ Oarfl.ld 701* Bronze Beauty Face Powders THK STAR HAIR CROWER Mollygloaco II 00 swiw la a special hair atrsichtener for men; positively guaranteed to straighten the moot stubborn hair in from ISto 20 minutes without the use of hot irons. Will not injure the scalp or turn the hair red AGENTS: >6 !?Æ Milne re»,*.,»tratad. food flawor* A levara 1 AGBNTS WANTED IVtSYWHIRI Strait-Tex Chemical Company 600 FIFTH AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA. U. 3. A. ' WE ARE ««TRIBUTOU OF 'GARRETT 6 VIRGINU SPECIAL PRICE 81122 PER 12 QUART», WRITE FOR OUR LATEST CATALOGUE MAILED FREE C0NTNNING SPECIAL OFFER«. r ABOUT OUR-VINOfiAR- IT n GREAT* M Dahlia Temple No. 302. I. B. P. O. E of W., of Portland. Oregon, most* the 1st and 3rd Tuesday night* In each month al Stag Auditorium. All visiting Daughter Elks In good standing In tbnlr respective Temples are Invited to meet with u*. LOUISE THOMAS, Daughter Ruler, BEATRICE H. CANNADY. Daughter Secretary. Ryracuse txxlge, K. of P. No. 1. meets tho second and fourth Fri­ day nights In each month. All Sir Knights In good standing are welcome. Fraternal Hall. 7»5 Misais- ■ Ippl Ave. E. D Cannady. C.C., »11 Macleay Bldg. W. Marshall, K. of P. A 8 Established IS Tears In Portland C. GEE WO MEDICINE CHINESE CO, Cood Money Courtegy, Accuracy, Reliability and Purity Our Motto Sherman, Jjïay & Co. NOTICE —and Let Us Tell You S. D. LYONS STEINWAY 1AUNDRY ROBE CITY LOOSE NO. 111, I. B. P. O. «. OF W.. MEETS the 2ND AND 4TH WEDNESDAY EVEN­ INGS OF EACH MONTH AT THE STAG AUDITORIUM, M1>4 EAST MORRISON STREET. ALL VISIT­ ING BROTHERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. E. O. CANNADY, E. R. »11 Macleay Bldg. E. J. MINOR. Secretary. 41» Abington Bldg. ' trial and b* von vlnood ■ Bend 28o for full size box. If you wlah to beoomo an a- gent for thfe wonderful preparation, send 8IOO and we will **nd you a full eupply that y*u oan baaln work with at one*; ale* agont'o term*. Bond all monoy bymonoy order to THE 8TAR HAIR CROWER MF’R., P. O. Box 812,___ Greensboro, N. C ,* C (IKK WO. ths well known Herbal­ ist, has mads a Ilfs study of the curative proper! Isa poasesasd by Orients! Hoots, Herbs. Ituda and Hark, and therefrom compounded hla trie ly wonderful Herbs remedies In thslr make up no poisons or narcotics are ueed; perfectly harm Issa . . . «nd many roots and herbs that he ueea are unknown to ths medical profession of today AVOID OPEltATiONH by taking his I as . I I as aa « as sl —* — _ remedies In time for Stomach, Coughs, CoIde, Rheumatism, Kidney, Lung, Liwr- Catarrh. Hlood, Inflammation. Neuralgia and all femala and chil­ dren a alimenta. Call or writs. Bent by mall nr paresi post. . C. GEE WO MEDICINE CHINESE CO. «MH Alder gtreet. B. W. Oorasr Third