Saturday, April I, 1*14 ■»▼•BB« THE ADVOCATE Published »vary Saturday at Salta Sil Macleay Building Phone Broad end laborers at work white million* of white people starve, ia to have be­ fore you the bloddy picture ot whole­ OF OWNERSHIP. sale mob violences that I fear, and STATEMENT MANAGEMENT, CIRCULA­ against which 1 am working ............... •ay »84?. _________ ____ _________ TION. ETC. What are you going to do then? You K O. CANNAPT -------------- ■älter Required by the Aot of Congress of who are just will open up the door B k R ■. D CANNAPf-Z ' August, 1912 ______ Associais Bdltor and Maaa*er of an opportunity and say to all and ADVOCATU Of THE ADVOCATE sundry. "Eater la." But ladle« and Ilka Sanitary Barber Shop. 11» riar­ gentlemen, what about the mob. that Published weekly at Portland. Oregon dere Street. starving crowd bt your own race? State of Oregon. County ot Mulino mah—aa. Will they stand by. suffer and starve, Before me, a notary public in and and allow an opposite competitive race to prosper tn the midst of their fur the State aad County, personally distress? If you can conjure these appeared Mrs. E. D. Cannady, who, things up tn your mind, then you having been duly sworn by law. do have the vision of the race problem poses and says that she io the owner of The Advocate, and the following of the future In America. Let the foolish Negro agitators and is. to the best of her knowledge and so-called reformers, encouraged by belief, a true statement ot the own deceptive and unthinking white asso­ ership. management, etc., ot the ciates. stop preaching and advocating aforesaid publication for the date aa the doctrine of "social equality," shown in the above caption, required meaning thereby the social inter­ by the Act ot August 34. 1»12. em­ IMPORTANTI mingling of both races, intermar bodied in section 443. Postal Laws All communication» tor publication or otherwise should be addressed to fi The Advocate Publishing Company. Suite Sil Macleay Building. Portland. Call For Oregon. Advertising rated made known on application. _ ______________ OVERTON’S TRANSFER EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Coel and Wood Delivered ~ -Don’t ana ter rignta Take tfcoea. An’ don’t lol anny wan give them to ye A right th-t la handed to ye Fr aaw; thin’ haa aomothln' the matter with It —Mr Dooley XISte naadere «trseL at Stata V »PEAKING OF THE COLOR LINE Walter Cohen ia the Federal Col­ lector ot the port of New Orleans. He ta a Republican, an Afro-Ameri­ can. a man ot education, a man of wealth and is said to have certain qualities of leadership AU the Dem ncratic Senators and four or five ot ♦he LaFollette . following voted against Cohen's confirmation. They had no fault to find with him. except hts color. It was black and not shite. This is a white mans conn •ry and it should be a white man’s government. according to these high minded statesmen who fought confir­ mation to the last ditch. President Warren G, Harding sent •he nomination of Cohen to the Sen ate more than two years before he died. It was rejected two or three times. President Coolidge repeated Republican leaders dose to him ad vised the President to let Cohen slide and name another. He refused to budge. Finally a showdown came and cohen was confirmed by a scant ma Jority. This is presidential electon year. There are two million negro voters tn the pivotal states and the border states Their leaders demanded fair play and a square deal for Cohen This is a Saint Patrick s Day obser ration: Where and bow did the Ne­ gro Collector of the Port of New Or leans get that name? And why not Abraham Cohen, instead of Walter. The above editorial from the Austin American is very significant in sev­ eral respects. It is admitted that Walter L. Cohen, who was confirmed as Collector of the Port ot New Or­ leans. La., has both character and ability, and in fact, is qualified in every respect with one exception— HIS COLOR—to fill the position to which he has been appointed. Mr. Cohen la not responsible for his color or his name, but he is responsi­ ble for his character. Character Is the quality that makes the heaven gates fly wide and nothing else. If the people of this country will give more attention to CHARACTER and lews to COLOR, we will have fewer Teapot Dome Oil and other scandals now engaging the attention of the world. People who hare nothing but COLOR to boast of as a qualification of fitness to fill high positions, are like the man who built his house on a sandy foundation. Talk about this being a White Man’s Country. Pray tell us whose country it was when brave men were needed to face German shot shell and gas? Who paid the supreme price that democracy might be made safe? Who shed the first blood for American Independence? Crispus At­ tacks on the plains of Boston. In fact the Black Man has been found on the side of right in every conflict in the world. Even when Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, was making His way to the sum­ mit of Golgatha. a Black Man in the person of Simon the Sirenian got un­ der the cross with Him. In every conflict since and before the Black Man haa played his part. We wonder by what process of rea­ soning does any man place COLOR above CHARACTER, except that of prejudice and race hatred. No peo­ ple can permanently advance who carry prejudice and hatred In thetr hearts against any other people be­ cause of things they are not responsi­ ble for. We hope the day will come when ell men will decide to do unto oth­ ers as they would have others do un­ to them—The People's M outhplece. (Austin, Tex.) The Up-to-Date Cleaning & Tailoring Co 4M UNION AVENUE, NORTH Mrs. Belle Crawford. 1»? Admiral street, was the inspiration for a prat ty birthday diuner party on the 24th ot March, with her slater. Mrs. Hat tie Redmond, end Miao Blanche Crawford, hostesses at their resi­ dence. 330 Chapman street. Pretty decorations were noted about the rooms and a handsome center piece was formed of daffodils in a low cut glass bowl. Sixteen candles glowed on the birthday cake a* It was brought into the diniug room, Covers were laid for six and Regulations, printed on the re­ verse of thia form, to-wit: Publisher. Mrs. E. D. Cannady. Portland. Oregon: Editor. E. D. Can­ nady, Portland. Oregon; Managing Editor. Mr*. E. D. Cannady; Business Manager. Mra. E D. Cannady. That Mr* K D. Cannady Is the sole owner ot The Advocate; that the known bondholders, mortgagee«, and other security holders owning or holding 1 i per cent or more of the total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securi­ ties are none. MRS. E. D. CANNADY. Owner, Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 1st day ot April. 1934. E. D. CANNADY. Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expiree. November 1. 1934. Now that painted fish have been discovered on sale in Philadelphia sea food markets, we presume a con- ! grossional investigation of a "fishy" ’ nature will be ordered. K The "I did it" solo haa been broad- I cast all over the country from about I about one hundred private stations ever since Walter L. Cohen was con- i firmed by the Senate. The one-vote | margin, however, bas not given much LOTHES LEAN Hats cleaned and blocked to suit yon. Tes, we clean everything from neckties up to rugs, blankets, etc. Sults and Overcoats made to your individual measure Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. Our prices are very reasonable. Give us a trial. We will please you : material for amplification. Mrs. Robert L. Poston, nee Miss Savage, widow of the deceased U. N. I. A. official, and the art student who was denied entrance to a French school ot art by American race preju­ dice, will make a bust of her late husband Call East 0258 for TAYLOR THE TAILOR J. W. INGERSOLL. Prop. 'J Hair and Beauty Preparations Such as MME. C. J. WALKER. MME. DE NELO AND OTHERS can be purchased at The Elks Sanitary BarberShop 315 Flanders Street Also a fine line of Straightening Combs like the one shown here OMV " OPAL HAIR DRESSING FOR MEN—NO KINK Japo Preparations—Pressing Caps—and a Full Line The Black Swan Phonograph Records are now on sale here at 75 cents each E. W. AGEE, PROPRIETOR Phone Broadway 5388 Your Patronage Desired Courteous Treatment to All Records Latest Hits Mamie Smith PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE Cwatrwl Market, East Aisle Fourth and Yamhill Streets HOUSE of HOLMAN E dward H olman MORTI* IANS S on C o I The “Where there’a-a wiil-there’s-a- way" doctrine sometimes leads to the penitentiary. leans MARCUS GARVEY DOUBTS RACE'S CHANCES IN THIS COUNTRY Marcus Garvey, the great apostle of the "Back to Africa” movement for the black man, who also claims a fol­ lowing of six millions of people, to judge from the following extracts from one of his alleged appeals to the soul of the white race, has little confidence in the colored race’s chances standing on equal footing with the white man in politics., law and other phases ot American life: (From “An Appeal to the 8oul of White America," by Marcus Garvey) To Imagine Negroes as District At­ torneys. Judges, Senators. Congress­ men. Assemblymen. Aidermen, Gov­ ernment Clerks, and Officials, artisans Honored •« Hur Bithday A Washington boy who had threat ened to kill his mother and then com mit suicide was ordered arrested by the parent—"not because she object ed to bis killing her. but tor the pro- 1 tection of his own life," said the mother. Eugene O'Neill, author of the much- discussed play. “All God's Chilian Got Wings," says: "Paul Robeson can portray the character better than any other actor could. A fine actor , is a fine actor. The question of race i prejudice cannot enter here. Miss i Blair (white). Is playing the part of Ella' because she likes It." burner Is regulated by needle valves. It burns seven hours on a gallon of kerosene which costs 11 cents per gallon During the winter mouths I heated my apartment at an average coat ot about *11» per month. After seeing the device and watch­ ing It demonstrated the writer Is convinced that Mr. Ilolmea has some­ ,and Mr* B J. roller and th« boats. thing that la destined to revolutionise Hard Time Dance Sueeeoa Every one who attended the Hard The tabla was charmingly decorated the beating systems of the country. Time Dance given by Ute Hard Time with gold and Japan*«« china with a Club ot the Household ot Ruth re­ center piece ot daffodils. The after- REGISTER NOW OR YOU CAN'T ports a delightful time The commit­ noon was spent with music on the VOTE tee on arrangements and entertain Vlctrola. and a vocal solo by Mrs piano There are over 172.000 cltlsens In ment also report that the affair was Ingersoll, accompanied on th« Portland entitled to vote. by Mr*. Strawder. a brilliant success • • e The largest registration over re­ a a a corded In the entire county waa a Cellage Glrie Honored < Mr. and Mrs, Fuller Entertain A charming event of th« past wv<«k little over 112,000. Mr and Mrs. H. D Fuller of 74» That means about «04P0 (mini was a Leap Year theater party and Michigan avenue gave a tour course after dinner buffet supper given by mum) of our cltlsens have tailed lo diuner party Bunday, the 23rd last, two O. A C. girls. Miss Idris Will­ do their duty at every recent elec­ at their beautiful home. Covera were iams and Miss Carrie Halaell. at the tion. laid tor Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ingersoll. Why let small minorities determine home of the former Haturday. Guests Mr and Mrs. Henry Strawder. Mr. tor the attair were the Miaaea Olhel- important and costly taxation meas­ ‘da Nichols. Jennie Grayson and the ures? It she proves your fears are wrong - Why grumble about heavy taxes Messrs. Wui. Taylor, Theodore John Compensator, eon. Charles Williams and Robert when you have nobody to blame but it she goes up In the air—Condenser yourself? Robinson. It she wants chocolate—Feeder Register now, today, or before It she singe Inharmonlously- Tuner ONE TIME SLAVE NOW A SCIEN­ April 16th Is In the country- Telegrapher If she It you don't you can't vote at the TIFIC WIZARD It she is a poor cook- Discharger May primaries. dress unhooks -Connector, It her (Continued from page one! “Every Voter Get a Voter." If she eats too much —Reducer. ot the country's largest paint con- CITIZKNHHII* COMMITTEE, corns sent two ot Its experts to Tua It she Is wrong Restlfler W. P. Btrandborg, Chairman. It her fingers and teas are cold— gekee to study Professor Carver's Heater. paints, lie showed them the raw ma If she gossips too much Regulator, terlala and the finished product and GOULD8 RESENT EON BEING RE­ FERRED TO AE "COLORED" it she fumes and sputters—Insulator, returned them loose tn his laboratory (Preston Nows Service) it she becomes upset Reverser to find out. It they could, the proc­ —The Open Window NEWARK. N. J. t April S.-When esses between. They went away ut that George terll battled Tollot powders, shoe Ule police reported CHINA TODAY dressing, complexion bleaches and Gould, who la quite > dark skinned, denial cements are also among his fell from the root of his home last (By Martha Root) Tuesday, as "colored", his parents clay products. tContlnucd from last week) promptly notified the Newark News No Thought of Private Gain China may be said to be the living It Is Intersating to know what start- that the boy was not of that race demonstration ot Christ's teaching 8he haa ed Professor Carver on his long and requested that a correction bo against world fighting published The boy was seriously tn- “turned the other cheek." She baa train of investigation When the boll lured and 1s said to be recovering at never had an International war. So weevil began his ravages. Carver, the City Hospital. like other theoretical agriculturists, it has come to pass God haa gifted her with the "peace-loving dlsposl began to preach crop diversification, lion." Let the world take note she with emphasis on ths peanut. Home­ has not been wiped out. but all who body replied. "Very good, but what have Invaded her country she has ab- shall ws do with our peanuts?" Tbs were sorbed them finally—they have all scientist was “up a tree". It he must to make good on his advice, be are become Chlneae. The Manchua Ho he1 just on* example If Japan ever bas find new uses for the peanut I ML Olivet Baptist Chureh set to work without hope ot personal the audacious ambition ot conquer- Eaat First and Schuyler Sts. Ing China, the same fate aa Manchu- gain, and with the sole motive of add­ ria will be here- she will find her- ing to the South's prosperity aad the FIRST A. M. E. ZION CHURCH world's food supply. self Chlneae. Only after years would Professor 417 Williams A v O m Rev. E. J. mo ­ A magic charm Is flung by China over all peoples who live long In her Carver agree to the formation of a gruder, A. B. Paster. Parsonage, no land. The stranger learns to love company to put his products on the Cook Ave. Phons Walnut »174. l-ast Sunday was truly a great day her kindliness, her patience, her non­ market, and then only with the ex­ The Spirit of God reigned ego. her happiness in simple living, plicit reservation that all processes In Zion her courtesy and her “love-you back- which do not require specialised skill supreme Next Huuday the Holy Bar- again." Many' mlaslonariea aay they or capital shall be freely given to the rament will bo administered and the only wiah they had another life and public. It Is characteristic of the preaiding elder will hold his last they would live and work forty year* man. loo. that when the company was quarter on the coast. A great day more in China. These missionaries organised be declined to receive any la expected and real old time songs may have had their Ilves threatened; cash consideration until Its success will be sung Come out and “tael the Material rewards Spirit moving In your heart." Zion la they may have been held on moun­ should be evident tain torireasee for ransom, or carried mean nothing to George Carver. It your church and you should take thia nineteen days' Journey to get to a the new company makes him rich, as wonderful advantage ot serving God hospital, but the charm ot Cathay perhaps It may. bls share of the prof­ In this Ills house. Monday evening its will be just that much added to at » o'clock quarterly conference will still holds them. Newcomers ask, “What Is thia Re­ the world's store of consecrated be held and full reports ot all de- naissance movement which Is sweep­ wealth. devoted In one way or an­ partmrnts will be read Every mem ber and friend should know the won­ ing China? And what Is It doing?" other to the welfare of humanity. derful progress that haa been made It leaders define Its platform as the "Aa a Little Child.” following four great tasks: (1) To These facts would seem to indicate during thia past quarter. reorganise, restate and revalue Chin­ that George Carver's personality la ese civilization. (2) To Import west­ as unique aa his history. Il ia. He ern civilization with critical examine combines In the most surprising way tlon first. (2) To make a thorough­ the simplicity ot a child, the humility ly scientific study of theories and of a devout faith, and the confidence facts. (4) To reconstruct individual of scientific certainty. His first and social life. words are likely to Impress you as Thia article will deal with the spir­ almost childish. Then you become itual side of the Renaissance move­ conscious of an unfathomable vein of If the Negro population of Georgia ment. The youth of China have chal­ mysticism and faith. Finally, you continues to decrease through accel­ lenged all religions and are Investi­ yield to a speechless wonder as he erated migration, the congressional gating all. They appreciate much in opens for you a tew windows Into , representation of that state may Christianity and they are grateful. the scientific maxe where his feet are I I eventually repreecoi me pa eventually represent the par value of Home pointe they criticise. They ask. so much at home. A true Negro, : the voting population, and northern "Why do the nations ot the west use * spare and thin, with a piping voice districts to which Georgia Negroes the strength of the church to aid In and a manner almost painfully mod- have gone may gain a few congress- wartime? Is this not contrary to eat. his clothing plain and none too men. Jesus' Ideal of peace? Is Christianity new. a sprig of cedar In his button Now that Senator Phipps baa been not a failure If all the Christians are hole, he Is a striking figure Indeed, courageous enough to endeavor to killing one another? If the Christians but not distinguished by any of the procure Howard University's medical of the world would stand by their expected marks of genius. appropriation by legislation. It Is teaching and refuse to go to war or Asked how he has made so many suggested that all proponents of the to aid. could not this next great war, astounding discoveries, he promptly measure, coming direct from the uni­ now so Imminent, be averted?" Asi­ tells you. "I didn't do it. God has versity, be given an official seal of atic peoples are not planning to fight only used me to reveal some of His authority, in order that Congress may Europe. wonderful providences." All his work China's masses are one In longing has been done In that spirit Chem- know just who expresses the senti­ for International peace. They de­ Istry is Its physical basis, but faith ments of the institution. spise the aoldler. Thia militarism in la Its Inspiration, prayer Its atmo­ THANKSGIVING 8ERVICES HELD China—and who but the west taught sphere, and service Its motive. To The Thanksgiving services of the It to them?—is disapproved by every­ Oeorge Carver there is no conflict be­ Knights of Pythias and the Court of body. Students, business men, the tween science and religion. Calanthe which was held Sunday at public generally, the press denounce Not the least ot the contributions 2 o'clock at First A. M E. Z. church, it. Even the militarists themselves which Professor Carver la making to was largely attended and the pro­ say It la bound to go. The truth Is his generation Is the fact that he In­ gram which was rendered was an ex­ while there is much talk and bandi­ spires a new respect for the possibil­ cellent one. Rev. E. J. Magruder, try, there Is really very little fight­ ities of his race In all who hear hla pastor of the church, preached a ing. story. Of late he has spoken fre­ Secondly, the students say that quently at big summer assemblies, splendid sermon which was received with much pleasure by members of Jesus’ program of reconstruction before business groups and in Routh- seeks the abolition of social and na­ ern colleges. He never falls to make the Order as well aa the visitors. tional evils. The churches of west­ a profound Impression. He consti­ HANDLING A WOMAN ELEC­ ern nations, they hold, sometimes tutes an unanswerable evidence of TRICALLY preserve their own positions by keep­ the worth-whlleneas of his race, and When a woman Is sulky and will not ing silent as to the faults of their of the fact that Its humblest child speak- Belter. governments instead ot remedying may posses possibilities of limitless If she gets too excited—Controller. them. Is this the spirit of recon­ service, awaiting only a chance for If she talks too long—Interrupter. struction? development. If her way of thinking is not yours— Again they say that Christian truth Converter. Is evolutionary and adaptable to RACE MAN INVENTS NOVEL OIL If she is willing to come half way— changing needs, but many churches HEATER FOR *£)ME8 Meter hold to the ancient "theology" of (Preston News Service) If she will come all the way—Re- their forefathers. How can such or­ NEWARK, N. J., April 2.—What Is • celver. ganizations show the greatness and probably destined to become a very If she wanted to go further—Conduc- universality of Christian truths? important factor in the reduction of tor The Chinese demand that science the coat ot heating homes, cooking, If she would go further—Dispatcher, and religion shall agree. They wish etc.. Is the recent Invention of Chas. If she wanted to be an angel—Trans­ to establish what they call the Chin­ E Holmes, In the form of a new type former. ese Christian church, which shall ba oil burner. If you think she Is picking your free of all sects and creeds. Mr. Holmes told a Preston News pockets—Detector. * (Continued next week) Service reporter in an Interview: "I 6" , have Invented an oil burning system “COAL Phone Broadway 1885 which I have been using in my home Res., Walnut 7157 both for cooking and heating My burner changes either common kero­ sene or crude oil to gas and burns It. BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER making a hotter flame than city gas. STORAGE The burner Is placed inside of the stove, either cook stove or heater, Stand : North Bank Depot, 430J4 Hoyt Street while th« tank holding the fuel oil Is Portland Oregon rrr--—- - — ------------- -------- ----- U • placed on the mantel or shelf. The RICHARDSON News of the Churches BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH Larrsbes and McMillan gtreets Rsv. A. R. Fea. D. D., Paster Phons East 1107 E. L. Jameson, Assistant Phons Walnut 2900 The revival at Bethel A. M. E. Church Is making splendid progress, and the power ot the Holy Spirit Is being manifested In a wonderful way. Tuesday night. Ellis Brown and Leon Gregory joined the church. Mr. Oro- gory was happily converted, and many were the shouts that went up from the worshippers The subject of the discourse this Sunday night will be, " The Bed Too Short and Blanket Too Narrow." Sunday morn­ ing the subject will be "As an Eagle Rtlrretb Her Nest." If you like meetings filled with the Power of the Spirit, and want to be Instructed as well as Inspired, be sure and attend the revival at Bethel A M. E. Church. INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH M'/s N. 10th Street Rsv. E. C. Dyer, Pester ST. PHILLIPS MISSION 24th and Savler Sts. St. Phillip's Mission has announced extraordinary service« for Sunday. Miss Frieta Hhaw will be soloist. Morning service, 11 a. m .; Sunday School. 12 m. Archdeacon Black in charge; Mr. B. Coles. lay reader. A cordial welcome awaits you at SL Phillips. Bevarth Day Adventist Mleaian, 241 Russell Street Mrs. K. O. Johnson, loader. Sabbath School (Saturdays) at 1* A. M. Bible study at 11 A. M. T. P. M. V. S. at 2:10 P. M. Viet- tors welcome. MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT •t ELIES W. REYNOLDS HOME BEAUTY PARLOR •eientffle Eo«tg and Fas lai Maeaage Treatment« for Dandruff. Falling Hair and Baldneaa Hair Weaving Hair Dreaalng and Man leur! ng OR NELO METHOD »91 Roselawn Avenus Phono Walnut ISM