THB —1 ADVOCATE Daily Fashion Hint Hair in 3 Minutes How Possible for ANYBODY to Have Beautiful Soft Hair The House of Quality NOTICE THE AMAZING CHANGE! and Attractive Stylaa In Suits and PICTORIAL vivi tv* *9*1 FROCK OF SMART STYLE KINKOUT DID IT! Just rub a little safe, harmless KINKOUT in your hair and within two or three minute* your hair should be lovely, smooth, silky and wavy. SOLD ON MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF YOU ARE NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED! NO HOT IRONS! One GET KINKOUT lime does it I Positively will not turn the hair red. Could not hurt the most sensitive scalp. KINKOUT can be used as a hair grower. Full, simple, easy directions on each package. Comes only in green and yellow tubes. Substitutes may be dangerous. Be sure and get the genuine. AT YOUR DRUGGIST—50c and $1.00, in U.S.A. Your Drugtrist Can Get it From any of These Wholesale Dealers! CO., SEATTLE, WASH. For practical a* well as fashionable wear, one could not do better than •elect this dress of dark blue rep, which seems to be even more favored than the twillcords. Finishing the V-shaped neck is a collar of self­ material stitched with silver and tur­ quoise blue embroidery The pockets and sleeves are decorated to corre­ spond with the collar. If desired, circular panels may be added to the sides of the skirt. As pictured the dress requires yards 54-inch ma­ terial. Pictorial Review Dress No. 1566. Sizes, 34 to 48 inches bust. Price, 35 cents. COFFIN REDDINGTON CO M SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. In our Fancy Goode »action^-Plain and Novelty Georgettea, Silk All- over Lacee, Metaline Cloth, Ombre Georgettee, Silk Domi Flounclnga, etc. All fl rat-quality* fabrics at prlcee surprisingly low. Wo Invite your Immediate Inspection and selection while the assortment la at Its beet. High-Brown Face Powder A superb toilet n a c eeatty. and White. in four ehadea—Natural, Pink, Brunetta High-Brown Face Powder haa earned Ita place In the esteem of the moat discriminate and skeptical users of toilet artlclee by Its own distinctive merit and the complete satisfaction to be do- Economy Drug Stores No. 1—10th and Morrison Streets. Atwater 1810 Manufactured only by Main 16»7 THE OVERTON-HYGIENIC MFG. COMPANY No. 2—143 Fourth Street at Alder. K No. S—Williams Avenue and Russell Street < Z No. 4—1010 Belmont Street. East $085 Tabor 8628 BRoadway 9100 A nearby FORD AGENT will cheerfully serve your PORO needs. If you don’t know the PORO AGENT write us and she’ll call. ADDRESS FORD COLLEGE 402 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Ore. F Pacific Coast Distributor HAVE YOUR PRINTING DONE AT Ryder Printing Co. FORD i» dispensed by FORD AGENTS everywhere. Try PDRO Products. Experience that matchless satisfaction which the PORO Patron enjoys. CHICAGO RED TOP TAXI CO Every PORO Hair and Toilet Preparation is compounded according to rigid requirements and consists of the very finest materials, prepared with the highest degree of scientific skill. Great, beautiful PORO COLLEGE, an outstanding commer­ cial achievement of Our Group, developed on the sheer merit of PDRO Prod­ ucts and Treatments, proclaims with greater emphasis than anything we might say, the superiority of PORO- Á MRS. E. D. CANNADY For Every Texture of Hair and Skin. Its Rare Excellence Is Recognized Everywhere rived from ita use. 192 Third Street Portland, Oregon Main 5536 REDUCED ROUND TRIP TICKETS ON SALE DAILY TO MANY CALIFORNIA RESORTS Where you may enjoy sunshine and flowers and the great outdoors to your heart’s content 4300 St. Ferdinand Avenue ST. LOUIS. MO.. U. S. A DkPT. vVv/te your Own Tire Dealer San Francisco $48.75 Los Angeles $73.75 FINAL RETURN LIMIT MAY 31, 1924 Stopover wherever you wish Four traips daily. Through sleeping cars from Portland to San Francisco and Los Angeles make the trip convenient, interesting and instructive Ask your agent for information regarding fares, etc., and copy of illustrated booklets, or write JOHN M. SCOTT Assistant Passenger Traffic Manager Portland, Oregon Daily Fashion Hint “The Laundry With a Purpose” YOUR DIVIDENDS COME REGULARLY CDEE rlXDD 8TYLB BOOK OF LATEST HAIR FASHIONS Thu Book |UM Iwued .hould b« In your h««n«—few. h»Aend rftir name an J acUrasa. Wa are tha laraasc Importers of the ¿neat quality real human ha*r for colored women, and manufacture the beat U if*. Switches, Transformations. Comb*, Hairdresser* Supplies, etc. Sara money-buy the best direct from us at the lowest prices. Satisfaction fuaranteed or money returned. The best made solid brass «neigh ten ini comb sent postpaid Our 7 per cent Prior Preference Stock has paid dividends regularly every three months since it was first issued. IT IS A SAFE AND SOUND INVESTMENT You can buy it at $98.00 a share, par value $100, for cash or on easy terms. It will n^t you 7.14 per cent on every dollar you invest ’£° H umania H air C o . PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY 605 Electric Building Portland, Oregon AN EXQUISITE COAT-DRESS f Prompt Efficient Reliable If you’re particular call Eaat 0092 J. P. FINLEY & SON MORTICIANS Montgomery at Fifth Phone Day or Night Main 4*22 Write for full information today. Investment Department WCTOWlAK usvis*/ The long-sleeved side-dosing coat, dress ia typically Parisian, and here is an exquisite model in brown cos­ tume broadcloth, trimmed with beige caracul collar and cuffs. The sil­ houette is tubular, since the dress expresses the last word in style, and the siring belt fastens at one side. If preferred, one of the fur cloths may be used for the trimming in­ stead of genuine peltry. Medium size requires 3H yards 54-inch mate­ rial, and yard fur cloth. Pictorial Review Dress No. 1799. Sizes, 34 to 50 inches bust. Price 45 cents. Portland Laundry Comp’y AT YOUR SERVICE YELLOW TAXI PENCIL BAND CALL MAIN 0059 Algo Seven-Passenger Touring Car« for Sightseeing LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY 1 V THE REGAL OUR WAY Quality Cleaning Is Steam Cleaning or French Dry Cleaning Preening and Dyeing Not merely sponging and placing a bot Iron There is a difference on and In this way between our way of work the dirt into the doing work and our garment In this way imitators. Our cus­ much harm is done In­ tomers’ clothes always stead ot making the look new and have a garment look like new. more aristocratic look. We care for and store your suit while you ara out of ths city Regal Cleaners, Tailors and Hatters 127 North Sixth Street, Bet. alisan and Hoyt (with the Orange Front) Phono Broadway 13»> Satisfaction or No Pay Mall Orders Bolleltsd S=S