TRV ADYOCATB ft A DOZEN GOOD REASONS FOR SA VING KINTON For Sale 160 W. McClellan «treat. flva rooms and bath. Full baaituent. furnace; living r\H>tn and dining room h w. floors; large kitchen with built Ina; two bed room« and bath; attic; mod era and up to date. Price, 14000 00; *100000 down. *40.00 per month. In­ cluding Interest. WARREN KEELER. Bank Bldg. Kenton. Walnut *607 The Cheney COLORED Men wanted to quality tor sleeping car and train porters. Experience unnecessary. Transpor tatlon furnished. Write T. McCaf trey, Supt., 81. Louis. Mo. 1 The Cheney Phonograph is unlike common Phonographs. It is very different in construc­ tion. The tone chamber of the Cheney is violin shaped and is actually made of violin wood­ spruce and maple. 1 The tone of the Cheney is rich, full, resonant and is free from the scratch and grind so ob­ jectionable in the old machines. (ASaW^OUININf StipleariFaiicyGroceries W. Ddl«r J. S. Belli Photo Studio HA. to m -A* «das. set dM*bl. ma* la «M. •00 Qoodnough Building Al AU fìntali* JO Cnu Olrt.14 TOI» G. F. Johnson Piano Company 149 Sixth Street. Portland CHICKERING PIANOS—MUSICAL GOODS 6th and Yamhill 8treeto Portland. Ore. ,=================================================■ LADD & TILTON Main 543« BANK Oldest in the Northwest aooonnl la Ulla stroag baa» C«M> ted U CrtoM H.*«« HT. Me* »4 aaa« a snae* b n wU»i t hw etaA «I » aad xMa. iV-»d '• 'M ** M e*. bea Caito. tad U G m SneMl th» aakn m A m mm . me Ualoa Avesse a« TaUlng • I or more open« a savlaas aooout is Ulla aSroog bank And/hunt Cold AFTUt *h«a T-w Ue .,< « >w Wl «W h * A« "«Me ■I unitin' 1« HA, Cawan R ioiA Qwera T*U* ik Th-I lw«h yea REPP A SON It Isn't huw much you earn, but liow much you save that really counts Though you may be woll paid fur what you do. wh«n you s|»nd «11 you make, yuur lima ami labor are loot Maha your work fount for more. Nogin savin« Hemsnilier the bank keeps your savin«« al work amt |xiy« you Intereat. Lodge Directory I. B P. O. E OF THE WORLD W « SIU WW-SV. I««r«no «■> Eat at SMITH’S CAFE J. S. SMITH, Prop. TWO PLACES TWO PLACES Headquarters for Good Eats 108 North Ninth Street Telephone Broadway 2297 Open from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Boiled Dinners Daily—Short Orders at All Hours 220 North Fifteenth Street Telephone Broadway 1557 Open from 9 P. M. to 5 A. M. Chitterlings every Wednesday and Saturday Call us and we will cheerfully arrange for private parties L aundry ROSE CITY LODGE NO. 111, I. B. P. O. E. OF W.. MEETS ths 2ND AND 4TH WEDNESDAY EVEN­ INGS OF EACH MONTH AT THE STAG AUDITORIUM, 3S1}fe EAST MORRISON STREET. ALL VISIT­ ING BROTHERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. I. O. CANNADY, E. R. 311 Maclssy Bldg. E. J. MINOR. See rotary. 41* Abington Bldg. When You Call a Taxi-Cab Call Brdy. 0098 BLACK AND WHITE Stands at all leading hotels and* all parts of the city ‘Baker Guns For fifty yean known to the trade a» the best for service BATAVIA LEADER, Price $37.00 If your dealer cannot supply you we will send, trans­ HOUSES FOR RENT For Sale ANO FOR SALE SALE 5-room house, good condition. *1*60; *500 down, balance like rent 7-room house. Peninsular district; lot 100x100; lots of fruit and berries; a chicken run and all fenced in; an Ideal chicken ranch. **,000; *400 down, balance *20 per month. 5- room modern bouse. East Side; lot 50x100; a snap at *3,550; »500 down, balance *35 per month. In­ cluding interest groom, strictly modern new house; full lot, all clear; an ideal home on East Side; street improvements all in and paid for. (room modern cottage on Willamette drive; lot 50x120, facing two streets. Lots of fruit and flowers. A good investment; must sell to close es­ tate. 6- room house, good condition; Wood­ lawn district »*,*00; »500 down. *30 per month. 7- rooms; garage; Woodlawn District, near car line; lot 50x100; *2,100; terms. A. H. MORROW Eight-room bouse and one acre of ground. House is modern and the grounds contain beautiful trees and shrubs. All kinds of fruit ments in and paid. car line, 52nd street able. On Improve­ Fire room bungalow, »4009; »500 down, balance like rent Four-room bungalow, comer, »4000; *500 dwon .balance can be arranged. Good buy. Phone EAst 5544 41* Abington Bldg. —and Let Us Tell You Quick Delivery Berries Try Our Shirt and Collar Work—Lace Curtains a Specialty E. K. STANLEY E Broadway (213 White Swan Laundry = = ■ = ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimn: UP TO DATE Pioneer Comp’y oadway 3*73 Third and Burnside Sts. Postoffice Pharmacy Send for BAKER BOOKLET Broadway 5807 STEINWAY Druggists and Chemists BEFORE | DUO ART AND PIA­ NOLA PIANOS, VIC- TROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS, PLAYER ROLLS AND CABINETS, SHEET MUSIC AND BOOKS, BAND AND ORCHESTRA INSTRU­ MENTS. Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced j Oentlet HATTONS ISN’T 11 y 4 MF IT ISN'T GENU- GFf 1 WAVO,NE AFTER and "Prow.” «ti «hould brat th« n.m. of H.llo« lo isauta «raumra«ra. For rala be all (rat-elam D««l«t, ia Toilat PnparatioM: o» frum th« M«Rulactu>«r. in 25 «ad 50 mms sise«. As«aU«d E»«rywh«ra. HATTON MFC. CO. (Not. I m .) ISOS Stal« St.. Chica««, RI. Courtesy, Accuracy, Reliability and Purity Our Motto DR. B. MILLER Pharmacist, Lawyer and Proprietor IF IT ha« curad ■ Mmb«t CLTT- ol uoraruouGu. M.eul.elut««. te pul Ths «rest popvlariiy ol W.ra ---------------------- ------------------ th« j IhousanriB wbo out ■ danc-rou« «nd »Ix«» fusoli«! uedat out own l«b»l ‘ To protect ------ — ---------- ----------- OM th.« ■m— ' iu«n«d Product w. or« .nalitun»« rail «««in.f «"d ratino« w.^.ThT ’o..-^- roa th... ladi Initie«-'». Í m - ■ rwi.- , • s it .. I «as____ "Fl. _ ___ 1 ■ AHIVg ---- ---------- »» • Xlul«-" and Other Pianos EVERYTHING IN MUSIC s = == with wearing apparel starched, dried and flat work ironed, we do for Price reason­ Broadway and Ollsan St Broadway 0517 314 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. ROUGH DRY Investigate this property. 311 Macleay Building Baker Gun Company == = = = Mt Scott portation charges paid, upon receipt of price. describing the entire line. Do You Know How Big a Bundle of NOTICE Dahlia Temple No. 203, I. B P. O. K of W, of Portland. Oregon, meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights In each month at Stag Auditorium. All visiting Daughter Elks tn good standing In their respective Temples are Invited to meet with ua. LOUISE THOMAS. Daughter Ttuler, BEATRICE H. CANNADY. Daughter Secretary, «rawraxra.—.rararararawwwww Byracuae Lodge, K. of P. No. 1. moots the second and fourth Fri­ day ntgbts In each month. All Sir Knights In good standing are welcome. Fraternal Hall. 7*6 Ml««ls- slppi Ave. E. D. Cannady, C.C., 311 Macleay Bldg. W. Marshall, K. of P. A S. Portland Oregon Your Patronage Solicited Established II Tsars In Portland C. Daily Fashion Hint Sherman, J^ay & Co. Sixth * Morrison Sri.,Opp. Postoffice PORTLAND GEE WO MEDICINE CHINESE CO. C. (1KB WO. ths well known Hsrbal- lat, hss made a Ilfs study of ths curative properties poaeeeaod by Oriental Roots, Herbs, Hude and Hark, and therefrom compounded hla tru, ly wonderful Herbs remedies. In their make-up no polaone or narcotics are used; perfectly harmless, . . _ and many roots and herba that ho usee are unknown to the medical profession of today AVOID OPERATIONS by taking hie remedies In time for Htomach, Coughs, Colds, Rheumatism, Kidney, Lung, LJver- Catarrh. Illood, InHammatlon, Neuralgia and all femala and chit- dren's ailments. Call or write. Sont by mall or parcel post. C. GEE WO MEDICINE CHINESE CO. asst* Aider Btroet, B. W. Corser Third Nile Queen Preparations "FOR HAIR and SKIN ” PARIS APPROVES THIS MODEL BdMMMcally manufactured to meet your particular beauty requirements Wt ARÉ DI »Tan œ» OP'CARRETTO COI* AGINIA CARE VERMOUTH. #FtCUL PRICE *1122 MR Hl QUARTS, WRITE FOR. OUR LATEST CATALOGUE mailed free conwmng special offdul kjx ABOUT OUR-VINOBAR* IT It CHEAT* Beautifully designed in satin crêpe, this frock knd« itself to develop­ ment m a (treat variety of materia«. The neck is cut in oval outline and ^the. sleeves are lengthened with cir­ cular frills of self-material If pre­ ferred. a piping of white satin may be added at the neck and repeated on the sleeves between frill and sleeve For the waist a belt of brilliant rib­ bon or a girdle of beads may be selected as a proper finish. Medium size requires .»*$ yards 36-inch mate­ rial. Pictorial Review Dress No. 1695. Sizes. 34 to 44 inches bust, and 16 to 20 years. Price, 35 cents. 4