TH« ADVOCAT« Hair in 3 Minutes Wow Possible forANYBODYto Have Beautiful Soft Pioneer Drug Comp’y Phone Broadway Jèïf Third and Burnside Postoffice Pharmacy Hair The House of Quality Bro«dw«y «nd Glinn St Broadway 0617 Druggists and Chemists NOTICE THE AMAZING CHANGE! F KINKOUT Just rub a little safe, harmless KINKOUT in your hair and within two or three minutes your hair should be lovely, smooth, silky and wavy. SOLI) ON MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF YOU ARE NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED I NOHOT1RONSI One Ing and Attractive tty I m In tha Naw Courtesy, Accuracy, Reliability and Purity Our Motto DID IT! time does it I Positively will not turn the hair red. Could not hurt the moit sensitive scalp. KINKOUT can be used as a hair grower. Full, simple, easy directions on each package. Comes only in green and yellow tubes. Substitutes may be dangerous. Be sure and get the genuine. GET KINKOUT AT YOUR DRUGGIST—50c and $1.00, in U.S.A, Your Drugaist Can Get it From any of These Wholesale Dealers! Suits and Glv« Ua • Trial and Be Convinced DR. ». MILLER Pharmacist, Lawyer and Proprietor Dentist I Portland Oregon Your Patronage Solicited In our Fancy Goode SoctloiK-Plaln and Novelty Georgette«, Silk All- ever Lac««, Motalin« Cloth, Ombre Georgette«, Silk Deml Flouncing«, etc. All fi ret-que I Ity fabric« at price« surprisingly low. We invite your Immediate ln«p«ctlon and «election while the aoeortment le at Ito beet FOR BALE Bight-room house and • acre of ground. House Is modern and th* grounds contain beautiful trees and shrubs. All kinds of fruit Improve­ ments In and paid. On ML Scott car line, (2nd street. Price reason- able Investigate this property. Fire room bungalow, 14000; »WO down, balance like rent. Four room bungalow, corner. »4000; 1500 dwon .balance can be arranged. »00«MOM«O0O0OMOOO0O«mMmNMNNÖWOB High-Brown Face Powder Good buy. In four «had««—Natural, Pink, Brunette A superb toilet necessity. E. K. STANLEY 41* Abington Bldg. Broadway «212 High-Brown Face Powder has earned Ita place In th« and Whit«. COFFIN REDDINQTON CO- gAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. ••teem of th« most discriminate and skeptical users of toilet article« by Its own distinctive merit and the complet« satisfaction to be da rived from Ita use. Manufactured only by >¿99 a. < THE OVERTON-HYGIENIC MFG. COMPANY CHICAGO z MRS. E. D. CANNADY For Every Texture of Hair and Skin. 402 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Ore. Pacific Coast Distributor Its Rare Excellence Is Recognized Everywhere Every PORO Hair and Toilet Preparation is compounded according to rigid requirements and consists of the very finest materials, prepared with the highest degree of scientific skill. Make Us Your Business Agents Great, beautiful PORO COLLEGE, an outstanding commer­ cial achievement of Our Group, developed on the sheer merit of PORO Prod­ ucts and Treatments, proclaims with greater emphasis than anything we might say, the superiority of PORO. If you are interested in Real Estate, Good Investments, Business Ventures, or any other phase of commercial effort where you desire expert advice, Consult Us. Always enclose stamp for reply. PORO >• dispensed by PORO AGENTS everywhere. The Hamitic League of the World Try PORO Products. Experience that matchless satisfaction which the PORO Patron enjoys. 309 East 39th Street A nearby PORO AGENT cheerfully serve your PORO needs. If you don’t know the PORO AGENT write us and she’ll call. CHICAGO ILLINOIS if FORD COLLEGE ¿bXZfc1 your Own Tu e Dealer 4300 St. FenlinHiMl Avenue ST. LOUIS. MO.. US. A. DkPT 11-81 11-81 ih /5 Portland Laundry Comp’y “The Laundry With a Purpose” If you’re particular call East 0092 Chalen« Supply T7DT7T7 FADE style book of LATEST hair fashions Thl» Book fust iBBtied should I'« In your homr-agnt free. lust genJ your name and addrew. We ar* th« large»* importer« ot the finest quality real human hair h>t colored women, and manufacture the beat Wig». Switch««, Transformation». Combe. Hairdresser« Supplies, etc. Save money—buy the best direct from ua at the lowest price*. Sat la faction guaranteed or V money returned. The beat made solid braaa stratshtenina comb »ent postpaid 89c each. THIS BEA Prompt Efficient Reliable J. P. FINLEY & SON MORTICIAN« ’.A HI Montgomery at Fifth Phon« Day or Night Main 4*22 POSTPAID 89c H umania H air C o . JU dy ^ bc ?S HAIR STRAIGHTENING AND SHAMPOO COMB 3ft Thi. Comb le Well Worth »1.00 THE REGAL OUR WAY Quality Cleaning la Steam Cleaning er French Dry Cleaning Pressing and Dyeing Not merely sponging and placing a hot Iron There Is a difference on and In thia way between our way of work the dirt Into the doing work and our garment Tn thia way imitators. Our cus­ much harm la done in­ tomers’ clothes always stead of making the look new and have a garment look like new. more aristocratic look. We care for and store your suit while you are out of the city —YELLOW PENCIL ■ftvrt tfit RED BAND PfNC/LCQ. NCWrOfcKUS Regal Cleaners, Tailors and Hatters 127 North Sixth Stmt, Bet Glinn and Hey* (with the Orange Front) Phone Broadway ISM Satisfaction or No Pay MaU Orders Solicited a