4 Halurday, Octobar IT, lili THE ADVOCATE disrespects a white woman because some white man disrespects some col­ ored woman, by refusing to give up his seat In a car to her is using mighty poor judgment and Is proving the absence of a claim of being a gea tieman AT IT AGAIN Kntered at the 1‘oatolTi,« at t'ragon. as eocond-ctaea Cort land, 4 lar. IMPORTANTI All communications for publication or otherwise should be addressed to The Advocate Publishing Company. Suita 311 Macleay Building. Portland. Oregon. Advertising rates made known on application. “Don't ask for rights Take them An' don't let anny wan give them to ye A right that la handed to ye fr naw- thin' baa somethin' the matter with IL" —Mr. Dooley._____________________________ "They have right a who dare maintain thana "—Jamaa Ruaaell Lowell A BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY THE BEST PREACHING:—Let your light so shine before men. that they may see your good works, »nd glorify your Father which is tn haaven — Matthew 5:15. HALLOWE'EN All-Hallow eve falls on the last day of October, the day following being All-Salnta* day. or All-Hallows. This is the date of the last of three festivals held by the Druids, who in olden times were scattered over northern Europe. These festivals were observed on May 1. the time of sowing; June 11. the season of the ripening of the crops, and October 31. the harvest season. One of the religious rites of the Druids waa maintaining throughout the year immense fires on stone al­ tars erected upon eminences in honor of the Sun god. On the night of Oc­ tober 31, the Druids assembled at the altars in their snow-white robes, and at a given aignal. during the absolute silence on the part of the multitude gathered to witness the ceremony, they solemnly extinguished the fires. New fires were then kindled, and as the flames leaped heavenward, the people raised a mighty shout, and then, obtaining live embers from the altars, they returned to their homes to extinguish the old fires left burn­ ing on their hearths, and kindle them anew with the sacred embers of the priests. This new fire was believed Io protect each homestead from peril so long as It remained burning. As the Druidic faith faded In the light of Christianity, the heathen fes­ tivals lost much of their grandeur and former significance, and as­ sumed a lower character. Gradually the simple country folk came to be­ lieve that on October 31 the fairies forsook their hiding places to dance in the forest glades, while witches, goblins and other evil spirits had revels in deserted abbeys, or plotted against mankind in the shadows of ruined catties and keeps. By a very natural transition the Hallowe'en tire came to be looked upon as a charm against evil spirits; and even as late as the seventeenth century we learn that it was cus­ tomary for the farmer to make the circuit ot his acres brandishing a lighted torch, and chanting ot some doggerel rhyme to protect his farm from evil during the coming year. From the fact that these supernat­ ural agents seemed so near at this season, Hallowe'en was supposed to be the night of all nights for the pry­ ing Into the mysteries of tbe future; and this is probably the origin ot those games and ceremonies by which it is claimed that one's fate may be learned, at the same time pro­ viding a great deal of innocent fun and flirtation for youths and maid­ ens of every degree at a Halloween celebration. POLITICS It is more than six months before the State Primary Election will be held. Nevertheless candidates for the various offices have made their announcements, and the political leaders of the Republican and Demo­ cratic parties have begun to outline their campaign thunder. Now the question is, whst are tbe colored vot­ ers thinking about? Have they made up their minds as to whether or not they will support men or parties, and are they organinxlng so that they wiir be prepared to give their united sup­ port to men who will support meas­ ures that will not only be beneficial to the white people but to all the peo­ ple? There Is one lesson colored vot­ ers must learn: It is that politics rale the world, and that we will be able to take our place In the world of politics only in proportion ns we are able to show our strength. A number of our people are holding t meetings, talking and resoluttng as usual over the proposition of build­ ing a lodge bail. Now if these peo­ ple would only follow up that talk and those resolutions with deeds and action, after doing some sound busi­ ness thinking and careful planning, and put down some real cash, and cut out so much hot air. there is no doubt but what they could build a hall. The trouble with most of our people, they can all talk to beat the band but when it comes to backing up that talk with money, they gener­ ally chwe up like clams or crawl out through the promise route. We hope it will not be so in this case. Tbe American Peace Award of New York has sent us a lengthy communi catloa for publication We notice in the huge committee and ths many or- ganlsations repreeented the absence of the name of any colored person or organisation. Thia omission in such a great movement does not smack much like working tor peace. THOSE PETITIONS Wo wonder how many petitions tor freeing members of the 24th Infantry, now in Ixmvenworth. Kans., prison, have been circulated by the local branch of the N. A. A. C. P We so far have not seen any nor heard of their being circulated. We hope they are being circulated, however, and that hundreds of signatures havv been secured This cause is entirely too important and the time too short It looks as though we shall have the to procrastinate. Race problem with us uatU there is SHORT CUTS but on« race on all the earth (Lincoln Service.) The acme of the Abysaiuian TO OUR MINISTERS woman's vanity consists in com­ Just a suggestion: How about Sun­ pletely changing the color of her skin day. November 11th. being set aside after marriage. in your churches as Houston Mar­ tyrs’ Day? Petitions to the President Dunbar High School. Washington, of the United States, copies of which organised a debating club, whose can be secured from the National first business was to plan an outing Headquarters. 6» Fifth Ave.. New for its members. York City, at 1 each. could be circu­ Hip Sing Laborers' and Merchants* lated and signed, and a most fitting in every program of an historical- nature con­ Association, represented cerning our solders' records in the State in this country and Alaska, met various wars would not only be en­ at Philadelphia and voted >750.000 to tertaining but highly enlightening build a Chinese hospital at San And as all our ministers are not only Francisco. members, but officers of the local Howard Gale, colored, was jailed in branch of the N. A. A. C. P„ which is sponsoring this movement, a meeting default of payment of a fine of >11.45. of the kind suggested would have a assessed tor sitting in the "white two-fold significance. What about it* coach" of an interurban line enter­ ing Baltimore. THE GIFT OF BLACK FOLK The above is the name of a book that will soon be published by the Knights of Columbus Historical Com­ mission. The book promises to be a revelation to those people who be­ lieve that the white man is the sole founder and builder of America. The white race seems not to know nor be- lieve that the colored race con tri b- uted anything of value to the civili- zation of this country. The Knights Africa has the distinction of having the shortest and tallest groups of people in the world. The Akka pyg­ mies are the shortest while the Wa- hoomas. of Ruanda. East Africa, are the tallest. Miss Keene Reports Fine Trip Mias Norma Keene, pretty sten­ ographer of Portland, returned from a three weeks' trip to Anaconda. Butte, Helena. Montana, and Spo­ kane, Washington, Friday, the 19th. and reports a moat excellent trip. In Anaconda she visited relatives, tn the other cities, friends of her late mother, Rhe saw the home m which her mother waa married and where Out from Anaconda she waa born she went fishing and caught her first fish, Mias Keene wishes she could have remained longer but la happy over the tact that she could atay as long as she did. She nays thia was a most eventful trip. Mias Keene Is one of the few young colored women in the city who la employed as «ten- ographer in a white business • • • stopping al ths residence of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Con­ Devis, •11 East way. 349 Cherry street, sponsored by They plan to Mr and Mrs. Cartwright, Tuesday home. provided evening, the 13rd Inst. Tan little ones accompanied by their mothers on a joyed the delightful affair. Carna­ tions and Evergreens furnished offer Young Coupls Married Mr James Itaglan and Miss Clara live decorations for the rooms and re­ Each Nelson were quietly married at Von- freshments were dispensed couver. Wash . Wednesday afternoon. tot received favors consisting ot October l*lh. In the presence of s caps, rings, etc All-had a good time. • • few friends. They are domiciled on First street In South Portland Mr Mra. Rucker Hsre end Mrs. 1. L Davidson, 1»«5 East Mrs. Rucker of New York la hero 7th street, friends of the couple, en- tor the week In company with her at a de*i- tertslned In their honor clous wedding supper the evening of husband who Is playing on the Pan Both are domi­ the marriage. Covers were laid tor taget bill this week ciled at the residence of Mr and Mrs. six Kdgar Conway, 3«9 Cherry street. a a a Mrs. Rucker has made a host of Mastsr Gilbert Qllden Honored In honor of his second birthday friends along the coast. Oklahomans May Reside Here Mr. and Mra. W. L. Lyons of Has kill. Oklahoma, who came here a cou- anniversary. Master Gilbert tlllden, For Rent—One 4 room and one •• son of William Gilden. waa enter- tained at a very pretty party at th«| room house Morrow. Broadway 5807. pie of weeks ago, are home ot Mr. and Mra ,34 th street. South, make Portland their they like It here. • e — Washington's Fine Arts Commis­ sion has approved plana for a new edifice to house the pathological laboratories of Freedman's Hospital Construction will begin at once upon the new building, which will cost >57.000. BUSINESS AN!) FINANCE Registration In Maryland show« 123.943 Democrats; 79.131 Rcpubll- cans; and 18.96» unaffilipted. Wemon apathy voters display remarkable since their franchise Is assured, and their enrollment Is far below normal eligibility. N. Simms, LL.D., Author of Simms the fleeting winds. Johnstown. Pa., recently rendered ludicrous by a Negro exclusion order issued by a discredited official, re­ turned to the colored limelight again last week when objection was raised by certain white people against the occupancy of church property, pur­ chased by a colored Methodist organ­ isation in a white neighborhood. The Rev. Brady, pastor, has pledged to pay >40.000 for the church. BUSINESS INTEGRITY A reputation for honesty promptness in meeting financial gallons Is the greatest asset that one who Is engaged tn business can have, This kind of a reputation Is worth more than money Itself. To have money and to be without thia asset you are a very poor man. indeed; for money Is like the ever changing wind or the brightest sunshine Today w« enjoy both, but on tomorrow we may not be able to get a breath of fresh air; and the sun may be hidden be­ hind the darkest clouds through which not a single ray of light or heat may be able to pass. So with money It Is like the bidden sun or We may be rich today and poor to­ morrow, but a good repulatlou as above expressed. If properly nursed, will be with us always. It will bring bualneaa to us when nothing else will do It. It will be a course through which we can acquire money when we are In the greatest need of It. Acquaintances, neighbora and friends will find pleasure In dealing with ua. tor they will know that they will always get their money's worth LOOK! BARBECUE PLANT STEWART-SCHNEIDER CO. MEN’S WEAR The Up-to-Date Cleaning & Tailoring Co BRoadway 9100 leans K LOTHES LEAN Hats cleaned and blocked to suit yon. Yes, we clean everything from neckties up to rugs, blankets, etc. Sults and Overcoats made to your individual measure. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. Our prices are very reasonable. Olve us a trial. Wo will please you. Call East 0258 for News of the Churches odeiy Í Four bricklayers, one of whom was colored, were fined >5 each for work­ ing on Sunday at Larchmont. N. Y. FINDS LOST NIECE “Honesty Is tbe best policy.** So They willingly paid up as they re- let us always consider that and *be reived >3« each as wages and bonuses Mrs. Meta Elliot, who came from fair and square In our business rela­ for working on Sunday. Illinois to reclaim her run-away tions with out fellow man. which will niece. Ivy Elliott, was repaid tor her build for ua a good bualneaa reputa restless nights and days of search Hon that win be worth more to us Tuesday, when she found her niece than money on Morrison street. near Fifth. Mrs. Elliot plans to take her back to her 102nd and 103rd streets. The house three Kirks, all relatives, employed is seven rooms and modern, with one at that place. home in Illinois. and one-half acres of ground, on George Olsens famous orchestra, which stand a large number of a va- which has delighted the guoata at HOTEL NOTES riety of fruit trees. The Portland for a long time, left Stag Club Will Give Their Eddie Watson, bellhop st Tbe Port- Wednesday for an extensive tour of Honorable Harry L. land, who has been on a visit with the Halt. Day, president of the relative« In Washington. D. C„ for a Portland Hotel Company, number of months, has returned and HOUSE TO SELL left Tuesday morning for resumed his place on the old bell- Willamette Blvd., best view prop his home InBerkeley, Cal. stand. erty. To close estate, modern. six- Mr Dwyer, the effclent J. G. Kirk is the name ot a new room, garage, fruit, flowers. Room I auditor of The Portland, was married Valier at Tbe Portland. This makes | 311 Macleay Bldg . Morrow, B