THE I ADVOCATE I rneut of Colored People. Mr. Harvey realises that what II Is doing Is good, but he says there is nothing last la« about It. For instance: the bye» antilyaehlag bill. He «ays suppose It does peas. It will not Mop lynch lug» The law Is to punish, not to prevent. “There Is a law against stealing, has It slopped stealing?** lie says that tn the part of the coun try where the law will be called iulo play, the Judges and the jurors, if not actually related to the mob. are so related In sentiment, ruatom aud thought and traditions that the law will not be eufbreed He states It: "A white man la a white man and If he tells you ho thinks more of your welfare than he does his own. he la a liar." But on the other hand. Gar­ vey says It the Race has a National home, with a trained army and battle­ ships to back IL we will not need Dyer aali-lyach nor any other aulì* laws for the Race la America. It to Garvey's contention that the Dyer bill Is simply an tneldent in the uni­ versal program of the white man's propaganda to keep down the Col­ ored Race. ... He believes in short, It is just one of many acts to keep the Negro In thia country hopeful. tooled into the belief that the white man Is his friend. Garvey says: "They fooled Marcus Grnrvey No. 1. but the white man who fools Marcus Qarvey the second isn't born yet." To those who say Mr. Garvey la a fool. The Advocate begs to differ We believe that Qarvey has a bigger, deeper and keener knowledge of the Race's problems and their solution than perhaps any other race leader. But what Garvey needs is the coun­ sel and advice of sane thinkers of the race from every part of the world, men who put the welfare of posterity above position, name or Jobs. And the thing our leaders should do. Mr Qarvey tucluded. is to quit finding so much fault with each others' pro­ grams. work together as tar as their programs harmonise; get together on the points on which they agree and who knows but what after meeting on this common ground, they will ul­ timately agree on vli points. Mr. Garvey does not uphold the white man in hie unjust treatment of the Race; be kn^s It is wrong, but in view of past history, and reading the "hand writing on the wall' he is not of the opinion that the white man is going to < hauge hie program to please the Ra In aeroplanes and talk by radio. Not the least of mod­ ern discoveries la thia now. »Implo preparation for taking the kink» out of unruly hair. It'» nne hair, too, making It lay with a tin» polish. \ A Fact! THIS BEAUTIFUL called KINKOUT and Is now being prepared for the grateful public by SURA. Ins, «OS S. Dearborn St„ Chicago. It cornea only In green and yellow lubes and abeolutely la guar­ anteed. Thia to thv agv ut noient Ilio mlr- God give him s. trpjmendous responsl There are sis millinns of us Willy who are not dng to leave It all to God. We are telling the world of our program of organising four hundred million« of Negroes. "The Negro is in a bail mood—the New Negro must give him something or he'» going to ralee cane down here " Rome Negroes we don't want here and we don't want theta In Africa." "Rome Negroes pray to God for (Continued on page three)