Baturday. September II, HIS. THE ADVOCATE Published every Saturday at Suite 111 Macleay Building. Phone Broad­ way IM7. ABWOOAVB ABBim Elka Sanitary Barber Shop. Sil Flan­ ders Street Possessed ot high hopes tor and a strong belief in the future greatness of hie race, he urged them to closer co-operation and education and race pride. The Bishop said, in what was thought to be his last address hero: "To the people of the Northwest, t|ls Is tny last and final appearance In your city; I shall retire from the of flee of Bishop of my own will and ac­ cord. aa I feel that I have fulfilled the time of service to the cause. These words of the Bishop brought sadness to the hearts of the audlenoe. which sat in silence, giving rapt attention to his wonderful message. But. re gardloM of the fact that the good Bishop has finished hie work, and well, the people who know him beet ar* heartily sorry to give him up. Knowing that the service of men like the Bishop, with large brain capac­ ity. unselfish and self-sacrificing na­ tures, are so much needed tn shap­ ing and guiding the destiny of this noble race of ours Bishop Lee paid high tribute t<- the people of the Northwest, He urged them to read their own newspapers and books, and he told of the value of contact with the educated of our own race to the youth of our race, co-operating for higher things The Btshop was accompanied on the trip by one of his tnlented daugh­ ters, Mr», Mary Effie Lee-Newsome, a poetess of note and an nrtist with the pen and brush. Bishop Lee was en route home from the annual con­ ference of his church at Spokane last week. news of the Northwest, and now has the whole state of Oregon to Itself. Mr. K D. Cannady Is to be congratu­ lated on being able to stem the tide for twenty years. We say. long may It live and prosper THE CHURCH pany. 13th and Washington streets, to the per sou selecting the real pearl from a collection of 100 artificial ones. Hau Jose; llev. A. C. Yearwood. 113 South 4tb street. Han Jose, la doing wonderful work as pastor ot ths Meth odist church there. Mrs. U. F. Wake­ field ex vic« president ot th* N. A. A. C, P. at Han Jose, has resigned, past several weeks, left Monday night but still serves on the executive com­ tor pointe jn California, whore they mutes, and la a stauuch friend of the will spend a tow weeks before re­ race. Rev.' Yearwood succeeded Mrs. suming their trip homo to Austin, Wakefield as vice-president. Texas. Both ladles were lavishly en­ tertained while In the city, the last affair given In their honor just be­ fore leaving was on Sunday, when they were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. lx>pes of Vancouver. Wash Mt Olivet Baptist Chureh see ode^x (By TrtUa Breaux) The religion of how to live and the religion of how to die will not get very far without the counsel and advice of a broadminded, trained ministry. Tbs lack of these eesen Hals has been one of the drawbacks to the growth and advancement of the church tn general, owned and controlled by the race. I which was highly appreciated by the Prominent Astorisns Here Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stephens, who audience and which was very timely conducted * restaurant business in Indeed. Mrs. Newsome was introduc­ Aatoria known aa ths Dixie Lunch, ed and made a brief talk, thanking and the past season at Seaside, are the people of the Northwest for their visiting with Mr. and Mrs Edgar hospitality and asking their prayers Mr. that their father might arrive home Williams of 353 Made street. and Mrs. Stephens are likely to re- safely. Mesdames Grayson aud Free­ They have been man aang a duet, which added much main In Portland In the West four yearn, coming from to the program Reverends J. W. An­ GRAND DAUGHTER RULER OF BL'HBCRII’TION RATKH Dallas. Tex. Mrs. Stephens comes derson. E J. Magruder, J. II WUson, ir---------------------------------------------- 8S.M ELKS DIES SUDDENLY ITesidlng Elder of lata Angeles. OaL. Mix Mouths _________________________ 1.4« tea from one of the leading educational East firs tend Schuyler Sts. Mrs. Nora F. Taylor, grand daugh l.H Vacationing In California Editor E. D. Cannady. F. D. Thomas, Inatltuttons in Texas. Tillitson Col ­ Rev. J. W. Andersen, Pastor ter Ruler ot the Elks, who was elect­ Mrs. A. M. Cochrane writes from well known caterer, and Mrs. Caa­ Res 42* Tillamook St ed at the convention in Chicago, died lege. Austin. Tsx. where she pur­ Lua Angeles. Cal., to friends In Port ­ sued both literary and music, special­ nady gave helpful, brief talks. Rev. Telephone East SOS* suddenly at her home tn Chicago IMPORTANT! A. R. Fox was master of ceremonies, land. that she la haviug a wonder­ Our pastor returned last Saturday Monday evening. September 10th. ising in pianoforte. All communications for publication ful vacation In California. Mrs. Coch ­ Mr. and Mrs. Stephens are highly Delicious refreshments were dis- or otherwise should be addressed to morning from Loa Angeles, California, Her untimely death came as a shock penned by a committee of ladles and rane has been gone several weeks. The Advocate Publishing Company. where he attended the national Bap­ to her many friends, also the frater- respected by the citlsens ot Astoria, s e • Sults 811 Macleay Building. Portland. where they were one of the tew col­ gentlemen tist convention H<> preached two nal circles, especially Elkdom. Oregon. • • • At Seaside ored families there, and where they able sermons during the day, Mr. Defeated Former Ruler Advertising rates made known on Chicagoans Here Mrs. George Mullen writes from W. W. Brown united with the church, application.* Mrs Taylor was commented on at conducted a successful business until Mr and Mrs. J. A. Bullard, , who Seaside that she Is spending a very Many persons the memoriable fire, December 8th, the convention as follows: greeted the pastor and “Don’t ask tor rights Take them. l have been vacationing for seven pleasant two weeks, the weather be complimented him on his sermons. An' don't let anny wan give them to ye. The most surprising thing. of 1933. which almost destroyed the en­ A rt»ht that is handed to ye Cr naw- in California, are In the city Ing fine. Mrs. Robert 'awrence and thin' hax someth la' the matter with it.” The pastor will fill the pulpit morn­ course, was the defeat of Daughter tire town. After the fire, however, i weeks —Mr. Dooley._________ _ ___________________ Mr. Stephens and his late brother, J. for a tew days, accompanied by Mrs. Mrs. W. H. Smith spent a few days ing and evening next Bunday, Mamie Hodges for the office of grand They haw rtjrhts who dare maintain J. M. Scott of 1 am Angeles, Cal., who with Mr. and Mrs. W. 8 Badger at them."—James Huaaell Lowell daughter ruler. For fifteen years she L. Stephens, who recently drowned will travel with them as far as Van Gearhart, who entertained at dinner BETHEL A. M. I. CHURCH has successfully defeated every as­ In a take near Seaside, re-opened on couver. B. C., from which point the | Monday evening In their honor. Exchange street, where they were A BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY Larrabee and McMillan Strssts pirant for her throne, but early the Bullards will return to Chicago and Those sharing honors with Mesdames Rsv. A. R. Fox, D. D.. Pastor word was being passed that she was again successful. Mrs. Scott will raturn to her Callfor lawrence and Smith was Mrs. Mul­ Portlanders who know Mr. and Mrs Jesus the Healer: Now when the Phone East 110/ to go. and when election time came nla home. len The party motored later In the sun was setting, all they that had I. L. Jameson, Assistant the opposition had manned their Stephens are anxious to have them eveulng to Beaslde and spent a tew any sick with divers diseases brought Phone Walnut MOO forces tn sufficient numbers to elect locate here, as they will be a won­ M m Keene to Visit Relatives hours visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joaepb derful asset to the community. Mrs. them unto Him. and He laid Hi» Daughter Nora Taylor of Chicago by ON OUR 20TH ANNIVERSARY Miss Norma Keene, pretty young Stevens and Mrs J. R. Stevens. hands on every one of them, and FIRST A. »... I. ZION CHURCH over 100 majority. Daughter Taylor Stephens’ mother. Mrs. J. H. Cham here, is a prominent clliaena of Dal­ stenographer In a local Insurance of- healed them.—Luke 4:40. 41? ««.„urns Ave., Rev. I. J, fila* I is a noted evangelist and has done (Western Outlook. Oakland. Cal.) las. Tex. tlce. will leave on the 24th tor a vlait Mr. and Mrs J. Johnson of Los gruder, A. B. Paster. Parsonage. 2S0 We are sorry this week to report great work in the order. e e e to relatives in eeversl Montana cities, Angeles, California, arrived in the Cook Ave. Phone Walnut S174. WESTERN OUTLOOK 30 YEARS the death of the Portland Times. In­ Contracted Fever Bishop Lee Entertained including Butte. Helena and Missoula. city Wednesday from California and OLD Come to Zion church, Bunday, and Mr». Taylor had recently returned asmuch as it was started to kill off Bishop B. F. Lee, Sr. Blabop of Miss Keene plana to be gone about will spend two weeks as the house hear Rev Magruder on Christian Fol from Liberia, where she had organ­ the Advocate, of which E. D. Cannady The Western Outlook of San Fran three weeks. guests of Mr. and Mrs. U L Camp­ lowahip at 11 a. m. and at 8 o'clock is editor, and has been for twenty ised a temple of Daughter Elks. It Bethel A. M. E. Church, and his cisco and Oakland. Calif., celebrated bell. 120« K Sherman street. Mrs. on "Thu laird's Jewels.'* A treat la years, we feel that Brother Cannady was while in Liberia she contracted daughter. Mrs. Mary Effie Lee-New- Its 30th birthday anniversary on ths Leaves for the South Johns Is an aunt of Mrs Campboll, In store for all. some, were honored at a reception the fever that later proved fatal. Her was little too severe on them. There 15th. The Outlook, like most ot the Mesdames L. V. Larrimore and Geo. and both Mr. and Mrs. Johns were sure are some rocks and shoals in success in organising the temple un-1 at Bethel Church. Tueeday evening. journals run by our people, has had dec adverse circumstances was one of the occasion being the 82nd birthday W Collins of Austin. Texas who bave here last summer end are pleasantly INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH the journalistic sea. a mighty hard struggle to weather anniversary ot Bishop Lee. The been visiting Mr. and Mr» James D. remembered by many Portlanders •24 N. 10th Street The Portland Advocate celebrated merit. the storm of oppression, of opposi­ ■ Bishop gave a splendid, practical talk Patton. 155 N. 12th street, for the who met them then. Rev. E. C. Dyer, Pastor The office of Grand Daughter Ruler its 20th anniversary last week with tion and adversity, from within the The services last Bunday were well a special number It was full of will be held by Vice-Daughter Ruler ranks of the race as well as without. Mrs. Laura Williams of New York «3rd street. Mr. Cravens Is a brother guests. The house was most beaut I attended and everyone expressed But now. after thirty years, the edi­ fi City, until next election. of Mrs. Kemp. The party will mo fully decorated with cut flowers for themselves aa being grestly benefit- tor. J Lincoln Derrick, comes up to rto Loa Angeles from here, where the occasion. Mrs. It. II Clark en­ ted by being at the house of God. smiling, as it were, still fighting for Surprise Party Enjoyed they will be the guests of Mr. and tertained Tuesday, August 4th, st There Is s noticeable Increase In the the right and condemning the wrong I Mrs. E. Q. Howard ot 15«7 Mobile Mrs. Clarence Pritchett. »«4 8. Nor­ the residence of Mrs. John Hosier. attendance at all services and, of While the Advocate is ten years the street, was delightfully surprised on mandy street, Mrs Vernon Orvlss 1734 Russell streoL Berksley. More course. It Is because here is where Outlook's junior, yet its editor knows No. 1—10th and Morrison Streets. Atwater 1810 last Thursday evening, when mem­ left Wednesday tor Nashville, Tenn., than 30 guests were present. Ruth the good old time way of singing Is from experience just bow rough the bers and friends of the Violet Art where she was called to the bedside Martin, 13yearold daughter of Mr had; svery body expected to sing; No. 2 — 143 Fourth Street at Alder Main 18*7 road ot a newspaper man is. and Club, of which she Is a member, call­ of her mother, Mrs. Bailie B Slone. and Mrs. Geo. C. Martin, was the win aud the Gospel, pure and simple, with­ therefore can truly and sincerely con­ No. 3—Williams Avenue and Russell Street. East 3085 ed at 9 o'clock, laden with delicacies who Is quite 111 at this writing. tier of a beautiful string of pearls out mixture. Is being preached. gratulate The Outlook on ita 30th of all kinds, and made merry till late offered by the Jenkins Jewelry Com- The dilcken dinner last Haturdsy Mrs. M. E. Gray and son came to No 4—1010 Belmont Street. Tabor 8623 anniversary and wish for it contin­ hours. The evening was spent, play­ was a splendid success. 863 50 was California on a sad mission, bringing ued success. ing games. Interspersed by the tale realised from same. with them the body of Earl White, of Done Away's Farm, by Mr How­ son and brother, wblcb was Interred LEAVING THE SOUTH ard to the tune. ot sweet stringed SL Phillips Mission in Los Angeles. They ar* the guests music. Mrs. Howard left Monday For Dinners, Luncheons, Teas, Socials. Parties, Receptions, 24th and Bavlar Days this week of Dr. and Mrs. O. Roy Many causes have been given as morning for her home in New Or­ Dances, Entertainments of all kinds, and for Morning service, 11 a. m ; Sunday Busch. Dr. B. Jay Lackley, who Is to why colored people are leaving the leans. La. LODGE MEETINGS School. 13 m. Archdeacon Black In now located at Cincinnati. Ohio, THIS BEAUT1F South in such large numbers, but use the charge; Mr. B. Colee. lay reader. A writes A. D. Lebon. That he will none are more logical and reasonable FORMER LOS ANGELES BOY ONLY soon leave for Oakland, where he ox- cordial welcome awaits you at SL than that given by those who are GRADUATE OF DELAWARE Phillips pects to locate permanently, Atter making the exodus. The reason la: BOARD OF PHARMACY graduating from Maharry, Dr. Lack- they want better schools, equal civil Tills Comb Io Well Worth 81.00 Seventh Dey Adventist Mission, Washington. D. C., Sept. 18.—R. E. ley spent two years In the Mercy and political rights and justice in 242 Russell strsot. J. W. Miller, pas Hospital at Philadelphia. Pa. A beau ­ Banks. Jr., the son of Mr. and Mrs. the courts; they want higher wages tor.-We extend to you a standing R. E. Banks of 1523 West 35th street, tiful house party was given by Mrs. 381 East Morrison Street and better living conditions; they invitation to all our services Cora Ford and Mrs. Amelia Levlgne, was the only graduate of fourteen Rates Reasonable Service Supreme want better traveling accommoda­ Babbath School at 10 o’clock; Bible Solid Brass. w»o4»e handle white and three colored to puss the 1114 32nd street, honoring Miss Ma­ Phone East 8007 814 Inches Ions welshl « ounces, tions; a just distribution of public study at 11 A. M Y. P. M V. 8. rie Roth. 1127 Clanton street, Los An ­ given as a present to all who take last state board examination given by DINNERS SERVED EVERY SUNDAY funds to take care of the dependent 3:48 P. M. advaataga of our greet geles, sister of Mrs. Levlgne. The the Delaware Board of Pharmacy. members of their race; the abolish­ bouse was beautifully decorated for Dr. Banks, prior to the time that ment of the convict lease system and -v I he entered school at Howard Univer- the occasion with ent flowers of the the end to whipping bosses; the pass­ JUST WRITS TO US AND SAYt- .slty was a resident ot Loa Angeles season, and about 50 responded to pay T «veald Ube io fat a hair sir aicbt«nlM and ing of certain cropping tendency sys­ •bampoo comb fraa Sand ma particular« re­ and will be remembered by many of respects and say goodbye to Miss tard inf your No 11*4 offer “ tem and non-settlement practices now Roth, who left on the Padrs for Los Be sure and write rour name and addreee the race in that city. He is the bro­ tn vogue in many localities; they plainly, and full particular« will be aent you. I. B. P. O, E. OF THE WORLD 350 Glisan Street, in Park Hotel, opposite New Postoffice Angeles on Wednesday. Mesdames Do not wait, writb to day tor this offer will not ther of Miss Erma Banks, a recent want freedom from fear of mobs and I Bat lone W« are doinf thia to advart Ha B. J. JOHNSON, Proprietor S. L. Day. Louis Hsrrts and E. W. graduate from the county school ot IWa Hair Fowsadn and Pord'a Hah lynchings, and from all group rule, OPEN FROM 8 A. M. TO 10 P. M.