THE ADVOCATE An Independent Paper Devoted ,to the VOL. XXI ' w NO 4 — Interest« «/ the People - = PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1923 PRICE 6 CENTS BAPTIST PREACHER SOLVES ICE AND EDEL PROBLEM FOR PEOPLE WOMAN OBJECTS TO COLORED POSTMAN INDIANAPOLIS WHITS WOMAN WRITS® SECRETARY NSW TO RE­ MOVE COLORED MAIL CARRIER OPP HSR ROUTS—OBJECT­ ED TO HAVING HER MAIL DELIVERED BY BLACK MAN Threaten* Bodily Injury to Latter Carrltr.—Secretary Write* That All the Powar of Government Would Bo Brought Into Play to Protect Carrier If Noooaaary (Spec 1*1 to Th* Advocate) IndlanapoHa, Ind., Kept. It.—That the United Blate* government I* able to protect all of II* employee* and ha* th» dlipoaltlon to do so ia the burden of ■ letter received by Mr*. Otto J. Deed* (white) of th I* elty from Postmaster General Harry 8. New. Mr*. Lead* objected Io having a colored man deliver her mall and when the local poetmaaler refused to remove the carrier from hl* route, ■ha wrote General New, threatening bodily Injury to the carrier If a white man waa not placed on the district. General New'* letter ha* won general aaUefactlon from both white and col­ ored people, not only In thia state, from which he ball*, but from all over the country. The letter follow*: "My dear Madam: Your letter of July 13. complalSug that a colored man la serving a* mall carrier on the route ou which you happen to live In Indiauapolls, ha* been brought to my attention. I note your complaint* and your Implied threat* directed against thia man. I am further Informed, a* I have been on previous occasions, that you have repeatedly complained of the fact that your route waa thus served, employing most Intemperate language and threatening all sort* of consequence* to the carrier If the matter was not arranged to your per soaal satisfaction "I have to aay that there are a number of colored carrier* In the ser­ vice of the Indianapolis postoffice as there are In poatofficaa all over the country. These men have attained their position* In accordance with the requirement* of the law and the post office regulation*. They are entitled to the respect to which all faithful employe* of the United State* gov ernmen tare entitled to all time* and at all place*, without regard to race, color or political consideration. The Poetoffice Department could not. If It could, be so unjust to thia the con­ sequence of such n violent outburst a* la contained In tho letter over your signature which la now before mo. and the department would re­ mind you that all the power thl* gov­ ernment haa at its command will be employed to protect It* employe* ■ gainst violence or wrong resulting from anybody'* prejudice*, from what­ ever cause arising, so long as those employe* faithfully discharge the du­ ties which have been entrusted to them, which I am assured by the postmaster at Indianapolis the carrier In question does. Very respectfully yours. Harry 8. New, Postmaster- General." THE REV. FOX RE-APPOINTED Rev. A. H. Fol has returned from the Puget Mound Annual Conference which convened on the 11th of the month at Hpokane, Wash., and will, for the fifth successive year, pastor the local Bethel church. His congre­ gation and friends are rejoicing over the fact that Rev. Fox waa elected as a delegate to the General Confer­ ence. which will convene In Louis­ ville, Ky . during the month of May, 1*23. The Rev. D A. Graham of Ta­ coma and the Presiding Elder Clem­ ens of Anaconda. Mont., were In the race for the honor but were defeated on the 16th ballot by the Rev. Mr. Fox. The other delegate elected was Presiding Elder 8. E. Bailey of Yak­ ima. Wash , who was elected on the Oral ballot. Rev. Fox reported an in­ crease in every department of hie work. The total amount of dollar money reported waa 11,577.00, and the total amount of conference claims was 33.625.55 The Missionary 8o clely reported $840.00 and Mrs. A. R. Fox was re-elected conference president of the society. PASTORS PREACH GOOD SER­ MONS Rev. J. W. Anderson, pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, preached a wonderful sermon from the subject. •'What Think Ye of Christ?“ last Sunday morning. It was both in­ structive and unique. Rev. Anderson had just returned from the Baptist convention In California and la en­ thusiastic over the outlook of his church; he Is full of new inspira­ tion and thoughts as a result of the contact there with other divines. Rev. Anderson was appointed on a number of Important committee* dur­ ing the session. Rev. E. J. Magruder, Bunday night, at Zion church, hit dancers and thea­ 600 Goodnough Building tergoers a hard blow when he gave them a wordy left hand upper-cut at 6th and Yambill 8treeta the right jaw. staggering them with Main 6426 Portland. Ore. his knowledge of the evils of both subjects. Tho shoes fit many feet SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWXMXHWOOOO present, as it Is a well known fact that some of our church officers as well as members not only attend balls but promote them, and also engage in the terpslchorean art as well as also "African golf," etc. Rev. Magruder Is plain In his denouncements and does not "beat about the bush.” He strikes directly from the shoulder and "speaks out tn the meetin'.“ Those who were out Sunday night were given an earful to think about. The choir rendered excellent music, the audience was good and a very splendid meeting was had In general. The conference convenes this week In Sacramento, Calif. Rev. Magruder did not go to the conference in per­ son but wired his report. J. S. Bell's Photo Studio For Reliable | Local and For­ eign News Briefs STAY OFF NOVEMBER 12TH, MT. HOOD CHAPTER.—Adv. COLORED WOMEN CALL ON PRES­ IDENT Ixsadlog colored women of the coun­ try called on President Calvin Cool­ idge at the White House, Wednesday. It waa surmised their mission was ona to And out what the new Presi­ dent Intend* to do for the colored race. FOUND GUILTY Albert Corley, who last June shot todeath Frank Barry, both colored, was found guilty of manslaughter In the Circuit Court, Tuesday. The max­ imum sentence Is 15 years in the penitentiary. was a drive over the Columbia River and la ready for another careless Highway. It Is expected that the at­ rider. Hon. Harry L. Day, preaident ot the torney will make bls visit* more fre­ Portland Hotel Company, accompa­ quently to the city, hereafter. nied by Mrs. Day, la a visitor at the hotel from Berkeley, Calif. NEWCOMER TO LIVE HERE Henry Hayes, who hopped bells at Among newcomer* to Portland is Wm. R. Keye of Omaha. Neb., who The Gearhart during the summer, has I* making his boms at 311 Larrabee gone to Butte, MonL, ou a visit to Street. Mr. Keye says be likes Port­ relatives. land and is (harmed with her peo­ J. K. Kaufman, former manager of ple. L. Barnes, a railroad man from The Portland, recently manager of Chicago, spent several days with Mr. the Gorge Hotel, is planning to open a high class restaurant about Novem­ Keye this week. ber 1st in the building formerly the MAYOR BAYS BLACKS MUST GO old Marquam theater. George W. Hedge, a dining car Johnstown, Pa.. Sept. 1*.—Mayor Joseph Cauffiel of Johnstown an­ waiter running out ot Chicago, last nounced last night that he had re­ week paid $100,000 for a 24-apartment plied by telegraph and special de­ apartment house, at 44th and Indiana livery later to Governor Pincbot’a tel­ avenue. egram requesting the reasons for the city executive's recent order that col­ BUY A HOME ored people who have resided here Mr. and Mrs. William A. McGill, for lea* than seven years must leave. Mayor Cauffiel refused to say what who formerly resided at 6*6 Kearney he told the governor, but reiterated 8treet, have purchased a borne at 6*1 his order that Negroes must “pack Union avenue, North, nnd have moved into IL up and go.' GOES TO TACOMA Mrs. W. L. Reese of 260 Twelfth Street, left last Monday to spend a week or ten days visiting her mother, Mrs. J. H. Ryan, a prominent busi­ ness woman of Tacoma. Asked it be would modify the stand the mayor declared: "No, 1 have nothing to apologise tor. 1 will make no excuses to anyone. I did what I saw was my duty and I will continue to order every Negro who has not lived here seven years to get out and FOR SALE stay out" Mayor Cauffiel was eliminated as Six-room bouse furnished, on Albina avenue; $500 down and tho balance a candidate for re-tiectlon, returns to sulL Call Charles Riely, Atwater from yesterday's primary indicated. In a field of seven candidates, he 1466.—adv. was running fifth. Wanted—A woman to keep house for a woman physician. One tn fam­ ily; good wageo. Will furnish trans­ portation. if necessary. Write or call The Advocate, suite 311, Macleay Bldg. Portland, Ore.—adv. HEALTH SEEKERS Five-acre chicken ranch for sale. Five-room house and garage. Fine fruits. Tuscon, Arixona. $4500.00. Owner In Portland. 419 Abington Bldg. adv TO THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND You are cordially Invited to the Elk's Barber Shop. We carry a full line of Hair Prep­ arations. Madam Walker's Hair Grower, O-Pal Dressing, Madame DeNeal Hair Grower, The Star Hair Grower, Hatton's Wavo, Zuta Kinkout, G. A. Morgan's Hair Goods, High Brown Preparation, Nelson Hair Grower, We are here to aerve you. Service Is our motto. ELKS BARBER SHOP Phone Brdwy 5388. 315 Flanders St. E. W. Agee, Prop. —Adv. PROMINENT ATTORNEY VI8IT8 HERE R. W. Watts, prominent lawyer of Tacoma, was a visitor In the city last Sunday and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Benjamin, 460 East 18th street North. Among some of the pleasure enjoyed while here A ■ ■ ................................ HOTEL NOTES *31.50 ALL WOOL 8UIT FREE The Bell Tailors, Dept. 1433, Chi­ cago, Ill., will make a fine tailor to measure suit or overcoat free for one man in each locality who will show and recommend thMr high grade made to-measure clothes to a tew friends. Simply send them your name and address and they will send you a large assortment of wool sam­ ples, styles Ixxtk, self-measuring chart and their free suit offer.—adv. ATTORNEY AT IAW 41* Abtagton Bldg. B4wy. M13 Colored Millionair* With Holding* in Several States, Finances Nsw Com­ pany-—Modern Plant Turns Out Thirty Tone Psr Day«-— Demand Greater Than th* Output (Special to The Advocate) Little Rock, Ark., Sept 18.—“You can’t keep a good man down,” nor a good race. That strikes the keynote that haa been responsible tor the suc­ cess of the People's Ice A Fuel Co., in this city. It is the outgrowth of white prejudice and unfair bualnesa methods on the part of whites. This city has been peculiar in that for a number of years Negroes re­ tailed practically all the ice made in thia city. There is a long, dry spell here which makes the ice business peculiarly profitable. The whites were doing all the manufacturing. Eventually, they become concerned over the Negro retail business. They drew the line. One Negro who was operating ten wagons for his trade, found that he could not get any ice. Others met with the same difficulty. White retailers sprang up. The Ne­ groes would drive their wagons up for a supply and would be kept watt­ ing all day; while the whites, the new retailers, came and went, their wag­ ons loaded to the brim. It took a Negro preacher to solve the problem, the Rev. R. M. Caver, pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church. Rev. Caver told his people to make their own ice. The idea sounded good. Backing was received from D. H. Raines, an oil millionaire, Negro, FORMER PORTLAND MINISTER IS with holdings in Louisiana and resi­ MAKING GOOD IN SOUTH dence in Hot Springs. Raines be­ came president of the company to Rev. I. A. Moore, former pastor of Zion A. M. E. Church ot this city, manufacture ice, and Caver secre­ tary. writes from Monrovia, Calif., to The result is their present modern friends here that he is attending con­ ference in that city and as usual plant, capable of turning out thirty made a full report from all depart­ tons of ice each day, located tn the ments of his church in Hanford, Cal. manufacturing district of the city, Rev. Moore attended the conference with their own spur to the railroad. in his own car, driving from Han­ They now have a demand In excess of their supply. AU the stock of the ford to Monrovia. People's Ice & Fuel Co. is paid in A. A. Jones, who formerly resided and earning dividends. Henry Gibson, pioneer waiter, Is home after a brief vlafo to his friends In Spokane, Wash. Mrs. P. C. Harrington, wife of the manager of The Portland, after successfully man­ aging the Gearhart Hotel for the past several months, returned to the city last Sunday. William Rutherford, Jr., bell-hop at The Portland, while taking a motor­ cycle ride last Sunday and rubber­ necking backward, ran into a “Mich­ at 376 Borthwick Street, is now keep­ igan Orphan" truck and as a result ing bachelor quarters at 371 Wheeler was knocked unconscious and his side street. and arma considerably bruised. Ru­ therford's motorcycle was badly dam­ CLUB WOMEN BUY PROPERTY aged. The truck waa not damaged Harriet Tubman Club has completed ■ — — - — its payments on a piece ot property For Xwgal Advtea, Sa* where they hope to erect * building some time in the future. E. J.MINOR WHITE MANUFACTURERS DRAW COLOR LINE IN ICE BUSINESS.— REV. R. M. CAVER, PASTOR OF ZION BAPTIST CHURCH TELLS THEM TO MANUFACTURE THEIR OWN ICE A brand new shipment of HIGH BROWN toilet articles, 311 Macleay Bldg,—Adv. The Negro company has found that it can not only sell ice to Negroes, but the Negro retailers, who had white trade previous to the “Jim Crow” tactics of the white retailers, find that all their old customers among the whites stay with them. What everybody seems to want is good ice, promptly delivered. ATTENTIONI BEAUTY DOCTORS California Sun Parlor, School of Beauty and Culture Enroll Now Send tor Our Text Book, The Success­ ful Hairdresser. Thia book la a thor­ ough and complete course in Disease« of the Scalp and Skin, Facial Mas­ sage, Manicuring, Marcel and Water Waving; an interesting treatise on all branches of the profession. 8PECIAL PRICE, *3.00 Send No Money—Pay Your Poetman Classes Begin September 15th 521 NORTH 33RD STREET >maha Nebraska FOR SALE Eight-room house and one acre of ground. House Is modern and the grounds contain beautiful trees and shrubs. All kinds of fruit. Improve­ ments in and paid. On Mt. Scott car line, 52nd street. Price reason­ able. Investigate this property. Fire room bungalow, $4000; $500 down, balance like rent. Four-room bungalow, corner, $4000; $500 dwon .balance can be arranged. Good buy. E. K. 8TANLEY 419 Abington Bldg. Broadway 6213 Stay off data September 21st, Ore­ gon Fraternal Association.—Adv. Furnished or unfurnished rooms tor rent Call Atwater 3419.—adv. Stay off Hallowe’en night—adv. Old-Time Festival SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1*23 Benefit Portland Division No. 391, U. N. I. A. FRATERNAL HALL, 195 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE Sgt A. J. Franklin In Command Everybody come and have a good time. Admission, 25 Cents Ch«te It CHERRYS Chirp It J. S. SMITH, Prop, and Chef Broadway 2297 Eat at SMITH’S CAFE Six Months to Pay HEADQUARTERS FOR GOOD EATS Boiled Dinners Daily Hot Bread at All Hours Our Price* Are Right WHY NOT DRESS WELL? We place within your reach, no matter 106 NORTH NINTH STREET Bet Glisan and Flanders what your income, the opportunity of being Portland, Oregon well dressed. ==¡1 We are here to give credit, and if you want credit we want you. Stylish Men's, Women's, Boys’ and Giris' Clothing at reasonable prices—and six months to pay. Goods Stay off Thanksgiving—Court of Colanth* will entertain you. Particu­ lar* later.—adv. CHERRY’S 349 MORRISON STREET Take Elevator Stay off date October »1st.—Adv. ■■ T h « Q uauyv S toab mb “ * or Bowrumo. O mbon V ________ e*vw **w «*•*■**■ *«**• arg________ f Tacoma Store: 1121 Broadway For Rant—4 unfurnished rooms, 2«* Wheeler Street. GsrHald 3310. SEATTEL STORE 1015 2nd Ave. Rev. E. C. Dyer, Pastor Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Telephone Main 5051 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment New York Dentists In the Blumauer Building Northeast corner Fourth and Morrison Stjejts ALL CLASSES OF DENTAL WORK CAREFULLY DONE Your Patronage Desired Satisfaction Guaranteed Independent Baptist Church 6854 N- 10th Street Residence 313 N. 16th Street Broadway 47*1 SUNDAY 10 A. M.—Bunday School 11 A. M—Sermon, “Take Heed That No Man Daoelvs You.” —Matt. 24:4. 8 P. M.—"Purge Your Consci­ ence from Dead Warks to Serve th* Living God,—Hab. •:14. Wednesday, B P. M, Prayer Mostlug Friday. 7 P. M.. Missionary Boslsty Good Preaching and Good Singing You are invited to worship with us Phone Broadway 7222 Satisfaction Will B* Mutual Model Shoe Repair Th* Right Place to Hav* Your Shoo Repairing Done UP-TO-DATE REPAIR SHOP 272 Washington Street Portland, Oregon ===} When You Call a Taxi-Cab Call Brdy. 0098 BLACK AND WHITE Stands at all leading hotel* and all parts of the city