TB» t WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Kveata •( Noted People, Geveraaeats and Psriflc Northwest. and tuber Things Worth KAowiag. Tbe Butte A Superior Minin* com pan> ha« passed ita quarterly dividend due at this time. The laat dividend Payment was IQ centa June 30. It is understood from tnformatloi gathered In reliable source« that Pre­ mier Mussolini »id proclaim the an­ nexation of Flume to Italy within a week, probably about September 15. The Near East Relief has received from ita representative at Corfu a har­ rowing story of the condition of the 10,000 refugee» there, who are sleeping out in tbe open and are virtually with­ out food. Sale of about 170 ships designated as "unserviceable" by the board of sur­ vey may be undertaken soon by the shipping board. The ships will be dis­ posed of for scrapping. It was indi­ cated. and probably will be offered In lots of ten. Charles Toth of Boston. Maas.. Sun day swam the English channel. Start­ ing Saturday night from the French side, the American landed near St. Margaret's bay. He had been in the water IS hours and 40 minutes. As a direct result of the trip of the late President Harding to Alaska, a reorganisation of the activities of the bureau of education for the benefit of native Indians and Eskimos is an­ nounced by Commissioner John J. Tigert. Sir Thomas I.ipton was cheered by Sing Sing officials and prisoners Sun­ day when he visited the prison and at­ tended a baseball game between mem­ bers of the mutual welfare league and an “outside" team, played inside the prison walla Only one of the 29 representative cities reported a decline in the retail cost of food in the year ending August 15. Dallas showing a decrease of one per cent. In figures compiled by the bureau of labor statistics of the de­ partment of labor. Martin B. Madden, representative from Illinois, chairman of the house appropriations committee, is seriously ill at his home in Washington. The exact nature of bls illness, it was said, had not been determined, although it was attributed to heart disease. The Greek government has arrested eight persons suspected of the murder of the Italian boundary commission in Janina, according to a Rome dispatch to the Central News. The arrest of Colouel Botzarias. Greek member of the Greco-Italian boundary commis­ sion, is said to be imminent. Wayne B. Wheeler, spokesman for tbe anti-saloon league, returned to Washington Monday from an eight weeks' trip abroad, declaring that "European nations are cursed with drink more than war debts." He bit- terly denounced Americans who tell Europe that prohibition is a failure. Tbe 15,000,000 originally asked of the American people for Japanese earthquake sufferers was exceeded by more than 3100,000 Tuesday as con­ tributions continued to pour in from every section of the country, but Red Cross officials sent forth the word that continued support of tbe public was necessary. Governor Pinchot of Pennsylvania has made public a letter to President Coolidge suggesting that, with an an­ thracite coal supply assured for the coming winter as a result of tbe agree­ ment reached by representatives of operators and miners, steps be taken to safeguard the consumer against in­ creased prices. Lordly plasterers of Chicago, whe look down on bank presidents and col­ lege prob-esors as base menials, step­ ped a little further into tbe plutocratic class Tuesday when they, received a wage scale of *15 a day of eigbt hours. However, the *15 Is merely a starting point. Plasterers are so scarce that contractors gladly pay a fat bonus. Henry Hartley, of Aberdeen, Wash., 19-year-old son of Rev. R. C. Hartley, logging chaplain of the Grays Harbor district, is probably one of the young­ est accredited preachers in the United Btatea. By vote of the open conference of the First Methodist church, of which Rev. H. T. Greene is pastor, young Hartley Sunday was awarded a license to preach. The expedition under Professor John A. Miller, sent to Mexico by Swarth­ more college to study Monday's solar •clip»-, obtained 40 photographs of the phenomenon. Professor Miller an­ nounced. Tbe photographs will be used, be said, for the purpose of test­ ing the Einstein theory of relativity and to obtain apoctograms from which something relative to the chemical composition and motion of the sun’s corona can be learned. ■ SUN ECLIPSE FILMED IN FOG Two Savants Succeed Fail While Others Conditions Unfavorable. Santa Barbara. Cal.—Almost perfect photographs of the sun s corona dur ing the total eclipse were made by a party headed by Protoosor James Worthing of London, a fellow of the American Society for the Advance meat of Science, and Hr. Alfred E. Burton, professor emeritus of astron­ omy In the Massachusetts Institute of technology, in lower Ixvmpoc valley. SO miles north of here. The photo­ graphs are believed to be virtually the only satisfactory ones made Mon day, owing to unfavorable weather co adit ions. Professor Worthing said that he had developed four negatives of the number taken and that the result would be among the best ever made of the corona accompanying a total eclipse. The instrument was a specially built ceolostat with three mirrors feeding light to four cameras of IT. 14. 9 and 5-toot foci. Foggy conditions and hate from a forest fire burning in the Santa Bar bars national forest prevented suc­ cessful results at any other point in the Santa Barbara district, although many attempts were made to obtain photographs at various places in the totality sone in the county. The period of greatest obscurity at the Lompoc valley observation sta­ tion was minutes. NAVAL DISASTER COSTS 23 LIVES List of U. S. Destroyers Is In­ creased to Seven. ÀDÎOCAT1 Salem.- iYr'd B. Currey, secretary of the Oregon state fair, Saturday re cetved a telegram from Sacramento to the effect that 59 head of horses from that vicinity would be shipped to Salem to participate In the night horse show. The animals include 30 head of show horse*, 19 ponies and 10 All Fatalities on Ve»»el Which Upsets draft horses. MEN SINK IN BUNKS Two Minutes After Grounding Salem.—Fifty members of the Mod era Woodmen of America assembled at the state fair grounds here Sun day and practically completed the new Santa Barbara. Cal.—Seven United Woodmen home which has been under States navy destroyers and the Pa­ construction the past tew weeks. Pvndletou.-An Increase tor Umi cific Mail liner Cuba were wrecked Saturday night, the naval craft off tills county for 1924 of *27.113.30 over Arguello light. 75 miles north of Santa 1933 Is included In the tentative bud Barbara, and the steamer on a reef get adopted. The total cost Is placed oft the southeast end of San Miguel at *543.183.81. The general road fund was increased to pay three special island. 35 miles oft this port. Twenty-five sailors lost their lives road districts. in the naval disaster and all destroy­ Hood River. — County Judge Has- ers involved were reported total brouck Saturday Announced the ap­ losses. pointment of W, J. Kocken of Mel­ The Cuba was said to have sunk rose as county fruit inspector, to suc­ during tbe night, but all passengers ceed Ferris M. Green. The latter re­ and members of her crew were be­ signed to accept a position on the lieved to have been landed at Loa faculty of the Colorado Agricultural Angeles by the naval destroyer Reno college. or to be on the way to San Francisco Salem.—The local branch of the Sal­ aboard the Standard Oil tanker W. S. Miller, with the exception of Cap­ vation Army Saturday raised by popu­ tain C. J. Holland, the purser, the lar donations approximately *S0 for steward and eight seamen who re­ the relief of the Japanese sufferers. Los Angeles. — Scientific observa­ mained aboard to guard a shipment An effort will be made by tbs army tion of Monday's eclipse of the sun to raise »300 during the campaign for of *2.500,000 in silver bullion. generally failed, according to reports Dense fog was the cause of the donations, which will be continued received here, except possibly In the here this week. disaster. case of naval aviators who flew above The destroyers Chauncey, Wood­ Hood River.—Professor L. F. Hen­ tbe clouds and fog at San Diego and bury. Fuller. S. P. Lee. Nicholas. derson. who on Thursday of last week took photographs of the phenomenon. Young and Delphy were all beached celebrated his 70th birthday. Satur­ Clouds or fog obscured the view at within a few minués of one another, day swam across the Columbia river the time of totality at all points from according to naval officers. from Koberg beach. Professor Hen­ Santa Barbara. Cal., to Ensenada, The flotilla of which the wrecked derson had planned to celebrate his Mexico, where scientists had made craft formed a part was in command 70th anniversary by the feat, but a preparations to study the eclipse. of Captain Edward Watson, command­ strong wind prevented the attempt. These points included Avalon, on ing officer of the Delphy. The dead Santa Catalina island; San Clemente Corvallis. — Hogs entered at the were all trapped in their bunks on island. San Diego, Mount Wilson and Linn county fair by the college depart­ the Young when the vessel struck Point Loma. and were drowned when the craft cap- ment of animal husbandry won a Scientists who came from all parts sited within two minutes after she grand championship, three champion­ of the world and who had worked ships, eight first prizes, and 10 sec­ had struck. months on their plans took their de­ More than 500 men were rescued onds. Poland-Cbinas, Duroc-Jerseys, feat gracefully. from the wrecked destroyers, which and Berkshire« were represented, a were reported to be pounding to Poland-China sow winning the grand pieces on the rocks, total losses. Of championship. Pendleton.—Th" cost of .operating the survivors. 15 of the seriously in­ jured were brought to tbe Santa Bar­ the Pendleton schools during the com­ ing fiscal year will be slightly lower bara county hospital here. One hundred others were cut and than they were this present year, ac­ Tokio. — Reports of a threatened bruised in their swim to safety over cording to a statement made Frldsy following the meeting of tbe budget epidemic of cholera in the region de­ the Jagged rocks. The destroyers were traveling in committee last night. The costs pro­ vastated by the earthquake are un­ founded, according to the authorities. formation at 20 knots an hour in a vided for in the budget adopted by the committee, total *134,500. Sharp earthquake shocks again Sun­ heavy sea and dense fog when tbe leading vessel crashed. Salem.—Thomas Tallon. 8 year-old day night aroused considerable ner­ Carried ahead by a strong tide, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tallon of vousness but did not interfere with the others piled on tbe beach In this city, was attacked by a band of the work of reconstruction, which the succession. Lying in line along the yellow Jackets Friday and for a time end of the first week of Japan's dis­ shore, at intervals of 250 feet, the it was feared that the boy would die boats were slowly breaking up. One as a result of his Injuries. He was aster shows to be well under way. of them, the Chauncey, was resting stung about the head, arms and legs. Sixty thousand bodies had been re­ high on tbe rocks. Physicians reported that the boy was covered in Tokio and Yokohama up asleep and probably would recover. Air Mail Test Planned. to and including Monday and the po­ Salem.—Local bankers, in a state­ Washington. D. C.—Plans for a test lice estimate that 500,000 persons lasting probably a month to determine ment issued here Friday, let it be have been treated for wounds and tbe feasibility of permanent establish­ known that they stand ready to fi­ sickness as a result of the earth-1 ment of a 24-hour coast-to-coast air nance the pruuegrowers of this sec­ quake. A landing party from the mail service are under consideration tion In harvesting their 1923 crop. The statement was forthcoming after flagship Huron of the United States by postoffice department officials. Asiatic fleet burled the dead from the Postmaster-General New said Sun­ an attempt was made by a non-resi­ American naval hospital at Yokohama. day that tbe possibility of such service dent concern to contract for the Wil­ All available ships are removing bad been demonstrated during the re­ lamette valley prunes under terms not the refugees from the devastated ci­ cent experiment, but that before satisfactory to tbe growers. ties. The refugees, made more eager recommendations were made by the Oregon City. -While employes were to leave by their fear of an epidemic, postoffice department to congress it engaged in pumping water out of a were crowding all the docks waiting had been virtually decided that a trial scow near the Crown-Willamette mills for places on the boats. The Amer­ of one month should be made to as­ a fish, measuring about 4 feet in ican destroyers are taking refugees certain whether there was sufficient length jumped out of the water and of all nationalities from Tokio to the demand for such service. He indicat­ onto the scow. It was killed with a liners at Yokohama. ed that the month's test would be club by E. Daugherty, night watch­ The authorities have established made before bad weather sets In this man, who believes the fish Is a shark, public latrines over Tokio and Yoko­ tall. and that it was attracted by tbe light hama and are cleaning up all deposits which was being used on tbe scow. of filth and rubbish. Bricklayers’ Pay Kited. Salem.—A total of 4501 loans have been authorized by the world war vet Chicago. — Bricklayers are so scarce Treasury Wants Cash. eran»' state aid commission under the in Waukegan that contractors are so-called soldiers’ bonus and loan act, Washington, D. C.—After remaining out of tbe money market three months hiring men away from each other by according to a report prepared here tbe treasury Monday announced a boosting wages, with the result that Friday and filed with the governor. new Issue of certificates of Indebted­ some workmen are receiving *146 a These loans amounted to *11,241,350. ness, aggregating *200,000,000 and ma­ week of six days, about five hours a Repayments aggregated *325,633.07, turing six months from September IB. day, with numerous other concessions. including Interest in tbe amount of The notes will bear 4'4 per cent in­ The *300,000 addition to tbe court­ *170,024.47 and principal, totaling terest. The announcement of the Sep­ house construction work has virtually *155,608.59. tember financing programme also stopped because all the bricklayers Rainier.—The water shortage has contained the declaration that no fur­ have been hired away. become acute in Rainier. Patrons liv­ ther fiscal operations are contemplat­ ing on the hill« are left without water ed by the government before Decem­ a greater portion of the day. The Claims Treaties Signed. ber 15, when maturing certificates of water commission has Issued an order Washington, D. C.—Two conven­ indebtedness will require new bor­ prohibiting the use of water for tions providing machinery for the ad- sprinkling purposes, under penalty of rowings. Justment of claims between the Uni­ prosecution. Tbe city reserve reser­ Woman, 110, Still Sp-y. ted States and Mexico were signed voir han not been used yet, the com­ Chicago. — Anna Russo, who has Saturday. When ratified by the Uni­ mission deferring such action until ab­ celebrated her 110th birthday, is a ted States senate and tbe Mexican solutely necessary. great grandmother, but she danced congress, the conventions will lead to Salem.—As a result of the flax har­ and frolicked about Monday, to tbe the creation of commissions and the vest, which Is now at Its peak, and envy of women not half her age. All payment of claims aggregating mil­ general farming operations, there is the women in her family, which Is lions of dollars for damages sustained a labor shortage at the Oregon state Sicilian, have lived to be very old, in the last half century. penitentiary, Johnson Smith, warden but the men die young. Mrs. Russo’s of the institution, announces. Prac­ husband died when he was 55. Her tically every convict in the prison, Peak Changed By Quake. three daughters, tbe youngest of Shanghai.—A Ninon Dempa news with the exception of those serving whom is 60, are still hpry*hnd all of agency dispatch from Osaka states terms for grave offenses are working them are grandmothers to 20 or more. that the summit of Mount Fuji, ap­ in tbe fields. “We could u»e,at least parently as a result of the earthquake, 50 more men if we had them,” said Party Chiefs to Meet. has undergone a most noticeable Warden Smith. Pendleton. — During the summer Washington, D. C.—After a confer­ change, the peak now appearing much ence Monday with President Coolidge, flatter than formerly. It was also season there have been 49 fires on Chairman Adams, of the republican stated that all the Tokl colleges were the Umatilla n at iorial forest, accord­ national committee, said the commit­ destroyed, with the exception of Was- ing to reports received In the office of the forest service here. The fires tee probably would meet in December eda and Keio universities. have ail been small and the actual to select a place for the 1921 national Washington, D. C.—The dog family damage done was only *14.40, It was convention. All the cities that have issued invitations will be given a full line at tbe White House will not be estimated. Ten of the fires were hearing, A final decision will be de­ broken despite tbe change in admin­ caused by men, and three persons ferred until satisfactory assurance istration. I .add le Boy will be succeed­ have been convicted as a result of had been given with regard to hotel ed by bis half-brother as the White their responsibility for starting the rates. fires. Other cases are pending. House dog. CHOLERA OUTBREAK IN JAPAN IS DENIED Cuba Reported Sunk. THE ' NAME Ashland The Blake A Moore saw­ mill near here was destroyed by fire Friday afternoon with a total loss which will amount to over STOiM. A A SYMBOL OF QUALITY A Your name defines your character and personality and is a symbol of what you are. is the trade-name of very exceptional Hair and Toilet Preparations and a System of Scientific Hair anti Beauty Culture used and praised by ever increasing thousands. FORD Mrs. A. M. Turnbo-Malone, Founder of this great busi­ ness. has put into PORO her character, personality and ability. PORO PDRO Products and Treatments arc amazingly efficient. Try PORO Products and Treatments disiiensed by AGENTS everywhere. YOU WILL BE HIGHLY PLEASED If you don't know a PDRO AGENT, write us and she'll call. FORD COLLEGE 4300 St. Ferdinand Avenne ST. LOUIS. MO.. U. S. A. DBPT. V Sv '««uni ninni \1 III 1 \l NEW WONDERFUL PREPARATION FOR NAPPY, WIRY HAIR! MAKES ANY HAIR SMOOTH AND WAVY IN THREE MINUTES Here is the most Important beauty dlxov ery of the age. Already ten» of thousands of men. women and chil­ dren of the Rate are using thia won­ derful preparation for making any hair soft, smooth and wavy. The wonderful new discovery la called KINKOUT and Is now being pl,-pared for the grateful public by ZURA, lncM 508 S. Dearborn St.. Chicago, it com«» only In gr<-'-n and yellow tubes and absolutely In guar­ anteed. Thia la tbe agu of scientific mlr- aeles. Old women are being mad« young .Men lb In ueroptanM and talk by radio. Not th«< least of mod­ ern discoveries Is thia new. simple preparation for taking the kinks out of unruly lualr It's Un» for straight hair, too. making it lay down nica with u tine pollali. KINKOUT 1« wimple to apply. Just rub a little on according to simple directions printed on each package, comb the hair a few minutes and tile job is done. No fuss, no bother. So easy and simple and your hair will look ao fine you won’t know your­ self. Don't have to uso hot irons or sleeping caps. KINKOUT will not turn the hair red under uny circumstances and In fact some of Its Ingredients were especially Incorporat' d to act us a scalp Invlgorator and hair grower. Just see what grateful people ull over the land are saying about this new miracle discovery: “Forward more KINKOUT by re­ turn rnalL It has proven Its true value.” C. P. T.. Buffalo, N. Y. “Your .wonderful hair preparation, I am pioud to »ay. Is worthy of Its name. You speak Just what Is true about KINKOUT." L. E. D., Orient«, Cuba. “I have used your KINKOUT and it has proved so wonderful that I am out telling all my friends about It," T. M. R., Hudson, N. Y. "KINKOUT Is a wonder. 1 would not be without It now." tV. II. J . Tarboro, N. C. “Thia Is the third tube I have used and It does my hair more good than anything 1 have aver used.” P. J., Calera, Ala. ‘1 was overjoyed with KINKOt'T." It. J., Washington, D. C. “I received my KINKOUT a few days ago and II la u wonder. I am t>-lllng my friends of your wonder­ ful hair preparation." J. E. H„ Athens, Go. "KINKOt’T makes a wonderful difference in my appearance.” C. B.. Philadelphia, Pa. "KINKOUT made mo very happy.” K. Y„ Ht. Louie, Alo. KINKOUT 1» based upon the cabalistic medical learning of the an­ cient Moo, » and the i- 'a1' MP ■ < len- ti»'» who diMcoverid It ar" now giv­ ing It to the grateful public under the name of Zura, Inc. They are lo­ cated at 408 H, Dearborn HL ONE BAR OF 8OAP FREEI In order to Introduce thia wonder­ ful preparation ZURA. Inc., will »end a large 8-lnch tube, enough to la»t an average family month» for only *1.00. Thl» 1» equivalent to many ordinary tubes. ZUItA will also give free with each order for n limited period of time one 25c bar of peroxide bath soap with each order of KINKOUT. Write today before It Is too late. We guarantee that if KINKOUT 1» not fully us wonderful as described you» money will l>e Im­ mediately returned. He nd in toduy. Now, before this great offer is with­ drawn. Fend cash. money-orders or stump* for one dollar and you will receive by return mall th" extra large tube of wonderful KINKOUT together with one bar of peroxide whltoner soup free. Head nil money and letters to Dr. Ibon Bsnslf, ZURA, lne„ 508 8. Desrborn St., Chicago. Agents can make a fort uno In every city, county and state In the United Htaten. An eustern minister makes »40 a week In a small town In hla spare time. Write today be­ fore someone else bests you to it. Ask for liberal confidential proposi­ tion to ugvut*. KINKOUT I» for sale nt all good druggist». Your druggist can get It If he wants to. Insist on the genuine KINKOUT In green und yellow tubes. Hubstitule» muy bu dangerous. ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDINQ RINQS SILVERWARE AND WATCH»» Staples,—The Jeweler-Optician sultatloa