The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, September 08, 1923, Image 2

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Brief Resurre Mosi Important
Daily News Items.
Mawoliai Prepared to Withdraw Del-
egataa Athens Vaieee Pretest.
Hom« — Premier MuseoltaL It la ua-
derstood, la ready to withdraw the
Italian delegatee from the Geneva
I conference If hie viewpoint concern­
Final Tragic Touch Is Added
ing the conflict with Greece la not
by Terrific Typhoon.
shared by the league of natioas.
Harrisburg.—A large Meek baru and
It Italy’s viewpoint that the league
35 loan of hay ware destroyed by fire |
of Ballons la Incompetent to settle the
Oreco-liallan difficulty la not accepted
at T o'clock Sunday morning on the
A. L. Thomae farm six miles east of |
! by the league, Italy. It la understood,
la ready to aubmlt the questloa of the
Harrisburg. About <500 insurance waa
¡■•ague's competency to the Interaa-
■ tonal court at The Hague. Thia court, landing Party Says Only lO.OOtt Left
FveaU at Noted
Astoria.—The Indtcatlons are now \
however. If called upon, must give a
of Yokohama * ULW) Dead
•ad Harth« Narthweet. aad Othar
that the loggers' strike which the radi­
derision from an abstract standpoint
without reference to the present
cal element of ths I. W. W. waa trying ,
and Dying Everywhere.
Thing* Wurth knowing.
to Incite fur this »wk In the lower |
Greco Italian conflict.
Columbia river district will prove to
Athens Ths ItalOdlreek situation
Toklo.- The American embassy was be a fizzle.
' is stationary and ths announcement
Martial law prevalla In
Salem.--Compilation of tbe Oregon
A sanguinary battle was reported that the British Atlantic fleet is pro­
all the citioa In the devaatated area. Blue Book fur th»' year 1923-24 has
to be In procreas a lace Tuesday at
produced a soothing effect, although Toklo la orderly. although outaldo re­ been completed and the work of print­
T!o arando do Sul, Bra» IL within a
ing the edition Is in progress. The
the purpose ot the move is unknown lief is needed badly.
league of the L'ruruayaa border, lx
book contains 227 pages, exclusive ut
Memorial services were held in all
tween rebels and H. ardían regula,
Nagasaki. — The special bureau the cover, and 35,000 copies are being
the Greek churches Monday tor the
refugees and others killed during the opened for the aid of earthquake vic­ printed to meet the demands.
A n»w Island has emerged near the Italian bombardment at Corfu. There tims announces that 350.000 houses
Dallas.—Sewer construction aggre­
Idsu group, the Eastern were immense congregations every­ have been destroyed in Toklo and
gating in cost more than <19.000 will
News Agency, bat the report that the where and the services were most that the casualties number 130,000.
soon be commenced In Dallas. Action
provine** of CKhltna tn the southern impressive.
Pekin.—There are but 40,000 per­ »as taken by the city council this:
end tit the island ot Hokkaido had
The government has addressed an
been submerged Is declared to be un energetic protest to the allies against sona left In the city of Yokohama, all week to make the Improvements dur­
the bombardment ot unfortified Corfu the rest being dead or having fled to ing the coming fall and winter.
places of greater safety, according to
and the killing ot innocent persons.
Bend.— Although used for three
The transport Mleggs left Manila
The action of the revolutionary a landing party from the steamer years by ths I-a Pins Redmen'e lodge
Tuesday morning for Yokohama, car­ committee in making arrangements Korea Maru. whose report on condi­
as a cemetery, land filed on by J. H.
rying food, tentage and other relief for elections has eased the Internal tions was received here Monday. Sappington near La Pins la to be con­
supplies. Majortieneral George W. situation and has created a good im­ Yokohama's population as given by sidered as hla homestead, according
Head la In command of the expedition. pression in diplomatic circles where the last enumeration was approxim­ to the Vnited Statee land office. The
Rcdmen will appeal tbe case.
A mob of more Ilian 1000 men broke certain diplomats have been urging a ately 433.000.
up an Initiation of the Ku Klux Klan return to a parliamentary regime.
Salem.—The state treasurer on Oc­
London.—AU the Europeans are be­
The Greek government warns the
ou a farm near Newcastle. Del.. late
lieved to be safe, both in Toklo and tober 1 will pay interest aggregating
Sunday night and as a result a man
Yokohama, reads a cable dispatch re­ <1.300,000 on state highway and state
and a 17y»ar-old youth are in hos­ ot the British fleet al Corfu, and news
ceived by a London firm from an al­ soldier bonus bonds. The treasurer
pitals possibly fatally injured. More
Saturday redeemed <100.000 of Bean '
Iban a dozen others were seriously that no help is coming from the lied company in Japan, according to Barrett co-op« rat Ive state and federal
league of nations. As a result, public the Dally Express.
bonds that wsre issued in September.
opinion la more bitter and anxious
Great Britain will not abandon her than ever. There is great disappoint­
San Francisco. — Every report re­ 191T.
right to reparations or her claims to ment and indignation at the attitude ceived from Japan throughout Mon­
8k Helens.—Columbia Post 43. Amer­
the debts which other nations owe ot the league.
day confirmed or increased previous ican I-eglon. plans to place permanent
her, the Karl ot Birkenhead, lord high
estimates ot the havoc wrought in markers ou the graves of G. A. R . .
< liancellor in the Lloyd George cab
death and destruction by tha quad­ Spanish American and world war vet­
inet, declared in an address In Mon FOOD RIOTS BEGUN
ruple catastrophe which has befallen erans In the local cemeteries, and are
Irani Tuesday.
IN STRICKEN DISTRICT the central eastern section ot Hondo, raising a fund for this purpose. - Abotg
largest ot the Islands of the Japanese 45 veterans are burled In ths two cem­
The Cnlted States government, un
San Francisco.—Food riots have empire.
der President Coolidge as under Pres­
Beginning at noon Saturday with a
ident Harding, will await evidence ot broken out in Toklo. according to a
Harrisburg.—Traffic was tied up
the existence of a government in Rus­ radiogram received by the Radio cor­ series ot earthquakes which rased
on the Pacific highway several
sia In accord with American standards poration from Iwaki station. 155 miles most of the city ot Toklo and large
hours Saturday night when a large
l>cfore granting diplomatic recognition
truck slipped off one end of the ferry i
ported in these advices to have exer­ cities tn the vicinity, the disaster was
to that country.
and the rear end »as left In several
cised the most strenuous measures to continued by fires which broke out
The delegates ot war veterans' as­
feet of water. The accident was due
suppress the disorders, even attacking
sociations. representing seven allied
the fact the boat had not been se­
lowed. engulfing and washing Into the
the rioters with their swords.
countries, at their fourth annual con- ;
Then curely anchored.
A number of Coreans were in the sea hundreds ot buildings.
gross in Brussels. adopted a resolu­
came a typhoon, adding a final and
mob, the advices said.
Newport.—An Issue of <132.000 of 6
tion Tuesday Indorsing the occupation
The advices confirmed earlier re­ tragic touch to what is probably the per cent port bonds was sold Saturday
ot the Ruhr as a legal means to obtain
ports of a great fire in Yokohama and greatest calamity of modern times.
to the Commerça Security company. .
reparations under the Versailles
Topping all previous estimates ot represented by Merton R. Delxing. at
an estimate that there had been at
death and rutn. Vjiro Oyama, Japan­ a price of 99 27. The bonds mature
least 100.000 casualties there.
William C. Van Fleet, judge ot the
The fires, the message said, were ese consul-general In San Francisco, serially. Their average term la 18
Tailed Status district court In San caused by or followed by the explo­ late Monday received from Shichltaro years. The price was the highest ever
Francisco, died in his home Monday sion of oil storage tanks in the city, Yada. Japanese consul-general in paid for port bonds here.
after a brief Illness. Death was pre­ where reserves of fuel oil for the Shanghai, a report that 140.000 per­
Salem—Picking of prunes through­
ceded by two days ot semi conscious­ merchant and naval marine were kept. sons were killed and 1.000,000 home­
ness following a cerebral hemorrhage
Six Coreans were shot to death by less in the Tokio-Yokohama section. out the Willamette valley will start
suffered while he was at dinner Fri­ soldiers making martial law effective
Previous estimates from various about September 10. according to an­
day night.
in the devastated area of Tok io. ac­ sources had placed the casualties as nouncement made by tbe growers. TYt«-
All members ot the American em­ cording to wireless messages received high as 15O.0O0 dead in Toklo alone. crop will be large. 40-50s predominat­
bassy staff at Toklo are safe. Am­ here at 3 o'clock Monday morning One ot these came from the Japanese ing. A large consignment of 1923
bassador Woods advised the state de­ from Tomioka by the Radio corpora­ minister ot marine by way ot Osaka prunes recently were sold at Dallas
Other reports told of mountainous for 7 cents. Pickers will be plentiful Ï
partment Tuesday In the first mes­ tion of America.
this year, growers said, and practically
The same message said the work of casualties both on land and sea.
sage received from him since the
the entire crop will be saved.
earthquake that none ot the embassy relief was already under way and
staff was Injured, although all of the provisions were being supplied to
Albany.—Mrs. Amanda Johnson, a
refugees from the Toklo central sta­
embassy buildings were destroyed.
former slave and a resident of Oregon
tion. which was undamaged.
for 70 years, celebrated her 90th birth-,
With the Red Cross appealing for a
Nogeyama. a better-class residen­
day September 3. Mrs. Johnson «une
relief fund of <5.000.000 and all ex­
tial section ot Yokohama; Ise yam a.
to Albany from Missouri, where she
ecutive agencies of the government
Washington. D. C.—The United
another section where stood a notable
had served as a slave, with tbe family
devoted to organizing emergency aid
statue ot lo Naosuke. prime minister States moved swiftly Monday to bring that owned her until the time of the
in the far east. America has talrly em­
I of the Shogun at the time Japan was the full force of the government and civil war She has been a character of
barked Tuesdav upon a st upettdou*
opened to foreign intercourse, and the people to the aid of stricken Albany for 70 years and has a large I
undei taking of succoring the millions
i Kamonyama. a third section, ail were Japan.
circle of friends here, who helped her
of victim.* of *he catastrophe In Japan.
i destroyed, leaving thousands in ex­
While government executive depart­ celebrate her birthday.
The entire rice crop ot California Is treme misery.
ments were directed to assist in tbe
being bald for Japanese relief and
Many Europeans, visitors and resi­ work, the public was urged in an ap­
Salem.—The Southern Pacific com­
there will be no profiteering during dents of that section, were missing.
peal issued by President Coolidge to pany. according to a report filed with
the emergency period, according to an
contribute funds through the Amer- the Oregon public service commission
announcement made by Harry M.
ican Red Cross for aiding tbe unfor­ Saturday, has a shortage of 472 cars,
Sea Swell* Run High.
Creech, attorney for the Rice Grow­
Los Angeles —Ground swells 20 feet tunate and giving relief to the people or a slight decrease In the number
ers' association of California, which high, larger than any in the experience of Japan.
when compared with the report of the
controls practically the entire rice of mariners at Los Angeles harbor,
The Red Croaa at once announced company filed with the commission a |
reached the southern California coast that It had started the fund with week ago. Ot the total number of
Cable orders from Kobe, Japan, tor early Monday morning, the first evi­ a contribution ot <100,000 for the re­ cars which the company has been un­
approximately WO.OO0.Ot*» feet of lum­ dence here of the tidal wave and lief of victims ot the earthquake and able to supply shippers 291 were clas­
ber for use in the rebuilding ot Yoko­ earthquake which killed hundreds of in addition had appropriated from Its sified as closed and SI as open.
hama. Toklo and other Japanese cities ;thousands In Japan.
reserve fund <10.000 for the assistance
Newport. — City Marshal Daniels
laid waste by earthquake and tire
Captain Frank Miller, keeper of the of Americans canght in the disaster
Sunday shot and wounded an Intoxi­
were received tn San Francisco Tues­ breakwater lighthouse at the harbor, zone.
cated Grande Ronde Indian, who had
day. according to statements made by reported that the large waves were
Arrangements were made at the
representatives ot steamships and first observed at 1 A. M. and rushed same time for Individual contributions attacked the officer with a knife. The 1
Indian, weakened from loes of blood,
northern Pacific mills.
in with increasing intensity all day to be received either through the na­
fainted. Daniels had called on sev­
Colonel Stephen K. Low of St. Louis, long. The swells lifted entirely over tional headquarters or through any eral pansersby to assist him In dis­
number of the R«1 Crew and at the lk foot breakwater and carried Red Cross chapters. The funds will arming the assailant, but all refused.
tacbed to the near east relief at Corfu, away all looaa objects, including boat be sent through the state department The Indian ent through Daniels' coat .
reports that altogether there were 2V tender at the lighthouse and much to the Japanese Red Cross, an effi­ and vest. The marshal shot after tbe
cient organisation.
killed hy the Italian bombardment planking piled along the shore.
red man declined to throw down the
prior to the occupation of the Island.
Wire Offices Burned.
Among them were 18 children, moat
Falls City.—More than 100 men, wo­
ot them killed by shrapnel which was
Osaka.—According to a report re­
fired among a crowd of Red Cross
Honolulu. Major General Summer ceived at the telegraph offlae hers, men and children Friday began bar-.
orphanage ihildren bathing in the
I. commanding American forcea in the Central Telegraph A Telephone vesting tbe hops In the vicinity of i
Falls City. There are about «0 acres |
e Hawaiian zone. Monday cabled
office in Toklo waa completely burn­ to be picked in tha Foe ter. Smith, Bar-1
After axieasive questioning the the war department a summary of the
Sacrament.i police Monday released I food supplies, tentage and similar ed. It Is believed the telephone sys­ nard and Campbell yards, and picking
Hugo F Hur. ««id to be a Belgian »equipment which would be available tem can be partly restored soon, but is expected to continue from 10 to 15 '
palmer, who was taken Into custody , for Immediate shipment to Japan for that full restoration will take more days. Tbe hops are not quite so good
I despatched from as last year In some of the yards, al­
last Saturday In connection with the use In relief work should the govern­ than a month.
disappearance of - The fintombment of ment desire to extend aid In that Osaka ter Toklo with food and water though there will be a fair crop at a
Christ." a masterpiece by Guido Reni, i form. It la believed a coneldersble and another ship is being sent to the good price. Pichara ara receiving <0
cents a box.
from the K IL Cracker art gallery amoant of supplies might be sent capital from Kobe.
here. The officers declared they were . from here If needed.
Bend. — Twenty-six precincts, com- '
Mexico City. Forma'l resumption of píete, out of 29 ia Deschutes county
One Operator Gives News.
mavtacod that Bur knew nothing of
I he theft of the painting.
San Francisco. Cal. — Through T. diplomatic relatt.*ns between Mexico gave a vote of 712 to 370 in favor of
1’ader the emergency commandeer­ Yonemura. an obscure Japanese radio and the Vnlted States took place the <130.000 road boad issue, which
ing act now tn operation in Japan, operator and the only human link be- Monday when George F. Summerlin. was placed before the coaaty at Fri­
ftwal. building materials, medicaments I tween Japan and the rest of the world Vnited States charge d'affaires, pre­ day's special elect loa. The strength
and vehicle« as well at human labor ' after Saturday's devastating earth sented his credentials to Albert PanL of the remaining precincts Is anlm
and services, may be commandeered. 1 quake, cam» the first and subsequent secretary of foreign relations. Mr. portg%t^ The Deschutea county court
Fwfeciaal gaveraora are authorized news ot the catastrophe that had Sam merlin went to the foreign affairs telegraphed the state highway com-
io taaue commandeering orders for etrsik the island empire. Yonemura departnSsnt accompanied by Colonel mission the result of the election and
goods at a price based on ths average is operator at Tomioka. 144 miles F. J. Parker. Major Edward Glass, asked that an Immediate call for blds
: mark«! price«. Failure of ■.ompliance north of Toklo. By some strange and Lanier Witooa and Benjamin be mad» tor lh«‘ completion of The
will be punished by a heavy fine or freak thia station was spared by the Maae, embassy s*-* rvtaries. The cere DallenCaliforaia highway In thia
three years' Impriaoameat.
moay was informal.
TOKIO S DEAD 130.000
Rednioud.—Ths ^»ctlon ou the Issu­
ing of <130,000 In ponds for ths com­
pletion of The Dall'S'Callfornta high­
way and for marks« road construction
carried In Redmond by a vote of 53 to
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The wondi-rful naw discovery Is
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Thia Is the age of aclentmc mir­
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KINKOt’T Is simple to npplr. Just
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comb the hair a few minutes »nd the
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KINKOt'T will not turn the hair
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Just see what grateful people nil
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"Forward more KINKOt’T by re­
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C. P. T.. BuSalov N. Y.
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*1 was overjoyed with KINKOUT."
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*1 received my KINKOUT a f»w
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KINKOt’T is hosed upon the
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In order to Introduce this wonder­
ful preparation ZURA, Inc., will send
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It Is too late. Wo guarantee that If
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Now, before thia groat offer la with­
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foro someone else lieats you lo it.
Ask for lllteral conttdeutiui proposi­
tion lo ugvuta,
KINKOUT is for sale at all good druggists Tour druggist can get it If ho wants to. Insist on the genuina
KINKOUT In creen ami yellow tutes. Hulratltutee
• '■ -
may 1st dangerous.