The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, August 25, 1923, Image 3

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Your Question
How can I, a woman without training and
experience, earn the money so necessary to the wel­
fare and happiness of myself and those I love?
Our Answer
Become a Representative of Poro College
Our answer has solved the problem for thousands of Race
Women, who make nice profits through PDRO-
You can have a profitable occupation right in your own home
and build for yourself a permanent income by serving your neighbors,
friends, acquaintances und others with PORO Hair and Scalp Treatments,
supplying them with PORO Hair and Toilet Preparations and teaching the
PORO COLLEGE or a nearby FORD AGENT will teach you
quickly at surprisingly small cost. No large outlay of money is necessary.
The tremendous demand for
PORO makes it easy to build a profitable
Write today for particulars.
4300 St. Ferdinand Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO.. U. S. A.
KINKOUT Is slmpl« to apply. Just
rub a little on according to simple
dire, lions printed on each package,
tomb the hair a few minutes >n<l the
job IS done. No files, no bother. So
easy and simple and your hulr will
look ho line you won't know your-
wit. Don't have to use hot irons
or sleeping caps.
KINKOUT will not iurn the bntr
red tinder nny clrcu instances und in
fact some of its Ingredients Were
rs|ie< tally incorporated to uct as u
sculp invlgorator and hair grower.
Just see what grateful people nil
over the lund uro saying ubout this
new lolrucle discovery:
"Forward more KINKOUT by re­
turn mulL It hns proven Its true
C. P. T., Buffalo, N. Y.
“Your wonderful hnlr preparation.
1 um pi mid to say, la worthy ot Its
name. You s|H'nk Just what is true
.about KINKOUT."
la E. D„ Orlonte, Cuba.
“I have used your KINKOUT and
It has proved no wonderful that I am
out tilling all my friends ubout it."
T. M. 11.. Hudson, N. Y.
culled KINKOUT and la now beine
prepared for the grateful public by
ZURA, Inc., 508 S. Dearborn Si,
Chicago. It cornea only In ureen and
yellow lubva and ubaulutoly la guar­
Tlita la the age ut adenti tic mlr-
“KINKOUT Is n wonder. I would
not lie without It now."
W. II. J. Tarboro, N. C.
“This Is the third tube I have used
and It does my hair more good than
anything 1 havo ever used."
P. J.. Calera. Ala.
"I was overjoyed with KINKOUT.”
II. J., Washington, 11. C.
“I received my KINKOUT a few
days ago and It la u wonder. I am
tolling lay friends of your wonder­
ful hulr proiuirutlon.”
J. EL II.. Athens. Qa,
"KINKOUT makes a wonderful
difference in my appearance."
C. H, Philadelphia, Ta.
"KINKOUT made me very happy."
M. Y., St. Louis, Mo.
KINKOUT Is based upon the
cabalistic medical learning of the an­
cient Moors and the modern scien­
tist h who discovered it uro now giv­
ing it to the grateful public under
the name ot Zura, Inc. They are lo­
cated at fcox 8. Dearborn st.
In order to Introduce this wonder­
ful preparation ZURA, Inc., will send
ncteo. Old women tire being made
young. Men fly in aeroplanes and
talk by radio. Not the leant ot mod­
ern dlaeoverlea la thia new. simple
preparation for takinx the kinks out
of unruly hair. It's line for straight
hulr. loo. making it lay down nic«
with a tine polish.
a large »-Inch tube, enough to last
an average family months for only
fl.00. This Is equivalent to many
ordinary tubes. ZURA will also glvo
free with each order for a limited
period of time one 25c bar of
peroxide bath soap with each order
of KINKOUT. Write today before
It is too late. Wo guarantee that if
KINKOUT Is not fully as wonderful
us described your money will be Im­
mediately returned. Send in today.
Now, before thia great offer is with­
stamps for one dollar and you will
lecelve by return mall the extra
lurge tube of wonderful KINKOUT
together with one bar of peroxide
whltener soap free. Send all money
and letters to Dr. Ibon Bsssli, ZURA,
Inc., 508 S. Dearborn St., Chicago.
Agents can make a fortune in
every city, county and state in tho
United States. An eastern minister
makes $40 a week in a small town
In hla spare time. Write today be­
fore someone else beats you to It.
Ask for liberal contldentlal proposi­
tion to ugvuU.
KINKOUT is for sale at all good druggists. Your druggist can get it if ho wants ta Insist on the genuino
KINKOUT In green and yellow tubes. Substitutes may be dungerous.
Staples,---The Jeweler-Optician
Have Tour Eyes Tested—No Charge for Consultation
you, son. I’ve sen roly » dollar to my
name and no line rings or jewels, not
one; but dowi behind my bureau there
Is a posy basket that we’re planning,
tbe cliurch ladles and 1. to hand to­
morrow evening to poor >>l<1 Mrs
Wade, down In the south end of town,
and In that posy basket you will find
632—that's quite a sum, and after a
minute or so you won't have any trou­
ble In taking them If you're still so
V/ 41UVHH8 A»ws^ap«i g/iHJM8l«J
Mias I’euelop« was as much a stran­
Her caller becume a good listener
ger to fear us—well, as one could pos­ and Mias Penelope was relieved to note ■
sibly Imagine.
Blie wouldn't have that he appeared Interested In the
harmed a body lor worlds, and held posy basket story.
that the theory worked equally well for
"Aunty Wade is Just one of God's
both parties. HRs kept bouse lor tier women, she certainly Is; always a
brother Caleb, und newcomers to ll,e smile and a cheerful word fur every
little towu Laving seen fit tv build to­ one. with uever a complaint about her
ward the south, the Brown homestead, own. lot; and yet, her life has just
with Its gable room, latticed veranda been made up of hardships and sorrow.
und vine-covered porch, stood by Itself Two great sorrows have just crowded I
In the north section, quite remote from her whole life to overflowing, her bus- ;
its neighbors.
band and her boy.
"Now, don't you have an uncomfort­
"Her husband was Just naturally no
able minute about me, Caleb,’* Mias account, never was otherwise, but site
Penelope bad said that morning, when stood by him and bls shortcomings loyA
her brother wus starting on the jour­ ally and followed him to hla grave as
ney which would keep him from home If tbe best toon in the world hud been
for two nights. "Not one uncomforta­ catted home, and, out of lore for her,
ble nilngte,” she continued. flecking an tbe townsfolk are respectin' the iiruu
Imaginary speck from bls spotless coat ory of that shiftless creature.
"Who In creation would ever dream of
“But the boy—oh, that boy, who
disturbing me, sud tor wliat?" She might have wiped all tbe sorrow clean
pushed him affectionately toward the out of Aunty Wade's life, be Just
gate und kissed her Anger tips to him turned out plumb wild and reckless;
as he turned down tbe street.
tine, well set up chap be was, too.
She busied herself with her house­
“Six or eight years ago be left home
hold duties, her garden, the unfinished suddenly und was gone three month*.
garment on her work basket, until the Everyone knew he was In tbe pen, but
shadows grew long, and then, facing to bear bls mother speak of him with
the empty chair at tbe table, she flad such tenderness tn her voice and such
her supper. It was after she had lovellght tn her eyes, you'd certainly
washed the dishes and replaced them thought that studyin’ for the ministry
tn their position opitoslle her brother's, was the only explanation for bls ab­
and seated herself by the sitting room sence.
window that she begun to feel lonely,
“Once they took 1dm past his own
oh, so very lonely, for Caleb had never hotue with handcuff* on, and bls moth­
left her for so long a time before in all er stood right by tbe window, and our
the years they had kept house together. parson said the agony on Iter fuce re­
She did not pass a pleasant evening. minded him of a picture of the cruci­
In spite of tbe good reading that Ut­ fixion. He’s l>een gone about a year
tered tbe sitting room table, amt tbe this time so—but the posy basket! You
dainty box of candy Caleb had tiiouglit- see. Aunty Wade never will accept
fully left for her, and. very early for charity unless. It's so well covered no
Miss Penelope, she prepared to retire. livin' creature could call It that. So
She visited each window and locked we just thought of handing her this
It securely und, forgetting at which posy basket; that $32 would be such
one she began, made the round a sec­
a windfall.”
ond time; then she put out the light
Miss Penelope bad finished. There
and went up to her room. glancing
was no great climax to her plea and
nervously behlud as she ascended each
she lay back a little wearily among
her pillows. Her guest remained silent
Before her own little mirror she
and immovable for a few paluful sec­
looked Into a white, timid face, and,
onds. Then hla eyes sought the posy
leaning toward It, she whispeerd ac­
basket’s hiding place.
cusingly, "Penelope, you're scared;
Miss Penelope sighed hopelessly and
you, wlio bare never been afraid In all
pointed a slim, white finger toward tho
your life. You’re afraid just because
bureau. “Right behind there," she
Caleb Isn't In that other room. What
is there to be afraid of? There's noth­ said.
The man moved uncertainly acroaa
ing for anyone to steal—" but even
the room and disappeared for a mo­
as she accused herself, her eyes fell on
ment in the hiding place of the pre­
tbe gaily-trimmed posy basket on her
cious basket. When he emerged, he
bureau and the crisp greenbacks which
came to the bed and turned his empty
formed the principal part of Its con­
palms toward Miss Penelope.
It was a strange thing to do, but she
The ladles of tbe church and other
frlenda of old Mrs. Wade, at the south took bls hand tn both her soft, wldte
ones and pressed it for a moment to
end of town, were the contributors,
her pink cheek. Then she said. “Good
and Miss Penelope was It* treasurer
and guardian until It should be hung night and God keep you," very much
as a mother might have done. He
tomorrow evening.
slipped noiselessly out the window.
There were 32 of those greenbacks
, and just before he dropped to the
grinning up Into her frightened face
porch he returned her “Good night and
and depending on her for protection.,
Mias Penelope had never bandied a * God keep you.”
With the first streak of dawn. Miss
greet deal of money and she grew
Penelope, In negligee and slippers,
faint with the thought of her responsi­
drew from behind the bureau Aunty
Captiously she made the round of , Wade's posy basket. There lay the 32
greenbacks undisturbed, and. In their
the upper floor ami fastened the win­
midst, a crumpled $2 bill and 63 cents
dow.« ; tremblingly she placed ibe posy
In dimes, pennies and nickels.
basket, with Its brazen greenbacks,
Miss Penelope's eye* filled and her
behind the bureau; then she crept Into
’ lip trembled. Then she drew her own
bed. Her cheeks were flushed and her
pretty hair curled damply about her Inference, as you are at liberty to do.
Her- I« the most Important beauty I
dim-ovvry ot the use. Already lens Of
thousands of men. women and chit- i
drrti ot the llaw are using this Won-
d-rful preparation tor making any
hair noti. snuxilh and wavV.
The wonderful new discovery la
— !
He Did Not Rob
forehead when, after what seemed an
endless time, sleep came to her weary
bhe waa dreaming of Caleb; dream­
ing he had unexpectedly returned and
that she was saying to him, “Not the
window, brother; go down and come In
by the door.” when she woke sudden­
The window over the porch was
open and some one was standing by It
She did not »cream; in fact. It oc­
curred tu her to close her eyes and
pretend to be asleep, but a bright
little light, flashing out of the dark­
ness Just then, showed them very wide
open. The figure moved to the foot of
her be-’ and she could see that It was
a man whose face was almost con­
cealed beneath a handkerchief and a
soft hat.
Miss Penelope could almost hear the
beating of her heart as she waited
for what would happen next.
At last he spoke; the tone was as­
pirated ; the word “Money." almost In­
Miss Penelope raised herself to a
sitting posture In the high four-posted
bed and brushed back the little white
curls from her pink cheeks. The troon
struggled out and its light fell on n
ealm. sweet face which was quite
without fear.
"Young man—” she smiled faintly
as he raised his hand for alienee. “Oh,
no one will hear. We are quite alone
In the house." she nssured him, for she
was no longer the weak, timid Miss
Penelope of the early evening. "Now
It's money you’re here for and, bless
The Donkey end Elephant.
The donkey and the elephant as sym­
bols ot the Democratic and República-
parties, respectively, were originated
by Thomas Nast, a new*pa|>er cartoon­
ist. He obtained the Idea from an ar­
ticle appearing tn the New York Her­
ald which described the escape of
some animals from the city zoo. No­
vember 7, 1874, be published a cartoon
tn Harper's Weekly in which he
rsed an elephant to represent the Re­
publican party. Ills idea was beaeu on
the elephant's great strength and bur­
den-bearing capactiy. Several weeks
later Nast published another cartoon
depicting the donkey as the Demo­
cratic party because of the way Demo­
crats at that time had been handling
matters. Bryan once referred to this
symbol by saying that the “donkey
(Democrats) can generality kick off a
burden that gets too heavy.”—■Cleve­
land Plain Dealer.
Old and Wise.
Elderly Gentleman — Young 'man,
there Is nothing tn this world so fine as
r good wife.
Young Bachelor—Tou are the first
married man who has ever told me so.
Elderly Gentleman (alarmed)—I a
married man? I've been a bachelor all |
my life.—New York Sun.
Character Everything.
The whole Intercourse of society. It*
trade, Its religion. Its friendship, its
quarrels, is one wide judicial inveatl-1
gatlon of character.—Emerson.
Elsetorats Has Bean Divided Many Masons and Federalists. It Anally
Times, One Faction Becoming
went to pieces, as a party, on the
Absorbed In Another.
slavery Issues. i\nd Its last Presidential
candidate was General Scott, In 1852.
In Colonial and Revolutionary days who carried but four states—Massa­
Americans were either Whigs (Lib­ chusetts, Vermont. Kentucky and Ten­
erals), or Tories (Conservatives). John nessee. The Democratic party grad­
Adam* called it a division between the ually absorbed the vnrlous pro-slavery
Court party and the Country party. and states' rights elements.
There was. however, no party organi­
sations, and the Colonists were mostly
Young Animate Fed on Bottle.
Whigs. The ruler* sent from England
Lion and tiger cube arc frequently
were the Tories. In the Revolution, raised on the bottle and later are fed
the people were divided between Pa­ on ground pigeon meat, says Nature
triots (Whigs), and Loyalists (Tories). Magazine. Baby elephants relish bread
Immediately after the Revolution, the and milk. Some of the beet camels
people became either Nationalists (Re­ now In American soos have been raised
publicans), or Federalists, according on cow's milk given In a nursing bottle.
ns they favored states' rights, or n
Getting Wasp Picture*.
strongly centralized government. The
Nature photographers know bird*
Federalists were stronger In the big
states, such a* Virginia. Pennsylvania are easiest to approach and photo-
and Massachusetts. The Republicans graph at their nests, and so it 1s with
slso were called Democrats, or Demo- wasps, says Nature Magazine, In ad­
dltlon they are not unlike birds ln that
ers t Ic- Republ leans.
The Whig party at first Included Na­ they may be attracted by putting up
tional Republicans, NuUlfiera, Anti­ proper houses for them.
French Farmers Marveled at tho Sight
Of Doughboys Seemingly En­
joying Cow Fodder.
The French lockkeeper la sometimes
sn old soldier, but oftener I* some
black-clad woman wbo took up her hus­
band's duties when bs was called to tbs
front, and whs (for be never came
back) will continue them until her
little Francois Is grown up—or, as she
sometimes sadly puts it, "Until be
comes back safe, as 1 hope, from the
next war, m'sleu."
For Ave more days we paddled along
tits 100-kllometer stretch of stream
that unfurls Itself ribboulike among
rolling, windmill-topped slopes be­
tween Redon and Nantes, writes Mel­
ville Chater in the National Geographic
We found that the countryside still
fondly recalled the passage of Ameri­
can troop* tn 1918—bow they had
swum In the canal and had given the
children little packets of chewing gum
end had strangely delighted in con­
suming cow fodder.
This last detail was related to us
by a farmer, who added: "Most vig­
orous youug laeu those. m'«len. Won­
derful teeth, wonderful stomach» Low
they could even digest that si.iff was
the wonder of the countryside." And
be pointed to one of those fine Adds
of Indian corn which in France are
cultivated exclusively as cattle food.
“Why. that's eay,” we confided; "all
Americans eat that.”
And we de­
scribed the manner of preparing and
dispatching an ear of corn. Suddenly
a light broke on the listener's face:
“Ah,” he exclaimed, "I understand.
Then one doesn't eat it. cob and all.
like tbe cow; one Just picks at it. as if
it were an artichoke, n'est-ce pas?"
Tribute to Civil Engineer.
From the standpoint of tho artist,
the civil engineer type represents the
highest type of masculine perfection.
He has the imagination to conceive
and the practicality und intellect to
execute his conceptions.—Emily Nich­
ols Hatch.
Explaining Ancient Lamps.
Tne wicks tn the lamps of the Ves­
tal virgins are now thought to have
been made of asbestos, tho mineral
from which 1.004 asbestoe theater cur­
tains are manufactured every year in
England and the United State*.
Voices Louder in a Tunnel.
Voices appear louder in a tunnel bo-
cause the sounds are reflected imme­
diately. Just as a gas reflector tn-
creaaes the intensity ot light, so a
sound reflector will Increase the ap­
parent strength of the voice.
Extending Deep-Sea Fishery.
The Quebec government plans the
establishment of a number ot cold
storage and distributing plants as a
step toward the more active develop­
ment ot the provincial sea fisheries.
8peaklng of Fruit.
Sometimes a fellow makes a date
with a peach he believes will turn out
to be the apple of hi* eye, but even­
tually she proves a lemon that no
sensible chap could care a fig for.—*
Farm Life.
Often He Wouldn’t Want To.
Dreams go by contraries, but this is
something a fellow never seems to
remember when he’s asleep.—Boston
Method le More Economical Than Gas,
Says an Expert on the
Origin of Goldfish.
Goldfish are the result of the elim­
ination of the somber colors In a vari­
The usual procedure, when flour . ety of carp by selective breeding be-
mills become Infested with the Mollter- , gun by the Chinese and Japanese in
ranean moth, the larvae of which get I the Sixteenth century.
into the flour, is to close the mill tight- ■
ly and “gas" the Insects. Last winter •
The Platonic Philosophy.
a mill at Williston. N. D., however, re- j
Of all the ancient systems the Pla­
quested the local weather bureau office
to notify the company whenever a tern- I tonic was the most popular. Plato,
perature of 20 degree* or lower for at ■ Horn in 409 B. C- died In 347. He
least several hours could be anticl- I waa distinguished by the comprehen­
pated. As soon as weather sufficiently ; siveness of his teachings. He was a
cold was forecast, the company put out i disciple of Socrates.
all fires and opened doors and win- ,
dows. That night the temperature ‘
Happy Time of Life.
reached 30 degrees Fahrenheit. an<f did I
Perhaps the best definition of mid­
not go above 17 degrees Fahrenheit the i
next day. According to the report of ’ dle age Is the period at which one is
the company to the United States De- I most aniious to be assured that one is
partment of Agriculture, through the i not yet old.—Westminster Gazette.
weather bureau, all moth* and most of ;
the eggs were frozen, and the process ’
Th* Little Tyrant.
will not have to be repeated for at
Let every sound be dead; baby
least two years. Many dollars’ worth , sleeps.
Tbe emperor's soft tread;
of chemical Insecticides which would |
Baby sleeps. Let Mozart’s music atop!
have been necessary for “gassing" ;
Let Phidias' chisel drop! Baby sleeps.
were saved.
Demosthenes be dumb! Our tyrant’s
Ones Mor* Extended.
hour has come! Baby sleeps.
It is certain that the limits of Lake |
Erie and I-nke Michigan were once
When You Climb a Hill.
more extended than now. It is reason­
a hill 1,000 feet high,
ably probable, say students of the
subject, that some of the territory now the total work done by a pedestrian
drained by the Wabash and Illinois would be equal to ralaing 265,004
rivers was once covered by the waters pounds one foot in one minute. What
of Lake Michigan. The cisco of Lake the figures would be in calculating a
Tippecanoe. Lake Geneva, and the climb ot a high mountain would be
lakes of the Oconomowoc chain Is
evidently a modified descendant of the
so-called lake herring. Its origin most
The Old Stage Coach.
likely dates from the time when these
small deep lakes of Indiana and Wis­
The first stage coach was ruq in
consin were connected with Lake Mich­
England in the latter part of the Six­
igan. Several of the larger fishes,
properly characteristic of the Great teenth century. In this country the
Lakes region, are occasionally taken first coach was run between New York
and Boston in 1732. In 1736 one be­
in the Ohio river.
tween New York and Philadelphia.
Confirmed Bachelor Shad.
The shad in the Farmington riyer in
Best Cigar-Box Wood.
Connecticut are all bachelors, in the
Kalantas. a Philippine wood, is prac­
opinion of the fish and game commis­
sion of that state. Effort has been tically identical with Spanish cedar
made for some time to obtain shad from tropical America, which for ages
eggs for experimental purposes, and has been regarded as the best cigar­
the constant report from one of the box wood in the world.
best fishing grounds was that only buck
shad w?re obtainable. Then the super- j
Confidence a Necessity.
intendent of fisheries decided to do I
There Is confidence necessary to
some fishing himself. He had a force ,
of men spread nets and when they human intercourse, and without which
were Virawn in, all the shad were i men are often more injured by their
bucks. Once more the net was spread ' own suspicions than they would be
and drawn In. this time with but little by the perfidy ot others.—Burke.
more success, one Yemale, or roe shad. I
being caught.
Souls of Great Cities.
Famous centers in famous cities do
Papyrus Tree of Ancient Egypt.
The tree from which the ancient i not always include the group of offi­
Egyptians obtained their papyrus. cial buildings, but they personify the
flourished in the lowlands along the city, represent its intelligence; its
Nile river. It grew to a height of j soul.—Arnold Brunner.
about ten feet, and seems to have been
known only tn Egypt. The paper ob-1
In More Modern Times.
tnined from It was formed from a sort I
A girl used to want to know i* he
of inner bark, which consisted of thin
had enough to start up housekeeping
sheets growing around the wood.
with; now she wants to know if he
Various colored liquids were used .
for ink; these were usually black, but , has enough to pay alimony.—Cincin­
sometimes red or green. A species of. nati Enquirer.
lamp-black, or ivory-black, similar to (
that used in painting in modern times, I
Courts of Justice.
was employed to make the black Ink
Courts of justice were established In
e • «
Athens in 1507 B. C. and by Moses in
Dairy animals relish green sweet | 1491 B. C. The courts were common
It has wonderful I in Europe. Our own Supreme court
corn exceedingly,
qualities for sustaining milk flow in
was founded in 1789. with one chief
hot weather.
justice and five associates.
The average production of the dairy
cows of this country can ba Increased
Nothing Gained by Hurry.
fully 20 per cent through a better sys­
Whoever is in a hurry shows that
tem of feed and care.
• « •
the thing he la about is too big tor
Use great care In milking to Insure him. Haste and hurry are very dif­
against barn flavors which usually get ferent things.—Chesterfield.
into the cream through careless meth­
ods in milking, which allow dirt to
drop into the milk.
• • •
Ayrshire* are a good breed of dairy
cattle, both for milk and butterfat pro­
duction. In weight the cows vary from
900 to 1,300 pounds.
• • •
After a heifer has had her first
calf she is naturally more nervous
£L sim 5*W coll ? g »
than usual and she must be bandied Are You Satisfcetl?
Is ths biggest, most perfectly eenipgeO
aa gently as possible.
Business Training School In the North­
• • •
west. Fit yourself for a higher position
Average production of dairy cows with more money. Permanent positions
¡assured our Graduates.
In the United States is 3.412 pounds
Write for catalog—Sour tu an«.
of milk per cow per year. In Holland Portland
It Is 7.585 pounds, Switzerland, <M>5O I P. N. U.
No. 34, 1823
pounds and Denmark, 5,000 pounds.