THE, An VOL. XX. Independent Paper Devoted to the Interests 0/ the People PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1923 NO 48 PRICE 6 CENTS NOTED PULPIT ORATOR COMPARES 6JRVEI WITH ST. PAUL BEADS MISLAID, DOCTOR WHIPS MAID DR. BLANCHARD. LEADING WHITE PHYSICIAN IN SOUTHERN—---------------------------------------------------------- •------------------------------- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ CITY, TAKES WIFE'S COLORED MAID INTO WOODS, SEVERE­ PROMINENT MISSOURIANS VISIT FIELD SECRETARY OF THE GREAT NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVEN­ LEAVE* FOR EAST LY BEAT* HER BECAUSE H E BELIEVED »HE STOLE Prof, and Mrs. W. H. Harrison and James N. Manley left Thursday for TION PREACHES SPECIAL SER MON IN BEHALF OF MARCUS WIFE'S BEAD*.—MAGISTR ATE SEES WHIPPING a visit with relatives I* Cleveland, O. Prof, and Mrs. Hertford of Kansas GARVEYz—PROVES BY SA CREO WRIT THAT PERSECU­ City, Mo., will arrive in the city the TION IS PERIL OF PR OPHET,—CITES ST. PAUL Walls of Child Whom Maid Nursed Sava Maid’s Life,—Returning Homs >’a Park, Aug first of the week for a visit. While Wife Announces That Beads H ad Boon Found,—Doctor Dreeaos istrs, Dancing here they will be at the home of Mr. Says America la Made Lem Safa for Democracy in General and Black Wounds of Victim.—Issues Challenge to Colored People. and Mrs B. J. Fuller. 83» Tibbett Man in Particular if Justice le Denied Garvey,—Every Race street. Prof. Harrison Is the princi­ urged to Protect Incarcerati on of “Illustrious Character." (Special to T he Advocate.) For Rent—Front bedroom on cor­ GOES TO HEALTH RESORT pal of Attucka school, largest grade Augusta. Go..»July 3».—A typical . found Just where she bad mislaid ner overlooking river, 1S7 Admiral Mrs. W. R Peek. 410 N. 21st St., school in Kansas City for colored pu­ New York, July 22.— “An appeal to charged Paul with being (1) a pub­ exhibiting the th am. Street Gentleman preferred.—adv. left last week for Bellknap Springs, pils. The party Is touring the North- southern Incident, Ceasar” wax the cubject of a special lic racial pest, (2) a creator of dis­ As an evidence of his humane feel­ chivalry (?) of ths well born white Oregon, tor rheumatic treatments. west on a pleasure trip. sermon in behalf of Marcus Garvey, loyalty among his race to the subju­ man of the South has come to light ing and civilised character, the doc­ FURNISHED TENTS—Al Seaside. delivered by the Rev. W. H. Moses, gating Roman rulers of the world, VACA- tor dressed the poor girl’s sacrificed Oregon. See J. W. Curry, 107 N. ACCEPTS WORK IN SEATTLE TACOMA MATRON ENJOYS within the past few days. D. D., pastor of the New York Na­ (3) irreverence for the Jewish Mrs. Beatrice DeLeon of Kansas TION 14th street. Phone B-1541. Over at Williston, 8. O„ Dr. Blan back, then announced, with brave tional Baptist Church and Field Sec­ church of his day and (4) for being City- Mo., who spent some time In A card from Mrs. Nettie J. Asber- chard Is the loading white physician, and courageous soul, that he would retary of the National Baptist Con­ a ring leader of the sect of the Naxa- For Rent—Nicely furnished rooms, Portland. Is now in Seattle employed ry of Tacoma, Wash., announces that His wife employed a colored girl like to see the Negroes help them­ vention of the U. 8. A., at the 11 renes. From their view point there named Geraldine Anderson Recently, selves. And this announcement b» reasonable; 374 Will lame Avenue. as day clerk In the Golden West ho­ she is spending a happy vacation in o'clock service on Sunday morning was half truth In all tour counts of East 1433 Mrs. Richard Young.— tel. Kalispell. Montana, situated In the Mrs. Blanchard misplaced a string of made to a Negro. to a large congregation. the indictment. Paul was a pest to adv. midst of the plcturesqo" Rockies. beads and Immediately accused the Dr. Moses took his text from the the old order of lawful subjugation TAKE* BEAUTY COURSE VISITS HER SISTER HERE Mrs Asberry plans to return borne colored girl of taking them 25th chapter of the Acta of the and injustice toward Individuals and Mias Thelma Goff has registered MAKE »20 weekly at home, furniah- Mrs. Olirla Cransbaw of Walla on or about the first of the month. Without further Investigation, the ApoaUes, the 11th verse: "If I be an races farthest down. He was a pest Ing colored names and addresses. Wells. Wash. was In the city a few gallant Dr. Blanchard took ths girl at a local beauty school for a com­ offender or have committed anything to that The peril of the prophet and plete course In beauty culture. Experience unnecessary. Particu­ days last week visiting her sister, STAY OFF AUGUST STH. GRAND out Into the woods and proceeded to worthy of death, I refuse not to die. the apostles of progress is that prog­ Mrs. Cranshaw FAMILY EXCURSION. lars Free. United Mailing Co.. Miss Thelma Goff. PARTICU­ give her a severe whipping In fact, But if there be none of these things ress uecessarily upsets precedent, GONE TO SEASIDE route to Seattle for a visit. Dept. N. St. Louis. LARS LATER If It had not been tor the screams whereof they accuse me, no man may and they, like Jesus, are invariably Mrs Chris Smith and children left and cries of his stepaon, born to Mrs deliver me unto them. 1 appeal to reckoned among the transgressors of Tuesday for Seaside. Oregon, to join Blanchard by a former marriage, who Ceaaar." Eloquently and in able outgrown customs and laws and are Mr. Smith, who Is there In business was fond of hie colored nurse, the manner, Dr. Moses made a soul-stir­ indiscriminately crucified and cata­ girl might have been killed. ring appeal to public sentiment to so logued with thieves, until plodding CANTATA PLEASE* To add dignity to the occuateB, a fashion itself that Marcus Garvey mankind catches up and erect* mon­ ilatb the Gleaner was played to an magistrate was present and witness* may be released. No aspect of the uments to them. appreciative audience at the T. M. ed the whipping question was left untouched, And. C- A. auditorium Friday evening, the Hostility to a Program Then—when the doctor, the magis­ summing up, he said he was pre- 2oth Inst., under the auspices of Mrs. "Marcus Garvey has been technl- trate, the step son and the victim re- pared to do his bit by letting the cally found guilty of misusing the Il J. Fuller for the benefit of Bethel turned to the house, the wife an­ truth be known to the 3.500,000 peo United States mails in attempting to church. nounced that the beads bad been pie of these United States with put over his African redemption pro­ whom he came into contact as Field gram. but judicial equity can well af­ ~---------- THE stag CLUB P|aanlnn I Th* Hu« club’ M1* E,,‘ Morrt Secretary of the National Baptist ford to make large allowance for vio­ oiui uitJaiimy BOI, glre<< made to ~dlg up- for Convention. lating the letter of U. 8. postal laws Garvey, the Apostle WE CLEAN ANYTHINQ MADE OF , city license this week The club was tn his sttempt to carry out the spirit FABRIC* Beginning his address, he said: of American democracy toward all ordered closed until the license was “The spirit and circumstances of this people, as set forth in our Declara­ Rage. Blanksts, Pillows, Suite, Over »btalned. The club is an Incorpor text is parallel to the experiences of tion of Independence and National ooate. Draperies, Comforters, »ted Institution and like others of its Lemp-Ehadee, Gowns, ktl)d WB1 allowed to operate under Marcus Garvey, who is truly God's Constitution. And judicial equity Ladle*' G^ln’ts