T■■ THE ADVOCATE asking the queaUon. “What has the association done.” can beat get their answer by reading thia report WHY GARVEY DENIED BAIL The Advocate is unable to under­ stand why Marcus Garvey la denied bail ponding the outcome of the ap ABVOOAVB AUBWTU Portia nd. Oregon—Rutherford Brothers peal of his case. There are hundreds Broadway and riandar» 4L Elko Bamtary Barbar Shop, 81S Fla» of case» where people, convicted of using lhe mails to defraud, and even murder, have been admitted to bail pending an appeal. The denial of i thia coaslltutloaal right to Garvey appears to be more like persecution than proaecution. The election in Minnesota Tuesday tn which the Labor Party candidate for U. 3. senator defeated the Re­ Sl'HBCRll'TlON RAT publican and Democratic candidate» Per T«r--------------------------------- --- *J gix Meathe------------- - —....-------- } »• tor that office, is indisputable evi­ Three Mon lb. —r——■—-------- l " _______ raj able la advaaeo_________ dence of the dissatisfaction amongst Entered al tke I'o.toKIce at Portiani voters of the old parties. Oregon, aa oecond-claae matter. IMPORTANT! Saturday. July 11. IMI a B V «L a T HARRY T. BURLEIGH Harry T. Burleigh *«> bom in Erie. I'.-nn. about fifty pears ago. of par­ ents who were vary modestly endowed with thia ' world's goods." and thus In acquiring hla education he was handicapped frua thia viewpoint aa well as from the color of his skin. His family were employed aa domes tics in the service of a Mrs. Filan bath Ruaaell of Krie. where the re­ nowned musical artists of the day played when they visited that Penn sylvsnla city. Th boy heard that Rs tael Joseffy was coming to give a concert there. H would hear It al any coat; ao he stood In snow up to his knees outside the window of the drawing room of the Russell home There he heard the great Josetfy In his fullest powers The lad was tak­ en ill. pneumonia threatened, and in answer to his mother's Inquiry he told of the hours tn the deep snow The mothre, realising that such a hap­ pening ought to be prevented for the future, went to Mrs. Russetl and ask­ ed if Harry might not help tn lhe house when the artists performed Mrs Russell was moved by this plea i and arranged that he might "open the door' at lhe next meeting visit of a concert artist to Erie Opened Door for Carreno At the next concert. Teresa Car reno was the visiting artist. In those days she was making her early Am i With her was a kind erican tours ly lady, of whose identity the boy had no knowledge. But she played on I important part in his musical life The day Mme Carreno played Harry Burleigh opened the door of the Rua sell home for the arriving and depart­ ing guests, and helped the maids wait upon them He saw the k ndly lady and remembered her. He saw noth Ing more of her until 1892. when he went to New York to compete for a scholarship in the National Conser­ vatory of Music. He sang before a jury, among whom were JosetTy. Ro- mualdo Sap io. Adele Margulies and a number Of others. Anton Dvorak was director of the conservatory, which then had a famous faculty. Harry All communications for publication PARSON KNOCKS DEVIL OUT OF or otherwise should be addrapzed to "WORST SINNER" The Advocate Publishing Company. I Suite 311 Madeay Building. Portland. A preacher down in Texas adver ­ Oregon. Advertising rates made known on tised that on a certain Sunday the application. "worst sinner tn town" would join hts churcK The church was crowd ed to the doors to see his "worst Severs! sinner" join the church joined bet none was considered the "worst". The next day lhe parson met “Bud" Jones, owner of a dance A BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY hall and a noted gambler, and said. “You told me you were converted and HOW TO WORSHIP.—God is the would join my church Sunday ntght Spirit; and they that worship him You caused me to announce a Be." must worship him in spirit and in Bud said. "I've changed my mind, the truth—John 4:24. devil still has a string on me.“ “Well. TUSKEGEE HOSPITAL ROW TEST I'm going to beat the 'devil' out of you.” said the parson, who forthwith OF HARDING ADMINISTRA­ (knocked Bud down with a straight TION SAYS N. A. A. C. P. right to the jaw In police court, the parson pleaded guilty to a charge of James Weldon Johnson. Secretary assault. The members of his church of the National Association for the ’ paid his fine. New way. perhaps a Advancement of Colored People. 69 ' little costly, ot ridding people of the Fifth avenue. New York City, has is- 1 devil. a statement calling the contest sued over the Tuskegee Hospital for Col- FURNISHED TENTS—At Seaside. ored War Veterans a test of the Oregon. See J. W. Curry. 107 N administration's attitude Harding 14th street. Phone B-1541. toward Negroes. The statement is as follows; “Despite the government's promise made by President Harding to the staff of the Tuskegee Hospital tor Colored War Veterans, with colored doctors and nurses, the Ku Klu Klan, Will open tor the season, beginning July 1, 1923. Mrs. B. J. John with the apparent connivance of Col. son will serve Barbecued Dinners and Confections al her residence. Stanley, have 'already driven away 70 Kast 76th St . N. Take M V car to 76lh St, walk one block south. Dr. Kenney, a colored physician of preaching. Sunday, 8 l‘ M . preach­ ing The public are Invited to wor­ ship with us MRS H. WILLIAMS. Bac'y. Rev. K. C. DYKH. Pastor. [ in , and it they llko it there they ( Denverites Entertained Here Dr. and Mr, A. M. Cochran» en will reside there prmanently Friends tertalued delightfully at their home. of th couple, and they are legion, 87» Missouri Avenue. Tuesday even regret to have them leave. • • • Ing. honoring Mesdames lludley and Rand of Denver, Colo, Those who Mr», Thoma» Leovee for California participated enjoyed the evening Im MY» l.uulae Thomas, prominent In mensely. • • • church, fraternal and club circles, left Sunday morning tor Los Agusles. Summer.ng at Ssavlsw Mrs. W D. Allen and children Ivft Cal., where she will attend the con­ thia week for Seaview. Washington, vention of the Northwest Federation When the conven­ where they will spend lhe remainder of Club Women tion is over. Mrs. Thomas will visit of their summer vacatlou. • • * relatives of her husband and friends there She plana to be away about Prominent Matron to Vlolt South Mr. and Mrs J. M Beatty, 183 a month, and on her return trip will Meade street, will leave ahortly for vlalt Oakland. Han Francisco and oth­ an extended vlalt to Los Angeles. er points fll a bit below the mark and was not at Aral awarded the scholarship. The kindly lady, whom he had Seen with Mme. Carreno In Erie, was registrar at the conservatory, and It was to her he went to learn of his success or failure She sympathised with him and In conversation learned that he came from Erie. Almost Im mediately lie remembered her. and taking a letter of recommendation from Mrs. Rusnell from his pocket I I than the mother of Edward Mac- Dowell. oue of the finest spirits that this country has produced, a woman loved unit cherished by all who knew her. The young man Burleigh helped her with th writing of clas-booka, with addressing letters, sending out circu­ lars and kindred clerical matters. At the conservatory he studied voice with Chrialinan Frleech. har­ mony with Rubin lloldmark. counter- Barbue De Luxe high standing, who has had to flee with his family from Tuskegee. This whole situation is one which again tests the administration's attitude towards colored people, as well as the government's ntegrity in the face of the Ku Klux Klan mob The gov- ernment could settle this whole mat- ter in an hour by taking a firm stand. The Ku Kluxers around Tuskegee are bluffing, and will carry that bluff as tar as they can. If President Harding has a backbone the eize of a toothpick, he will call that bluff, and that will be the end of the present disgraceful eituation. “The contentions of the Alabama white people are untrue and absurd. They pretend to fear the menace of a colored personnel in charge of the hospital, whereas the Tuskegee In­ stitute. entirely manned and attend­ ed by Negroes with several hundred teachers and fifteen hundred stu­ dents has never given them, although in their midst, grounds for the slight­ est apprehension. "Colored people through the Unit­ ed States are waiting to see how the United States government will meet this challenge of the Ku Klux mob- blsta. 13TH ANNUAL REPORT N.A.A.C.P. A copy of the 13th annual report of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peope came to our desk this week, containing a wealth of information about the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill in the U. S. sen­ ate. Lynching statistics complete for the year 1*22 and records of legal ac­ tion in etxraditlon and other cases in­ volving the rights of colored Ameri- con citizens. Those who are forever For Special Party Dinners. Phone for Reservations Tabor 4291 SEASONABLE REMEDIES LORENZ— GRIPP AND COLD CAPSULES 50c LORENZ— DOUBLE STRENGTH COUGH SYRUP 50c Stipe-Foster Drug Co. 143 Fourth Street, near Alder Oregon Portland leans K LOTHES LEAN Hats cleaned and blocked to suit you. Yea, we clean everything from neckties up to rugs, blankets, etc. Suits and Overcoats made to your Individual measure. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. Our prices are very reasonable. Give us a trial. We will please you Call East 0258 for TAYLOR THE TAILOR J. W. INGER8OLL, Prop. Miaaourlana Vlalt Hers Mr and Mrs. W C Connor of East Bt. Louis. Mu, arrtvS in the city Tuesday and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Uries. 1878 Foster Road Mr Connor la a brother of Mrs Uric» whom he had not seen tor several Mr and Mrs. Connor will years remain ludeflnltely. eoa Elaborate House Party The Misas» Maxwell entertained with an elaborate house party at their home In Salem. Oregon, the wook end of last week. About ten of the young er society set from Portland accepted Invitations and report a wonderful HARRY T. told her that he was the boy who some years before had opened the door when Mme. Cgrreno playd at Mrs. Rusnell'». The lady told him to come back after a few days, that his case would be reconsidered. And when he returned he was awarded a scholarship. The lady was none other FREE THIS BEAUTIFUL HAIR STRAIGHTENING AND SHAMPOO COMB This Comb Is W»R Worth *1.00 given o* e prooont to all who take advantage of our greet BURLEIGH point with John White and Max 1 Spicker. And here he met Dvorak and Mr. Burleigh says lhat while he was never really a pupil of the mas­ ter. he knew him better and saw per­ haps more of him than some of hla regularly enrolled pupils. He copied many of the orchestral parts of the "New World” symphony from Dvorak's original partltur. get­ ting it ready for Its first perform­ ance by the Philharmonic orchestra. Mr. Burleigh says the second theme of the first movement of the “New World" resembles strongly “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.” Mr. Burleigh used to play and sftig>the "Spirituals" for Dvorak, for Dvorak was keenly Scene from the big all colored musical rsvue "Shuffle Along” at the Hellig theater, one week beginning day, July 22nd. First appearsnce In Portland. Tickets now selling. THE OZONIZED OX WARSAW NARROW CO. I LUN Oil Lodge Directory I. B. P. O. E. OF THE WORLD News of the Churches INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH 82'/t N. 10th Street Rev. E. C. Dyer, Pastor The members of the Independent Baptist church had their last service In the Y. W. C. A. last Sunday. July 1. In the future the services will be held at 62 H North 10th street In what Is known as the old Bethel church building Thursday. 8 prayer meeting. Sunday, 10 Sunday School. Sunday, 11 MEN'S WEAR PORTLAND HOTEL BIG OFFER NO. 1144 JUST WRITE TO US AND SAY 1 I would like to tl a hair ttratahiemnr and «hampoo comb fra* Send me particular* ra- rardinf your No. 1144 offer ’* ... Bo*ure and writ« your name and adore«« pleialy, and full perticeler« will be tent yow. Do not wait, write to-day for thia offer will not last long W p are doint thi« to ad^mie Ford'e Hair P wm J« «ad F«rd‘e H«ir Straightening and Shampoo Combe. Addre«e your letter to I STAY OFF AUGUST »TH. GRAND FAMILY EXCURSION. PARTICU­ LARS LATER__ Adv. STEWART-SCHNEIDER CO Solid Br«u. wooden handle Ik inch«» lone welvht < onneea ML Ollvst Baptist Churuh East Fira land Schuyler Sts. Rev. J. W. Anderson. Partar Roa. 42» Tillamook BL Telephone East 80M Ladt Sunday was a •plrllual high dny in our church. At II a. m. the Junior choir rendered hue singing., and ihr pastor preached a splendid sermou from th subject "The l-ake and the River “ At 8:80 p m lhe B Y. I’ U had a splendid meeting under the loadrrshlp of Mhu Ida Jack­ son. President. At 8 p tu the N»nlor uholr, under the leaderahlp ot Mrs Rimpson, load the Services. Mrmbera of the chulr wen! to the paator and uongralulated hlm on the able oor mon he preached. Next Bunday our pastur will prach two apeclal Sermons Come and wurshlp wlth da. Interested in them. Sliding their b««au to distinct and Individual. How Hs Worked Hio Way The tuition at the Conservatory, lo be sure, was free, but Burleigh had to earn living expenses The Ural sum mer he served wine at a fashionable • HILOH BAPTIST CHURCH hotel In tiaratoga: th next summer ■ aet 7tth and Evsrett Street». he went to Saratoga aa baritone sol Rev. E. L. Mooeley. M. T D. upstor. oist at the Bethesda Episcopal church Phonn Tabor 176* and from that time things went bet Special Services July 2*. Iflfth Sun ter. I day * Preachtns al II A M by thè In 18*4. competing with sixty ap­ paator and at 3 P M and I I*. M plicants. he won the position of barl by Hev W. D Carter, D D. of Se tone soloist at St. George's church In atUe. Wash New York, which position he has held tor twentynlne years Shortly after­ St PhiUlpa Mission wards» he was engaged at the Temple 24th and Hartar Daye Kinanu KI. a poet which he has occu­ pied tor all of twenty years. Murnlng service. II a. tn ; Sunday Mr Burleigh has toured Europe, School. 12 m Archdeacon Black In and tn thia country aa a concert barl charge; Mr II CoIna. lay reader. A tone and has won much praise tor cordial welcome swells you at Hl his gifts as a singer He considers Phillips singing hla profession, while as a eompoaer he la more widely known. FIRST A * . C. ZION CHURCH Amongst his best art songs are lo be found hla cycle of "Haraceu Songs." 41) .< -mi Ave, Rev. E. J. Ma Memory." “A Prayer.“ qruder, A. B. Paster. Parsonage. 280 “Pa-aalonnle.' "Ethlopa Saluting the Colors. and Cook Avs. Phons Walnut 8174. "One Year,“ a musical mood of the You can't afford to miss the serv war from 1*14 to 1*18. He has ar Ices at Zion Only lhe pure unadul­ ranged a number of the ''Spirituals'' terated gospel Is being preached Ev­ tor solo and quartet work. And near ary Bunday two and three are added ly everyone Is familiar with hla lo the church "Jean." “Every day In every way” Zion io In speaking of how he feels toward growing Splendid service» and modern art song and Its development. sound gospel from God's word la be­ Burleigh has the following to ing preached One joined church on "The text determines the char­ hist Sunday Thia la the church with acter of the song. The kind of music a cordial welcome for all. one writes Is governed by this sole ly. I believe "If the American com poser will only remember that when Pentecostal Mleoien of the Churih of God in Christ • he chooses he la to look for poems “The House of Prayer" In which the spiritual forces of mercy, 2d Union Ave. N. justice and Iruth play a part, he will Elder Robert *oarclo. Pastor be adding lo the literature things that Bunday serviros: 10 A m . Sunday have a big meaning.” school; 11.30 a. m. and 7:30 p. tn. Mr Burleigh la a composer by “Di­ preaching Week day mootings: vine right” and what la more Is a Monday. Wednesday and Friday ovo thinker, a man who writes music not .'inga, for testimonials, prayer for because he enjoys seeing his name on healing the sick and for tarry moot th* program of some singer, but be­ togs All are cordially Invitad to cause he feels deeply, profoundly In j attend. the language of tone. Mr Burleigh Is manuscript editor at Plccordl's Publisher, New York. MURLARK HALL, JULY 2«TH, 8T. PHILLIP'S GUILD—-Adv. The Up-to-Date Cleaning & Tailoring Co 4M UNION AVENUE. NORTH BETHEL A. M. I. CHURCH Larrabee and McMillen Streets Rev. A. R. Pea, D. D, Pastor Phone East 1107 E. L. Jameson, Assistant • Phono Walnut 1S00 I By Trixie iruuil AT YOUR SERVICE ROSE CITY LODGE NO. Hi P. O. E. OF W., MEETS the 2ND AND 4TH WEDNESDAY EVEN­ ING8 OF EACH MONTH AT THE STAG AUDITORIUM. Sdì'/, EABT MORRISON STREET. ALL VISIT« ING BROTHERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. E. D. CANNADY, E. R. MINOR, Secretary. YELLOW TAXI CALL MAIN 0059 Also Seven-Passenger Touring Cars for Sightseeing LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY NOTICE TO CREDITORS In lhe Circuit Court of the State Oregon for the County of Multnomah Probate Department Notice is hereby given that the un- dnralgned has been appointed admin­ istratrix of the estate of E. G. Dick­ ens of the Htate of Oregon for Mult­ nomah County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said es­ tate are hereby notified to present the lame, duly verified aa by law re­ quired. to the undersigned at 311 Macleey Building. Portland. Oregon, within six months from the hereof. Dated and first published Juna 21, 1*23. Last publication July 28, 1*23. MRS E. D. CANNADY. Administratrix. Wm. O. Martin, Attorney. NOTICE Dahlia Temple No. 203, I. B. P. O. E. of W., of Portland, Oregon, meets the lat and 3rd Tuesday nights In each month at Stag Auditorium. All visiting Daughter Elks In good standing in their respective Temples are Invited to meet with us. LOUISE THOMAS, Daughter Ruler, BEATRICE II. CANNADY, Daughter Secretary. Syracuse Lodge, K. of P, No. 1, meets the second and fourth Fri­ day nights In such month. AU Sir Knights in good standing are welcome. Fraternal Hall, 7*8 Missis­ sippi Ave. William Dels, C.C.; J. R.