The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, June 23, 1923, Image 2

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Washington. D. C—Confident that
Salem.—Tentative plana tor a prune
the government will finish the 12-
federation tor the marksting and ad
month period ending June 30 with a
vertlalng of prune* under a centralis­
i surplus ot $206.000.004, President Hard­
Brief Resume Most Important ing told government officials at a Germans Given Warning by Oc­ ed head were worked out at a meet­
ing of repreeentagivee of the various
"bualnesa" meeting Monday that he
cupation Authorities.
Daily News Items.
prune Interests here Saturday.
expected greater economies to be ef­
Balen — Bids tor the erection ot
fected during the next fiscal year.
state buildings and other improve­
The policy of “economy with ef­
ments aggregating an expenditure of
ficiency," he asserted, must be pressed
approximately Jith’.iW will be opened
further for the benefit of the tax-
at a special meeting of the state board
ot control to be held tn Salem Tues­
The executive, taking official no-
Evesta of Noted People. Go'crnmeat* tice ot reported attempts by some of-
ficiate to Influence congress to grant
and Pacifl« Northwest, aad Other
Baker—Efforts to secure the re­
larger appropriations than recommend­
Thing* Worth Knowing.
of Mayor Gleason and Commie-
ed by the budget bureau, warned
Jamieson of Bumpier failed
against repetition of such activities.
Saturday. The recall on Gleason was
Departing from his prepared address
Dusseldorf.—Plans to take control defeated by 73 to 55 votes and that of
A. B. Williams, Battle Creek manu­ and shaking his finger emphatically
facturer, running on the republican at his audience, he announced he was ot the coal and coke and raw material Jamieson 75 to 47.
ticket, was elected to congress from ready to give consideration to recom­ supplies ot all the factories in the
Medford.—In the special election
the third Michigan district in Tues­ mendations for the discharge of of­
Ruhr were announced Saturday at held Friday afternoon the taxpayers
day's special election.
ficials who urged congressional com­
French headquarters here. The oc- of Medford voted on the issuance of
$160.060 in bonds for a new high
The hottest day in New York so far mittees to go beyond the budget fig- :
authorities decided to adopt
school. The proposition was lost by
this year brought death to five per urea in appropriations.
Mr. Hard- thi* metho<1 to enforce payment ot the 127 votes, there being 372 for It and
“I do not heetltate to say.'________
sons in greater New York and caus­
ed more than a score of prostrations, ing declared, "that a repetition of the co<1 tBX whuh
'■»» against.
moat of them on the lower east side. acts ot any government officer before ¡»«al»«» Pl»»U have heretofore .re-
Salem.—Judge G G. Bingham of the
congressional committees in urging ap­
General Dégoutté, the allied com- Marion county circuit court has sign­
Eight cruisers, four river gunboats propriations in excess ot the budget's
and three cruiser submarines will com­ recommendations will be regarded as manderin-chief, issued a decree an­ ed an order declaring constitutional
nouncing the military's intention to the law enacted at the last session of
prise the building program which the sufficient reason to cause the giving of
take charge of all overhead convey­ i the legislature remitting to tho city
navy department will present to the consideration to the severance of such
ors aad all rail lines leading from the of Astoria its taxes over a period of
budget bureau and to congress at the officials from the government service.*
The president's determination to coal mines to the factories. The seven years.
coming session.
enforce the program of keeping gov-
Bnd Belgians will post guards
Salem.—Fines collected In Oregon
Pluralities of J. A. O. Preus, gover­ ernment expenditures within Income along all such lines, and whenever a
during May through the activities ot
nor. and Magnus Johnson, republican was reflected in a speech by Brigadier- plant director refuses to pay the coal
the state traffic officers aggregated
and farm labor nominees for United General Lord, director of the budget, tax to the occupational authorities his Mn5 3C. accordtag to a report by T.
States senator from Minnesota as a who. speaking also at the meeting, supplies of coal, coke and raw mat er- A Raffety. ln char<r of the law en-
result of Monday's primary, continued said he had asked the president to j ials will be immediately cut off. thus ‘ torcaaenl division ot the state motor
to increase as belated returns came discharge one official who had In­ causing the shutdown ot the plant as | vahlc>a department
in. .
structed his subordinates to spend all soon as its stocks are exhausted.
Salem. — Governor Pierce has an
The Krupp works at Essen, employ­
The government has ended its in­ money sca lable to their bureau before
: nounced the appointment ot Oscar
ing 52.000 men. and the Stinnes works
vestigation in New York of th? Famous July 1. The official. General Lord de­ at Muelheim, with 40.000 men. will be Hayter ot Dallas as a member ot the
clared. sent telegrams to his field serv­
state parole board, to succeed Bert E.
Player»-! .asky corporation, charged
ice employes, urging them to let no among the establishments affected.
Haney ot Portland, who resigned fol­
with being a monoply. and will re­ appropriation lapse at the end of the
lowing his appointment as a member
sume the inqu.ry at Philadelphia on
fiscal year, when unexpended funds Indebtedness Issue Bought Up I of the federal shipping board.
June 25.
revert to the treasury general fund.
Washington. D. C.—The treasury de-1 Dallas.—Burnice. 4 year-old daugh-
A gift of <150.000. to be distributed
General Lord made a plea for a stop­
among 15 hospitals in the United ping or wastage in government opera partment announced Sunday night ter ot Louis Viliwock. a Salt creek
States and Canada to promote the use tions. the small as well as the large, that it had accepted subscriptions farmer, was drowned Saturday morn­
of insulin in the treatment of diabetes, for both kinds, he said, were equally totaling $169.633.504 to the latest Ing. The child had gone to a spring
was announced by John D. Rockefeller important in any program of retrench­ issues ot indebtedness. A total of near the home to get some water and
$342.462.066 was subscribed but the Is believed to have fallen in. The body
Jr. The hospitals are in all sections ment of expenditures.
treasury's requirements for the next was found a half hour later by her
of the country.
The president characterized the ef­
few months permitted the amount of father.
forts of the government “business"
Two deaths were reported Wednes­
3.1 em. _ increasing material coat
organisation toward retrenchment as cash offers taken to be held close to
day as a result of the beat wave which
epochal. He said that the benefits the original estimate of $150,000,006. coupled wlth demands for higher
struck Chicago Tuesday, although
accruing were not all direcUy shown Secretary Mellon, however, decided to wagea by mechanics has proved detri­
slight relief was found late Wednes­
and pointed to the adoption by many accept all subscriptions for which menU1 to tha building industry in
day afternoon in a shower which last
matured securities were offered in Salem. A report of the city record-
states of federal standards and meth­
ed but a few minutes. The tempera­
ods as proof that the policy of econ­ payment. These amounted to $38,344,- er ^,„^4 s*turdav indicated that the
ture reached SI degrees.
building permits for June will fall tar
omy tn government was being carried
Closing of the issue of certificates beIow those in May.
An earthquake lasting 48 seconds further by the example of the federal which matures December 15 and bears
occurred at Anchorage. Alaska, at government. All of this, the executive 4 per cent interest, marks the con-1 Salem. — The Loganberry Growers'
12:45 Tuesday afternoon. The motion asserted means government at less ex­ elusion of the treasury fiscal opera­ exchange, which was organised here
was rotatory. Advices stated that pense to those who pay the bills.
tions for this finance year, and ln all a few days ago as a selling organi­
the volcanic region on the Alaskan
probability nothing will be done in the zation, announced Saturday that It
peninsula, where extensive disturb­ ETNA SPOUNITG HOT LAVA way ot new financing before the mid- had signed up more than 600 acres of
ances occurred last winter, is quiet.
loganberries In Marion county, and
Rome.—Mount Etna, in violent erup­ die of September.
that other acreage would be added
Senator Reed of Missouri, address­ tion Monday was laying waste the sur­
the next week.
ing a luncheon in San Francisco Wed­ rounding countryside, said dispatches
Kite Filer, 7B, Is “Hero.”
nesday, scored what he termed the which reached the mainland.
Jamaica, L. I.—James A. Poulson
Seaside—Fred O. Westberg, 30, a
growing tendency toward control of
Great rivers of molten rock, pour- of, the 76-yearold kite en­ carpenter, died here Sunday as a re­
business and home by government bur­ ing down the steep sides of the moun­ thusiast, who became famous over­ sult ot taking a plunge In the nata-
eaus and commissions composed of tain from numerous fissures, were night and won the annual Jersey City torium Immediately after dinner. His
“lame ducks, ward heelers and politi­ overwhelming all before them and the kite flying contest by sending his home was in Astoria and an Identitica-
cal ’ramps."
inhabitants ot the surrounding settle­ Hill-toot rocket 2H miles into the air I tion card in his pocket requested that
Henry Ford may decide to become a ments were fleeing in despair while Saturday, was being congratulated for Mrs. W. J. Wiese of Gilford. Mont., be
notified in case of bls death.
candidate for the presidency of the crops and homes were disappearing tils extraordinary accomplishment,
Poulson is the boys’ hero now and
United Stales. The Detroit automobile under the hissing flood.
Pendleton. — The west Umatilla
The main crater of Etna, after the the ease with which he sends his kite I county school fight, involving a large
manufacturer in an interview in Bos­
ton. Mass., declared that he had never fitful displays ot the last week, sud­ high above the rest is still an awe­ amount of money in taxation, will go
stated, as was written in the news denly opened up at midnight Sunday inspiring mystery to them. Out in to the supreme court, the objections of
papers last Sunday, that he would not with a noise like the firing of a thous­ Jersey City and in Jamaica the boys school district No. I and those of some
and cannon. There were subterranean consider Poulson the eighth wonder individual taxpayers in the newly
be a candidate for president.
rumblings, flames shot to the sky and of the world, Poulson, however, dld created union school district No. 5,
Fire cost the lives of three children the populations of the little towns not become famous by accident, He
being the basis ot contention.
at Homedale, Idaho at an early hour about the base of the cone fled to the has been flying kites for 66 years.
Salem.—The Old People’s home, re-
Monday and mother love, expressing plains.
completed here at a cost of
itself in a futile attempt to save the
Five great cracks opened in the
children from the flames, added Mrs. northeastern side of the mountain and ‘ Coney Island, N. Y.—Determined to
„ , more than $75,000, was dedicated Bat-
Donato Uberuaga to the victims. Mrs. from these mouths, several kilometers rid Coney Island ot its week-end pa- urday. Dr. N. E. Davis, secretary of
Uberuaga died from burns sustained from the old crater, came streams of Jama parties and gambling seances the national board for homes and hos­
when attempting to save her children. lava.
this summer, two score detectives and pitals of the Methodist Episcopal
patrolmen in a series of raids Sunday church, delivered the principal address.
Captain Roald Amundsen, the ex­
more than 150 men and wo­ Bishop W. O. Shepard of Portland
plorer. who recently abandoned his ashes were hurled to a heght of 30
Magistrates McCloskey and presided.
proposed flight across the North Pole to 60 feet from both the old and new men.
The Dalles.—Rain, which fell inter­
by airplane, is returning to the United craters and the lava streams, advanc­ ' O'Neil speDt most ot the day in police
States on the schooner Holmes, ac­ ing on a frontage estimated at 500 court accepting pleas of guilty and im­ mittently Friday afternoon and night,
is not believed to have damaged the
cording to a dispatch from Nome, yards, laid waste the vineyards and posing fines.
Two hotels and dozens of seaside j Wasco county cherry crop to any ex
Alaska, to the Aftenposten in forests in their paths and progressed
Christiania. The dispatch said Amund­ at a speed of a mile and a quarter an bungalows were raided. Elghty-one j tent. The cherry harvest here is now
1 men and women were taken in rooms on In full swing, with picker* coming
sen's airplane was damaged in a trial hour.
■ at hotels.
in daily from Portland and Willam­
ette valley points. Buyers are pay­
Pole Flight Given Up.
Ellis Island officials have admitted
$8 Increases to $55.
ing 9 and 10 cents a pound.
Christiana.—Captain Roald Amund­
the charge in the British house of
Canyon City.—The annual three-day
New York.—An $8 savings bank de-
commons that as many as 150 persons sen has abandoned his proposed flight
of different races and color were across the North Pole by airplane, it ’ posit, made in Boston during the 1873 celebration In Whisky Gulch on tbe
housed in the same sleeping quarters, was announced Monday afternoon by | panic, by George G. Felton, 67, a re­ I banks of Canyon creek here, came to
a close Saturday night. The camp
but said that this was unavoidable the Norwegian minister of defense.
tired manufacturer and politician, has was astir until a late hour with hun­
It was pointed out that to keep races The minister received a message from
Separately classified it would be nec­ Leon Amundsen, brother of Roald, grown, after several reassignments to dreds attired in the costume* of the
essary to have a “gigantic honey­ reading: “Just received the following a fund of $55, which Felton Saturday pioneer miners who boomed this dis­
telegram, dated Norwich, Alaska: made over to his grandson. Gall Felton, trict 60 years ago, thronging tbe var­
comb" of a building.
ious dance balls and gambling places.
'Trial flight held May 11. Result very
6, of Brooklyn, to grow up with. If
A million and a half pounds of wool,
- •
unsatisfactory. Sorry forced abandon
Salem.—Blds for furnishing supplies
representing a pool of clips from the
Gail leaves it intact for 50 years more
proposed flight. Have written.’ ”
for the various state institutions dur­
district about Boise, Idaho, has been
he will have a sizeable bank roll.
ing the six months starting June 1
placed in storage in Portland by W.
American Ships Held.
and ending December 31, will be open­
Scott Anderson of Boise. The ship­
Vancouver To Change.
ed at a special meeting of the state
Nome, Alaska.—The American trad­
ment was made by the same interests
Vancouver, B. C.—The people ot this board of control here Tuesday. R. B.
which last year disposed of a 1,000,- ing schooners Silver Wave, Iskum and
000 pound pool at auction in Portland, Belinda are detained at East Cape, city Sunday voted to repeal the pro­ Godin, secretary of the board, predict­
ed that the cost of these supplies will
and Indicates that favorable market
Siberia, and their crews are under portional representation system of vot­ be 5 per cent higher than those for tbe
conditions here, together with facili­
present six months.
ties for storage, warrant the use of arrest on charges of violating trading
laws of the soviet government of and decided to return to a system of
Pendleton. — Prospects tor several
the Portland market In future.
Russia, it was learned here Monday. four wards with two aidermen from ' fairs and agricultural shows In Uma­
President Harding has disposed of The news of the plight of the three each instead of electing all aidermen tilla county this fall are good, accord­
his control of the stock of the Hard­ trading schooners was brought by the at large.
ing to a check of the various districts.
ing Publishing company, publisher of Rev. N. F. Hoyer, a missionary, after
Expenditure of $1,300,000 on roads, There will be the northwest grain and
the Marlon Star, to Louis H Brush a winter in Bering strait.
sewers, fireboats, high schools and hay show at Pendleton during the
and Roy D. Moore. The sale, how­
other civic enterprises was approved. Round-up, the Hermiston hog and
ever, did not constitute a complete sev­
Big Kansas Bank Shut.
dairy show at Hermiston, the Uma­
erance of Mr. Harding's connection
Soviet Envoy la Named.
Wichita, Kan.—The American 8tate
pine school Industrial exhibition, the
with the newspaper, whose editor be bank, one of the strongest state banks
Tokio.—Adolph A. Joffe, represent­ Western potato show and the east end
has been for so many yaars. it was in Kansas, closed its doors early Mon­ ing the Russian soviet government, apple show. All of these will receive
announced at the White House that day morning. The bank was closed has been appointed plenipotentiary for an allotment from the state fair fund
he would retain some stock in the following discovery of the defalcation the preliminary “conversations” with through the Umatilla county court,
company and would continue to be of $1,500,000 by Phillip A. Drumm, the Japanese government for the pur­ and several other sections are plan­
associated with the Star In an edi­ cashier, the Wichita clearing house an­ pose of re-establishing relatione be­ ning exhibits of their products this
torial capacity.
tween the two countries.
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