THE ADVOCATE 11 1 ■— An Independent Paper Devoted to the • VOL. XX. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ............. - Interest* Interests »f the People PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1923 ------ NO 48 11 PRICE 5 CENTS EDITOR BASS WRITES INTERESTINGLY OF PRESENT-OAT CONDITIONS WINS FIRST PRIZE IN FLORAL PARADE MASTER QEORQI EDWARD CANNADY CAPTURES BLUE RIBBON FOR FIFTH TIME IN ANNUAL ROBB FESTIVAL PARADE,— RIDE* FLOWER BE DECKEO BICYCLB Comueepla of Blue Bachelor Button« Against Background ef Pink Rambler Rose«.—Wine Much Applause.—Prize of *50.00 Presented at Luncheon.—You no tar la Very Happy Local and For­ eign News Briefs (Bl>r rial) Maator George Edward ('aunady, 16th, at which time you will be pre­ 10-yearold eon of Editor and Mr« sented with a check In the amount DC. D. Cannady, entered the annual of your prise. Again thanking you. we are Hoae Festival parade Thursday, the Very truly yours, 14th. In the Bicycle division and In ROBE FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION. competition with eight other lads, Direction Royal Rosartans, Inc. all older and all of the opposite race. H. J. BLAES1NO. Master George won the first prise, Chairman Floral Parade Com. which waa fifty dollars (*50 00). The following Item waa clipped from the HOTEL NOTBB Morning Oregonian of June l*th: FIFTH CYCLI PRIZE WON Mr and Mrs. Edward Boyce and Honorable GEORGE CANNADY HOLDER OF Harry L. Day, hla wife MANY FETE AWARDS A \ and their son, owners of Lad Said to Owe Success to Cars Taken by Mother In Decoration of Wheal George Edward Cannady, the 10- year-old youngster who won first prlae tor the moat beautifully dec- iPated bicycle In the Rose Festival parade Thursday, has won the blue ribbon for five years now in this di­ vision of the award«. lie may thank the tine artistic sense of hie mother. Mrs. E D. Can­ nady. 620 East Twenty-sixth street North, for his luck—If luck It can be called. When the blue badge and the preaentatlon card were handed to Georg« he took them calmly enough, with a charming amllo. Mrs. Can­ nady waa there and said she was so happy for him But George felt that hie part waa to ride. The prise was for his mother’s part To her the glory should go George would ride her masterpiece of floral decoration for the crowds to admire. "Mother worked moat of laat night and until noon today getting my bike and me ready,” he said. “I think my bike Is the prettiest. I’m glad you do too.” turning to Otto C. John­ son. who made the award. The effort of Mrs. Cannady seem­ ed Indeed deserving of the prise and much praise. How she managed to get the flowing and fragile appear­ ance of the slender cornucopia of mass roaea attached to the back of the bicycle was quite a problem for those who saw It to solve. Bright fruits had the effect of continuously spilling from the mouth of the floral horn. The wheels were rolling cir­ cles of red and pink roses, arranged In blending tone colors. Mounted on this moving rose vehicle wan George, quite handsome In his Immaculate suit of white duck. RECEIVE* THANKS FROM MAN­ AGEMENT AND INVITATION TO LUNCHEON Portland, Oregon. June 16. 1923. George Edward Cannady, 620 E. 26th St. N. Portland, Oregon Dear Sir: We wish to extend to you our ap­ preciation of your kind co-operation Ig entering a floral decoration In the Orand Floral Parade of the 1923 Rose Festival. It is a source of satisfac­ tion to receive such co-operation, and It will aid us In presenting a bigger and better Festival next year and In the years to come. You are cordially Invited to be present at a luncheon given by the Chamber of Commerce members’ forum, at 12:00 noon, Monday. June JOIN* CHURCH Bunday night at Zion church, Mr. Kanoma and Edward Magruder unit­ ed with the church. FAMILY MOVE* SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. T. Rain and family left Wednesday morning for Los An­ geles, Calif., where they will make their future home. Wanted.—Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hos­ iery for men, women and children. Eliminate darning. Salary *75.06 a week full time, *1.50 an hour spare time. Beautiful spring line. Inter­ national Stocking Mills, Norristown, Penn. For Rant, neatly furnished room. Close In. Call at Ml E. Couch 8t., or phone East *1*7.—adv. Star Cleaning J. $. Bell's Photo Studio Paul, Mln., where she goes to visit ALL THE FUSS ABOUT THE ENF ORCEMENT OF THE EIGHTEENTH her daughter. Mrs. Esther Akers, AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION BRINGS LACK OF who is very III Mrs. Bettie will be ENFORCEMENT OF 14TH AND 1STH TO LIGHT gone indefinitely. ENTERTAIN DAUGH­ Writer Says Race Stands Firm for Enforcement of All Laws^—While tho Whites Are Struggling With Each Other, Tarring and Feathering, TER ELK* Race Is Walting for Its "Change” Rose City Lodge, I. B. P. O- Of W. No. Ill will on Friday evening, June (By J. B. Bass, Editor Los Angeles Eagle) 29lb, entertain complimentary to the Three Aot Comedy Drama We have before us for considera­ Increasing Angles Daughter Elks. written by tion this day problems not of race so Just as true again as It has been John T. McIntyre much as they are general. Yet from written, tho tray is turning and even CUTTING SCRAPE Monday Evening, June 25, 1923 this hypothesis the race plays to a in the Southland this day instead of Will Taylor, a bootblack, is sought LITTLE THEATER great extent the leading role. The confining their efforts to tar, feather­ by the police for the alleged crime 80 North 23r* Street Eighteenth Amendment and the ing and whipping black people, the of dangerously cutting 8. N. Nailing Admission 50 Cents lengths to which Federal and State Ku Klux Klan are taking white peo- In a hotel at Alder and Second officers go to enforce the same. pie from their homes and inflicting streets. The cause of the rumpus CARD OF THANKS gives to the sponsors of the measure upon them all softs of indignities was, Taylor claims, that Nailing was I wlah to thank all those who par- a fair idea of the reality in the old and from this angle they are also tlcipated in the "Maalaea Wedding" with his wife, Mrs. Georgia Jones, adage “Whatever you sow, that you reaping the whirlwind and increas­ The woman Is held in jail as a mi- and helped so beautifully to make It will also reap,” for they have but to ing the gale. hos- Nalling is in a terial wltness. the splendid success that it was, es­ cast their eyes south, east, north and Standing Firm pecially the strangers who took part, tai. wgat and see on all sides violation of Through all the vicissitudes of the also Mrs. E. D. Cannady for the deco­ the Fourteenth and Fifteenth steady advance of civilisation, how­ Vlolet Art Club Meete rations. (Signed) Amendments and practically in the ever, let It be known that the Ne­ The Violet An Club waa the guest MRS. E. J. MAGRUDER. I of Mrs. M. Craig of 724 Clinton St. Southland these two amendments gro has stood firm and true for law have been nullified. Yet in this self­ and order and no question has been Select reading by Mr:. P. N- Hoff, CARD OF THANK8 same section a mighty howl comes raised as to his loyalty for his gov­ "The Trend of the Races. 8lxty 1 wish to thank Bobbie Allen. Mr. up against the bill providing for re­ ernment. He is standing today for Nimrod Jackson and Miss Tettle- Years Progress. Recitation by Mrs. pealing the enforcement of the Vol- the enforcement of all the amend­ baum and others whose names I do Locke. Delicious refreshments were ' stead act by the State of New York. ments of all the law, he Is against I served. Next meeting June 29th, at not know, for flowers given in the Shut Them Up mob law and has nothing but con­ residence of Mrs. D. D. Thomas, 708 decoration of my bicycle for the Rose The denizens of the Southland are tempt for the cowardly Ku Klux Festival parade, also Mrs. J. D. Dia­ Harold street. the last ones that should criticise Klan and standing thus, he watches mond and Mr. Gregg for assistance Governor Smith or anybody else for the various angles, waiting for his LOCAL GIRL TO CONTINUE rendered In connection with getting failure to enforce any of the ameod- change to come. EDUCATION me ready and getting ^my bike down mens, for in this section today exists Miss Melba J. Burge who graduat ­ to the line of march Also Mrs. J. the most wanton and blatant dlare- “THE APPEAL FOR THE RACE" from the Girls’ Polytechnic , C. Allen for her kind offer to give ed gard for constitution and law as it is A 40-page National Race Book, for School Thursday evening, the 14th, me some flowers ' possible to exist anywhere on the Sale, by mail, 27c. will enter High School next year, GEORGE CANNADY. face of the earth. Therefore, in re­ where It will take her two years to The book deals with southern in­ gard to the question of enforcing the complete her literary course, then justice. southern exodus and its cause. CHRURCH WOMEN EXPRESS amendments, the South has but one she anticipates attending Columbia The Texas City 1915 Slave Camp, by APPRECIATION ■ voice and that one is to "Shut University. Miss Burge is one of U. S. Army officials; Race unity, the Portland. Ore., June 10, 1923. right up." the most progressive young girls of Negro press. The author prophesies Dear Mrs. Cannady: Whirlwind in a general way. He alleges "south­ The Ladles of the Woman's Home the city and we all are justly proud Therefore i the grief which is attend- ern disasters are due to God’s divine Missionary Society of Lincoln church of her success. ant upon I the enforcement of the law—sowing and reaping. Gal. 6:7." wish to express thair" sincere thanks GO TO 8EASIDE Eighteenth Amendment and the He says they will continue sad un­ and appreciation for your assistance Mrs. J. D. Patton left Tuesday for quasi Joke which the law is consid­ just men and women will bow before in the pageant. Seaside where she expects to spend ered is but a fulfillment of the God’s just law. The army officials* Your words snd song were an in­ the season, also Mrs. George Mullen prophecy as expressed, and having excuse for the outrage, page 21, in spiration and added much to the sue- left the same day and will spend served the wind this great Govern­ The Appeal, Rev. Elijah C. Branch, cees of the program.. some time at Seaside and Gearhart. ment is reaping the whirlwind with author, 1634 E. 22nd St., Los Angeles, Cordially. At the latter place she will visit Mrs. interest. i Calif. BLANCHE B. MILLER. Cor. Sec. W. S. Badger. THE TAWAWA TENNIS CLUB prosante ONE GIRL IN A THOUSAND The Portland, returned * Monday from California. . WOMAN SUSTAINS INJURY Mr Boyce, who has been ill for sev­ Mrs. M. P. Crawford, 614 Junior eral months. Is greatly Improved by I St., sustained a painful sprained an his sojourn In California. . kle Monday while walking down a Will Rhea, old time hotel man and ' bill. She is Improved at this writ­ pioneer cltlsen, will perform for the ing. next three months at the Gearhart, Gearhart. Oregon FARM WANTED—Wanted to hear Ben Rutherford, who a tew days from owner of farm or good land for ago. laid down the bell hop job at the sale, for Fall delivery. L. Jones, Box Portland, has caught on a dining car 177, Olney, III —adv. force. Bell-hope at the Portland, now that RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL school Is out. are working their reg­ Mrs. Belle Crawford. 157 Admiral ular shifts. street. Is Improved and has returned George Olsen and his famous or­ home from the hospital. chestra returned Wednesday to the city and the Portland, from a Six- MARION YOUNG GRADUATE* weeks' engagement on the Orpheum Marlon Young, eldeat son of Mr. circuit, where they knocked 'em cold and Mrs. Cornelius Young. 74* Har- with their inimitable jagg. ' old Ave., flnlshed the eighth grade William Dels, now a full fledged In a class of twenty-three (23) pupils dining-car waiter who runs to Omaha. on the 16th at Llewellyn school, E. Neb., waa a pleasant caller at the 14th and Henry streets. Marion plans Portland Monday. to enter Jefferson High next winter. He Is the first and only colored grad­ EDITOR BASS VISITS PORTLAND uate of thia school. J. B. Bass, editor of the Los Ang­ eles Eagle, one of the flneat and best MRS- EDWARDS CALLS AT OFFICE newspapers printed on the Pacific Through the courtesy of Mrs. Hat- coast, waa a pleasant visitor In Port­ Ge Redmond. Mrs. M. L. Edwards, land this week. Besides looking af­ formerly of this city but now of Ta­ ter business In connection with the coma. called at our office Tuesday GOES TO ST. PAUL Orand United Order of Odd Fellows, and gave us her usual cheering and Mrs R. Bettis of 133 Flower street of which he la District Grand Mas­ encouraging wordk. Mrs. Edwards left Thursday night, the 14th, for St ter. he took time .to call on hla Is visiting indefinitely here with friends and pay a visit to The Advo­ friends. cate office. Editor Bass Is a bril­ liant newspaper man and Is not con­ FORMER PORTLAND WOMAN tent with less than the best, that Is DIE* IN TACOMA why the "Soaring Eagle” Is In the Mrs. Blanche Alford, formerly of first rank today. In the publication this city, died in Tacoma, Monday. of hla paper he Is ably assisted by Her eon, Frankie Alford, resides with Mrs. Bass, who la a very brilliant and Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Thomas, 361 East active woman. Mr. Baas presided Third 8t„ N. over a business meeting of New Northwest Lodge, G. ü. O. of O. F. GEARHART MAN HERE at Fraternal hall Tuesday night and W, 8. Badger of Gearhart, Ore­ on Sunday evening. June the 17lh, he gon. who Is engaged there in the spoke at Bethel church. Mr. Bass truck farming business, was In the left Tuesday night for home. city, Monday, on business and left WB CLEAN ANYTHING MADE OF FABRICS Rage, Blanket«, Plllowa, Sults, Oven- ooats. Draperies, Comforters, Lamp-Shades, Qowne, Ladles’ Costs Ladles' Garment« Our Specialty Lst Us Save Your Clothing and Money *00 Goodnough Building Rhone us when In a Rush—well give you the Service 6th and Yamhill Streets Main 9360 Sit 4th St Wo Call and Deliver Main 6426 Portland. Ore. Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. WINS IN TRACK MEET Mies Clotilde Curry came out as winner In a recent 60-yard dash at her school. She was in a contest with several others- time. You had better join now, be- cause June 30 starts camping, track trips, etc. It only coats ten dollars a year. ELKS TO STAY OFF DATE JULY 3RD. GRAND PICNIC. PARTICULARS LATER.—Adv. his check for two years' subscription to The Advocate. Y. M. C- A. NEWS Now is the time to join the "Y." They are going to Spirit Lake camp about 60 miles from here. All the classes of the "Y" In the summer The Elk’s Popu­ larity Contest Will End July 9th, 1923 There Will Be 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prise*. Who Will Win? WORK! WORK! (Courtesy Oregon Daily Journal) Master George Edward Cannady, 10-year-old eon of Editor and Mrs. E. D. Cannady, and his prize-winning bicycle which ho rode in the annual Rose Featlval parade, Thursday, June 14th. George won first prize of *50.00. This make« his Sixth prize won In the annual parade and also makes his fifth first prize. George has ridden In the parade every year aince he wee three year« old. UNIVERSAL NEGRO IMPROVEMENT Meets every Sunday afternoon from 3 to House, 343 Russell Street. The public Is all the time OFFICERS R. D. Bird, President Mrs. Phillips, Lady Pres. ASSOCIATION New York Dentists VARNISHES. GLA88, Office: N. DOORS AND WINDOW* OILS E. Corner Second and Taylor Sts., Portland, Oregon V For Reliable Phone Broadway 7222 Satisfaction Will Be Mutual Model Shoe Repair Th« Right Place to Hava Your Shte Repairing Done UP-TO-DATE Goods Portland, Oregon When You Call a Taxi-Cab Call Brdy. 0098 ALL CLASSES OF DENTAL WORK CAREFULLY DONE Satisfaction Guaranteed Ma BARBECUE PLANT 350 Olisan Street, in Patk Hotel, opposite New Postoffice REPAIR SHOP Northeast corner Fourth and Morrison Streets Your Patronage Desired OILS. LUBRICATING H. N. Triplett Vice-Pres. I. Z. Triplett, Gen. Sec’y 272 Washington 8treet In the Blumauer Building PAINTS, 6, at St. Phillip’s Parish Invited. A good program Telephone Main 5051 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment Rasmussen & Co Portland Division 391 WORK! B. J. JOHNSON, Proprietor OPEN FROM 8 A. M. TO 10 P. M. All Kinds of Meats Barbecued—Serve You Here, or You May Take it Homo SPECIAL Ham and Eggs, Bacon and Eggs, Hot Cakes and Coffee, Served from 8 A. M. to 11 A. M EXTRA BLACK AND WHITE Merchant's Lunch Served from 11 A. M. to 2:90 P. M Stands at all leading hotels and all parts of the city Ser^.PWour.