ADVOCATE _____ THE. An Independent Peper Devoted to the VOL. XX. Interest« <>*• People ~ NO 42_____________________ PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1923 PRICE 6 CENTS CHARGE GARVEY BET ON HORSE RACES FORMER CO-OFBRATOR OP OAR VEY TESTIFIES THAT GARVEY WENT BROKE IN JAMAICA AFTER BETTINO ON HORSE RACES, THCN LIVR8 IN HIB HUMBLE ABODE “Sir Sydney de Bourg ef Trinidad, Knight Commendar of the Nile. Duke of Nigeria and of Uganda,** Baya Ha Dead Nat Wloh to Con­ tinue Title While Oar voy Io at the Halm New York. May II, 1888.—Funde of the Blech Star Line, a shipping eon- corn organised to accelerate the “back to Africa'* campaign of noma Amer- lean colored eltisens, were used by Oarvey, Ito heed, la tooting bio judg­ ment of horseflesh. a former co-opor­ ator of Garvey teatlflad today at the latter's trial In federal court on the charge of using the ma Ila to defraud. The former co-operator's name went into the court records aa **8lr Sydney do Beu.-g of Trlnldnd. Knight Commander of the Nile. Duke of Ni­ geria end of Uganda." Blr Bydney, a native of Trinidad, camo here In Hid aa a delegate to a Negro con­ vention. and then aided Oarvey to cell clock la the Black Star Liao to American Negroes and natives of the Wool Indies. The wltneae charged that while In K Inge ton. Jamaica, Mr. Oarvey went broke after betting on horse races. Mr Oarvey. who besides other self- donated Ulloa holda that of "provi- clonal preaident of Africa.** la hla own lawyer. Ho questioned Blr Bydney about their manner of living In Ja­ maica to ebow that he waa not ex­ travagant and the Trinidadian re­ plied that the accommodations “were all that one could expect end a man in your high position enjoy." "Did you expect Mr. Oarvey tf> alaep on the Boor?" rejoined Oarvey. The wltneae waa Invited to describe Mr. Oarvey'o mode of travel. "You alwaya rode." aaid Mr Bydney, "you never walked; sometimes you rode and I walked." "Did you Hve at the name place aa Mr. Oarvey?** caked Mr. Oarvey. "After you came from the racee and acid, 'wo are broke,' you came to live al the aame bouse with me." "When did you discuss Mr. Oarvey being broke and going to the racee?" Inquired Mr Oarvey. "I've been discussing you being broke going to the racee and toeing money all the way from Jamaica to New York." Blr Bydney eaid ho didn't care to rvaurne hie other title of leader of the wextern provinces of the Uni- vernal Negro Improvement Aeaocla- tlon aa long aa Oarvey waa preal- dent. of Kanaaa In forbidding exhibition of thio fllm capltaliaing and apreadlng aa it does vicious racial prejudlcee Which ahould have no part In Amer­ ican life." GO TO POLLS THR SATURDAY, JUNE IS Schools in which our children re­ ceive their education and thoee who direct the schools ahould certainly receive the moat careful attention and consideration of the people in- tereated tn them On Saturday (to­ day! between the hours of 12 noon and I p. m.. a very important school election will be held. A school di­ rectory and a achool bond Issue are to be voted upon. There are aeveral men tn the race for office of achool director, and we urge all registered voters to go to the polls and cast their voles for the man they honest­ ly believe to be best fitted for the poaltlon. The election of a school director la more Important. In our mind than the election of some other officers about whom we raised so much noise at other past elections MOTEL NOTES The Advocate congrat­ ulates Richard W. Childs, former manager of The Portland, on his appoint­ ment to manage the Multnomah Hotel. Mrs. Wilson, favorite checker at The Portland, who resigned »otne time ago, haa returned to work, and the employers and employes alike are elated, for abe la the very em­ bodiment of sunshine and happlneaa. Mrs. A. D. Charlton and Mrs. .J. H. Mackenxle, of Portland, are guests at Le Marquis Hotel. 12 East Slat 8t.. New York City. James Matthews haa thrown up his Job at the Beward to manage the wash room and shine stand for Roy Garnett at The Portland. Al Striplen. formerly in charge of the Portland wash room, has accept­ ed a like poaltlon at The Seward. TO HAVE MANLESS WRDDING The Ladles of Zion A. M. E. church are planning to stage a manlesa wed­ KANSAS GOVRRNOR ASKED BY ding at the church on the 18th of the month. The novelty of the affair N. A. A. C. F. TO BAR “BIRTH ie creating a deal of Interest and it OP NATION" FILM is expected to be largely patronised. New York. N. K.. Juno ».—Upon YOUNG MIBB GRADUATES receipt of the news in Now York that protect had been made agalnat a now attempt to chow the "Birth of a Nation" fllm in the Bute of Kan- aaa. the National Aoaoclation for the Advancement of Colored People, 70 Fifth Avenue. New York City, at once telegraphed Governor Jonathan M Davie, endoratng the protect and urging that he prevent the fllm from being ahown. The N. A. A. C. P. telegram reada aa follows: "The NaUonal Association for the Advancement of Colored People with tour hundred and forty branchea and membership of one hundred thouaand white and colored cltlaene endorses proteat agalnat abowing In Kanaaa of fllm "Birth of a Nation,” by R. G. Leggett, preaident Kanaaa Organlsa- tion of Motion Picture Theater Own- era. Thia dangeroue fllm in Ita de­ liberate distortion of known hlatorical facta and Ita glorification of the in- famoua Ku Klux Klan haa caused nu­ merous racial clashes and la largely responsible for prevent day revival of the Klan. We urge you continue aplendld example of former governora WR CLRAN ANYTHING MAOR OF FABRICS Ruga, Blankets, Pillows, Suite, Over- eoate. Draperies, Comforters, Lamp-Shades, Gowns, Ladles’ Coate Ladles* Garments Our Specialty Lot Ua Save Your Clothing and Money Phono ua when In a Rush—we’ll give you the Service Main 83S0 »1» 4th BL Wo Call and Deliver I 1 mistakes In buildings that we have WELL KNOWN TENNESSEE CHURCH MAN ROUGHLY HANDLED In the past. And be would have pre- BY ARKANSAS MOB.—LOCKED IN OFFICE OF MAYOR OF CITY ferred to have a survey of building AND LATER SPIRITED AWA V—“SASSED" BOY, IS CLAIM needs made by experts before the bond issue was presented to the Bishop on Way to Deliver Commence moot Address When Assailed by people. Youth Who Orders “Nigger” Out of Waiting Room—Author- We hope that thoee who read tbla Itlee Refuse to P rosecute Whites statement will agree with ua. If they EDITOR TO VISIT CITY do, we wish they might do all pos­ (8pe cial) Editor Base of The Loo Angelov sible to get all parents to the polls MASONS ELECT OFFICERS Warren, Ark., June 1.—Ia it pos-ijury would believe the word of a Eagle will be In the city next week. Grand Lodge of Maaotis of Califor­ next Saturday and support Mr. Shull. sibie for a venerable bishop to “sass" black man against a white, and if MRS C. B. SIMMONS, nia, which met at Vallejo, last week, a 20-y ear-old youth? Bishop Wallace came to court with 8WRRT GIRL GRADUATES For the Women's Committee. elected the following officers: Rev. This was the claim of a white mob, any chargee, he would probably be Mice Geraldine Turner, eldest J. H. Wilson, re-elected G. M.; Geo. Among bis supporters are: A. H. which took Bishop P. A. Wallace lynched. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Turner, W. Kinney of Portland, Deputy; from his stopping place, locked him graduated from the eighth grade at Buck Taylor, J. R. Warden; Goo. W. Averill. Dr. C. D. Bodine, Dr. H. L. V. W. C. A. NOTES Bowman. T. Henry Boyd, L. E. Car­ up in the office of the mayor, threat­ Richmond School Thursday morning Wilson, reelected Grand Secretary; ter. Mrs. Norman F. Coleman, Mrs. ened him with gun and rope and Avenue Y. W. C. A. will be glad to tn a class of 45. Miss Turner is on­ R. Houston, Grand Treasurer; L. P. G. M Glinea, Mrs. J. F. Hill, Arthur struck him with a chair until town know that Miss Eva D. Bowles will ly twelve years old. She is the young­ Richardson, Grand Lecturer. be the guest of the Association Fri­ W. Jones, Mrs. Wilfred P. Jones, officials rescued him. est member of the claaa and the on­ Bishop Wallace, whose home is In day, June 15 to 20 Mias Bowles is John K. Kollock, U. D. Maxson, Wal­ ly colored member of the class. VOMEN URGE RE-ELECTION OF lace McCamant, R. L. Sabin, Ben Brooklyn, N. Y., was on his way to the administrator for colored work. MR. SHULL IF I Selling. Joseph Simon. W. F. Stilx, Walters University here to deliver For years she was a social worker in If any one sees J. 8. Bell, the jovial I Mrs. Alexander Thompson, H. B. Van the baccalaureate sermon. Arriving her home city, Columbus Ohio. Since Saturday, June 18th, la a very im- photographer going around with a In the station during the rain, he IMS she has been Identified with the Duser, J. T. Wilson, E. A. Wyld. long face, bung down head, don't portant achool election day. Every took shelter inside, awaiting the auto Y. W. C. A., and in 1823 she was called in the National Board as Sec­ think that some of bis folks have parent should vote. The children are to take him to the school grounds. ELK8 ELECT OFFICERS passed Into the Orest Beyond, it la entitled to thia much interest on our At this point the 20-year-old white retary of Colored Work cities, On Wednesday evening. I’ine 13th, station porter announced that it was Sunday afternoon, at 3 p. m., at because "she” haa left the city, and part. All registered persons may vote for director, but only taxpayers on at the Stag Club Auditorium, Rose time to close the station and “you Bethel A. M. E. church, Larrabee and he is sad. sad, sad. the bond issue. City Lodge, I. B. P. O. E. of W., No. I damn niggers take your baggage and McMillan streets. Miss Bowles will WANTED—Women and girls over Managing a achool system for 40,- 111, elected officers for the annual I get ouL” Bishop Wallace remonstrat- address those interested in the pro­ 14 years of age. for stemming straw­ 000 children is probably much the and semi-annual terms. Those elect­ ed with the youth and in reply re­ motion of Y. W C. A. in Portland, E. D. Cannady, Exalted ceived two blows from a stove poker The meeting is open to the public. berries at Hood River. Unfurnished biggest business in Oregon. The beet ed were: frame camp houses provided at 10 and men we can elect as directors are Ruler; J. D. Hunter, Leading Knight; and threats to “get you tonight” The Committee of Managers were 15 cents per day. Finest spring wa­ none too good. The achool board A. B. Clay. Loyal Knight; A. H Mor­ Later in the evening the bishop receiving in honor of Miss Eva ter piped to camp grounds. Our spends more money by far than any row, Lecturing Knight; E. J. Minor, was called from the house by an auto Bowles Monday evening, June 18, at work room is cool, light and airy. other public body. Corresponding Secretary; Wyatt Wil­ load of men looking for the "nigger the Williams Avenue Branch. Season just starting Apply before Three years ago Mr. Frank Shull liams. Financial Secretary; W. D. Al­ who had an argument with a white j A Union of Christian Endeavor comlngj—HOOD RIVER CANNING was put forward as a candidate by len. Treasurer; Boyce Strain, Es­ man at the station." Bishop Wallace Meeting of Zion A. M. E. church and COMPANY, Hood River.—Adv. the women of the city, He has serv- quire; F. Good. Tiler; W. C. Coch­ was locked up in the mayor's office, Bethel A. M. E. church will be ad- ed three years. In the opinion of I ran, Inner Guard; Jamee Manly and and a man armed with a revolver dressed by Miss Eva Bowles, T. W. J. FINLEY WILSON HURT those same women and thousands of C. Allen were added to the trustee placed over him. Abused, threaten- C. A. Secretary. Taken to a Hospital In Maryland others, he has been fair, broad in board. J. A. Merriman was elected ed, cursed and hit with a chair in the All Endeavors are urged to be J. Finley Wilson, editor of the hie policies, far-sighted, intelligent delegate to the Grand Lodge in Chi­ hands of this guard, the prelate waa present. An Interesting program ia Washington Eagle and Grand Exalt­ He haa stood always for the beat in­ cago in August. The new officers finally rescued by school authorities being prepared. ed Ruler of the Elks, was injured in terests of all the children. When we ( will be installed the first meeting in who had gotten the mayor out of an automobile accident while making have such a man on the board and I , ^“*7 bed. SYRACUSE LODGE WILL ELECT a trip to Salisbury, Md.. Friday, he Is willing to serve a^ain. we ahould Authorities refused to prosecute Syracuse Lodge K. of P. will hold when the car in which he was riding K. of P. election. June 22d. An the porter or the members of the re-elect him overwhelmingly. its semi-annual electton of officers overturned. He was carried to Sal­ He has been said by some to be Knights are urged to be present. mob, on the ground that no Arkansas June 22nd. isbury Hospital. against bond Issues for new school houses. This is not true at all. Ho FREE ADDRESSES TO BE believes we must secure good school DELIVERED houses for all the children. But he Hon. Carl D. Thompson of Chicago, is against waste and extravagance. 500 Goodnough Building Ill., secretary of the Public Owner­ He wants to build carefully so that The Ladies’ Aid Presenta 5th and Yamhill Streets ship League of America, will deliver we will not make the same kind of a series of lectures free to the pub­ Portland. Ore. MANLESS WEDDING” AND "BRIDAL SUPPER” lic. First meeting, subject “Hydro- Electric Power the Way to a Greater Portland." at Central Library, June Monday, June 18th, at 8:30 P. M. 18. at 8 p. m. Second meeting, sub­ ject, "Social Progress Through the At the A. M. E. Zion Church Development of Super-Power,” Jef­ ferson High School. June 20, at 8 p. m. Organisation conference. Central Library, June 81. at 8:30 p. m Third meeting, subject. "How to Meet Lo­ cal Problems of Public Utilities," June 81. 8 p. m.. Central Library. Public invited. Local and For­ eign News Briefs J. S. Bell’s Photo Stadio SERVES ON JURY Lee Anderson. 1200 Union Ave., N., Miss Melba Josephine Burge, who is serving on the jury in the circuit rueides with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jami­ court. son, 888 Garfield avenue, graduated Thursday from the Girls' Polytechnic ENTERTAINMENT SUCCESSFUL School. A representative audience greeted the young actors and actresses at Wanted.—Men or women to take Zion church Tuesday evening last orders for genuine guaranteed hos­ who starred in the dramas "New iery for men. women and children. Life” and “Hansel and Oretel”. The Eliminate darning. Salary 878.00 a Children of the Christian Endeavor week full time, 81.50 an hour spare time. Beautiful spring line. Inter­ national Stocking Milla. Norristown, Penn. Star Gleaning under the leadership of Mrs Magru- der, assisted by other ladles of the church, did beautifully. Every one enjoyed the entertainment immense­ ly. The stage was attractively dec­ orated In the season’s flowers, a neat sum was realised from the ven­ ture. The Elk’s Popu­ larity Contest WiU End July 9th, 1923 There Will Be 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prises. Who Will Win? WORKI WORK! The Treat of the Season Stag Club Beginning a Series of the Summer Activities of ths Stag Club These affairs we hope will be record breaking in supplying enjoy­ ment to the satisfaction of all Portland Division 391 UNIVERSAL NEGRO STAY OFF JULY 4TH IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Meets every Sunday afternoon from 3 to House, 343 Russell Street. The public is all the time OFFICERS R. D. Bird, President Mrs. Phillipa, Lady Pres. 6, at St. Phillip's Parish invited. A good program H. N. Triplett, Vice-Pres. I. Z. Triplett, Gen. 8ec*y WORK! Zs Phono Broadwa/ 7222 Satisfaction Will Bo Mutual Model an Shoe Repair The Right Place to Hava Your Shoe Repairing Done Telephone Main 5051 Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays and Evenings by Appointment New York Dentists II .„ In the Blumauer Building Northeast corner Fourth and Morrison Streets ’i ' ALL CLASSES OF DENTAL WORK CAREFULLY DONE Your Patronage Desired Satisfaction Guaranteed UP-TO-DATE REPAIR SHOP For Reliable Goods 272 Washington Street Portland, Oregon y SILVER KING CAFE~ FRED MITCHELL, Prop. ■ma oooKxwQ axa> baxdto —- xot bbbab baut BARBECUE PLANT 350 Glisan Street in Park Hotel, opposite New Poetoffice B. J. JOHNSON. Proprietor OPEN FROM S A. M. TO 10 P. M. When You Call a Taxi-Cab Call Brdy. 0098 BLACK AND WHITE Stands at all leading hotels and all parts of the city All Kinds of Meats Barbecued— Serra You Here, or You May Take It Home SPECIAL 7.J.JU3 8 A. M. to 11 A. M. « o îxaazjj Merchant's Lunch Served ftrnm te A. M. to 8:80 P. M. BARBECUE Served at All Hours jj.