TM« AlTtllV C. NORTH PLEDGES BEST guard back to the former officer» BUSINESS ABILITY TO and went to the reserve list. PUBLIC He Is a member of all branches of Published every Saturday at Suita the Masonic fraternity and Is a mem­ <11 Macleay Building Phons Broad William C. North, manager of the ber of the Oddfellows. Elka. Wood way MOT. g . Morgan building, is a candidate fur men of the World. Modern Wood­ ____ BUI tor school director at the election. June men. Royal Arcanum. Portland p. CAMNADY...-... --------------- ------- R» K. D. CANNAglL———-------- Chamber of Commerce and many lo­ ______ Associate Editor and M»n*««r 14th ABTOOAn A«sna Mr North has issued the following cal clubs Portland. < 'ragon — Kutherford Broir.opulation. There is such a great Inducement tor young people to be nothing that it Is perfectly wonderful when we find those who have been able to re­ sist the many pittails and tempta­ tions and the howls of the mob. and be somebody in spite of them. Quit talking so much about what you are going to do and do what you luiuk is right and best for all con­ cerned. Friends are mighty But when one la faced osition of sacrificing manhood to hold thoae far better off without good to have. with the prop­ principles and friends, one is them. There Is entirely too much of "If I can't, you shan't” doing amongst the colored people In Portland for their own good. For further particulars ask your ticket agent or write to JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent Portland. Oregon SEASONABLE REMEDIES LORENZ— GRIPP AND COLD CAPSULES 50c LORENZ— DOUBLE STRENGTH COUGH SYRUP 50c Stipe-Foster Drug Co 143 Fourth Street, near Alder Oregon Portland HAVE YOUR PRINTING DONE AT Ryder Printing Co 192 Third Street Portland, Oregon Main 5536 The Up-to-Date Cleaning & Tailoring Co leans K LOTHES LEAN Hats cleaned and blocked to suit you. Tea, we clean everything from neckties up to rugs, blankets, etc. 8u'ta and Overcoats made to your individual measure. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded Our prices are vary reasonable. Olve us a trial. We will please you. Call Eaet 02SS far TAYLOR THE TAILOR Don't gossip so much about your neighbor and you won't have so much to take back when cornered. PROMINENT BUSINSES MAN CAN­ DIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR Among the names of the candidates for election as school director that will appear on the ballot June 16th is William F. Woodward, one of the owners of the Woodward-Clarke Drug Co., in the Woodlark Bldg. Mr. Wood­ ward has evidenred a keen Interest in the welfare of the public schools J. W. INGERSOLL, Prag. of the city, and it In because of hie desire to see the public schools of Oregon measure up to the highest standard of efficiency and the urge of friends who believe him capable of filling this Important position, that he is making the race for re-election. Mr Woodward has Issued the follow- HAIR STRAI6HTENING AND SHAMPOO COMB This Comb Is Well Worth 91.00 Solid Irm wood.n htedl* >MkM Ions waltbl 4 ovnesa. Ik ae a preMat to all who take advantage ef oer greet 8IG OFFER NO. 1144 JUST WRITE TO US AND SAYr- I would like to ffet a hair atraifhtenioff-end ahampoo comb fra* Send me particular! re- ffardinf your No 1144 offer ” Be sure and write year name and addreea plainly, and full particulars will be aont you. Do not wait, write to-day for thia offer will not laat lonr We are doinff thia to advertise Ford'e Hair Fowiade end Ford’s Hair Atreightowind end Bbenapoo Combo. Addrett your letter to THE OZONIZED OX MARROW 00. WARSAW (By Tríala Breaux) oc^k in hoop skirt style, with which she wore a wreath of gold leaves about her coiffure end gold slippers to com plete the attire Her program Included a group of spirituals, grand opera arias, and other delightful numbers. Owing to a hoarseness contracted through sudden change of cHmatea. Mias Shaw waa unable to sing several of her numbers, including Vlllanelle by Del Arqua and Rltonia Vlnclto from Alda. Verdi, and others. However, these were substituted with other at­ tractive selectious. Miss Shaw sang her program well but could not do Justice to herself because of her cold and hoarseness. Miss Shaw waa ac­ companied on the piano by Mrs. 0. H. Downing and Ml»» Clotilde Curry, a sister of Miss Shaw played a group of violin pieces. Mrs. Baker recited The entire program waa good and thoroughly enjoyed. Many were the expression» of appreciation tor lhe high clasa manner In which every- thing waa conducted and much credit waa given to Mr. Stanley for his un tiring efforts in making the recital of the highest order. see Drama Presented Under the direction of Mrs. Lula Gregg and Mrs. Zepha Baker, a drama. Fruita of Ills Folly, waa pre­ sented at Little Theater Wednesday evening for the benefit of Bothel church. A large audience greeted the players and it is said the drama waa very good Indeed Dollar Wedding Rev Bailey Hare Rev. 8. r. Halley was ths house guest of Rev. and Mrs. A K. Fox. 308 M c Millan street, during his stay In the city this weak. ses •sarshilgM Club Entertalned Mrs. George Mullen waa boateea to the Hoarchlight Club Wedneaday evenlng, the 30th, at her home. 318 K. tint St Fullowlng the business hour. in whlch plana were ntade for extensive euterialnmenla to begln In the futurs, the hosteas servsd a de- liclous three course luncheon to th» alxteen ladies pseaenl Daily Fashion Hint • P u T'I ìa L Los Angeles Club Womsn Here Ing statements which Indicate his stand on the public school question: "Our Common Schools "The nation's truest source of good cltlxenshlp. "They deserve our united and loyal support. "Should be attended by every nor­ mal child. "Right education of our children Is our nation's greatest task. " Tis our duty to provide them with safe and suitable school houses." SERVES ON JURY Lee Anderson, 1200 Union Avenue, North, Is serving on lhe Jury in the circuit court. A SATISFIED PATRON Thia letter la original and a guar­ anty of a aatnfled member of The F. H. Bureau. Galveston, Texas, April 13, 1»23. The F. H. Bureau: I want to thank you for your kind­ ness In putting me In touch with so many nice men. They seem to be nice and Intelligent, I shall recom- mend your Bureau to any one whom 1 think ia looking for their "Ideal”. At present I am corresponding with six young men, so please take my name off the list of correspond­ ents, ax I would be unable to write to any more. If I should need your as­ sistance again. I will write you and enclose a stamp. Yours truly, (MISS) MIRIAM GARY, 161» Ave. K. Galveston, Tex. Membership No. 546. Registered Feb. 26, 1»23. NOTICE Writs if You Wsnt to Marry Ladies and gentlemen of wealth and talents. No prejudice, equal rights for all. Send 10c for partlcu- Th* services last Hunday at the Mt Olivet Baptist church were of the highest. It being the 48nd year of our pastor as s minister of the Goa pel During this time Rev Anderson has baptised 4644 persons. Next Sunday the pastor will preach from the subject, "When Jesus t'omes." At night there will be special »erv- Icea by the Bethany Baptist Quar­ tette, and the Hen lor Choir of our church. Hermon by I'aatov Graft, uf the German Baptist church Rev. K. J Magruder. D.D., pastor of the First A M K Zion church, will preach at 3 I* M., on the third Hunday In this month, and his choir will furnish the uiuslc. The ll Y. P, U is growing. Onr pastor loft Wedneiulsy night of this week fur llend. Redmond and Prineville, Oregon, and will return Haturday morning St. Phillipe Mission 24th and Hauler Days Morning service, 11 a. at.; Bunday Bchool, 12 m Archdeacon Black tn charge; Mr. H Coles, lay reader, A cordial welcome awaits you at HL Phillips FIRST A ’ . i. ZION CHURCH 41? .• >. ems Ave.. Rev. I. J. Me- gruder, A. B. Peeler. Parsonage. NO Cook Ave. Phone Wslnut 8174. Presiding Elder W W Howard will preach morning and evening. Special arranged music for evening service. Mias Dorothy Jackson and Scher- ley Henry joined the church Sunday evening. Pentecostal Mission ef ths Chureh ef God In Christ "Ths House of Prayer- 23 Union Ave. N. Elder Robert Bearala. Pastor Sunday services: IS a school; 11:30 a. m. and preaching. Week Say Monday. Wednesday and otnga. for testimonial*, healing the sick and for tng*. All are cordially attend. Repeated By special request lhe Million Dollar Wedding held some time ago at Mount Olivet church was repeated Tuesday evening, the Sth. al the church before an appreciative au dience. It was tor the benefit of the church and a ueat sum was realised from »»n>r MT. OLIVET CHURCH NIWI Mrs. Harry W. King of Loa A ng ales, Cal. la here visiting her slaters, Mrs. Cuie and Mrs. Louise Avery. Mrs. King is a representative of the Friday morning Club and the Ne Plus Ultra Club of Loa Angelea. and la auiloua to meet the club women of the city and labs back reporta of the work being done by them In this state. • ♦ • Engagement Announced Miss Mary Riley announces her en gagemenl to Mr Charles Alesander, both of Portland. The wedding will take place on lhe J8th of June Million babies at the morning servie» will be given balloons. Thia Sunday will be known as Children's Day. and Ilalloon Sunday. 1522 1051 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Multnomah The sports tailleur here makes its .ipprjrance in proven fsthion, select- Probate Department n>g for it» rlexek>pment, blue homespun. Notice la hereby given that the un­ I In» of the short jailtet are roll. I dersigned has been appointed admin­ with lhe convertible collar to form istratrix of (he estate of Samuel P. l4|x-l». Turn-beck cuffs may finish th.- two-piece sleeves, if desired. The Bettis, deceased, by the Circuit Court strjighi gathered skirt haa a deep b**R of the State of Oregon for Multnomah and inarrtnf pockets. Ratine, tweed County, and haa qualified All per­ and camel s hair doth are also used in fashioning these natty suits. Medium sons having claims against said ea- »ire requires 3*< yards 34-inch mate­ tale are hereby notified to present rial. the same, duly verified as by law re­ Pictorial Review Jacket No. 1322. Sixes, 34 to 42 inches bust, and 14 to quired. Io the undersigned al an 20 years. “ ’ - - — Price, 90 ernt». Skirt No, Macleay Building, Portland, Oregon. losi. r Sign, 24 to JO inches waist, within six months from the date Price, 30 cents. c — hereof. Dated and first published June 2, 1er». The F. H. Bureau, P. O. Bex 1*13. No. 4M. Cleveland. Ohio. —Adv. Last publication June 30. 1*23 MARY BETTIS. ARTS AND CRAFTS SOCIETY Administratrix. ENTERTAINS Mrs E. D. Cannady. Attorney, At a reception and eshibitlon of the paintings of Alfred H. Schroff, the Arts and Crafts Society entertained at the Portland Art Museum Wednes­ day evening. June 6th. from 8 until 10 o'clock. I. B. P. O. E. OF THE WORLD STYLE IN SPORTS TAILLEURS Lodge Directory News of the Churches BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH Larrabee and McMillon Streata Rev. A. R. Fox, D. D., Pastor Phone East 1107 E. L. Jamaaon, Assistant Phon* Walnut 3900 A large number of persons rom- muned at Bethel A. M E church Iasi Sunday, and the Presiding Elder, Rev. 8. E Bailey, was elated over the splendid reports that were made at the Quarterly Conference Monday night. Bethel la in a flourishing con­ dition and we are proud of the in creased Interest along all lines. This Sunday Children's Day will be observed with a special sermon In the morning, and a program by the children at night. Babies will be en­ rolled In the Cradle Roll, and all ROSE CITY LODGE NO. 111 P. O. I. OF W, MEETS the 2ND AND 4TH WEDNESDAY EVEN- INGS OF EACH MONTH AT THE STAG AUDITORIUM, 111'/, EAST MORRISON STREET. ALL VISIT, ING BROTHERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. FRED McCLEAR, E. R. G. M. PAYNE. Sse'y. NOTICE Dahlia Temple No. 202, I. B. P. O. E. of W., of Portland, Oregon, meets th» 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month at Stag Auditorium. All visiting Daughter Elka in good standing in their respective Temples are Invited to meet with us. LOUISE THOMAS, Daughter Ruler, BEATRICE H. CANNADY, Daughter Secretary. Syracuse Lodge, K. of P. No. 1, meets the second *nd fourth Fri­ day night* In **c.h month. All Sir Knight* In good *tanding nr* welcome. Fraternal 11*11, 7»6 Missis­ sippi Av*. William Dels, C.C.; J. R.