« WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK TH« LANGUAGE TEACHING UPHELD ÀDTOCAT1 SHIP UOUOR LIO Washington, D. C.—State statutes Kugene — Eugene. — Mrs. Auule V. MaCiarea. McClaren, which would prohibit the teaching or tor 78 years a resident of Eugene, died use of foreign language« in all schools suddenly at nt her home hers egrly.Sun below the eighth grade were declar­ New Rules Tossed on Inter day at the ago of 77. Brief Resume Most Important ed void by the supreme court Monday Klamath Falla. — Engineers' Held as an unlawful encroachment upon national Doorstep. Daily News Items. equipment. Including transits and oth­ the rights conferred by th« 14th •mendmoat, which provides thst “no er instruments. Is being assembled state . . .shall deprive any person of here preparatory for engineering work life, liberty or property without due in connection with construction of the process of law." Justice Holmes de­ Natron cut-off. livered a dissenting opinion, in which The Dalles.—Thrown from a wagon Justice Sutherland Joined. in which he was riding, wheu the team The question was presented to th« Treasury Issue« Regwlaliawa Barring became frightened and ran away. court in cases coming from Iowa. Beverage« From U. S. 1W- Henry Johu Hendricks was killed In­ Nebraska and Ohio. Eighteen other riterial Water«. stantly Saturday night at hla ranch states, with similar statutes, partici­ home four miles from The Dalles on pated. Cheuowlth ridge. Justice McReynolds, who delivered Washington, D. C. — The treasury The village of What worth. Que.. 16 the majority opinion, asserted that Pendleton.—More* than 300 pupils of miles from Riviere de Loup, was wiped (the 14th amendment without doubt toaaed on the International doorstep Vmatllla county. In addition to those cut Monday by forest fires. "denotes not merely freedom from Sunday night its new regulations who are attending accredited schools, A general wage increase of 3 to 5 bodily restraint, but also the right of carrying out the supreme court de­ have passed the tinal eighth grade ex­ cents an hour for skilled mechanics the individual to contract, to engage cision barring all beverage liquors aminations and are ready to euter high and reclassification of mechanics' in any of the common occupation« of from territorial waters of the United schools next fall. work are announced by the Southern life, to acquire useful knowledge, to States after 11:01 A. M. June 10. No Saletn -Comparative receipts of the Pacific lines at Houston, Texas Tues­ marry, establish a home and to bring loopholes have been left, according to • up children, to worship God according a treasury spokesman, and the court's state corporation department, if they day. ■to the dictates of his own conscience, recent construction of the dry law can be accepted as a fair barometer of Two thousand members of the bench and generally to enjoy those privilege« will be rigidly applied, financial conditions In the state, indi­ and bar heard Secretary of State long recognised by common law as es- Harin« to XX find any ’ ‘ failed -Z-t X —. way by cate increased prosperity and a ten Hughes plead for America's entrance \ sentlal to the orderly pursuit of hap- which conflict with foreign laws could deucy on the part of Industry toward into the world court Tuesday night at I pineas by free men." be avoided, the treasury based Its expansion. the Kent centennial celebration at J This liberty, the court added, can- new ship liquor rules on a literal read- Salem.—Appointment of the county Columbia university. not interfered with under the guise ing of the court's opinion and prepared tax supervising commissions, which Eugene Meurer, millionaire paper of protecting the public Interest by to let come what may. Its only hope had been slated for next week, will not manufacturer* of Muskegon, Okla., has legislative action which is arbitrary or o> alleviating a situation, which most be announced until the return of Gov­ married Miss Margaret Wasserman, without reasonable relation to some j officials agree will be embarrassing to ernor Pierce, who leaves Monday night "his >40.000 cook." i whose especially purpose within the ‘ competency of the , international “ * commerce, was said "J to for eastern Oregon. The governor will He in remedial legislation from the not return here until next Saturday. prepared dishes Meurer repeatedly de­ state affected. Final determination of what con- next congress. clared meant "life itself to him Eugene.—Carpenters of Eugene have j Except for the exemption granted stitutes proper exercise of police pow- Woodrow Wilson was serenaded at I er is within the courts. Justice Mc­ medicinal liquor, the usual immuni­ demanded a wage scale of >7 a day his S-street home Wednesday by a Reynolds asserted, and does not rest ty accorded diplomats and ths priv­ Instead of >6, which has been the pre­ vailing scale here for a nutnbet* of ileges allowed foreign vessels of war, Shriner patrol from Greenville. S. C_ ; wtih the legislatures of the states. years. OfflciAls of the local union say the regulations permit of no inbound which sang "Dixie" under his window While the American people, the that the wage scale heye la lower than and then at his request followed it court pointed out, have always regard­ passage of alcoholic beverages. Con- in any city on the coast. In most of ed education and acquisition of knowl- sideration is given, however, to ships which it is >8 a day. with "The Star-Spangled Banner." forced by the extremity of distress to President Harding will make 14 ad­ edge as matters of supreme import­ put into an American harbor. But Salem.—Mr*. Pauline Needham of ance which should be diligently pro­ dresses en route to the Pacific coast even such vesaels. if they have liquor West Salem was arrested by office ra moted. and while it is the right and on his Alaskan trip and will speak in aboard, must show that the necessity Sunday charged with passing approx five coast cities after returning from natural duty of the parent to give his was grave and "the proof must be con­ lmately 25 worthless checks aggregat­ children education suitable to their Alaska, according to an official an­ vincing," after which they will be re­ ing |150. Local merchants were said nouncement of the executive's Itiner­ station in life, many states have at­ quired to give bond for faithful ob­ to be the victims of Mrs. Needham's ary late Tuesday at the White House. tempted to enforce the obligation by operations. The largest check was In servance of the American dry law. compulsory laws. Concerning the hope among for­ the amount of >27. A Lindsay Craig, general passenger 'That the state." Justice McRey­ a agent for the Union Pacific railroad nolds declared, “may do much, go very eign maritime powers of relief from Salem.—Reports received at the of­ what is regarded as one of the most at Omaha and well known in railroad far, indeed, in order to improve the fices of the state market agent, which drastic Interpretations ever gtven by circles of the nation, died at Omaha quality of its citixens. physically, men­ waa created under an act of the last the supreme court, some treasury of ­ tally and morally, is clear, but the Tuesday. legislature, indicate that many farm­ individual has certain fundamental ficials feel that congress might find ers and fruit growers in Oregon appar­ Thousands of young men have been rights which must be respected.” a way of circumventing the import ently have little or no conception of made virtual hobos as a result of their “The protection of the constitution deadline. Others were convicted that the functions of the department. world war experiences. Brigadier Ed­ extends to all." the opinion said, “to the barred zone was due to remain un­ ward Underwood of the Salvation those who speak other languages as til a change waa made In the 18th I Ji Grande.—The last emblem of the Army said Monday before a confer­ » ell as to those born with English on amendment. old west Is not yet gone. • At North ence of representatives of 60 New the ______ ___ ______________________ __ In this connection it was pointed Powder. June 21-23. Inclusive, will be tongue. Perhaps it would be high- York agencies dealing with homeless ly advantageous if all had ready under-1 out by the latter that the decision of held a big rodeo under the direction men. standing of ordinary speech, but this the supreme court was based funda- of O. R. Olson, a resident and business Increases in wages ranging from 1 can not be coerced by methods which mentally on the sweeping provisions man of North Powder. Mr. Olson an­ to 3% cents an hour and from >6.84 conflict with the constitution—a de- of the amendment rather than on the nounces that he has had splendid re­ to >10 a month, effective May 16 and sirable end cannot be promoted by enforcement act, and that the court sponses to big purses posted for con­ held, regardless of whether .liquor for testants. aggregating approximately >458.800 an­ prohibited means. “The desire of the legislature to beverage uses was being Imported, its nually, have been granted to 8330 em- Woodburn.—According to a survey ft ployes of the Northern Pacific nil- foster a homogeneous people . with being carried for any such purpose Just completed by R. J. Glatt, secretary road's maintenance of way depart American ideals prepared readily to within the three-mile limit constituted of the Woodburn Fruit Growers’ Co­ understand current discussions of civic transportation, which is specifically operative association, the berry crop ment. matters is easy to appreciate, Un- forbidden by the amendment. The leg- Newspaper reports to the effect that fortunate experiences during the late ' islation to relieve the situation from tributary to Woodburn promises to be Sir Auckland Geddes was retiring from war and aversion toward every char- [ the foreign viewpoint, it was contend­ a bumper one this year. The straw­ berry crop, which is quite large, ia 40 the position of British ambassador to a terlstlc of truculent adversaries ed. could scarcely be other than In per cent harvested. Loganberries and the United States was characterized were certainly enough to quicken that contravention of the constitution and raspberries will have the largest and as entirely unfounded by Ronald Mc­ aspiration. But the means adopted, thereby invalid. heaviest yield per acre ever recorded Neill. under secretary of foreign af­ we think, exceed the limitations upon here. fairs. in the house of commons Mon­ the power of the state and conflict Moro Fanatics and Chief Slain. day. Roseburg.—A lone and unmasked Manila.—Fifty-three fanatical Moros, with the rights assured to plaintiffs. Awarded >50.000, the amount she The interference is plain enough and including Akbara, the self-styled bul­ outlaw Saturday morning held up the asked from Dr. Karl Connell for no adequate reason therefore in time let-proof prophet, have been killed in cashier In the Gl< ndale State bank at breach of promise, Miss Violet John­ of peace and domestic tranquility has a fight with the constabulary on the Glendale, 50 miles south of this city, island of Pata near Jolo (Sulu). No and escaped into the hills near town stone of Brooklyn, arrived in New been shown." York Wednesday from Omaha, where As the statutes before the court . details of the uprising have been re- with approximately >1000 in cash and the suit was tried. The case probably undertake. Justice McReynolds con- j ceived. A total of 806 Moros sur- currency. Although posses were out will be appealed, the doctor’s attor­ eluded, "to interfere only with teach- ■ rendered to the constabulary after the all day. they fail<-d to locate the man. but obtained evidence leading them to mgs which involve a modern language, | battle. neys said. leaving complete freedom as to other j It is estimated there were 200 more believe that he was heading for the The state department announced matters, there seems no adequate I of the fanatics still at large, includ- coast. z- late Wednesday it had received a foundation for the suggestion that the ing three petty chieftains, Haines.—The growing of head let­ cablegram from Jacob Gould Scbur- The authorities believed the fight tuce on a commercial scale will be at­ man, American minister at Pekin, purpose was to protect the child's : had broken the back of the fanatics' tempted in the Haines valley this sea­ which said "there was no definite in­ health by limiting his mental activi­ movement, but further constabulary son. The Inb rmountaln Producers' dication of how long it would be be­ ties. it is well known that proficiency detachments were being sent to the association of Nampa. Idaho, under the in a foreign language seldom comes fore Americans and others still held to one not instructed at an early age district to gather in all the adherents management of W. H. L. Niemeyer, by Chinese bandits are released." and experience shows that this is not of the prophet Akbara. has made a survey of climatic and soil The United States air service dirig­ injurious to the health, morals or un- conditions In the agricultural section Cape May, N. J.—Captain Francis adjoining this city, and this district is ible TC-1 was destroyed by fire short­ derstanding of the ordinary child.” Holmes of Norbury’s landing and a believed to be Ideal for the production ly after it moored at Wilbur Wright Charity Bout Misnomer. party of two fishermen broke all rec­ of this crop. field at 6 P. M. in Dayton, O., Wed- Chicago.—Charity received >25 from ords on the southern Delaware bay nesday. The ship, the largest of Its Salem.—The seriousness of the ear­ kind in this country, was destroyed the >55,000 receipts of the recent Leon- shore for one day’s channel bass flsh­ during a severe electrical storm, It ard Mitchell boxing contest which end- ; tng, when just at sundown Sunday wig In Portland and other sections of came to Dayton from Scott field, Ill­ ed in a riot and Uncle Sam received they reached the landing with 21 chan­ Oregon probably will result In a spe­ nothing* in the way of an amusement nel bass. The combined weight of the cial meeting pf the state emergency inois, on a test flight tax, Mrs George W. Reinecke, Interna! fish tipped the scales at 1590 pounds board next Saturday to consider a re­ Sofia.—Profiteers will be subject to revenue collector, let It be known, a. More than 600 fishermen arrived here quest of the state horticultural board public beatings with lashes, confisca­ well as her determination to investi- this morning on the Reading fisher­ for an appropriation of >30,000. It tion of their property and permanent gate such entertainments billed M special to try their luck at the was said that this amount will be en­ disbarment from business under a bill "benefits." . larged by smaller appropriations to be submitted to the Sohranje (national made by the city of Portland and Mult­ assembly) Wednesday. This Is the nomah county. Girl, Lost, Found, Die. Picador Play Is Fatal. government^' answer • ■ the many Montrose, Colo. — Helen Gray, 13 Mexicali, Lower Cal.—Ramon Earl- Salem.—Poor families of 3alem and complaints that the cost of living has years of age, daughter of Warren vicinity will not want for potatoes quez, 14 years old, was killed Bunday been unnecessarily increased by specu­ Gray, living near here, was found Sun­ while playing at bull fighting with a during the next few months. This lation. day by a posse after a search that last­ number of other boys a few miles was the announcement made by Gov­ Army efficiency requires that atten­ ed since she disappeared Saturday. south of Mexicali. ernor Pierce Sunday after Dr. R. E. tion be given tc religious matters. Gen­ May 25, when she went to drive some While taking the part of a picador, Lee Steiner, superintendent of the Ore­ eral P< rshing said Wednesday at the cattle home. The child died of hunger a bucking pony threw him. He land- gon state hospital, and Dr. J. N. Smith, opening session of the conference with a few moments after she was found ed on the horns of a bull, which toss- superintendent of the state home for churchmen and welfare workers, call­ and before a physician could be sum ed him under the pony’s feet The the feeble-minded, reported that they ed by the war department. All mili­ mooed. Authorities believe that the bull's horns passed through his body had several thousand bushels of spuds 1 tary training has in It certain elements cattle went into the cedars and that and the horse's kicks fractured I his in excess of the amount needed for of moral instruction. General Pershing in following them Helen was lost. their respective institutions. skull. said, but be added that "religion con­ Salem.—Motor vehicle fees received tains the secret of the impetus toward Doctor is Busy at 103. New York Barries Low. by the secretary of state up to June 1 clean living." Los Angeles.—Dr. Andrew Malcom New York. — The heaviest straw­ aggregated >3,531,712, according to a Authoritative denial was given Wed- Morrison of Santa Monica Monday ob­ berry shipments of the season were report prepared here Saturday by the neaQay to Moscow newspaper reports served his 103d birthday anniversary state automobile department. For the alleging British interference in soviet by going quietly about his professional received In New York last week. On month of May the registration fees Asia. It was declared that the British i affairs. Dr. Morrison practices his the markets Friday there were 1,500,- totaled >226,404.50, of which >172,818 «overmen! had never made any agree­ i profession and gives lectures on health 000 quarts, according to an estimate was received for passenger car per­ ment with the Emir of Turkestan in­ topics. Dr. Morrison married three by the state department of farms and mits. Truck registration fees aggre­ volving a protectorate of that region years ago, taking a bride then 72 years markets. This was said to be a ree- gated >29,836, motorcycle registrations and that the statement In the Moscow old. Mrs. Morrison said she arranged ord for recent years. Most of tbs >1827, chauffeurs >2054 and operators' papers relative to an alleged British a birthday dinner for her husband, but berries came from Maryland and Dela­ licenses >5404. Other fees Included promise to finance and arm antl-aovlet otherwise the dsy would pass without ware, but from now on New Jersey la dealers’ licenses, transfers and dupli­ forces was untrue. observance. expected to be the principal producer. cate licensee. nc COMPILED FOR YOU WHY EXPERIMENT? BAN EFFECTIVE 1OTH BRINGS BEAUTY TO BE CLAMPED Its Rare Goodness Never Varies FORD Hair Preparations are amaxingly effective in promot­ ing « luxuriant growth of beautiful hair. FORD Toilet Preparatiom pro­ duce a lovely complexion a smooth, velvety akin. PORO COLLEGE, universally recognised as one of the Race’s outstanding commercial institutions, with its vast facilities for training and serving FORD patrons, reflects the genuine worth and superior merit of FORD Products and F0R0 Treatments dispensed by FORD AGENTS everywhere. Measured by results, FORD IS SUPREME I Try FORD and know ita down­ right satisfaction. PORQ IS SOLD BY FORD AGENTS ONLY. If you do not know the FORD AGENT write us and she will call. ADDUN PORO COLLEGE 4300 St. Ferdinand Avenue KT. LOUIS. MO.. U S. A. 1 f X 1 East 0052 One Dollar B. 2525 Makes You Look and Feel Like Newl F. S. DUNNING, Inc. Joy has cut the price! Isn't thst refreshing? Just think of something going down Instead of up! EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS A. J. Rose, President SUITS Portland. Oregon SUITS CLEANED PRESSED AND $1 PRESSED, 38o Portland Laundry Comp’y “The Laundry With a Purpose” If you’re particular call East 0092 Prompt Efficient Reliable 104 Fourth Strsst Bet. Washington and Stark BRANCH 8TORE8: J. P. FINLEY & SON No. 2 1(1 Grand Ave., near Morrison. No. 3—1043 Belmont 8t., near East 37th No. 5 866 East Ankeny, corner East 28th. No. 6 124 N. 6th. near Ullsaa MORTICIANS Montgomery at Fifth Phono Day or Night Main 4322 THE REGAL OUR WAY Quality Cleaning Is 8team Cleaning or French Dry Cleaning Pressing and Dyeing Not merely »ponging There is a difference and placing a hot iron between our way of on and in this way doing work and our work the dirt Into the imitators. Our cus­ garment. In thia way tomers' clothes always much harm la done In- ■toad of making the look new and have a more aristocratic look. garment look like new. We care for and store your suit while you are out of the city Regal Cleaners, Tailors and Hatters W 127 North 8lxth Street, Bet. Gliean and Hoyt (with the Orange Front) Phone Broadway 1399 Satisfaction or No Pay Mall Orders Solicited Good For You Too Established 21 Tsars In Portland C. The National City Company, one of the largest and most conservative bond and investment houses in America, has just purchased $1,000,000 worth of our 7 per cent Prior Preference Stock. This is the most important deal in Public Utility stocks in Portland in years. Wouldn’t you like to have a few shares of this attractive security, too? $98.00 a share; par value $10000. OVER 7 PER CENT ON YOUR MONEY. FOR CASH OR ON EASY TERMS INQUIRE TODAY. CHINESE CO. C. GEE WO. ths wall known Herbal­ ist, haa made a life study of the curative properties possessed by Oriental Hoots. Herba. Buda and Hark, and therefrom compounded hla tru. ly wonderful Harbs remedies. In their make-up no polaons or narcotics era used, perfectly harmleaa, . . , end many roots end herbs that ha uses are unknown to ths medical profeaalon of today Avon» OPERATIONS by taking his remedies In tlma for Htomach, Coughs, Colds, Rheumatism. Kidney. Lung, Liver Catarrh,nlood. Inflammation. Neuralgia and all female and chll- arene ailment«. Call or write. Bent by mall or parcel poet. INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. 605 Electric Building Portland, Oregon GEE WO MEDICINE c i GEE WO MEDICINE CHINESE CO. o