ADVOCATE THE An VQU XX. Independent Paper Devoted to the Intore ate •/ the People NO 41___________________________________________ PORTLAND, OREGON, 8ATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1923 PRICE 5 CENTS K.K.K. THREATEN LIFE HE W. tTcOHEN COLIECTOR OF CUSTOMS OREGON STAGES NEAR LYNCHING PARTY FIRRY ILLIS, ONLY COLORID CITIZEN OP OREGON CITY, VICTIM OP NEAR-LYNCHING BY MAU KID MIN IN NEARSY COUN­ TRY THOUGHT TO Bl MEMBERS OP K. K. K. Call Bring* Victim and Whit* Aaaoc lata to 8c*n*.—Whit* Ordered Away. Victim Threatenend with Op* rattan.—Charged With Familiar Relatione With Whlta Woman. Local and For eign News Briefs (Special.) VISITS IN SEATTLE Oregon City, Jun* A myalori- Kllla la about 21 year* old and baa Mra. Charles Mumford. 1381 Kaat He • oua telephone rail to a local news been here about Iwo year*. paper office Oil» afternoon led to dis­ claim* to be a cowboy and haa rid­ Lincoln atreet. of thia city, la vielt- covery that a lynching waa threaten­ den at neighborhood rodeo* Thrall Ing friend* In Seattle. ed laal nlaht about 30 miles from live* bere with hla family. IN LOCAL HOSPITAL Oregon City. Perry Kill*. Oregon Ci­ It la *ald that two ot the lynching Mra. Belle Crawford recently un- ty'* only colored cltlaaB. being the party were Identified by their voice* derwent an operation In Good 8a- near victim. Kill* tonight related hl* by both Kllla and hla associate At this writing experience and *ald ba I* preparing letter report* are to the effect that marltan hospital to leave tomorrow for Tacoma. the official* can do nothing because ahe la much Improved. The affair la »aid to be the out­ Fill* ha* left for part* unknown. TO HAVE MANLE88 WEDDING growth of charge* filed aaalnat Kill* The Indies of Zion A M. E. church here In which a whlta woman waa WANAUMA CHAPTER OBSERVES are planning to stage a mauleea wed­ ■aid to he Involved. The rharge* ware DAY dismissed about a week ago wbeu Wanauma Chapter. O. E 8.. bold ding at the church on the 18th of the complaining wltnea* failed to It* annual Thankaglvlng celebration the month. The novelty of the affair last Munday night al Zion church. Is creating a deal of intereat and It proaecuta. Hli white robed men. maaked. five The Worthy Patron, K E Green, pre­ is expected to be largely patronised. of them with whlta hoods and the aided over the meeting, aaalated by MISS MOSELY TO VISIT IN *ixth with one of red, ware In the the Worthy Matron. Mrs. Edith Wil­ MISSOURI lynching party, according to Kill* liam*. and Aaa'i Worthy Matron Mra. Mlaa Margaret Mosely of 255 North and Ira W. Thrall, white, an employe Kite 81mm* The program Included of the Crown Willamette Paper com­ ■n address by Mr*. K Gray, Pact 18th atreet will leave next Monday pany, who wai with Kill* when the Worthy Matron, vocal solos by Me*- for a two months' visit with rela maaked «no were flrat met. wboae dame* E. D Cannady and Dolly Par- Uvea and friend* In the atate of Mis­ Ml** Moeely I* one of Port account* of th* affair follow. lea, the latter being the Secretary souri, moot industrious women and land'* Kill* operate* the City Auto Wash- of the Chapter, and a brief addreaa Ing concern In a livery barn on Wa­ by the Patron Rev. E. J. Magruder take* keen intereet In her fraternal ter atreel, where he also llvea About preached the aermon. taking tor hla work. being * member of Wanauma 11:10 o'clock Friday night he waa •abject. "The Architect of Time". Chapter. O. K. 8.. tn good standing. called on the telephone and naked to The Hermon waa excellent and re­ FOR SALE. CHEAP make a trip out on the Abernathy plete with information aa to frater Party leaving town. Six room road, where, be wa* told, a wagon nallam. human organixatlon. etc. He wa* broken down, tor the purpose of ended with that beautiful poem "Let house, bath, electricity, gas. partly getting a team to be brought to Ore­ Me Live In the House by the Side of modern. Terms $850 cash, * balance 3*50 00 at 325 monthly. 8ellwood gon City for the night the Hoad. and He a Friend to Man." Maaked Man Appear Mra Edward* from Tacoma waa 1703—Adv. Thrall, who 1» »aid to have been a preaent and being a member of th* ENTERTAINS AT DINNER cloae friend ot Kill* and to have rid­ Order turned out witb the alstera, ■Mr*. R. I). Luncher waa hoatess at den with him frequently, and Kill* who made a splendid showing. Zion mounted horse* and. according to choir furnished mualc for the occa­ a delicious dinner at her home Sun day. June 3. for the pleasure of Rev. their atory. rode to a brickyard aev- sion and Mr*. E. C. Dyer. Covers were era) mile* out on the Abernathy road • Here, they aald, they found two car*, LOCAL MINISTER GOES TO UTAH laid for five. one on each aide of the road. Two Rev. G. G Gardner la In Salt Lake ■potllght» were turned on Kill» and City. Vtah. holding a aerie* of meet ‘ BIG MASS MEETING PLANNED On 8unday (tomorrow), June 10th, ■lx maaked men appeared. inge In the Baptist church there. He Thrall'« appearance, they said, la meeting with • plenr’il aucceaa. there will be a mass meeting held at cauaed *ome consternation. and be Rev Gardner I* an ambltioua. Christ­ the Stag Auditorium. 318H E. Morri- waa finally returned to Oregon City ian gentleman and hla many friend* son atreet. by the U. B. F. and S. M. T. Rev. E. C. Dyer, pastor of the In­ with hl* and Kill*" horse*. Kill*, ac­ here wlah him unbounded success. dependent Baptlat church, will de­ cording to hla atory. waa taken Into liver the main addreaa. Subject, one of the cara and threatenend with RESIGNS JANITOR JOB being "shot full of holes" If he tried R. F. Morrison, for many year* the “Why Should I Be a U. B. r.r Everybody Invited.—Adv. to escape janitor at Eller* Hldg., on Washing­ The cara. Ellis aald. proceeded ton atreet. ha* resigned. LOCAL MAN STUDYING PHARM­ about 30 mile* Into the country, ACY TO MOTOR NORTH where the party halted and left the W. A. Anderson of 501 Kenilworth Mr. and Mra. Clarence E. Ivey will machine* Here Kllla waa confront­ ed with a. demand that he tell the leave next week for a ten day* auto avenue Is taking a correspondence truth about chargea made agalnat trip to Vancouver. H. C.. on their va­ course In pharmacy and is In hi* senior year. Upon completion of the cation. him. course he anticipate* taking a post He Dani*« Charge graduate course In a local college. NOTICE Kill* said he denied the charge* Mr. Anderson Is In the employ of the and asserted he waa a victim of cir­ Dr. J. Matllaky, who formerly re­ Railroad company at preaent, which cumstances aldad at 485 West Park Street. ha* he says la the mean* to the end of A noose waa placed around Kllla* moved to 829 East 18th Streot, North, his ambition which i* to own and neck and the end of the rope wax whara ah* la bettor prepared to take operate a drug store in the city. thrown over the limb of a tree. Kllla cara of her patient*. Phone Garfield aald he still maintained hla Inno­ 2435. -adv. GRAND MASTER HOLMES HERE cence. The rope waa tlghlenend. he Emmett II Holme* of Spokane, aald. but he maintained hla denial*. Wanted.- Men or women to take Waah . Grand Master of the Masonic When the rope failed, he aald, the order* for genuine guaranteed hoa- Lodge, Washington Jurisdiction, ar­ men took him to a lake nearby, levy for men. women and children. rived In the city Monday and remain­ which they told him wa* used for dis­ Eliminate darning. 8alary *75.00 a ed until Thursday. Mr. Holmes stop- posal of bodle* of their victlma. week full time, 31-50 an hour spare Kill* aald he Implored them not to time. Beautiful spring line. Inter­ lynch him. aaylng he did not mind national Stocking Mill*, Norristown. being ahot, but that he did hate to be Penn. lynched. Threat of an operation, he aald fol­ lowed. but he atill denied any Impro­ priety. Will End July 9th, 1923 Finally, ho aald, they let him go. WE CLEAN ANYTHING MADE OF driving off after telling him to atay FABRICS There Will Be 1st, 2nd and 3rd where he wa* until they called to Rug*, Blankste, Pillow*, Suite, Ov*r- coat*. Draperise, Comforters, Prîtes. Who Will Win? him to depart. When the call came, Lamp Shade*. Gown*, Kill* aald ho atarted hotfoot for Ore­ WORKI WORKf WORKI Lad lee* Coate gon City, reaching town early thia Ladles' Garmanto Our Specialty morning. L*t U* Save Your Clothing and Money Kill* said that he wa* warned to Phono ua when In a Rueh—we’ll give you the Servloe leave Oregon City nt once and that Main 9380 11> 4*h •»- he Intend* to heed the warning. Wo Call and Deliver Star Cleaning Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. New York Dentists In the Blumauer Building tlons pending. At the last meeting of the Temple, June 5th. Mr*. H. D. Fuller, a charter member, waa obli­ gated. Mrs. Fuller wa* not In the city at the time the other charter member* were obligated. Recent Appointment Made by President Harding Draw* Ire of "White Supremacy" Protest to Whit* Women Working in Office With Cohen NATIONAL ASSOCIATION TO GOES SOUTH ON BUSINESS MEET Mr* R. F. Morrison left Sunday The flrat regular meeting of the (Special to The Advocate) National Association for the Ad­ the 3rd for Loa Angeles, Cal., on bus- New Orleans, La, May 2«.—Fed­ vancement of Colored People will be Ineaa. She expect* to be cone about eral authorities were called upon to­ Portland for a long time, became dis­ held at First A. M. E. Zion church a month. day to make rigid Investigation Into gusted last week at bls continued Monday evening. June 11, at 8:30. tbe writing of anonymous and bard Inck and threw up hi* job. Ben Tbe public is invited. threatening letters to Walter S. Co­ la a good boy and every one regret* hen. Negro, recently named comp­ hi* leaving. COLORED WAR VETERAN HEADS H. Jones, waiter at The Portland, troller of customs for the Louisiana LIBERIAN ARMY port, as a recess appointment by was knocked down Into hla bed tor Cap. Moody Staten. Spokane, colored President Harding. Not only were several day* last week with a touch hero of the World War, will, within tbe threatening letters sent to Mr. of pneumonia. a short time, become commander-ln- Clifford Daniela, who haa been the Cohen, but Emile Kuntz, republican chief of tbe Liberian army, He collector of customs, and others of official mule for the bellboy* at the last week for New York and caught the officials about the offices here Portland tor some time, leave on the 9th for Liberia, bls were warned that should Cohen take on as a regular. of duty. Mt. Staten la a World Bellhops Guy Jamison and Wyatt tbe position, they too would be dealt veteran with an enviable record, Williams at the Portland are deserv- violence. which gained him promotion to tbe The letters, which have been turn­ Ing of much praise for their pluck rauk of captain In the A. E. F and ed over to the postoftlce inspectors, and energy in being able to graduate honorable mention from General threatened death for Collector Kuntx, from their respective school* thia Dickinson. in event the nomination of Cohen is year. The former, who atudied phar­ According to tbe commission, Capt. confirmed by tbe senate, while oth- macy at the Y. M. C. A., and the lat­ Staten la to enter tbe Liberian serv­ ' ers declared Cohen would be killed ter from the Northwestern College ice with the rank of captain, for of Law. Mr. Jamison will later en­ should he be confirmed. training, and within a year la to be ter Howard University at Washing­ Signed “K. K. K." and “White placed In command of the army. Hi* ton. D. C. Supremacy" wife will join him later. The Portland laundry, which ha* Several of the letters were signed FRANK 8CHULL "K. K. K." " while others which were been closed for a year or more, re­ LOCAL PEOPLE MOTOR TO . Candidate of the Women of Portland sent to Collector Kuntx protested to I opened on the flrat of the month. for Re-election for School Director SEATTLE A number of the Portland employ­ the appointment of white women in Next Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Dyer, accom- the same office with Negroes and es were arrested a few day* ago on pan led by Meadamea J. Lethridge., chargea ot bootlegging. was signed "White Supremacy." PURCHASES NEW AUTO C. H. Downing and R. D. Luncher, Roy Garnett, waiter In the Port­ Rev. and Mr*. J. W. Anderson have motored to Seattle Thursday, the land grille, has taken charge of the MOTEL hOTU 14th. and spent the week end in the ■ brand new Chevrolet Portland wash room and shining par­ I Sound city. While there they were touring car. George Kinney, one of lor. the house guests of Mra. Ed. Leth­ the pioneer waiters at WHO WILL BE THE G. E. R. ridge. Friday they were compli- the Portland, is attend? The all absorbing queatlon in Elk , mented with* a delicious luncheon at 8YRACU8E LODGE WILL ELECT ing the Grand Lodge of circles Is, who will be elected Exalt ­ tbe beautiful home of Mrs. Wesley Masons in California this Syracuse Lodge K. of P. will hold Anderson, returning home Saturday. ed Ruler of Rose City Lodge. I. B. P. week. i Its semi-annual election of officers O. E. of W . at it* meeting Wednes ­ They report a delightful time. Rutherford, bellhop at the June 22nd. day night, June 13th. I t DAHLIA TEMPLE GROW8 Dahlia Temple. No. 202. I. B. P. o. E. of W.. continues to grow In num­ bers. There are now sixty-one members in good standing in the lodge with four or five new appllca- J. S. Bell’s Photo Studio Stag Club 600 Goodnough Building 5th and Yamhill Streets Portland. Ore. ' Beginning a Serien of the Summer Actlvitiee of the Stag Club will be record breaking In supplying *njoy- to the satiefaction of all Rasmussen & Co PAINTS, GLASS, DOOR 8 AND WINDOWS OILS The Christian Endeavor OF THE A. M. E. ZION CHURCH Will Present Two Dramas Phono Broadway 7222 Satiefaction Will Be Mutual NEW LIFE" AND “HANSEL AND GRETEL” Tuesday, June 12th, 8 P. M. Model Shoe Repair Awarded Contestant Selling Highest Number of Ticket* Contestants: Corine Mills. Marian Young, Clarence Jackson, Frankie Alfred CORINE MILLS. President MRS. E J. MAGRUDER. Sec'y Th* Right Place to Have Your Shoe Repairing Done Admission IS Cents Prise REPAIR SHjOP 272 Washington Street Portland, Oregon SILVER KING CAFE~ Reliable VARNISHES, Corner Second and Taylor St*., Portland, Oregon UP-TO-DATE For OILS. LUBRICATING BARBECUE PLANT 350 Glisan Street in Park Hotel, opposite New Poatofftce FRED MITCHELL. Prop. ■oxi cooKxwa An bakotg — mot »■»»» daxz > t •1» Plaadara ntr*e* PorUaaA, Oragoa Goods When You Cull a Taxi-Cab Northeast corner Fourth Tfnd Morrison Streets B. J. JOHNSON, Proprietor OPEN FROM S A. M. TO 10 P. M. All Kinds of Meats Barbecued—Serve You Here, or You May Take It Home SPECIAL Call Brdy. 0098 ALL CLASSES OF DENTAL WORK CAREFULLY DONE Your Patronage Desired RECENT LOUISIANA APPOINTEE WARNED AGAINST ACCEPTING POSITION OF COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS.—OTHER PORT OFFICIALS RECEIVE THREATENING LETTERS The Elk’s Popu larity Contest Telephone Main 5051 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment I ped at the home ot Mr and Mr*. Mack Olllver. 559 Albina avenue. Be­ fore returning home be will make of­ ficial vi*lts In Winlock, Bremerton and In Canada BLACK AND WHITE Satisfaction Guaranteed z Stands at all leading hotels and all parts of the city Ham and Egg*. Bacon and Eggs, Hot Cakes and Coffee, Served from I ..................................... Merchant’* Lunch Ssrvod^fteS^II A. M. to 2:30 P. M. 1