A , I TUI GREEKS THREATEN TURKEY OF CURRENT WEEK Indemnity Pay Refused; Battle I’re ferrod l-ausanne Gloomy. I Ü. 5. BILL TO BERLIN IS 31,419,964,313.92 4DTOCATI 1 »♦«♦♦♦♦ee w oeoeeeoeeeoee STATE NEWS IN BRIEF. i Lausanne —If Turkey insists on war Rend.—Annual round up of cattle to settle the question of indemnity will be started this week by high des- ert stockmen. The round up la one she claims is due from Greece, then will accept the gage of battle, Settlement Up to Mixed Claims of the largest of the old time cowboy Brief Resume Most Important Greece events of th« kind tn Oregon. M. Alexandria, the Greek foreign mln Commission. later, told the foreign correspondents Daily News Items. Baker.—The country Is being scour­ Monday night. ed to get the worst possible bucktag Th* Greek delegates, he added, will horses. and wild cattle are being be withdrawn from the ■«»er eastern brought In from the rang« for the conteronce thia week if Turkey per­ Haines stampede May 31, Jun« 1 and sists In her reparation demands 2. . The Turks have given no indies Salem —Governor Pierce has recelv- jtion of an intention to recede from <>d from the Building Material Deal­ their reparation demands and M. Alex­ er»' Credit association, with headquar­ andria' declaration that Greece was ters in Portland, a lengthy rcsolutlon resolved not to pay one cent of In­ l>r»testlng against the sale of prison demnity brought increased pessimism made brick in the open market in conference circles. The Greek foreign minister denied Salem — Members of the state board Washington. D. C.—America's bill of Judge J. D. Harvey In district court 'that he had come to Lausanne tn a of control will meet here Tuesday and tn Houston. Texas Saturday granted , bellicose mood, but said the Greek ■ar claims against Germany amounts to decide upon a site for the new slate 21! divorces in 245 minutes. jarmy had been reorganized since the 11.479.064.313.3! as it has been present­ training school for boys. Fbrty sites C. Lee French, formerly auditor and ’overthrow of Constantine and was ed to the mixed claims commission for ; have been offered, all of which were now well equipped and able to take settlement. Inspected by the board this week. recorder of Power county. Idaho, was care of itself. The United States government itself sentenced to serve from one to ten 1 "I think." he said. “If the worst Salem.—The public service commis­ years in the Idaho penitentiary Satur­ {comes to the worst, the Greek army Is the largest claimant, asking tor sion within the next few days will start day in the district court at American | will be able to defend its honor." $336.113.000, while the smallest of the an Investigation to determine the con- Falls, on a charge of embezzlement. M. Alexandria added that he would 12,416 claims filed with the commis­ Idition of the roadbed and equipment The French army of occupation in like the American people to realise sion is for fl. of the Oregon Electric railroad. the Ruhr Is to be reinforced by an- Greece's position, especially that, al- Heading the list of claims by individ­ Salem.—The public service commis­ other fifteen or twenty thousand men. though Greece had numerous provo- says Le Matin. It has been decided, rations which would reasonably justi- uals are those growing out of the sink­ sion has authorized the Portland. As­ the newspaper asserts, to proceed to fy her in reopening the war with Tur- ing of the Lusitania by the German sub­ toria A Pacific Railroad company to a still more complete exploitation of key. she had ignored them all be marine. They totaled $22.606,000 and ’ put In effect reduced rates on logs hauled to Buxton. Under the order the occupied territory. cause she was sincerely desirous of may be disposed of first by the com- the commission only one day's no- mission. Germany already has admit- ! tlce of the reduced rates must be Busts of Abraham IJncoin. Ralph Mlxure by the Turk, of Waldo Anerson. Henry W ard Beecher, impoverished refugees’ funds in the ted liability but not in definite amount. given. The stupendous total involved in the Alexander Hamilton. Ulysses S. Grant Rank of Constantinople, continued the Albany. — New features Robert E. Lee and Frances Elizabeth minister, and the abominable treat­ proceeding is revealed for the first year's fair announced after a meeting Willard Tuesday were unveiled in the ment of Greek prisoners of war re- time in a report made to the state de­ of the fair board Friday afternoon, hall of fame of New York university. { cently arrived from Asia Minor con­ partment by Robert C. Morris, ag^ht will Include a wedding and the offer­ stituted such provocations. The Greeks Eddie O'Brien and James Colson, for the United States before the com­ ing of three automobiles, one to be convicted Monday of being members and Turks had signed a separate con­ mission. Work on determining the given away on each day of the fair. of the gang that robbed the Toledo. vention at Lausanne in January for the compulsory exchange of popula ­ Salem.—Appointment of a state high­ amounts Germany must pay already Ohio, postoffice of $1.066.000 February tions with the distinct provision that way commissioner to succeed Robert has been begun by the commission, 17. 1921, were each sentenced Tuesday by Judge KJIitis to 50 years in the it should be inoperative before May 1. which organized last October, and A. Booth of Eugene probably will be yet the Turks hsve sent an additional announced by Governor Pierce this federal prison at Atlanta. t 70.00? refugees since the signature of which is composed of Edwin B. Parker week, according to a statement made A tornado struck the south part of the convention, in gross violation of of Texas, American commission, and by attaches of the executive depart­ McLean. Texas, Monday afternoon. its terms, Dr. Wilhelm Kiesselbach. German com­ ment. and destroyed eight homes. No lives mission. with ex Justice Day of the su- Salem.—Work of paving the slx-mile were lost and no injuries were report­ preme court as umpire. 24 Moros Killed in Row. section of the west side Pacific high­ ed. Several farm houses and barns The American claims are to be dis­ way between Rickreall and Holmes Manila. P. I.—Twenty-four Moro re­ were destroyed. A heavy hail storm ligious fanatics on the island of Fata, posed of without regard to thè allied Gap In Polk county will start Wednes­ followed. Considerable livestock was near Jolo (Sulu), were killed Monday reparations claims, the report of Mr-. day, the Oregon Contracting company killed. by a detachment of insular constabul­ Morris disclosing that the commission {announced. The work will be rushed The army transport Merritt sailed ary, according to a dispatch received has entered a formal order that "the and the road should be opened to traf­ tor San Francisco Wednesday with 54u at the office of Governor-General Leon­ machinery provided by the Versailles fic late in the summer. Russian refugees who came to Manila ard Wood. The dispatch said that treaty and the rules and methods of Cottage Grove.—Clay England, em­ four months ago from Vladivostok. Akbara. who styles himself a prophet, procedure thereunder governing the Admiral Stark, their leader, and 50 and his followers, attacked a constabu­ disposition of claims, including repara­ ploye at the J. H. Chambers mill, was others will remain in the islands to lary detachment under Lieutenant An­ tions claims, so-called neutrality ktlled instantly Saturday morning claims, claims growing out of excep­ when he became entangled with a try to sell the 11 ships that brought geles at the village of Kiput. the Russians. The dispatch said that 24 Moros tional war measures to be dealt with shafting while he and several others by mixed arbitral tribunals, shall have were making repairs to the sawdust A legal battle is in prospect in the were killed, but that there were no no application to. and are not bind- carrier. Evidently his jumper caught casualties among the constabulary Kansas courts and possibly in the the machinery. ing on this commission.'' troops. Akbara is widely known among United States courts to test the Kan-. Neither is the door shut against the sas criminal syndicalism law and to the Morps as a religious leader who. Salem. — John O. Wright, pioneer set aside an injunction granted by ' through his preaching, has gathered United States or its citizens increas­ resident of Salem. and steward at the ing the amount of the claims present ­ Judge Ayers of Butler county. Kan­ about 300 followers around him. They Oregon state hospital for 30 years, died sas. enjoining the I. W. W. from con- recently became more than usually ed. Mr. Morris having stipuated. on here Sunday night. In the early '60s behalf of the American government active. Akbara told his followers he spiring to stop work in the wheat and Mr. Wright was in the mercantile bust- was a prophet, descended from heaven, and Germany having accepted a pro­ oil fields. ' ness in Salem and carried supplies to and that he was bulletproof. Today's viso permitting the claims to be chang­ An apparent cure for cancer, con- (¡¡»patch did not say whether the latter ed in amonnt later if circumstances ¡the Snake river country during the sisting of a solution of colloidal lead. statement was borne out. The fanatic and the facts disclosed should require. gold mining activity. He was a vet- «•ran of the Indian ware. which is an enemy of diseased tissues, ajg,, Sgjd he had power to cause air- The largest claim listed in the has been discovered by Professor B!a r p]anes to fa’| report is that by the American gov-| Salem.—It was reported here Friday Bell of Liverpool university. Dr. L. Governor-General Wood announced emment for $255,544.810.51 for costs night that a suit will be filed in the E. Houghey of Concord. Kan., who re­ yesterday be had ordered all terms of of the army of occupation in Germany, Marion county circuit court within the turned Tuesday after studying surgery lawlessness practiced by the Moro now under negotiation with the allies next few days to restrain the state, abroad for several years, made this stopped and that he had sent a con- in Paris by Assistant Secretary Wads­ county and municipal officials from en- announcement. l stabularly force to Pata to enforce the worth of the treasury. It is under­ forceing a law enacted at the last ses­ stood. however, this claim will not be sion of the legislature providing that William J. Bryan was defeated and order. pressed in the event the Paris nego­ -all persons engaged in public work the evolutionists scored a victory Pay Dearly for Hasty Training. tiations resnit in an agreement. must be citizens of the United States. V Tuesday when the general assembly Washington, D. C.—Army statistic­ Other government claims are for of the Presbyterian church of the Uni­ ians see some significance in post-war Heppner.—Six clips, aggregating 2,- ted States of America in Indianapolis | figures, which show that with a total $67.266.626.23 for general damages 400,660 pounds of wool, were sold by growing out of German submarine war ­ defeated the commoner's resolution to mobilization of 22,850,000 soldiers for growers here Friday for an average bar schools permitting the teaching of the central powers. 22.000,000 casual- fare; $37,982,000 by the veterans' bur- ena for* war-risk premiums; $5,380?060 [,rlce of 44 cents • P°und- the evolutionary hypothesis from use , ties were inflicted on the allies, while by the railroad administration, and of approximately $1,056.000. The clips of church funds. {with 42,189,000 allied and associated $40.675 for war risk premiums of the were bou*ht bX Geor*e Colby and Ed- President Harding of the United men under arms, the central powers shipping board. war<1 Cox- representing the American States and President Obregon of Mex­ sustained only 15.405,000 casualties. The $1 claim Is presented by Emery Woolen company. The highest price ico may signify the resumption of cor­ The war department chart shows that Roberts for loss of property while a obtained for fleeces was 45 cents a dial relations between the two na­ < per thousand mobilized, the central German prisoner of war. pound. tions by clasping bands across the powers forces inflicted 966 casualties. There are a few other small claims Salem.—Salaries in connection with border at Douglas and Agua Prieta A {while the corresponding figure for of $1.50 and $2 for loss of parcel post the conduct of the various state activi­ campaign to that end was launched their opponents was 365. property by shippers, but most of the ties under the goverqpr and board of In this connection it is pointed out recently by the chambers of com- claims run into hundreds of thousands control for the month of April, 1923, ag­ that the German and Austrian armies Bierce of the two towns. were produced under a universal mill- and millions. Every class of Ameri­ gregated $162,729 as compared with Former Premier Clemenceau has i tary training system, while the allied can shipping, manufacturing and busi­ $198,614 for the month of November, refused a senatorship which would and associated forces, with the ex- ness concern is found among the long 1922, according to a statement pre­ have been his for the asking. Repre- pared by the executive department I ceptlon of the French army, had no list of claimants. tentatives of the different parties of- such background of training. here. The comparative monthly re­ 1000 Macedonians Slain. fered to make him their common duction in salaries was $36,235. “Thus the great mass of soldiers choice as successor to the late Sena­ of the central powers,” the official Vienna.—A dispatch from Sofia de­ Klamath Falls. — The serviceable tor Lgroux in the “Tiger’s” birthplace, comment says, “had been trained and region of La Vendee, where he equipped prior to the outbreak of the clared 1000 Macedonians were killed blue serge skirt, plain middy blouse nd 5000 taken prisoner during a battle and sturdy low heeled shoes worn for retains a seaside residence. war, while the soldiers of the allied Sunday between Bulgarian regulars the past year by Klamath county high gift of $200.006 to the College of and associated powers were to a great and Comitatchl bands. The battle school girls will be worn next term Puget Sound from Mrs. Charles II. (extent hastily trained and equipped only at the woar-r's preference. Last took place on the rocky mountain, Irin Jones was announced Tuesday after­ after the outbreak of war.” : i year by the majority vote of the girls noon at the ground-breaking exercises Planina. Premier Stamboulisky has the plain uniform was adopted. Fri­ on the site of the new college campus. Ex-Officer Surrenders. ordered the arrest of the political lead­ day they voted 7.2 to 45 to discard the Mrs. Jones announced that the money ers of the Macedonian separatist move­ Boston.—William R. Allen, exlieu­ plain things and return to more sophis­ will be used for a college building in tenant governor of Montana, surrend­ ment, Including Thomas Koladoche- ticated dress. memory of her husband, a prominent ered to the police here Monday night. noff, ex-general procurator of Bulgaria. lumberman who died a few months Indictments charged him with larceny Salem.—As a r< suit of a collision be­ ago. Squaw and Baby Slain. tween an automobile driven by C. M. of $600,000, the property of the Bos­ Some statisticians assert that either ton-Montana Corporation and conspir­ Chihuahua City, Mexico. — Because I*a Porte of Eugene and a Portland- the steel industry or the automobile acy to steal monies of the Boston- bis squaw drank from the cup of an­ Salem stage manned by Earl A. Hat­ indusrv is the largest enterprise In Montana Development company, the other Indian during a native feast, field. the latter Saturday filed suit in the United 8tates, but other Investi­ Montana Southern Railway company Felipe Correta, a Tarahumara Indian, the Marion county circuit court to col­ gators declare Uiat the greatest single and the Bos ton-Mon tan a Mining & with a single blow of an ax killed the lect damages in the amount of $1840 business in thia country today, legiti­ Power company, all three subsidiaries woman and her Infant son. whom the from La Porte. The plaintiff alleges mate and otherwise, Is liquor. In the of the Boston-Montana Corporation. woman was carrying on her back, ac­ that I .a Porte was on the wrong side number of men engaged and the dally cording to other members of the tribe. 1 of the road, and that the accident was amount of turnovet in cash, it stands Leviathan to be Dry. The slaying took place near here In a due to his carelessness. at the top of all American industries. Albany.—Louis J. Hill has bought Washington, D. C.—The Leviathan Tarahumara camp. Correta was sen­ Approximately 1,250.000 pounds of will be as "dry" as unceasing vigilance tenced to 20 years in the state penl- 61,000 acres of land in Linn county wool was sold Saturday to George can make it, officials of the shipping tentlary. from the Oregon & Western Colonisa­ Colby, representing the American board said Monday in denying pub­ tion company for a consideration of Two I. W. W. Sentenced. Woolen Mills, by J E. Clinton, wool lished reports that four bars already nearly 11,500,000, according to a deed grower of Boise. Idaho. The sale had been installed on the great liner, Sacramento, Cal - WIlHa^iTFIanagan which was filed at the office of the represents the largest individual sale which will be placed again in the and Albert Strangland, members of county clerk. The land was originally ever made in the state of Idaho, The trans-Atlantic service. the Industrial Workers of the W'orld, granted to the Willamette Valley A price paid for this wool is understood "I'm no dry myself, but the presi­ were sentenced Saturday to serve from Cascade Mountain Road company by to hsve been 43 cents a pound, at dent has ordered "no liquor' for gov­ one to 14 years in San Quentin prison. the government with ths stipulation Which figure the price would be $537,- ernment ships and his instructions They were convicted last night on that the company build a road from ths go,” Chairman Lasker declared. Idaho line to Albany. charges of criminal syndicalism. COMPILED FOR YOU — IF OCCUPATION COSTLY Afore than «eeenfy» (iva thousandaaanta Sall Para Praduata. Another Great FORD Achievement The New PORO Toilet Creations arc now ready - Ask any PORO AGENT for them You know, of course, how marvelously good FORD Hair Prep arations have always been, how because of superior excellence, FORD has uttained heights of public approval such as attained by no other Hair Preparations. Now the new Toilet Preparations among which ore Skin and Scalp Soap, Face Powder, Tulcum Powder, Vanishing Cream. Cold Cream, and Deodorant are of that same high quality —that same standard of excellence and superiority. Only the purest ingredients of demonstrated worth, scientifically compounded, enter into PDRQ Products. JUST TRY THEM. YOU’LL WANT NO OTHER! If your FORD AGENT cannot supply you, write us her name. PORO COLLEGE 4 too St. Ferdinand Avenue. ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A. ttgPT. V One Dollar East 0052 Makes You Look and Feel Like Newl F. S. DUNNING, Inc Joy has cut the price! Isn't that refreshing? Just think of something going down Inatea <1 up! EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS A. J. Rose, President SUITS Portland, Oregon CLEANED PRESSED PRESSED, Portland Laundry Comp’y ’’The Laundry With a Purpose’’ If you’re particular call East 0092 Prompt Efficient Reliable 104 Fourth Street Bet. Washington and Stark BRANCH STORES: J. P. FINLEY & SON No. 2—151 Grand Ave., near Morriaon. No. 3—1043 Belmont 8t.. near East 37th. No. I- 866 East Ankeny, corner East 28th. No. 6- 124 N. 6th. near Gllsaa MORTICIANS Montgomery at Fifth Phone Day or Night Main 4322 THE REGAL OUR WAY Quality Cleaning Is Steam Cleaning or French Dry Cleaning Pressing and Dyeing Not merely sponging There is a difference and placing a hot iron between our way of on and in this way doing work and our work the dirt into the imitators. Our cus­ garment. In this way tomers’ clothes always much harm Is dono In­ look new and have a stead of making the more aristocratic look. garment look like new. We care for and store your suit while you are out of the city Regal Cleaners, Tailors and Hatters 127 North Sixth Street, Bet. Glisan and Hoyt (with the Orange Front) Phone Broadway 1399 Satisfaction or No Pay Mail Orders Solicited Good For You Too The National City Company, one of the largest and most conservative bond and investment houses in America, has just purchased $1,000,000 worth of our 7 per cent Prior Preference Stock. This is the most important deal in Public Utility stocks in Portland in years. Wouldn't you like to have a few shares of this attractive security, too? $98.00 a share; par value $100.00. OVER 7 PER CENT ON YOUR MONEY. FOR CASH OR ON EASY TERMS. INQUIRE TODAY. INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT PortlandRailway, Light & Power Co 605 Electric Building Portland, Oregon Established 23 Years In Portland C. GEE WO MEDICINE CHINESE CO. C. OEM WO. the well known Herbal­ ist, hex made a Ilfs study of the curative properties possessed by Oriental Roots, Herbs. Huds and Hark, and therefrom compounded his tru­ ly wonderful Herbs remedies In their make-up no poleone or narcotlce are used; perfectly hermlese, and many roote and herbs that he usee are unknown to the medical profession of today. AVOID OPERATIONS by taking UU< remedies In time for Stomach, Couanl, Colds, Rheumatism, Kidney, I.ting, Liver, Catarrh, Flood, Inflammation, Neuralgia and all female and chil­ dren's ailments. Call or write. “—* by mall or parcel poet. GEE WO MEDICINE 3SS>i Aider Street, CHINESE CO. W. Coniar ThirS Fortlaad, Oregon