The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, May 19, 1923, Image 2

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Washington. D. C.—Having virtually
Sheridan —May day will be observed
decided on the itinerary of bis western
by the Sheridan high school Friday.
May 1$. The programme will open
trip. President Harding Is giving con­
Brief Resume Most Importan siderable thought to th« addresses he English Fleet Reported Already with the crowning of the queen, Mlse
Vera Junghoann. by an alumnus at 10
will make en route to tbe Pacific coast
in White Sea.
o'clock tn the morning.
and in the coast states.
Daily News Items,
The itinerary as arranged provides
Oregon City.—In ths near future the
for speeches in about 12 cities, the
Telephone a ¡Vlcgraph com­
first in St. Louis and the last prob­
pany will expend approximately $40.-
ably in San Diego, Cal.
000 lu the Improvement of the tele­
Although Mr. Harding has Indicated
phone leads at Oregon City, Gladstone,
that he regards these addresses as
West Linn and Willamette.
somewhat secondary to the real pur-
Trotsky Tells Cheering Cr»»d I' mkv
B b
pose of the trip—his trip to Alaska— j
Brownsville. — Brownsville students
Is Deaired but Nation Is Pre-
he nevertheless purposes to prepare
of primitive life tn Oregon were thrill
them with care. Through them he in­
pared for Worst.
•d this week when Mrs. East and her
tends to report to the American people
brother discovered on the edges of the
on the stewardship with which he was
hills north of town one of the heaviest
intrusted two years ago and also to
Moecow.—M. Tcbltchertn. the soviet and largest paleoltths ever seen In this
The government wilt attempt to outline the future policies of his ad­
section of Linn county.
minister, dressed in the uni­
break up a country wide ring of boot­ ministration.
The state convention of the Veterans
leggers, with headquarters in New
As the first step toward prepara­ form of a member of the red army
York city, which is charged with oper­ tion he has begun to select the top-1 and wearing a red decoration, was the of Foreign Wars will be held in Leb­
ating the maritime liquor mart off ics he deMres to discuss and to assign
a|HSakar M a lrval meeting held anon June 6 and 7. It Is expected
Jersey's limit.
them to the various cities chosen for
that 400 will attend. Bolton Hatntueil,
in a theater here Saturday.
state department -otumander, will pre­
The Florida senate has adopted a principal addressee, la doing this the
The theater was crowded to the
side at the business session.
house resolution which declares it to preaident is understood to be follow­
doors while in the streets thousands
be "the sense" of the legislature that
St Helena—Lumber shipments from
Darwinism, atheism and agnosticism of special interest to the community who had taken part in a great demon­ St. Helens for the past week have been
stration, listened to speakers from unusually large and the waterfront
should not be taught as "truths'* in the
public schools or Institutions of the center.
motor trucks and balconies, all of has presented aa active shipping scene.
The initial address in St Louis, it
Close to 5,000.000 feet of lumber was
is understood, will be of a general whom made reference to what they
shipped, most of It being destined for
W. H. Hussey, member of the terri­ nature, somewhat of a preface to the termed the war threat against Russia
San Pedro, Cal.
torial house of representatives in others to come but devoted In the in the British note. In the assassina­
Due to the youthful barrenness of
Honolulu. Tuesday pleaded guilty in main to a presentation of the presi­
the new journalism building four
federal court to violating the national dent's views on the proposal for Amer­ other recent developments.
Referring to Vorovsky, M. Tchitch- journalism societies have set afoot a
prohibition law and was fined $25 and ican membership in the permanent
cost. Both the fine and costs were re­ court of International justice. These erin said: "This is a symptom of the movement to hold an annual planting
The day. whereby shrubs and vines will
views are expected to follow along th« general European situation.
President Harding has decided defin­ lines laid down by the executive tn direct responsibility rests with the be started growing around the brick
itely to make his contemplated trip his New York address last month, with Swiss government, which took no pre­ walls of the new structure.
through the west and to Alaska, leav­ the addition of new arguments in sup­ ventative measures, while the moral
Hood River.—Surveyors Saturday
' responsibility is In England. France began work laying out plots tor a num­
ing Washington about June 20 and be­ port of the proposal.
Passing on to Kansas City, the and Italy, who originally invited the ber of bungalow cottages, tennis courts,
ing absent from the capital about <0
according to some of his Russian delegation to Lausanne.”
days, it was announced Tuesday at the
unique walks and children's play­
Regretting the British note, which grounds on the grounds surrounding
advisers, will speak on the transpor­
White House.
tation problem. In this address it is he characterised as insolent. Tchitch- the Columbia Gorge hotel. Work will
The Prussian diet, discussing art considered likely that Mr. Harding will erln said:
follow immediately on the extensive
questions, confirmed the report that outline, at least in a preliminary way,
“We are getting telegrams that
Cosima Wagner, widow of the great the recommendations with respect to British warships are already In the expansion of the resort hostelry.
Salem.—So-called measured or meter
Wagner, is living in distress at Bay­ railroad legislation which he will make White sea; perhaps by now they hare
telephone service will enter promin­
reuth. The diet unanimously asked to congress next December.
opened hostilities asa-nst our ships.
the nation to help support the widow
“The note contains false facts and ently Into the re hearing of the case
As for Seattle, some of those who
involving the rates of the Pacific Tele­
of the great master.
have talked recently with the presi­ messages improperly deciphered but
phone A Telegraph company which
Discussion by President Harding dent understand that he deaires to
starts in Portland June 4. according to
and his cabinet Tuesday of the situa- announce in that city his new policy eastern question. We must reply calm­
announcement made by members of
tion with respect to housing of govern­
the Oregon public service commission
ment activities, principally in Wash­ made during the more than two back a single step before the de­
here Saturday.
ington. led to a decision to present to weeks be will spend there. This is mands; we therefore offer a confer­
Bend.—Revised estimates of damage
congress next December a program for contingenL however, on whether he re­ ence. We are ready to discuss the
construction of more adequate facili­ returns to that city after his Alaskan losses sustained by British citizens in done by the fire which destroyed one-
trip or lands at Portland. Or. In the 1920. but we will render a bill to Eng­ third of the town of Sisters Friday
The balance of international trade latter case the Alaskan address will be land for all those England shot during gave the total loss as $25.000. Ten
the intervention in the north. We de­ business and resld.-nce buildings were
turned sharply against the United made at Portland.
sire peace, and do not want a break, in flames within 15 minutes after the
States in March and continued so dur-
ing April, according to estimates just by the executive will deal with the but we will wait until the enemy at­ first alarm was given, and firefighters
devoted all their efforts to preventing
made by the commerce department, results of the arms conference, and tacks us.”
The foreign minister was followed the continued spread of the fire.
which valued March imports at $402,- he is said to feel that the logical
Salem.—Members of the state board
000,000 and exports during the month place for such a speech would be by War Minister Trotxky, who told the
a Pacific coast city, the west coast ' cheering throng that Russia wanted of control will spend practically all of
at $341.162,000.
peace, but the red army was ready, this week inspecting the 40 or more
Upton Sinclair, author and socialist being particularly interested in the I
four-power treaty as well as many of I if necessary.
tracts of land offered as a site for the
and three companions were arrested
"If war comes, it will be a long one; proposed new state training school for
Tuesday in San Pedro, Cal., where a the other conventions which resulted
it will delay the building up of our boys. Definite »election of the site
strike of the marine transport workers’ from the conference.
country for many years, but the red probably will be made within the next
branch of the Industrial Workers of
army, which wanta peace will carry ten days in order that actual construc­
Five-Cent Carfare Nets Million.
the World has been in progress since
tion work can be started some time In
Detroit.—Detroit’s unified city-own­ out its duty until the end." he said.
April 26. and the trio was picked np
Leon Kameneff, tbe acting premier June.
ed and city-operated street railway,
by police on strike duty.
one year old cn tbe stroke of 12 Mon­ and president of the Moscow soviet,
Salem.—It was learned here Satur­
The death list was increased to 21 day night, is a lusty youngster.
paid tribute to Vorovsky.
day that Frank H. Shepherd, director
Tuesday by the finding of four addi­
During the first 12 months of its
tional victims of the tornado which existence it has paid $1,200,000 on of the soviet central committee in a of vocational training in the rehabili­
swept Mitchell county, Texas, Monday. its purchase price, paid all other run­ more belligerent tone, said that tbe tation department of the state indus­
The list of injured contained about ning expenses, set aside $4,000,000 in capitalist powers constituted a bar­ trial accident commission, will be re­
200 names, a large majority of them a sinking fund, and, after all this, barous civilization. "We are telling tired May 15. Rumors indicate that
he will be succeeded by H. L. Brown,
Mexicans. Property loss probably will shows a cool million dollars profit,
them to go to bell,” he shouted. “We
at one time county judge of Lane
reach $500,000, according to latest esti­
The gross income for the year was will not sell our proletariat even if county and a close friend of Governor
$19,000,000, and the total number of they send more warships.”
The meeting adopted a resolution
Three earth shocks, accompanied by passengers carried was 475.000.000.
Salem.—The Coos Bay Water com­
to send a letter to J. Ramsay Mac­
pany, with headquarters at Marshfield,
rumblings, were felt in Rome Tuesday. The system employs 6000 persons.
Of the passengers carried 350,000,-
had a net operating revenue of $25.-
No damage has been reported.
000 paid 5-cent fares. The remainder in the British house of commons, de­ 967.86 during the year 1922, according
____ ___
____ of c*"1“« that RuB8ia would n0‘
The New York state Mullan-Gage were transfer passengers,
to tbe annual report of the corporation
prohibition enforcement act is to be whom paid 1 cent for the privilege of an ultimatum, but was ready to come filed with the public service commis­
wiped off the statute books. Persons transferring to another line.
sion Saturday. Operating revenues of
to negotiate.
who have been with Governor Smith
tbe company were $64,270.51, while the
and are known to enjoy his confidence
120-Mile Speed Made.
expenses aggregated $38,-
Mother Memorial Plan.
feel so certain of this that they were
Washington. D. C. — An average
offering to bet any amount at 2 to 1 speed of 120 miles an hour from
Philadelphia. — The building of a
Silverton.—The spray used by tbe
that he will sign the Cuvillier repealer Mitchell field. New York, to Langley permanent mothers* memorial at
Southern Pacific company to destroy
bill before the 30-day period expires, field. Va.. , was recorded
Monday’by Waghlngton *’ tbe gr>al announc«<1
weeds and grass growing along the
which will be on June 4.
Lieutenant Charles B. Austin, flying the «others' Day International asso- railroad has caused the death of two
The Standard Oil company of New a new type army seaplane and carry- iNation. Miss Jarvis quotes from Abra­ valuable cows and one bull, according
ham Lincoln: "All I am or ever hope to reports made by J. W. Stay of Sil­
Jersey Tuesday made public the con­ ing two passengers.
solidated income account far 1922 of
The 300-mile airline trip was made ' to be I owe to my angel mother,” and verton, who owns a cattle herd. The
its own and affiliated companies, show­ in two and a half hours, the war de­ continues: "The Lincoln memorial two cows, one of which was registered
ing total earnings of $46,242,436 as partment announced, the ship being honors the great emancipator. Should and the other a grade cow, together
against $33^45.930 in 1921. The com­ helped part of the way by a 15-mile not his mother, as well as every with the bull were valued at $875.
| mother in this country, be honored in
pany's own earnings in 1922 totaled favoring breeze.
Salem.—The state board of horticul­
| some equal measure?”
$12.837,741 and those of Its affiliated
ture has the power to control the erad­
companies $33,354,695. Gross assets
Air Pullman Promised.
ication of earwigs, according to a legal
Town is Wiped Out.
taken at book value totaled $1,123,760,-
London.—Plans for an aerial Pull­
opinion banded down by the attorney­
$90 aa against $1,115,939,977 the year man are being examined by British air­ Santiago, Chile.—Northern Chile was general Saturday. Thia pest has been
craft authorities. A great, slim, metal shaken by a strong earthquake at found on more than 10,000 lots located
Mystery surrounding a sugar secret saloon, like a long, tapering Pullman about 6 o'clock Saturday night, ac- In tbe city of Portland, It was said.
meeting on the floor of the New York car, Is the basis of the Idea It will
i cording to telegrams received here. An appropriation for the eradication of
coffee and sugar exchange Tuesday run on ordinary railway tracks and
the pest was authorized at the last
was dispelled when it was learned that will be backed into a railway station No casualties were reported, but the session of the legislature and will be
John W. Davis, ex ambassador to Great to receive its passengers. When they inhabitants of Copiapo, I-a Serena and available May 24.
Britain, now counsel for the exchange, are aboard an engine will take it to Vallenar were alarmed by the shock,
Toledo. — During the pant week.
had appeared on the floor and an­ an aerodrome, where It will be bolted which was described in some dis­
County Agent J. R. Beck, co-operating
nounced the taking of an appeal by the to an airplane chassis and will shed patches as equaling that of last Novem­
ber In Intensity. Communication with with tbe veterinary department of the
attorney-general against the refusal of the car wheels.
Oregon Agricultural college experi­
some points was interrupted.
the federal district court to grant the
ment station, started the work of
government's petition for an Injunc­
Turks Get Ultimatum.
cleaning out the disease known as In­
Harding Leaves Jun« 20.
tion against trading in sugar futures.
Lausanne— The allies spent an ac­
fectious abortion of cattle in one of
Juneau, Alaska.—A cablegram re- the leading dairy districts of the coun­
The children of tomorrow will get live day trying to inject motive power
their education at schools in which the into the near east conference Satur­ ceived Saturday by Governor Scott C. ty. The work Is being carried on In
motion picture screen will supplant day. They frankly told Ismet Pasha, Bone of Alaska from Secretary Christ­ this district because of the present low
the blackboard and the motion picture that the conference could not drag on ian, said that President Harding plan­ percentage of Infected cows and the
film will take the place of textbooks. forever. It was a mailed ultimatum, ned to leave Washington June 20 on willing spirit of the dairymen residing
Thomas A. Edison predicted Tuesday for the allies, worried by the belliger­ a tour of the west and the north. The In that territory.
at the Investigation by the federal ent sttitude of the Greeks, fear that telegram stated that the president
Heppner.—John Christopherson, eld­
trade commission of charges that the Greek withdrawal from the conference would reach here about July 9. “All
est son of J. W. Christopherson, Eight
schedules are tentative thus far,” add­
Famous Players Lasky corporation and might set the near east aflame.
Mlle farmer, accidentally shot himself
ed the telegram.
six allied organisations constituted a
Saturday afternoon while shooting
motion picture trust. The famous In­
Sugar Drops in Canada.
crows In a field on his father's farm
ventor, whose recent questionnaires
Winnipeg.—The wholesale price of
and died soon after being removed to
have led him to say harsh things about sugar dropped 40 cents a hundred
Washington, D. C.—Th» treasury'» the house. His two brothers were
present educational methods in the pounds Monday, due to tariff reduc­ call for $400,000,000 with which to com­ plowing in tbe same field and found
United States, was called for the pur­ tion. agents of Canadian refineries an­ plete the refunding of victory notes him soon after the accident occurred.
pose of developing the importance of nounced. Today's price was $11.80 as has brought subscriptions In excess of He regained consciousness for only a
the film Industry and its possibilities against $12.20 Saturday. Retail prices a billion dollars tn cash and offers a moment and was not able to tell how
tor the future.
declined one cent a pound.
exchange old securities for new.
the gun was discharged.
Afore than eeeentv»
tivù thautun^ uuunti
Sull turo PrvJwto.
Another Great FORD Achievement
The New PORO Toilet Creations arc now ready
Ask any PDRD AGENT for them
You know, of course, how marvelously gotxl P0RQ Hair Prep­
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Ifyour FORD AGENT cannot supply you, write us her name.
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One Dollar
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Makes You Look and Fsel
Like Now I
Joy hss cut the price! Isn't
that rofreshlngT Just think of
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A. J. Rose, President
Portland, Oregon
Laundry Comp’y
“The Laundry With a Purpose”
If you’re
call East 0092
104 Fourth Street
Het Washington and Stark
No. 2—151 Grand Av«., near
No. 3- 1043 Belmont St., near
East 37th.
No. 5 -866 East Ankeny, corner
East 28th.
No. 6 124 N. 6th, near Gllsan
Montgomery at Fifth
Phone Day or Night
Main 4322
Quality Cleaning
Is Steam Cleaning or
French Dry Cleaning
Pressing and Dyeing
Not merely sponging
There Is a difference
and placing a hot Iron
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on and In this way
doing work and our
work the dirt Into the
Our cus
garment. In thia way
towers' clothes always
much harm la done In­
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stead of making the
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We care for and store your suit while you are out of the city
Regal Cleaners, Tailors and Hatters
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The National City Company, one of the largest and most
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Wouldn’t you like to have a few shares of this attractive
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C. ORB WO. the
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