— ---------------- ------------------- - —T ------------- THE - • ADVOCATE ... An Independent Paper Devoted to the VOL. XX. NO 88 . ............................................... - Interests «y the People .a......... — . ■ PRICE 6 CENTS PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 102« POLA NEGRI’S PLAY BRANDED “DIRTY” COLONEL MAYFIELD, SOUTHERN EDITOR, BAYS “BELLA DONNA" WILL NOT BHOW IN THE aou TH LAND.—APPEALS TO PAS- BION OP RACE HATRED TO PUT END TO EXHIBITION Calls Jewish Theater Promotor» “Second-Hand Clothing Dealers."—taya Buch Plays Will Cause More Bl ood to Flow In South Than Civil Warr— Associato Editor Rem Inds the Colonel of Few Facte r, AUTHOR FEDERAL ANTI-LYNCHI NG BILL BAYS HE IS PROUD TO WORK FOR THE RACE BECA USE OF ITS HISTORY ANO AC- COMPLISHMENTSz—STUDI ED RACE FOR 30 YEARS All Aboard for Chicago Pays Glowing Tribute to the Work of the National Association for ths Ad- vancement of Colored People, and Urges a Million Members to Push Anti-Lync hlng Legislation Coarse, oontemptlble and Insulting. the utter depths of aln, depravity Rose City Lodge, No. Ill, I. B. P. O. E. of W. has launched a popularity contest and Will give Vulgar, bestial and degrading. and human nakodneea. I told you of (Special) I House and go to the Senate, where That 1s the only description I can the foul and Immoral lessons they Speaking before a representative it would be up to the senators to as the prize to the successful candidate a free trip to Chicago and back during the month of dally schooled Into the children of ’ give of Pole Negri's dirty play. audience at Lincoln High School au­ pass it He declared that the Senate Ths first picture of ths Polish this land and I predicted then that August. ditorium Sunday afternoon. May 13, could make rules to govern that body i vamp In America le an open Insult the dsy was coming when they Congressman Leonidas C. Dyer, au­ so that the democratic flllibuster would seek to carry that degradation to ths nation. Any woman over the age of 18 years and who resides in Portland is eligible to enter the con­ thor of the famous Dyer anti-lynching could not be re-enacted. It Is a brazen propaganda for so­ to further depths by Introducing the bill, made a lasting impression upon The speaker declared the figures test. Vote books are now ready and can be secured at the Stag Club, 381)4 East Morrison cial equality. It le a stench In the negro on the screen to act In con­ the minds and hearts of his hearers, of lynching In this age are appalling; nostrils of ths Bouthland and an *. junction with white people and at­ when in plain unaffected language without arguing whether the victims Street, any afternoon after 2 p. tn. tempt to foist that on a white Prot­ front to the Cauoaelan raoo. he told of the injustice to the race are guilty or innocent, he said they estant race for whom they seem to Europe’s alleged star should in this country, and pleaded with should be tried by their peers. Thia When contest close», the winner will be crowned at a big carnival, the like of which has never sent back to Poland to twinkle among have nothing but contempt. I told the race to lay aside petty misun­ should ordinarily be left to the states, a people where the white Instinct Io you It was coming, and hero Io Its before been staged in our city. derstandings and differences and but we have a great many states lax not so pronounced as It Io In Amort- approach. Already negroes are be­ unite to correct the many evils prac­ in protecting their citiieas and there­ ..... oa, and with her should go tho de­ ing given roles In screen playa, ticed against them. The ballot and fore federal authority will have to I praved second-hand clothing mer­ more and more they are Intruding Stay off date, June 22nd—"RUTH ful. May God bless each and all of its proper, intelligent exercise was do it He told of the lynching of chants who foisted tho production on Into tho plays and the latest step la declared the most effective method in eleven returned soldiers (colored) you is my wish. THE GLEANER."—Adv. ths love affair of a white woman tho American people. Sincerely. blotting out present day mistreat­ before their uniforms were off just Tho picture was barred from Hous­ with a black man. MRS. LIZZIE K WEEK8. ment. He urged those in the North­ to teach them they were “niggers.” Danny Wine Ya Gods I ton by tho local censor board and west, and in all the "free” states, to Fine government that cannot protect The fighting demon of the Pacific Io It conceivable that such a play permitted entry, over their protest, t use their ballots to help the thou­ Its citizens, he shouted. He said he coast. Dany Edwards, defeated wee NOTED VISITOR SPEAKS AT MT. ’ by the mayor of Houston. . could be presented In the Old sands of the race who were disfran­ was not going to rest until those Willie Spencer in New York on May » OLIVET Thank God for the censor board, , South? chised in the South and who could murderers (lynchers) were put in the 8th. George Moore of Portland Is Congressman L. C. Dyer, of Mia not help themselves. Mr. Dyer declared penitentiary. Worse than that, open Insult fol- and—well, you can guess my senti­ MILLION DOLLAR WEDDING, Danny's manager. souri. delivered a very Interesting ad­ we have waited for more than a lows rapidly on tho heels of dleplay- JUNE 6TH, AT MT. OLIVET.—Ad. ments for tho mayor. The speaker closed, pleading with dress Sunday evening at Mt. Olivet quarter of a century for the states to hi shearers to stand together. He Tho story of “Bella Donna", Pola ed immorality. A CARD OF THANKS Baptist church, on the Mothers' Day do justice, and that we have waited said. "My friends, I am the friend of This bulletin IB flashsd on the Negri’s dirty play, deals with the Expressman Goes to Beattie My heart Is filled with gratitude to mad Infatuation of a white woman screen. Read, white sone of the E. Richardson, expressman, made the many friends both here and in program. The address as well as in vain. justice. If republican senators stand the entire program, was highly appre­ for a dark skinned North African, South—read It and reflect. Road It a hurried business trip to Seattle In support of his contention that tn the way, turn them out and go other sections of the country wbo ciated. again and again, and aeo to what rs- taat week. yclept an Egyptian. we away from the South could help ahead. Vote for someone else. Stand were so kind and beautiful to my Mr. and Mrs. A. H Morrow were those down there better than they as a race for justice for your people Those who saw the play witnessed voltlng doptha the depraved Jews dear busband and to me during his very generous with their car and could help themselveB, he recited the until justice comes to them. I’m in tho horrible and revolting spectacle have dragged the moving pictures: Miss Byrd Visits Relatives illness and death, For the wealth of “WHITE SKINNED LADIES WILL of a white woman, clinging In the Miss Mabie Byrd, colored Y Secre­ flowers, telegrams and expressions conveyed Mr. Dyer back and forth to story of the North Dakota youth who for my party—if it is right. Go after, arms of a colored man. Tho white FLIRT WITH BROWN 8KINNEO tary, visited her brother in Seattle of love and sympathy I am so thank- his hotel while he was here. had been whipped mistreated and get after them; fight them; stand face of woman melting Into tho pas­ MEN WHEN THEIR HUSBANDS I a week ago. killed in a prison camp in Florida, together, that is the way you win.” sionate countenance of the I black ARE AWAY.”—Pola Negri In “Bella recently ,and added: “It was the The speaker paid a glowing tribute man, and those Jews made ths Donna." Rooming House Raided State of North Dakota that got these to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, Egyptian good and black, as If I So help me Ood. that bulletin was facts and made Florida investigate and said he had resolved to do all to Al Wilson and Roy Tindall were I vent some ancient grudge. flashed on the screen In the leading arrested In a raid Monday night in the prison camp condition in her own he could to emulate the character of theater In the city of Houston.. So a house at 526 Kearney street. In state.” the great Lincoln and to have the The picture le an Insult to The legislator told of many lynch­ I great love of Lincoln. help me God. that foul and blaaphe- , company with three white women. WhBieealo and Retail Dealer In the Famous America and a direct thrust ■t moua lie waa eent over America by One of the women was charged with ings which had occurred in different Bouthland. Mr. Dyer has been representative parts of the country, especially in the Ito Congress from his district for six the depraved and consclencaleaa selling liquor, while the other two I told you some time ago that the I South, and of the terrible atrocity of I consecutive terms. He Jews of Hollywood. I and the men were jailed on charges is an attor- depraved and degraded bunch ot Whore are the thunderbolts of of disorderly conduct. the crime and how in the more than ney of note and for some years Kikes who control tho movie Indus Jove? 5.000 cases investigated not more served as prosecuting attorney at OOOOOOO0OOQOODODMO6DODDG« try of thio country had deliberately Where le the manhood of tho Old than 19 per cent had been even ac­ his home in St Louis. Wnen In Need of a Hair-Cut and 9 and with malice aforethought plan­ Southf cused of the crime of rape, thereby He is author of the China Trade Shave, call at the a ned to break down the moral life of Tho South has nsvsr bssn eafe giving the lie to the reports that col­ act. and prominent in many organi­ Protestant America with the subtle from tho negro rape flsnd. Ws have ored men are rapists. sations. and convincing propaganda of tho Railroad men going East, take your wife or sweetheart nice fresh hung them by their necks, ws have Mr. Dyer said the colored people C. N. (Pat) McArthur, ex-congreas- screen. I told you how. Inch by Inch, 115 Flanders Stroat crabs. Retailed at Pioneer Billiard Parlor Restaurant. 108 North should resist this slander. He urged man from the Third District, Oregon, burned them at the staks, and still 8ixth Street, and Barbecue Plant. 350 Glisan Street in the Park they dragged tho heroes and hero- j Mme. C. J. Walker's Hotel. On sale at these places to the genera! public. his hearers to fight for men and meas­ a friend and co-worker of Mr. Dyer, Ines of tho youth of thio land Into j (Continued on page four) Préparations ures that will help the colored people in a most fitting manner Introduced Also Baths, Cigars, Candles and in the South. He said there was ab­ him to the audience. The Dunbar Laundry Agjncy solutely no excuse for a republican Community quartet sang a group of E. W. AGEE. Proprietor Featuring Our Friday Crabs eign News Briefs C. AUBREY FAIR SPECIAL BETHEL A. M E. SUNDAY SCHOOL Pbone Broadway 6388 Presents Miss Freída Shaw Portland*« Queen of Song In Recital BETHEL AUDITOIRUM Friday, June 1, 1923 Under the personal direction ot J. W. Stanley Mrs. J C. BAKER. Reader RIDE GOAT At a regular meeting of Dahlia Temple, I. B P. O. E. of W., Tuesday night the 15th, six candidates rode Following the initiation the goat. ceremony, the Temple adjourned and all repaired to the social session sumptuous repast rooms, where i was dispensed. TAXES ON WIVES TOO HEAVY, GIVES 'EM AWAY MISS CLOT1LLE CURRY. Violinist ADMI8SION 35c V' Annual Memorial Service Looal Lodge No. 25, P. P. B. A. Of A. Sunday, May 20, 2.30 P. M. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH Flrat and Schuyler Streets Sermon by Iley. J. W. Andereon Other Ministers Will Be Preaent V Telephone Main 5051 Hours : 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays and Evenings by Appointment 8IERRA LEONE, West Africa. May 4.—King Beyene of West Africa, head of the town of Atok and ruler over all the Mekae tribe, who had 250 wives, is now conveying most ot them to the other leaders of the tribes because the French Govern­ ment is putting a heavy tax on every wife beyond the fifth one. Phone. Walnut 6166 UNIVERSAL NEGRO IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Meets every Sunday afternoon from 3 to House, 243 Russell Street. The public is all the time OFFICERS R. D. Bird. President Mrs. Phillips, Lady Pres. 6. at St. Phillip’s Parish invited. A good program H. N. Triplett. Vlce-Pres. I. Z. Triplett, Gen. Sec’y Lewis Stenger Barber Supply Co. “The House of Quality” J. RO8AMOND JOHN8ON CAU8E8 ARREST OF CAFE MANAGER Because he was refused service In the Beechnut Cafeteria In Market street, Newark, N. J„ on Monday night, April 30. J. Rosamond John­ son. leader ot a company of actors performing at Loew's Theater, caus- od the arrest of Samuel Tress. man- ager of the restaurant, The actor and his leading woman, Eloise Ben- nett, ordered something to eat, but Tress Informed them that his super­ iors had ordered that he could not serve colored folk. At the request of the actor. Assem­ blyman Oliver Randolph, lawyer, caused Tress's arrest by Constable Walter Wright. Tress was taken before Justice of the Peace Joseph H. E. Scotland, and held In ball of 8300 for a hearing Thursday, MORRISON AT 10TH STREET TOILET ARTICLES OF Phone Broadway 7222 EVERY DESCRIPTION Satisfaction Will Be Mutual Model Shoe Repair The Right Place to Have Your Shoo Repairing Done UP-TO-DATE REPAIR SHOP 272 Waahlngton Street Portland, Oregon i/ B„„ Burt S0S3 Broadway MS8 SILVER KING CAFE DONE Your Patronage Desired Satisfaction Guaranteed 350 Glisan Street, in Paik Hotel, opposite New Postofflcs OPEN FROM 8 A. M. TO 10 P. M. NOTICE ALL CLASSES OF DENTAL WORK CAREFULLY BARBECUE PLANT B. J. JOHNSON. Proprietor In the Blumauer Building Northeast corner Fourth and Morrison Streets not voting for the Dyer anti-lynching “heart songs.” The quartet is com­ bill. The republicans took a pledge posed of Mesdames Cannady and Wil­ and promised to enact such legisla­ liams and Messrs. Drew and Bowers; tion, but they had utterly failed to ( Miss Violet Hooker sang, accompa­ do so. The responsibility for such nied by Duncan Allen; Rev. E. J. Ma failure, he said, rested on the should­ i grader, pastor of Zion church, deliv­ ers of the senate of the United States, ered the invocation, and Mrs. E. D. especially the republicans, who were Cannady presided. there by a large majority. He took a fling at our Senators CONGRESSMAN DYER PRESENT­ from Oregon and said that we should ED WITH GOLD PEN not forget their stand on this bill when they are up tor re-election. At a meeting of the Branch reor­ Here he urged the people to join the ganization of the N. A. A. C. P„ held N. A. A. C. P., which he declared in this city Monday evening, the was the organization doing the most 14th, at First A. M. E. Zion church, good and making the greatest and Congressman Leonidas C. Dyer of most effective fight for justice to the St. Louis, Mo., author of the Dyer I race. He paid a glowing tribute to Anti-Lynching bill, was presented the wrok of James Weldon Johnson, ! with a solid gold fountain pen as a secretary of N. A. A. C. P„ and said "token of appreciation of his labors" he had done more than any other by the colored citizens of Portland. individual to get the bill where it The presentation was made by Mrs. was. He urged that the association’s E. D. Cannady, associate editor of membership be increased to one mil­ The Advocate, the latter being the lion Instead of remaining one hun- auspices under which Mr. Dyer’s dred thousand. Portland engagement was made. It Mr. Dyer declared that he was was only after much difficulty that proud to work for the race because I Mr. Dyer was persuaded to accept of its wonderful history and its ac­ the gift. Mr. Dyer makes no charge complishments and possibilities, and for his lectures, but ev.rywhere he he admonished those who were not speaks the N. A. A. C. P. contrib­ proud ot the race and who didn't utes towards his traveling expenses. want to be identified with it, to get Mr. Dyer did not want the impres­ out of the way of those who were. sion to go forth that he was advo­ Mr. Dyer declared that he waa go­ cating justice to the race for money ing to reintroduce his bill in the next or other gifts, but because It was hts session of Congress on the first day "duty” to do so. The pen bears the and that it would be referred to his following inscription “To L. C. Dyer committee, which would report it out from the colored cil'zens of Port­ immediately, then it would pass the land. Ore., 5/14/13.” The crabs are caught on Thursday, cooked on Thursday and deliv- ered on Thursday. On sale, nice and fresh, Friday morning, Buy one—small, medium or large—and convince yourself as to their wonderful flavor and fresh taste. Make further inquiries over Qr. J.*Matllsky, who formerly re­ sided at 4S6 West Park Street, has moved to 82» East ISth Street, North, whore she le better prepared to take care of her patients. Phono Garfield 243S. adv. Annual Barbecue July 4 at Shiloh Baptist Church.—Adv. When You Call a Taxi-Cab All Kinds of Meats Barbecued—Serve You Here, or You May Take It Home SPECIAL Call Brdy. 0098 Ham and Eggs. Bacon and Eggs, Hot Cakes and Coffee. Served from 8 A. M. to 11 A. M. EXTRA BLACK AND WHITE Merchant's Lunch Served from 11 A. M. to 2:10 P. M. Stands at all leading hotels and all parts of the city »ÄWHS’flU