ADVOCAT THE, • _ An Independent Peper Devoted to the ---------------- VOL. XX NO 86 ... Interest« •/ the People .......... ------------------------------------------------ PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1923 PRICE 5 CENTS ADVOCATE TAKES OVER MT. SCOTT HERALD WITH THIS ISSUE HEAR CONGRESSMAN DYER ON MAY 13 ONE OF MOST INTERESTING W EEKLIE8 FILLING A GREAT NEED IN IT8 COMMUNITY SUSPENDS PUBLICATION AFTER MANY YEARS.—PUBLISHER GOES INTO JOB PRINTING BUSINESS PORTLAND the Next Session of Con­ Acquaint American ci tisons With the of Lynching In America Mr. e (Special) Representative Leonides C. Dyer of Missouri, who Introduced the federal anti lynching bill bearing his name In Congress, will address the people ot Portland Sunday afternoon. May 13th. at 2:30 o'clock, at Lincoln High School auditorium, under the auspices of The Advocate. Representative Dyer's measure was passed In the House ot Representa­ tives by a vote of 230 to lit and was favorably reported by the committee It on the judiciary of the senate, had to be abandoned when a group senators ot southern democratic served notice that their filibuster would be continued against the anti- lynching bill, holdlug up the busi nets ot the entire country, until a pledge was given by the republicans that the Issue would not be forced In that session. *'i am going before the country on the Issue of lynching, a national shame which tor thlrty flvo years the states have tailed to end and the Federal government has failed to At f Miss (lYendoleii Hooker, talks by L B. Stewart and Mrs. E D. Cannady, and a vocal solo by Jessie Brooks. The subject of the discussion was "Black and White,” and dealt with the progress of the colored race In America. The B. Y. P. U. had tor their study Haynes' "The Trend ot the Races.” Arleta and Mt. Scott Districts Vary Active During Past Week.—News of Interest Told by Regular C orrespondent—J. J. Handsaker Returns From T rip to Canada. Who is the most popular woman in Portland? ODD FKLLOW8 CELEBRATION New Northwest lx>dge, G. V. O. of Odd Fellows, will celebrate their i thpnkaglvlng anniversary Bunday ' evening. May 13th. at First A. M. E. , 4 Zion Church. (Special to The Advocate) I Miss Amiee Hollingsworth will With last week's issue of the Mt. head the publicity company; Mr. W. Scott Heraid. the publisher and edl- L. Ormany will be registrar. It is tor, Charles Dineen, quit the newspa­ hoped the enrollment this year will per business and has entered into the reach 600. This will be the fourth job printing business with an up-to- session of this school, which Is held date modern equipment under the annually under the auspices of all name of The Columbian Press. News the churches of the lower Mt. Scott of the territory in which the Herald district. It Is said to be the largest circulated will be published each Daily Vacation Bible School in the week in The Advocate. Northwest. Last year'« enrollment was 500. ARLETA Women of the Arleta Baptist (By Morrison Handsaker) church will hold a food sale on May Kose City I ■roadway S388 SILVER KING CAFE FRED MITCHELL, Prop. ■om coo When You Call a Taxi-Cab Call Brdy. 0098 2 0 ■< PI JJ 104 Fourth Street Bet. Washington and Stark BRANCH STORES: No. 3—151 Grand Ave., near Morrison. No. 3—1043 Belmont St., near East 37th. No. 5—866 East Ankeny, corner East 28th. No. 6—124 N. Sth, near Gilson BLACK AND WHITE Stands at all leading hotels and all parts of the city I