L A I D L A W , CROOK C O U N T V , ORKDON, F R I D A V, S K R i ’KMRKR II. 1000. VOL. I II.-NO. 15. W H O L E NO. 140 CORVALLIS and EASTERN the Most Probable Route. W hy the Republican Party Should be Successful In November. (O re g o n ^ u m t t ift il.it io , ii the principle that fur ev*doliorr by constant, (hie tovernment * s * established i. •.!. ,1 front it has . - and enduring prugrro*. mes (he right* ■ trust*. «(every individui * under ghfit-born, steady Finding 1 flouri-hin* ! supposed conflict nl S iile That principle I and National law. the douhlo pr;- euoeerMully maintained. hibilion of cxlatence nerving hut Through the Civil War it conicerat* to foster their development it ha* od a reunited country *o Ireo and nevor, in on attempt to destroy It trust*, withdrawn, in State or lia« kept the channel* of Intentate Nation, the pmtectior. of law from Commerce open f«ir all nn«l, through projicrt v, hut has, through Kx*c- the National Hanking System, the utive investigation and r«»ort to «•«pini American eitiiemthlp. The bell o f distant herd doth fill the air. I'ink roses sweet are nodding o’er the wall, Their perfume floats o’er head and everywhere, Along the walks their dainty petals fall. Soft breezes stir the hedges and float through The feathery billows white within the sky, As soft as eider-down against the blue, Long summer days g j calmly passing by. God smiles upon cur beauteous land so free. We poorly understand, for we an; blind, The many blessings, Oil that we may see. Tho’ grouping on, sweet thankfulness to find. So sweet, dear worid you seem, and oh so pure. With kindly Heaven bending over head, W e know sad heartache cannot here endure, And all the sorrowing shall be comforted. JT’ XK M rv il IKS OKOIVAV. In Suu-l.y « Or«*«*• »t. the C k irt», reaolvetl the conflrit tuck deporiUi almost trebblc«.. curreul <>( n Urinal Integ­ American w «rkm.ni and Atncrrian In l'.IlM« business was commited to our road supervisor is doing some institution* bv banishing Am -riran rity. fair tho«!.»; without compulsion »ule-tuntt.il r«>ad work on tli« rovd A- tins tee of (I m * National wealth , indu» trie- nil I lull.¡mg up tli >«•■ violation* largely ceased. between tliis place and Laidlaw and it h.i- investigate«! mineral retti«.ns of other lumls, ami -c.irn«'«! t«i in­ The Republican Party, at each is bridging the ii rigatimi ditches. rh**. it. i.ow left for Shrniko for Ttd Decker a as in from the Mirvcv«'«! »««it««, ilcvi-lopc I water sult lat>or with an illu.-ory promise period, sounded tlie public const i - j \[r ¡s the right man in the freiKht “ “ 1‘**t Wfdncaday. home-lead a few day* this week. Yet it wave. .mduiling the Panam i ('a: al of immunity from law. , ei.ee, felt National pulse, framed it.- [ r Ttie little t>*by of A. J. Harter and Mit couch brought us in a tine passed tliM P u r e F «)< > < 1 Law.secured irrigated «li-aerl-, conserved water- wife is verv sick. sample of oat* for the Seattle Fair. p.dici«'* in response, and realized' I A petition is being prepared to a [«eiiiion is nc-ir.g («renami to ' el tede, and liUeLntiih-d the J*ubl»c «spial aceotntnodations ou rail­ ! in ! I Lu riami mi nt \ till* 1 * 1 O il II jin law the dominant American | ,egnlUe the roaJ Tumalo J. K. Benhaiu went to Princv ielle j who sill be next to tiring samples, lande. Pr«»te<*:mg American labor road*, aided agriculture, created I i.len. It* constructive past assures anJ t|>e ^ ()f lht. hi„ ,„.voml the on last Sunday aud returned Tin-aJay. j F. E. Dayton expect* to »tart for by regulating immigration an«! by the Civil Service, e tahlidied Free ) its constructive future. It is today Hull Creek bridge and also to make o«b>rii Edward}, of rii-t, wa* in j Valley {tointa within a oliort time to Delivery, reduced j taking at ttiv Custom Unu*<\ t<> Itual Mail j be gone fever* 1 week*. 1'lie Party a new grade near Mr. Clark’» Laitllau- wedueoday. | as it always has be< n, |*>.-t ig«', and increased pay American taxe*, forci gen foreign W . F. Frynwr wut a Laid law bu*- , D«x:torCoc was a professional cal- fit to ( ¡oven«.’’ [«lace, also a new grade near Mr. capitulV a<>vantage from low wag«-* l«en»ion*. C«j;i:iiuimg uaturilly iucs« visitor the early part of the the ! |er Laidlaw the middle of the IV.-The Party o f Statesman Scoggins. When Mr. Hoot gets all it has preserved to American in­ marked-ont pr«igress, it will keep! week. j week. The party of Statesmanship, it this work done we will have some dustries the home market of eighty ita pledges of Tariff readjustment, i « ha* been the training school of r. c.iieckerand Jas. Mccoy expect Mrs. Tukesbu.y was in Laidlaw look- fine roads in this section. million* of the world’ll greatest Currency Reform and development 1 -tatesineii. Its jxdicie* have been to start for southeastern orogon ^ ¡tlg for a bouse to occupy duri ng ibe « Mr. George 1». Pulliam was a consumer.; am! *o laid the *ur«**t uf the Merchant.- M «rim an i m ike forged in tli«1 h«*at of public discuss j school year so that she can »end her ousicess caller at Tumalo hist S.it- basi* for American eoni|ictition in the United Males tho (man-;.«1 Tod Henry am! XV. I). Dame.-were in j children to school, I ion. lcni|»r«l in the del.hcration Mri,BV and he ill(|)rm, us that he (««reign market*. Uniting capital 1 centre as it has made it the in ami shaped ... the conflict of many wjU ^ the vicinity of dine nuttes on last Father. Myers has not l«cen very ,argecrop of ,)0taio0!,. dustrial centr«' of the world. 1 ui sday. f„r some days, neing bothered at nr-.«l labor, thus, in » common pro* trained minds, and drawn and tin- Mrs- 1». u . W mier and Miss 111 The ('onstruclive i ’arty- F. E. Dayton made a trip into tin times with a severe pain in tho jxTity an«l common source of in ally wrought for the country * w< 1- niber Wt're visiting Mr-, uaker l ist (tnivor country for feed imi say* crop* ; side. cri’a*« «1 reward.it has createli op- - lt Organize# the National will faro. Dominating il* mniiucr» i are vielding \ei v much tiettcr than A. F. Ramsey and J. c. Thorp re­ portnniiiea, improved <*onditions j In tln; evolutton hy vtliich party through principles, it us-ures unity ; Sunday. - - — - was anticipated. turned from the berry patch tlie first of employmcnt, hroughl af.out a ! govornment h.ts h••«'«un > the extra- in ( ioverniiH'iit; its staunchest pur D. (•. l-t«v arrived a few «lays ago of the week and brought back about liiglier standard of living. ami I conrtitB*ion-l mUhod of ¿«curiti* | ^ ^ hftV# MI||(|e tl||, greatC9t con When , 14 gallons of berries, with fn iglil from glianiko. im.re widespren.l distriUtiou of j responsihility lo the (.«•«»pio. l1» ’ ; Irii)U(ion* to National progress T u m a lo . Local Mention. ««•alili and weil-h.-mg. [Gritty Laidlaw Boy Has Broken Arm. and made j Repnidican party lui* tun omc their j ^ { r )f jt,.lJcM ¡s til0 nnt traditinal representative nini the expansion mortal as well as mat« r I ion al roll of ln*ni>r of public servie«*. Democratic party tho organi/«*«! 1 On last Wednesday *-v«*ning ial. V .—T a il h ik I S lirrm a:» < on IntrUHte«! with insular |*>3sess- aspiration of individuals fur power * l r i l , 4 ' a m l i U i l D * s - t € :»!*- Harvey Dayton, a lad of eleven years.son of K. K Dayton sustained Fairly s|nntiv<- IM;lf form. ioiis, it ha I* litouglil < hem pence with «out respon-ibility. th e raiim id is built tbc freighters ' J. H. Wenamly was in this vicinity will liav«* lu hunt another job but that trying to buy hay a few days ago but won’t be hard to timi. our farmer* are slow about contract­ Next to the old ranches in «’looked ing bay at present price*. The only thing you hear now days is " Well it l’ >oks like railroad* sure Republicanism stands today for a fractured arm. lie w is at the t>»y farn.es in The count.y. Hay feed- niui progress, and provided for tlm tricil, fiom IS.HI to 1s t«, the two es* troni Hcnd ami uUav I'litnc here this tune." ” What 1 » new about rail extension and protection of Amer­ Denmcratie Houses ami the Demo progressive policies in safe bands. | barn with his brother and sist«-rs j to purcha-c liieir winter supply. r«>i«d»V ’ and a few other thing* about ctmres and had ican trail«1, f«»r the National «lefense, cratic President were a "w ild team’’ ; By solving the constructive p: oh- j doing the evening chores l’rof. J. A. Thompson was in from ” railroads". I>«-m- lems of world power in the last two just finished milking. The oilier.* und for ill«* honorable discharge of and a h«*lpl«*ss driver. administraiikUis, William II. Taft j^■ ■ Pleasant it-i«3a«iv Ridge last Saturday. He e. w. Allen, A. I), l’arkcs, ami J. w. had start«1«! for the house, the r«'*i»)nsiliiliti«'* of world great­ ocrocy agitai«'* lo« al «lifierences, taught the world our capicity an l will again Ink«! up bis *«'ln>«il duties iirown returned fioin the lierry patch ness. Maintaining peace at home, Republicanism organizes the Na­ u« his own. Iu all constru ■ ivc* leg­ hurry to overtake them he spraug in I.-iiilbiw on next Mniul.iy. He *«5* u few days ago. we «lid not learn witli foreign nations and among tional idea. In I sSI the people islation f«»r twenty years James S. over tho fence ami in some manner that owing to the illness <«f M r * ' 1|>t , u'c(;e, r the}. ,lud t-|ttri.nce them, it has given American right* were committed to tho cause of j sin-rinati ha* Livn a leader, lutin* fell upon his arm, sapping thel Tiuruipson’* mother iu the east Mrs. i Parke*, who went over with them and American opi«ortunitiea new human liberty; the idea of " L ib ! r«v«>r«ls of tho II'publican ciudi* bones just below tbc elbow, lie Thompson anil cliiltlrvn will be unable | went on through to the Valley. «1 at.-s a* well as in the platform arc eallui to the other children that he j ,0 L ' " *''m *',ri meaning throughout tin« nation erty and Union” expand« «! for tli Daniel Chisholm accompanied Mr. written the story of the nation’s wa* hurt and then arose a m i , ---- — ■ - ■ ■ ■— — first lime into the reality of the and throughout the world. | Egbert to The Dalles hy wagon to progress and thu reliance of the walkeil to the house, a distance of II —The Party o f Progrean and [ Antm «*!» tiation I enjoy the novelty of camping. They future. In 1S7H money was committed I’ rosperity A Democratic President or a about a quarter oi a mile. Doctor | expect to lecio basis; specie was at Democratic House would turn hack C«>e was immediately summoned hy wagon. Daniel will go ou from requested to be present at the perity, it ha; been politically sin- once, until 1 S'J.'I, no longer sought, those pages; thereafter Hryaniam and reduced tho fracture and the | Tho Dalles to De Kovci. Hall, South next regular meeting, Saturday, c«*ro. It has never ha«i a «;andidate ami government bonds went to n would recor«i "Destruction .” This lad is getting along nicely. j Tacoma, where he will continue ais the Republican Senate could not September 19 at 3 o’ clock P. M., premium at the reduce«! rate of in studies. Mr. Egbert, wife, and K«ir clear grit Harvey is a good of a section, prejudic«, or class, nsr prevent. Under Taft and Sherman when by-laws for the local or­ itifunt son wilt return here within tereet. In 18bt> business men were one as lie never cried or whimper­ ii plat form of negation scheme of and a Republican Congress the ganization will be presented for two months to live upon their home­ repudiation, program of scuttle, or again committed to confidence; be­ great progress of *lie past will he ed and refused to take cloroform consideration and adoption. stead five miles northwest of Laid­ doctrine of despair. It has never fore a singlt« statute was enacted held and the greater progress of when the bones were set and he W. D. Barnes, Master. law , scarcely utterd a cry- lent itself to a demand for revoJu- prosperity set in and in ten years tho future will be assured. '¡ver '-*lley oar far.imrs have the host NOTICE!