Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, September 04, 1908, Image 4

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¿ ¥ • .» .
' I i . i u t b op li L^ vuum - t ttiu rlch.
Paul Vlniiin
t'f hit w valiti •-<
t h> U'g'l li V.vIV •< ( aci-lll-sed. IN>!
li«- |i>ir) «divo; her UiM.i w 1 : h Juvliv-lnI
' I «lon't supplì*» thitt you e»».’1 »he
"Al ihe Miux» lime. Paul,
y uà cauimt blaine un- fur tuklug mi la
t-ivi.1 III jH-ivple nlio ilo Ili 1 mi■*."
"Suoli n» «.aitili«; >n laide?" ivti'rtc.l
\ Intuii. ’ I (Ioni se*- luitthii ^ la »vui-
iiiituj al mliuli itll«>;i ni a Job
llke thnl."
"Hut iio U a college man." romluiltsl
1 toillo. "J u s t fau«-) a »tudeat so aux-
baia to Solili) that ti-.' will walt oa (alilo
In a hotel to gala tbo inaila 1 or bla
ta li tool”
" I l e wouM do woll to pò to a eia al­
m i r sobo.>; tìr>t ,” (rovlivl Vltitoa. "Ilo
\» a Itovi ou me ibis mori.I l -a miJ « h. n
1 uskixl fur vga* be totil me that The
e,;gs Isu't u-.-y fiw h.'
') linfa go-it
«raminar fot a college studont. uud
tboa bis «lane !s somclhln-; welnl."
"tìcorgv Ado um - s alani;." elusi l*o!-
Ho dof olisi velo, " l u i saro Ibo. no «ino
oior a* otisod Mr. A.lo of la-ine ootu-
"l'.ooausc he Itcvp« hts siane for hi*
Look* uud play»,"* remimi***! Vlolon.
Dolilo checked thè sbarji «pc-ccb that
stirane to hor Iti s and hurrieil dov. u
thè plu/ara «reps to Joln a l#*peclaclx»«l
yoath v. ho «pia-ured ano.rul tho corner
c f tbo hotel.
Ilo wu* not ho Ini Itine »ori of per-
•or). Duo oar wa* ooaslderably latgcr
N O I 1C If KOlt i I ’U n U C A T I O y .
M M U T KOH I r i U . K ' A W O \
\) h listed T i e d t
I 90 S
l'I.I At*TJI»> I ill till tSTIMtllM,
lift. )A*i
1 ite« a: «
t inted Kistes 1 Mud Olliice,
Tin- U alb s. Oregon, J u l y ‘J Olli Bbis
J K. Kuller, of the Si*tcra country,
wa* a business visito) ,it tlic - b ro li
eie olii e tliis wc. k
Clit-ster Be. »«•*, who I n * le/en s.n
jonri'ing in Wn<hi:igt >n for several
iii - i : ills r. turned to laitdh.w i few days
i go,
»01 I HAI I . <t>
i o ’clock jo III. on th e 7 l h day o ' Hep- ' Ksst, Willitinelte Meiediau, lis* tiled
teiuls.r next, ut tins office, the follow notice of in te n tio n to make KimiI live
mg Itaci of land, to wit- \ i j s i J-Mcc. ycai Proof to establish claim to the
IS I p 1M . K 10 i w .t.
land s I hivc i(t-»cr i I m -.I, before W a rie n
Any (H-tsons ebiim ing adversely the
Brown, County Clerk, s t lo* ofttce at
also c-di aci ilietl IsiuD are advised ti> |
file their claim *, or objections, on of , CrinaviHe.Oregon on the l td . .lay of
I'M Iff.
I n fore t he day above designated for 04
u n ire* a i witnesses'
ss le
allin ol Itedoionil,
C. \V. Moore, Hag ster.
Cl iss. K. I.ow was a caller at the
Chronicle office last Tuemlay.
i- i' in nn. tt l^onglit na in
line sample* ■ f jH-tstocr
K »H
irm .rC A T JO N
PKI-AKIXI) S I ■>» riti I NT) Slot;,
C. H l.snd Office s t
T h e Dalle*, Oregon, Ju ly 23, O W
N O T IC K ls litici.» g iteli 1 Itat l a-
l or i ho uioiuei.t Vinton forgot Dol­
A l . i t lliirp.-r look M i* Ja m e s and
K. N. W allace inaile a <|uick trip to Monte K Kellogg.ol Portland .O icgon,
lle'* presence, forgot eterything except
l.a nta out to S b a ll i ’. -. I . u i i ; I m i - Big laikc Issi Hatunlay and S-.m«l«y *»,«,. oi» Jvsly S3.
inaile lunlwr
his di-slro to avenge the blow*.
.»(te-r Miss Nellic J s m r t .
| ami « lu n a No. 0330, (or
Brady had -Tlpjail o(T Ids glasses nf law M ral ly inoruing.
the tirst sign of trouble am! tie w is
C, - o:i. r J \ Mct' iH, of thè K «tei* Win (1. Stile * dr<>»a np tu Urtili nn ! w|sg|,
Kcctlxin 20, Towiisldp
some -hat at n disadvantage, but for •oiintry. w.i» in Lai.ìl.iw mi I usine»* |„,t Kunday. Ile r«*|sirts tluwe |owip!e ! 14, S., K uige 10, K-, W illa in e lia Me­
all of that he Imd the best <.f ibe light, nisi tei * Issi l» .
as having faith in the railroad build I ridiali, lia» filen notice ol intentio n In
though Vinton had taken boxing les
! m ake Fin al P na.f, lu establish claim
* -us from an old champion and \va; , S li Davis and wifo nere \i«it- iliss.
accounted more than ordinarily skill mg tln .r d-iugliter. Mi* w. r xiyer»
Word from the Iierry jiiekers near ¡1« the laud above deaerila»!, • efotc
ful at tbo game.
in Lamia.«' t i n i wc.-k
Mt. Wa*hi,igt. in state that there i s » Warren Brown, County Clerk, at In*
They wore on a strip of the beaeb
abundance ol huckle b e i r i c this | office, at Brine»ills, Oregon, on the
vre nnd.-r'tand a tìoverniucut In-
little frequented In the evening un.l the
j ilny <»Ì O ctobrr 11HW,
encounter alt meted uo attention
In *p»vlor i» ni.iking imestig.i- V0Hr iti (Iti* | ut xf ti-« country.
0 . M I uud Office
at The Dalh s, ( t i r i m i ,
August iiVtli li*.W*
Notice I* hereby given th a t, ns J i - N‘ .n . » it here*.) g.*en th a t IheisliM
t ce ti-il by the t'oiiiitii»*h>iier til 1 1„.
'»’uehler. id f i n i . . Kails. Ortgon,
U .ner.ll I.#nil OOlee, umlrr i.roviston# Í * l,u.
August 7th
11«*7. i.uuh.
I ol Act o( Congress s|.|iruxed J u n e Ï7 . Ilo mestesil Kutry (Kriinl No. iMUm)
|*i 1 1 *1 i«* — No. JiOH, %%*• will ofIVr >»t No
i«»r ^ J m J nml > J«*»
Sri* •
I»«• I»1 it* i»nlr, to thr ln^hr»t Imitici .ut H ti ni
Town«hi|» Ki Hoitlli, l(aii|c** l*i
Local Mention.
Ute minutes Vinton teas down mat out
and iNdiie was kneeling beside him
hi the sund seeking to restore hl-n to
He . |>eu>-1 his eyes
presently and smiled Into 1'..¡lie's n::x
- loua face.
"Il'a all right," he said weakly.
“1 hat little .-ullage student of yours
has the skill of a prufcslotml prlte
"Survl" «created Brady. "You v. as
Bein' some. Bo. but your company was
too fast. I us«-1 to be the Cherry hill
! m n.ieitrr until me eyes went on the
blink anil I had to took for somethin'
1 been fenelilii* the rah-rah
boys to handle their ham* lately. It's
a |»uddi:r iiionst-lue the otlier game
The doe told me to get some salt air
h r the summer an" I'm p! -kin' a pie. e
of the coin while I'm doin' It. I fought
Terry five rounds to n draw once,"
, he added with pride.
“And now you lire studying for cot-
lege?" asked DoIHe woailerlngly.
"1 was teaehln'." explained the innn
"I was professor of l»ixlo'
W hnfs nil tills row about college any­
way? When the boss cook hired me
he say*. 'I »’pose you eouie from col­
" a t 1» i a s man * to t i * to . all B rain."
leger’ And 1 told him I Just come
.Now you're hatpin’ on
than tbo other ntrd ua aggressive chin from there.
ladled a oiilunx-Mi of apiiearaniai duo tho same string."
"T h e waiters lids season are all stu­
to the large leused spectacle» he wore,
i ll s bands cud feet were largo and un­ dents working their n ay through col-
manageable and Ids clothes titled leg»-. ’’ explained Dollle.
"T h a t wus
him as though they had been made why I " —
She paused In confusion mnl Brady
for a ¡can of more generous build.
The Hotel Breeze bad soiled the completed the seuti-nee f »r tier.
" T h a t was why you mashed me?" he
servant problem by employing college
students as waiters. It Imd become usked grad mitureilir. "Bin sorry for
fashionable to take an Interest hi those you. si», tint I ain’t the rent good-;
struggling aspirants for learning, and Better stick to tils Job lots over there
Dollle Durey was nothing If not fash­ He's lu your class. I ain't no heavy­
Even though It threatened weight ”
Dollle regarded Paul, nursing a rap-
a break wi;U Paul Vlatou— whom she
expected to marry some day—she In- | Idl/ blackening optic, null smiled At
slated ou having hx-r stude..; to be In- i 'b o moment Vinton seemed anything
tere»t«»l In.
, but romantic.
Itollle had f.K-keit out Brady a;« the
"T h a t's all right." lnt<.-r|K»ti«J the
favored one for thx- reason that he maneatcr undcrKtandingly. "A bit of
seemed the most forlorn and desolate ru',v steak v. til fix that up. lie's the
one lu the tot. There was something ' tnaa to tie to, «11 right
There ain't
almost pathetic to her In tho Idea of tunny chaps like bbn tlist could give
this muu w bo maltreated the English “:** the run ho dl l. You book up.”
language so brutally seeking a higher
"Thank you. I will takx- your nil-
educuthm. and she found his person- vice.” declared Dollle ns she sank
nitty Interesting and at times amus- down on the sni.d I «-aide Vinton, ii-nt
seeing that he was no longer wanted
There wore other times when the the maneater slipped nvvay rubbing
man bored her sadly, but she would his cauliflower ear reflectively,
not confess that »ho found him tire- j “ 1 hope lie won’t Is-nt the little
some lest Paul should think the vie- dame." lie s a i l musln-fly. "H o sure
tory lay with him.
| can lilt, even If lie can't lick me.” And
Every evening when the tables had the i-mneater never realized that with
been cleared and the dining room put Cupid as referee Paul vvu* the winner
hi order Brady would «lip down to the a fie r all.
beach and walk or sit with Dollle,
while* Vlntou sat ou the piazza and
A Vivid Oeicrl^tion.
vowed that he would leave the place
A shortsighted and deaf old gentle­
for some better resort where the wait­ man who was at an entertainment
er:* were not the fad of tile moment.
where a professor perform, d on a big
He never went, for on second bass viol ihus described the scene:
thoughts he told himself It would he “The professor carried on to the plat-
better to stay ou and look after Dollle. from a giganti'- beetle uttached to the
Elie must tire of her fnd presently, and end of a sort of lamppost. He leaned
perhaps on the rebound he might In- over nnd fondly embraced It, th kllng
duce her to say the coveted "Y e s.”
Its back violently with a long comb.
Dismally Ylutou realized that ttie
"T h e spectators seemed much de-
waitlng game was bound to be a long lightest at this display of scientific of-
one, and ebauetng u|K>n Dollla wait- feet Ion.
The la-etie was apparently
ing on the »and» for hor waiter prote- quite unmoved.
Then the professor
ge Paul was moved to reopen bis ar- gavo a capital Imitation of the drunken
j man nnd the lamppost. He swayed
Following «ti unusually hot day tho rapidly up nnd down, clutching quick-
humidity of au approaching storm die ly at all points.
prived Ihe sufferers of the relief of
"Sometimes hi* linger.* quivered pas­
tile night breeze:*. Dollle was tired sionately ui>on one s|H>t. like nil TI
and Irritable nnd In no frame of mind teuq<ered man struggling with an ot.
for an argument. Both raised their stinate pair of braces. Sometime* he
voice« sllgblly above the pitch of good tested momentarily, as one resta after
bn-edln«'. nnd Brady, coiutng upon n contest with a »tlif white Ho.
them suddenly, gathered that there , " he gave a la«t convulsive
had been n dispute.
j tickle to the huge beetle, picked hlin-
"fT ai this guy been unbuttonin' hi* *'-lf up front Die !mnp|>ost nnd carried
lip?” he demandr-d o f Iwllle,
j off the unresisting Insect.
The nu-
IVrhaps It was the heat, perhaps it diene* applauded vlgorounly."
was the memory o f «mne o f the things
• bat Vinton had raid. At nnr rale.
A Fluetu, ting Fortun,.
tbere wa* a barely perceptible pause
"About how nni'-h do you figure that
before Dollle languidly responded:
you are worth?’ asiu-d the old time
"H e has lioon very annoying. I am i friend.
glad you have come." »be »aid.
j " H ow
[ k n o w ?’ replied Mr. Cum-
Brady jifcktil up a pebblo and toaaed j roT “Mother and Ihe girls have Join
tt down tbo beach.
1 h tt bridge whDt club."—Wa'-hlagton
“Qo a fte r It," he urg-.-d. "You ain’t ft(Hr.
-r t -
J ' . C e l l in * .
j M'I
wanted here. 11». Notify youi f>**l to
got busy wlib your -.i....;« and | e«
1..*nl "
I |>resume you arc ir?uir .o urge mi­
ll. g • a ita y ." aticavsieu ' luton coldly
I I u ' e got it One prosumer," com
ni' Hritily. "Hear It tip a little
t t :l.or. It s mullin' too alow."
I ;.-.i grateful for y«uir ailvloo." a.ild
\ llltun M i l ' : - .
, c I t
t>c l.«*t upon the other, ' but li H nut
tni liilontlou to take myself off until
MI'S hnr.y signifies to me ttin my
presell* c here N unwelcome."
' Votl heard tier s.ty you mute
tier tired." remlttdeil Brady
“lte a
nice little Isiy. Bo. and go pi. y in the
nevl »n nl
There'» a rine cellar do. t
there, tie slate down It
\ lutea I.-oked tmiitlrltigly at I'.dlle
but site made no sign I'.rady was UN- |
playing t new phase of his many sided -
character and she found It rather In­
\ hiton. t ■> | a led lie; ,
ai d »he wanted to see what he would
She had ni l long to v. alt f. r. ivll’i
Mi liol t i i - i i i , of Bend, w.-.a.i l.iid
a llnal appenl to take a walk Is-fere It s
feet hurt him and ho couldn't. Brady law \ is■ t< i Is »1 Saturday.
t i l u n c n l toward Ms antagonist.
Ka.l I * |sl i Le «s» d >wn from the
Short a ml sharp was the ctu inter
gate this W«\k.
Brady struck tirst, and Vhiton. n.itlung
loath. rv><|s>rdcd.
In h .th men the
Jo h n C. Stili*« i- now lis-ati-d at
print m I lustlu. t v. as aroused, mid they Portland and w ill probably luvM ibur
fought for the facer of a woman as
ban prepcrly llieie .
uion In tho stone age f night.
1 Duci* Me rullili ul
i J o h n H.Cochran of Cline K»11st, <.regoli
Harsh J C-Hihni'i u l .......................
M N. Neill has located at O arli.ld,
W o b m g to n and aaks that the Chroii-
tele li.llow him I here.
J . O. Hanaon, of Kedmond,
parevi j
C W M .ore, Iteglstrr.
N ^
M o ti»; Sull r l ll L I r n il i .X .
l.srA S iN iN T or tua i s r s a i u s .
I s I a m , or ru i «t tg* |.«||.«, Ore.
J»l> wilt luxe
N'OTIt'g 1* torekir gt.rn
C la im a n t names a* a i t i . ea*es
1 su.e. Il |-«|.
Msr. al *i«i«rs ore*.m »h-., an J «il ^ ;.|.|
l|.»mv»ts« I gai,« «. risi io. a.-rs/S,. i.r-ri
to» |. l» Ni.» I
j , g l(l j¿ »,„,n,_ u . u f * is g w' iiu in Ju J m .
’*u '" . ,'**
•• »•«■*»«-* >•! inis.ol.m n. huts
Siisi It»-. |Pst
III fslsbtnll . tali» I.. II,■
ltu'1 *Uitr <ti krilk»aU. Is« for«’ II « Mlig.l ii|r#(|
Hl«|, » « • siti iBlgffliMirr nl l»U tsfll rm mi Unni,
OU lltr Mil -Its) t>i Nr|ili mtiv|,r*0
' Ulinaul luuifftNi« fflin»aii<i
1. M Ollwr. of Sl«t|-ra, Or»fi<M
s . a -I s
Hm h a b in , «H B lu r r » o rr| u n .
Irving I’« » m »I» I'f Mivtrr*. oragnii.
Jut k
u| Nlilrri. Orrgoli
l W Moore
l(»f tetri
through l.aidtaw on last Monday with j * w Mci'afftiy, id Redmoi.d, Oregon
i load of litmder from the Hightower ! Mi*»i»*s* n Mi-xatlery xd gednnwtd.i-regnii
u. x. »osier,
of s i i t e l i , o n gon
miti) mill at Tumulo.
of aistcis, x>i* gon
J . B. Palm er and family, ol bister»
C. W Mi oie. III gisti r .
wete trading with our increhant* the
tir»' of the week. They are going uvei
in the Valley fur the Imp picking
N O T IC K F O B P C ¡11,lC A T IO N
Not Coal L i n I.
t.».)*»ltr»Ut»T n r TtIK IXTUliHl,
J l » l*XltTM> NT UP Till: INTtMtUR,
C S lai ml Office, at
Mi*.* M.ib.-l It.-nnett ha.* l*-en s|.end
v c A wbrey started across t h e ! |’. S Land Office, Th# Dalles Or egon
The Dalli s, Oregon Alignât la th IlStH
in g io in e day» in t!u¿ berry pan-!:
Ju ly ¡tu, lati -
in company with the family of \V. t ’ nniiiiitains lor Portland and will-
NoTIcr is hereby given (hut lien«*
! arnette \ alley |>uints this neck
F ryrea r .
Notice i» hereby given Augnata II West, id Bend, Oirgoti, Who on
.lilt visit a sister whom he has not Fulmer, widow i>| J o l i » F alu ici, de­
K.j.temts-r lVlh , I'Jtl.l, made II..m e.
M S. Bullard is ju st recovering i
ac»ii for many years
ceased, of I he Dalli-», Oregon, who, ou
from his knee ¡ ml is now
lend Entry ( Sel la I NoUff37) No l î l l ï l l
C. P. Becker and J i m McCny re Hepli-mlwr 'J, I'.HH, ins le D. »■ rt land lor » }sw J See Hand Lot 1 - n . | s w 4
aid«- to re-umc any kind of w.ok in
lurtu-d from Hiala Hprings a lew da)» *-l) try, No 132. K» rial No Oliti, tni M |, Kx»ct urn 7, T. wnsbij. 17H.»ulli, King«»
I iic alio p.
ago and report game very scarce in Section l7. Ti.wn.hij. ILK .K . n g e H E 12 E ...I , W lllaiu ett» Meridian, ha»
T h e families of F. K l>iy?on and
Unit locality.
\t illainrUe Meridian, h a . tiled notice lilt.I nolii-e ol inlention to r.k>. Final
.1. C. Tu llar returned this week from
in lcntion to make Filial Pr.s.f, to live ye nr B u ».I. to e»tabli.h claim !.»
their outing on th e Metidm*. They :
were accompanied l.y Mr*. Seabury h II the chick ens belonging to Win. CL establish clsiin to Ihe land uU.v.• lie- the land n l . o e tiracilU-.l, I» lore 11. C.
Stile» one night last week and then acriU-vl, lielore I I . C . K ill*, a I ’. H. ' Kill«, UifUrd S t a l e . (¡otm niia io n.r, at
and M is* Florence.
within a few day* took all hut two id Cummiasioiier at hia office, at Brnd. h i. office, at Ueml. O irgon, on the ffth
Mrs. Ja m e s soil l .a n ’ a aocoinpinie.l
Oregon, on I ho « nay ol ffeptemlwr, ! day of (>-tober, IttOg.
M. S. Bullard's dock.
tile lazily of Mr*. Ja m e s ' Mother to
C laim a nt nam e, na wiln«»»is.
Miss I.iu r a Band)» is having her
Nebraska, w hen- t lu* reniait.» will Is­
C laim an t n a m e . a . wilne*»et
Ov.d W It Kil.-v. of
B r u .I, tl o g o n
laid to n at bt siili those of her husband .1* *i rt r l s n n near town cleared and
(icorge I'o lliam , of Laullaw, Oirgon
Heorgr L Himmous, of Laidlaw, "
plowi d rvaffy for crop this fall.
J K.
who died some yi ars ago.
I ’liarle. W. Thor nth w.iile, ol
l i n t Miller,
The e.lit.vr ol the Chronicle l".*t one Benhai)) will construct an iirig atiou
of Bend,
of his driving m a r.* Ia»t Hun-iiy. ditch for her within a few w.».k
l,'. W. Moore, Uegi.ler-
Tilia lilt* k. -» til. thil.i Inir.-e lie lis» b id
William 1> Clark, ol latidlaw, Oragoi
to die since live first of A and he a l ­ diteli.
Ja n ie s A Kioggin, of Luiiüaw, Oregon
so had another badly cut on barb wire.
W , D. Barnes, (i . W. C|alikc and (»rover Pulliam, of Lai.Haw, Oregon.
N or COAL I \M>
T . A. J tn » o n ws* a caller at the Win. Brown c a m e in from the Motel
iir r t x T a t N T o r t iik in tk m o d ,
C W. M.arre, K c g r .
C hronicle office Issi SatuMlay.
Hi- last Saturday, Mr. Brown returning
I! H. Lam! Office at
will start in a few days lor Miles. md will go Beyond Detroit on road
The Dalle», Orrgon, Aiiguat l i t 1». )!K>8
for the govenrment. These i»M-Aicr»irsT o) t i ik i n t k r i o r ,
W ashington, where l e gie-s to lake work
Nirrirg i# hereby given tl at Muri»
charge of a large irrigation work» geiitli-nicli report sonic engineers as
U H L in d Olliice The Dalle«, Oregon,
«»»ignvr »1 J » ) m A. Ju liii.o n , of
l ie will hav tin: Chronicle Come to »pying ou t the .diletolius from it» 1
J u l y 2 1 t h , 1'JOH
La.illaw, Ori-goti, who, on K«*|>leinbcl
-ourer -o it» mouth la*t week.
him tm-:c
N O TIC K i. hereby given
that 1
Mill. IWU, inatlr D* ». rt Lund Entry ,
Dorn K .e ve r, of llenil, O iegon, who___________
• I
>i i i
[Hertal No. 0 5 7 4 ] No 4W), lor i k I ,
Ju ly 22(1(11908 made Tniih ct 1
and Mtnne application | Serial No ..............
1 ow n.lup l a >S..neh, Ilangc
A re you doing what you can
to populate yonr StateV
OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE Settler*, honest farmers,
mechanics, merchants, clerks, people with brminii, strong
hands and a willing heart—capital or no capital.
Ihe Oregon fRailroad
X avteat'on C°*
i.* “ending ton* of Ort-g.m literature to the East for distribution
through every iv.i.iihh- agency. Will you not help Ihe good
wot k of building Oregon by sending us tin; names and addrta*»-
<•8 of your ftieiid* who are likly to ho intetcated in this rlat«;?
We will he glad to Lear the experute of -ending tin in complete
information ohont OKKGoX and it» opporUiiiilit».
Will be on Bale during
SEPTEM BER and OCTOBER from the E a st to all
points in Oregon. Tha fares from a few principle
cities are
G O L O J V /S T T I C K E T S
Ite n w r
TO. oo
IIO. imi
:n .« o
KitnsaH 4 if j
St. Louis
1 liira"o
l .o n l H v i ll « * $ 4 1 . 7 0
M n riiin m ti
4 2 .2 0
4 lc \ c U iid
4 4 .7 ft S
> pw York, .ftft.oo
T ick ets can be Prepaid
If you want to bring tt friend or relnttvs to4V*go«,d<fxwot fli«
proper amount with any of our agent*. Th« ticket «ill t h e n Im
furnish'd by telegraph.
E ‘ J . W ilso n ,
W m . M cM u rra y,
L ocai . A oe '. t ,
OkMkKAi. r A . - . e a v z a o s m t ,
0297 ] No 4.173, for N I S E I and |*,t. I 10 * * " '
M rr.d .an
, , tiled notice ol intention to make r mnl
1 ami l
Neetton f». It.w nship 15 1
i l o e r t land Ttool, to «»t»Blnh ( Inno
Kontli, Kuiige ltj Fia.t, V/illainettr
M cred i.n , Ini» tiled notice of intention * ° »'“ * land « ‘»<ve, l» II.
to ma kc ffual tim ber and «ton« Piool C Kl li», U n S t a t e . Com m tasi, mer ,
to natahü.h c la im to the Ian.) above " ‘ h i . office, a t Bend, Oregon, on
ilcecriUid, before H . O . 1*111i*. United ; lln- 24tli day ni Sepie in m-r, I1MM*.
C la im an t nam e* as wilnesar*;
S ta te * Com ni».ioo«r at In« office nt
i (lend, Oregon, on the 13th day
October, HK»8.
C la im a n t name» «» witne*»«*: *
of 1 F. K. Dnyt-m, ol
| F. N. W allace,of
i A . J . H arter, ol
LaiilDw, Oregon
Laidlaw, Oregon
Laidlaw, Oregou
Laidlaw, Oicgotl.
Michael J . Morrison, of Bend, ( Iregon ' W .n. Brown, ol
Carlyle C. T rip lett, of
Bend, Oregon
C W Moure
Jo h n L K evtr, of
Ben d, Oregon
Jeflcr.soh W. Berry, r.f Sitters. Oregon
C. W. M.e.rc, Kcgistcr.
I Dolati d T r a d ]
No. 0 4 2 0; land hai »..
United S la tes Land Office.
T h e Dalle*. Oregon. Aug. 12, l'Jflli
U.H . Land Office at
T he Dalle*, Oregon, Alignât 1st I90H
N O TICK is herehy given t h a t J e n y ! N otice i» hereby giv-n th a t, a* di-
O n « .*k riiger, ol O ’Neil; Oregon, who,
h y t b e Commissioner of tl.«
on November, 21»t 1902, mad« Home- Oenera! L u id Office, under proviti,..)
»tend E ntry (Serial No 0151 j S o 1181« : " f Act ,)f Uongreaa approved J u n e 27.
for w J nw ^- bk ^ m v ^ and
8>-o- HUM», Public— No 3<*3, we will offer a t
tion 21, Township 14 Hoiitli, Kun<;e Public sale, to the highest bidder, a t
12 E a s t, W illam e tte Mcrcdian, has
bled notice of jn totltion to niska Final
hva year Proof, to establish claim to
ibelaud above described,before Warren
Brown, Cmity Clerk at hia office at
Prinevillc, Oregon, on too 21st day ol
riepti-ml'Cr, IIUlH.
C ia im a n t iiaiona aa w itnea*ea:
2:15 o’clock p, in., nu the 23id. day of
Hi-ptemlvrr next, at thi * office, tn e b il­
lowing tract of land, l o w i l ; s k ^ s k )
Hoc. 31 T p U S K H k w M.
Any person c l a im i n g ndv«r»ly Ihe
shove-described lands are ad visi d io
Ale th«ir claim s, or object ions, on or
laiforc xb«..¡ay ih-aignated fur sale.
C. \V. Misire, Register,
Abner J . W est, ol
O’Neil, Oregon
Kidney W«-*t of
J o h n It. Howard, of
Y ou r Home*tend or Desert Laud
Lower Bridge, Oregon
j before I I C. Elli«, U.H. O oniin ia*inn*r
Clurence L . B m n to n , of
We «.ill mak* out youi »p-
Sister», O re g on . a t Bend.
C. y( Mx*x»rc, UegiHtar,
plioatiou (ree at lb« Chroniclo