Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, September 04, 1908, Image 1

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VOL. 111.—NO. 11.
Clear Lake to become
Modern Pleasure^round
A company o f Portland i wore no wat^r intervening.
fact the sensation o f one, who
old Fish Lake station and will
erect n modern tourist hotel and
otherwise improve the «rounds
for summer p'easuit* seekers.
troen out upon the lake when the
surface is perfectly calm, is that
,,f floating through the air at a
distance o f some hundreds o f |
erect a boat
above the forest and valley
house and fit out a number of below. So clear is the water that
gusoline launches for use ujxrn a ,|jmo dropped into the lake can
Ciear Lake, one o f Lne wonders be- plainly seen as it zigzngs its
o f the World, which is but about downward course through
one-half mile distant from
location o f the hott!
the f,-et o f water and is clearly vis-
Bill’s Purchase of
Trunk Line Confirmed
UMMER is fading; the broad leaves that grew
So freshly green, when June was young,
are falling;
And, all the whisper-haunted forest through
The resiles* birds in sadden tone* are
From rustling hazel c >pse and tangle dell,
“ Farewell, sweet Summer,
F’ragrant, fruity Summer,
Sweet, farew ell!”
itds have secured control <>f tin
They will also
-'..-V* 9%W •■%*'**.
/ a m t ’c ll to -S u m m er.
Monied men will build tourist hotel and' |
put gasoline launches upon the lake
able a* it comes to rest upon the
Clear I-uke is one o f the most bottom. The lake is teeming
lieautiful and picturesque lakes with trout, many o f which are
to la? found in any country. It i over 2*1 inches in length and ap­
is in what ap|iears to have been p^ar to be floating in air as they
The little brook that babbles mid the ferns.
O ’er twisted coots and sandy shallows
Seems fain to linger in its eddied turns.
And with a plaintive, purling voice is saying
(Sadder and sweeter than my song can tell,)
“ Farewell, sweet Summer,
Warm and dreamy Summer,
Sweet, farewell!”
r-From September Farm Journal.
hnd but a narrow outlet In sumc the north cast a perfect reflec-
manner this outlet became grad- t|on jn the mirror of the water,
unity filled until the lake was The lake is surrounded by the
formed to a depth of several hun- forest, the stately trees costing
dred feet, submerging the forest1 perfect reflections upon the glass
nnd vegetation which were grow- like surface. The beauty and the
ing in the basin. The water is the grandure o f the scene is inde
purest o f ice cold crystal and scribable. No pen can give any
supplies the lake without collect- dear conception o f the beanties
in.? a.ty sediment. The submerg- of this spot of nature, nestled as
it is in the very heart o f the lofty
i*J forest and vegetation are in
, .
, ,
mountain range and surrounded
perfect preservation and can be, by craggy craters o f long extinct
as plainly seen from the boat as I volcan is indeed None of at-
you pass over as though there ure.s wonders.
Engineers are at work snrveyiug up the
Deschutes river canon. Harriman may
also follow river grade.
Upon the windy hills, in many a field,
The honey-bees hum slow al>ove the clover.
Cleaning the latest sweets its blossoms may
And. knowing that their harvest-time is
over, .
Sing, half a lullabwand half a knell,
“ F a re w «!, sweet Summer,
Honey-laden Summer,
Sweet, farewell!”
at one time u broad basin or Rwim beneath one. The Three Sis- .
gorge; heavily timbered which j ters rearing their hoary heads to i |
1 hat H ill lias purebred th*?Ore- iline to a junction with tile nortli
gon Trunk Line up the Deschutes and south road and tliua hold hit«
has been
IS).— Tlious-
posed of the leading business men
of the city mik I they arc preparing
a statement setting fortli the mam
reasons why the Corvallis & Fast­
en* should be selected (or extension.
tor F r e n c h of
tal station at
rooted to visit
seo the wheal
Medford, Or., Aug. 27.—John I) Por­
ter, who has built many miles of rail-
survey this way. They began their j road for James J. Hill arrived in this
; operations .at the mouth of the river ; Clty u .t evening after a trip through
on iart Saturday and were imme­ central Oregon try automobile. Mr. Por­
diately followed by a Harriman ter claims tliat he inode the trip for
j force, also working up the river and pleasure only, hut the rout lie fol­
lowed does nor indicate this. He made
a lively fight is in piospect for ‘.he
the trip from the Dalles to Prineville
right-of-way up the canon.
direct, then commenced a crisa-cross has not yet made pup- journey until Fort Klamath was reach-
lie liis choice of routes by which to i
It** further known that lie mad*
' copious note* while en route.
: enter Central Oregon hut it is gen-
“ There will be a road incentrai Ore-
s erally believed that he exja-cts to ^on in two years," «aid Mr. Porter,
build up the river to connect with “ whether Harriman acts or n ot” Por-
hie Klamath Falls line, the con- Usr declined to make any further sUte-
, ,
, . , .
. ment aside from saving the resources
true* for 40 miles of which is *1-
, ^
of central Oregon were such as to de­
ready let. It is thought that he n,M>«l “ more than one road."
will also extend the east and west —Portland Journal.
Tumalo .
» * i
*V. j t
» . <* ■ ' .
I >. t , •♦ri
This picture shows a part of the grain exhibit
furnished by the Laidlaw Development
League for the Boise Irrigation
Congress two years a g * .
i ì
i 1 Died— Mary (K enney) Platt, on
Fridav, August 28, 1908 at the
1 Tumalo, Sept. I . - T. A. Jenson, j home o f her daughter, Ella E.
I I. E. 1\ irner, and G. \V. Winter James, of heart disease and at-
m*de Bend a business visit jester-j tendant complications. She had
day. Mr. Jenson made final proof b e e n comparatively h e l p l e s s
on his homestead and desert claim, while two generations had come
and gone. Mass, was her native
t'is other ge ntlemen acting as his |
state but her fam ily o f daughters
was raised and educated in Iowa.
C. L. Brantop.of Sisters, passed 1 She had been conscious that
Tumalo today on his wav to Bend the
Silver cord” was soon to
to make final proof on his valuable break and requested that she
onmestcad on the Lower Desert might be laid to rest by the side
northeast of Sisters
' o f h e r husband. Alanson Platt.
I who had gone before some seven
i\ ca re b illin g fine harvesting
* , years ago. The remains were ac-
weather an 1 the late frosts uid but j eompanied by her daughter and
l % v -ir P k
rJfjS - I f
k *
little damage in this section.
I grandson to Oxford, Nebr.
“ R e s t W e a r y H e a d ”
T. A. Jenson departed this morn­
ing for Miles, Washington, where
A d d itio n a l L o c a ls .
he goes to accept a good position.
The l>erry pickets from the vicinity
of WU and
of i t. Washington came in last nigh*’,
and report a pleasant trip and plenty
•T -T« j'r? j_nyiAv»«rr,.r^;*r
Look in g F or R e v e r g * .
W o m a n ’ s W orld.
The California State redeiuthm of
Women's d u lia has Indorsed the efToit
th e I d a h o e v p c r i m e n - ' to secure school luiftraRo for the ivoiu
Mo-co has been di 1 en of the state.
Twenty'-five high school principle* In
the Adam s' farm and 1 Kansas arc women. They are salti to
I <1.> their work so well that no one lias
for himself.
ever suß.esteit putting men In their
According to reports the wheat
Two engin- entire Oregon territory,
him into the Deschutes canon to
Commercial dob ippoinls Director French ordered
committee to cornier with
^ Hcparlmcnt #i' ,b?r‘"
Harrimaa Officials.
culture to make report
■ and« ol inquiries are being ree» ived
Up the question of the Coavallis it ■ .
. .
! by the department of ngrunltun
Kadern railroad ns the one which
regarding the new variety of wheat
Mr. Ilarrimuii should extend into
raised by Abraham Adams, of Jtil-
Cental Oregon. Tin* Albany Coin-
iaett i, Idaho, which is alleged to
inercial Club has appointed
«unten a
, .
prcducc ns high as 221 huslicls an
u ,
inittee to confer with Itoti* Mr. Har-
acre. I he Saturilav Evening I osi
ritnan and Mr. O'Brien in an effort
of last week exploited tins wheat
to induce them to select this line
and since then the department ol
as the one to I k - extended into the
agriculture 1ms had no peace. In
interior of tin* state.
order to ascertain the facts, Dircc-
Tho committee ap|H»inted is com­
ecring crew« have been thrown by
FOR C .& E.
The people of Albany have taken
WHOLE NO. 148.
i v ! 1
!. * 1
i )
^ Vrt
of berries.
F aith and W ork *.
m i s s Mabel
Johnny—What would you do If yot
was out In the deep water nnd a grea evening from her trip
big shark was eutulu' right ut you?
putcli on the McKenzie
Tommy—I'd do a short prayer, urn
then I'd swim like the old scratch.-! they had a j dley tim e
Chicago Tribune.
j plenty of berne».
asrsKTurKT or no: i s t i k i u i :,
t*. S. l.M.d Olttrs at Tlie Psllr-. OrfyiU',
has three women on
Portland, Me..
in question has a coninoait head, i ............................
the Reboot board, two wotneu on tlio
This committee will also a <k the
that is, each head is made tip «>( n' Isiartl of overaeera. one woman |iollee-
co »iteration of other sections to lie
I man who Is also agent for the state
cluster of ordinary heads and is of : iKiard of protoctlou for chlldreu. a wo-
patticirlurlv benefited by the exten­
uiaa ns assistant el.y clerk and a wo
white soft variety.
, . ,
, I man as city librarian.
sion of this line. A telegram was
Agricultural experts arc skeptical
sent to Mr. Harrituan from Albany
about it and that it is a strain of
S la te Lilie s .
telling him that it waa the hope ol
"in in c le " wheat or seven headed
Out of eighty-three Mlohlgnn coun­
the people that the Corvallis &
1*. C\ X I —(.Sot his number?
wheat that lias long been grown in ties fifty eight nominate their otDdals
P. C\ Y2 (who has been standing on
hv direct vote.
Eastern would las extended and
: Ids head through some fault of his
dfferent parts of the mountain reg-
, There . are now more cultivated fnrms own)—No. confound It!
I'd give a
asking him to visit them and ,
ion?. They say they have a n a ly z e d j supporting prosperous families la Min
ua,.,,...;. u,.,, oar
help drive a spike. The answer
nesota than there were men. tvouieu i
tat W.- Sketch,
it and found it low in proteid.
nnd children lu the state fifty years
------------------- ---
came to the tfleet that ha woold
W a itin g For Coed Luck.
They also doubt whether it ia ** B1’.
Texas win make about $1.000.000
Tho foolish man alls down,
x ns it Albany on hU trip north and
good milling wheat and think the from tier onion crop this year. Hhe
Without Ihu wish to miivo.
Ai.d Iftlris ton thunilM <:lul waits
would discus« the raattar with thorn
farmers t-hould go aloiv about tak­ cent experts to Ilcrmtidu last fall to
J or luck lu arrive.
look over the plantations there and
nnd it now looks bright (or tho C.
Tho wise man bares Ids arms
ing up with it until the department buy seed. The result Is that the Texas
And work* to make tho way
A K. which is already built tome
farmers have cut heavily Into the Ber­
A smooth on* fur tin- good
hns invostigatod
Luak that inn y e-c-iu r. , :a? dny
GO miles into the mountains.
* r.'.i li.-’ .uJ
nod will do to still more i**xt year.
, , kn„w
ami found
accom|)ituied by his father-in law and
mother-in-law, Sir. and Mr*. Roe, «top­
August 2D 11)08
trail and say*
Mr. Wilcoxen, of the lteml country,
N o l l e * KOK pi Hl.lCAllO.V
returned last
to the berry
X u TK'I l is hereby given that Robert M.
M'riglit of Sisters, Oregon, who on
Juno 11th 1D*)2 made
Entry (Svrinl No.OoSt) No. 11007 for
k J nk ^- niv J m ; - m \ sk 4 S e c t i o n 26,
Tow iship lä Soil'll Range 10 Kast,
Willamette Meiidian, Ims tiled notice
I of intaiitioii to make Finftl five year
Proof to estahlisli claim to the land
shove deserit*ed, before H. C. K.lli*,
I'nitcd State* Commissioner at I««.-
olfice at Bend, oregon on the 7th. day
of October ltH;8
| claimant names ns witocsses:
ped over night in I.aidlaw the first of
the week.
Arthur clothier and wife
were in
town the first of the week, Arthur eal-
ling upon our merchants.
the south
contract is let for
lie rams
uud says
of the railroad fourty miles north
Klamath falls.
Henry King jud his nii-ce, Miss
Ella walkensliHiv; curl williams and
his daughter, HuUh, of Grass Valley,
were in' i.aidlaw one evening this
I .1. If. Kilwards of ' • • (ileL.OregiAi weds. They entertained some id our
chi-stos (op a short while at TulUr's
W. K. Burkhard of
Arthur Templeton of bisters urc^nn restaurant with some tine ringing,
Alvie Tetnpletou of
Li. 'V, Hoc?.. B 'V *U r.
the jxi.i.g ladu^ be; g vtrj line -u g-
I els.