Laidia\v i^iiromcie H dito r i al Pa Publiíhed Every Saturday ut Ijtidlítw, Ore, by tbe Chrouit'l* l’ub. l'o J o h n A. S kabury . Managing Editor. — a m m ji.!- r "-■.■■■» i . . ■'■* ' 1 ■ .......„ 1 B E N D -S H A N 1 K O L IV E R Y a n d S T A G E G o. P I V O T t I ' TO T IIK IN T E R IN T í o » ' CHOOK I V l ’ .NTY IN U E N K K A l.: L A ID L A W and r l l t IMUUATk'D DISTKKT IN l'ARrii’ M.AR. B U B B B a iP T IO B B A TE S O ti Ye*r .......... Im rsriaU ylm f 1.00; Six Munthe............. M D YERTISIM O tX) rt• O ae Prlam l o A Ih B A TE » PiepUy, perinch per niuntb, 50:. Local and Cl*«*,ficd Lincre, 5c. One Ineerlion, 15c On Firet Paje, 10c. Ked, Pouble Hete* Condolence», 5 c.1 Sobered a* lecvod-cioee mail matter November 16. 1905 . at tbe poet ollic» at Laidlaw, Oregon, under the Act ol Congreaa ol March 3, 1ST9. a— —l—l xi.g-j ■< _ ! ------ 1 ............... New covereJ stages between Bend andShaniko. For farther information write Aérmmaa i. ■ . - -» v ~ (¿YWENAmPROP?) BENI) - - OREGON ' or .... — W * a m T o m r Bm bm arlptlm m M t p l r a a l M rs. J. C. T U LLA K , A ^on t, L a id la w » O regon . A T O U abonld make it a point to renew at once. Uditore have to live, and ¡ :t ia no eharity to ask CmtoxiCLB etibecrii>era to keep paid up at 91 50 a year in advance. The poetai regulaliona aleo require it. When you ere a X X B lm u ia thU epaee it eigniflee that your eubecription ie due. Should a double X X i eroee be marked it ie warning that pai>er will be dierontinued il eubecription . .LA .D iA w CRR 0 N , c , . r . L * , n . . a - ( > . v , R C 0 VNTT.(>Rt«. 0 N ke not eoon paid , , THIS SPACE »♦‘loniJS to SATURDAY. Jl'LY 2». ... . . ... IIlírlltOWíT-Slllltll to., shiwjflps »ml moiildi iis ^ h ; ih . w who ho . make lnmbor. rlieaply ;ts possible and sell them at a reasonable profit Ft‘R FURTHER PARTICULARS enquire at mill. 12 miles N.-W. of Laid law, Ore. lWs. HUNGRY PEOPLE SATISFIED Home Gookin& at Reasonable Prices M .W .A . R e s t a u r a n t , B en d , O re . HOTEL POINDEXTER R. SHARP, Proprietor. Z F ie iiiT iE T n x - r iL - iE : , OTHER TICKETS IN THE FIELD. Socialist. Eugene V'. I)eb*, of Indiana, and Benjamin Hanford, of New York. Democratic. William J. Bryan, of Nebraska, and John W. Kern, of Indiana ■ 1 ............. 11............ . ........ ............... .... ....... 5Laidlaw S. S. 11 a. m. C. E. 7:30 p. m., public worship at 8 p. m. The ‘Corner Store’ FOR S A L E -9400.00 piano almost as good as new; will sell cheap, as it belongs to a non-resident. G. W. Horner, Laidlaw, Oregon. I NOT1CF. FOR PUBLICATIOK. DBPABTMANT O f TUR IRTEHIOK N O T IC E KOH 1M H U C A T I O N . D K PA R TM K 5 T OF T IIK IN T R R IO « 1. • Cend ( > » r . il T i . Dall... riregnvi, L'_ S. Land Office *t • * » J . lJlh, IV*. T h e D a l l e » , O r e g o n , M a y 12, I 'JON Rette* le feerehw gfvrn thet . r, gite, Notice I. her.fvy thnt Tr le n ll » t. C o n til. of i r : e . » 11.e. Oregon who on ilerrh rrth. IVA Prlnrvlll. Dr r f i m, who, on M.rrn j»tti. IV* mageTtevb.r a j.plleatlon. No. a.vt, forivi^ inerl. Timber A|*ellretlon. No. t',W., KBM, 8*i4NW ti invi KKKRWig, » 4 . '■K1,. N t t '. - K 1. .ml N ’ . N i n v Mrctlon l i T o* 14Soath. Renge 19 taat, WLlemette rown.aip i| 8o«th. Range iokm . i , wiii.m.ttr Hert4ieo. he. Bini notte. of Ihtentlon io u , . . . N i'r l'Iie n . k .> fl|p«J n o tlc r o f In L .n t lo n to veakr n » e l Proof, lo rei.bltih riaim te Ih» !en<1 Fine! Proof, v,. ..vebll.h claim to the lauil ebete ieeevlbeil, U I k . rh. county Clurk ■bore i 1 » » i rlbcil. before the counl| C leik, *t et TrleevUle, Oregon, ihe. tfth «Hy of Jeij I'rlncvllle, Oregou. oe Ibe Sth Jay ol Jelj, Me IWik ftelmant eern.. .* « l t . t a . i * f’l * ln »o f n . i m nv wltneMci > o * « n O. 8 * Uh, of Triti» ville, Oregon Rob. rt i. HniHh, o f R r i n c T l I l f, Orcgwo. William Coni!.«, of Trinatine. Oregon. W111i«m i ,inbi, of I'nn*ville. ifregon T r i . d i i . £. Caio he, ef Trlnevllle, Oregon. Kiln* (j Kite, of Fiintville, Oregon. f . S Fereen, <»f ilil.-rt, Oregon. C. K T e n o n , of M u te r., O re g o n . VJÌ t . 'A. Monte, Keglvter. A I* C. W. Moore, heglttcr. o i s e o - o i l t G E N E R A L STORE FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC KEEP A-CORINQ. B. JAMES, ietor. s