I T Tu lIa r’ s R e s ta u ra n t Sunday [tinners A Special'y Livery and Feed Bern L A ID IN CONNECTION. LA IV , F. W. J .N . R. (ir.RKING, Salcsmm. ORE. DFSCHIITES VALLEY LAND “ ! INVESTMENT COMPANY McCAFFERV Redmond, Or. u k a i . kh IN REAL T Y tve handle irrigated lands Improved or unimproved. Timber lands. Town prop* erty. Business chances and all kintfs of investments. I mproi I or Uniiii|iroviiil Uninpstend and Désert Land Forations My fi.-M is tl’f eiitiri« U|>|i«r I V ir lm N Vulirv, «ml I gunriwi-j loi Milirfai'tion in rviil estât«-1 trnnsfcrs. tiiv.» mu n trial. Ai l ' corrra|«nnlfrirn miiiidliati'ly at- | trti'lnl to. Hl I a Our business extends throughout the entire D E S G H U T E S V A L L E Y WE CAN HANDLE YOIR PROPOSITION, no ; m a t t e r w h ere lo c a te d . I' k in t Township Plats rc rriT ln l ti|■ t o i l » l r , n a n iv a nf « I l « • ntrj rr m ti , la m i, We advertise each nnd every piece of property listed with us and will «rer you quick results. List your land, town property or business with us ¡and we w ill do the rest. If you want to buy, make known your wants to us and we will find what you want. «fm w in g vnrnnt r t t v r » « lu i e r r r k s , 50 re ti ta. Land Script For Sale K »r s m itin g ( it la* t o II II k i n d » o l t . n v v r i i m u t i t l a m i « t O i o i i i rea- i i l r n r e o r i n i p r o v e m e n t , a t low rat m a rk e t p rie«». p articu lar« I . u » i o m * i\ W r i t e ila for f u ll A ll lim i» of »(irria lty . The Deeihutea Valley has over 400, 000 acres of irritable land, 410,090 sen-s of yellow-pin« timber, estimated at 0,000.000,000 feet; 6 thriving village«; unlimited waterpower for manufacturing plant.; good climate and the finest scenery in the Pacific Northwest. Our treams are teeming with trout, our mountains with deer and hear while during the winter and spring months the ducks and greee are frequent visitors on our lake« and rivers. Cyclones and severe storms, such as visit the Knst and Middle West are here unknown. Two lines of rail road are now surveyed through the vallev and a prospect of early construction is very good. To the homes eeker and the investurjwe have splendid opportunities to offer and we shall be pleased to have you call upon us or address your inquiries to us. DESCHUTES V.M .I.KVJ.ANI) and INVE STM E NT CO., I.AIDl.AW, OREGON, la m i 25 ym rs nperienre. Reference,Kroneli A Co., Ranker« Il misti Land Cu. T H E UAI.I.KM. ORE. : >«*rt* K r*»»: »*I Hi.f« \nos i»rr » e r a * *tr «»» tiik i n t i m o *, I'. N. t.ito • I oitii o «t ri..- !• 1 1 1 •*-. Oreg Mh. 1 W »« h ff i'l.f (Iv vn that Frank O r m i . n i I ìi im I r u m i «••mut \, Or.’ g**i», w In», un M -.vl itli I f H h H < Il É*t In r N ' j N W 1^ *•*«• U. and K’ ^NK* 4 he*. »I. I 1 « tt n »til|i 17 ninth. Itaupe Il K W I Hain« ite Mrthllun, lina UIC. t tt.ilire « » f Intention tu mito- ) Unti flre> \ o,.r |ift**>f. l*» n l t t i l M i • In ito tu the | land thnvfl itfii -rtbe*t. brf«»r« II. C. F MI». Cult iti Nfttuii l’oiuinhMiiiii’ r. ni hi» ottico ni ltc:j*l. ■ * W. p. M i FI6, llte n e j. * 1 tnlmniit tinnì* * it « tnlInriUA it.iln’ rt li Ili 'tM T «*t lleiiii Oregon. Ml* hot a « mu It l i , lu* od, Ufrj**»n C h 1 j .I i II I •»! lirtid, tir* gufi, f r i • r Kclwlurfcr • »f Hriol. Or. »; u ii . 7 1* t . W . MtMih’. lli'j,Uu r. XOTICK. r o u r i le (I ATIOK (IS tl.ATKII TKA CT PCSLIC I.ANH SAI.K Thr Dall*» Orrfi.ii l umi Oftte. 'mie 72. ISA*. N.illcr li In r d u (¿veti timi, a* dircele«! by j Ih* fo iM m lc lo uv r nf thr liniera! l.nn.l lUlhe. | under prov lai. noi Artol *Nini "hj. m. Expreod and passenger services given careful attention. G. G. B E N N E T T IL A ID L A W , OREGON.