Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, July 11, 1908, Image 1

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    / T y 4
Sm all, but Like the
VOL lll.-No. :i:
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i - (’ " i n i n ^ by
lH *tr*».t.
A 11 «• f
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<» S u b * * ,
Ih rk rr
(id u b ic
•*«ut«-i l
t ’«»luinliin 8 « mi ! lir ru
ii *
r '
k -
I i >
r * i ri o y * - u t *•
In order that none mar be ignor«
int of tI.e provisions of the law re­
garding the disposition of liquor in
ptohil.i:ion territory, the Law and
Or i. r league authorize the public»*
tion of the following excerpt« from
tin- haul option law; !*ec. 2 pro*
v i. i • ■» tiiat alcoholic rtimulants
; of aeluui sickness, ’’hut such stint*
i ulaiits shall only he «old njKjn tha
written prescription of a regular
practicing physician, dated and
signed by him, and certified, on
hi« honor, that he, the physician, personally examined the ap­
plicant. naming h*ro, and that h«
find« him «dually tfiJi and 'in
r* j»r« f« fit tin
tt ri£iitift|g cmii
ti n * 11.«| * 111 V
1 In* H r t i o t l ^
t iim p» t** I **- f«••
tun, h I» o it m lii,lii, vt,il m i l
^ i 'I vi - i
ti'ncli tl •
r n r f * .%ml r«*n«l* r u «l«*ci*»ion t h i n i m M .
, may i>c «old as medicine in cave«
fur t Imf
h>. in . » ?*• n111ii v.i'|
|> m v
-A *
«» m I
J >.i) t " M , u I n • I* i t I » f r f \\ «•< I
\ tlfl*
■ '
> tf t i n * i n « i t m t «i t in*
I m *| m k f u r l
«•II i i •• wi-Mf«*rn
\\ i l l m m
■ »
Attorn* V-C»« inTrtl <
\n (III*
t«i Mrrivti in
w M o n iU v, J u l y !'•
t*» f.*k«# U'Nftiiiuiiy in (In* d itch c h »*«
In* u i i v l iiii* p a r t y
WHOLE NO. 13».
You Bst We’ll Stay!
Ilcr.ium* oin* i i i 4 it in m id til, can n
K» t on* u <|ii«ito nr«iHjM|MT w i t l i u t '
d»*irr«Hi of HAtinfftrtinn, *»r prn|mr r#*» .
tin* Oir«»ui<*l<* *i I * I *** ■« i h tin»* \%«* k n*
ftii 4 *«*«| in **u»* hut not m q u a lit y . I M
IrtiMint'”* wtin’lM n m l «* l.i'jc^r |*np«*r m
I•r**n*, ni . .i« h «on an it will, h birg** |»i-
ii. r will 11 ■/ viu 1 •»* ' ' . • In*'!. 1 *«•» * ■ i i '
«• r i n t f i H l n t • i s M i ’ U i t « n i t .
i t i ’ Wh
%wil| I h * print»**! ;» * h I \ »V-, ii 1 1 ho'iktli u
iiinr«* (Mituloin** *1 f*•» mi *
\N In «• tin
t *l»r*»ni**ln r«*m »in*« «>( -n «11 *\/*\ tin
prior util !•«• «mis i I tttl ,» yr.n ! 1 ii«»**«
»* lm Imvi* p m l ¡fl oU in Milvmtr»* rut«
n ’f ip t i «* i » h l)«*vi)!!*l J u l y I vs ill lmv«
t h i n tiini* vx t«*n«l*«l p m rnt;i.
Senator lias tier’s «h rens«* of <’n;«»:iel S trw a rt. tli«* a rm y nJTircr svlio wns
•rut Int«» *,«*x1l«»” h\ en ter of |*res|ih>nt ltfw«*fi*v«*!i, has nttniet«*«! no end of
Htteiitloti to ttie v**trran artillerist's oms »*. T h e Marylaml statesm an in oae of
his sp«*«‘ lies referr**«! to Colon**l Stewnrt as "tin* |)r»*rfus «*f AnuTlca** nnil,
<i«*iimndlnj* an Ir.quiri Into the r*u»sons fi>r his l»e(m; iransfrrr«*«l to an »bun*
«1«me*l post in Arizona. de« lar«*d that the order was one of th e most arbitrary
act» e\er dlieete*! at an otH* er In the t'uite<l Stilt in arm y.
W h o i h tin* ni«»**t popula r wom an, «•!
nnv n^e, in (b o o k co un t) ?
W ho i h tin* niort popular man. <*l
n n v .1 vc*•, 11• ('rook county*’
I ’ ll/.«*, in «•.»(•, n return tri p
from S l m n i l o m nny place oil tin
o It. A N. railroml in Oregon.
* K \V. Merrill i^ ne \ poitoiapur at * J . M. mi A S. F. l ’at ton arc at Canyon
fainteat el ofM |)«*e nil*er I, 11HIS. Hi nd.
I C ity p roving up.
I'ri/iM will !»*• assar<l«’«l l>«*r»*mh«*r 1 ”>.
* Mr- K. 1!. .H i m '., :u v .o m p lo icd by ‘ * A. K Aiuler.on i-« here from Mure Hat
in t mu* for r i u ift ii'.«4. Tlirr«* will .»I
«bs.rg.. Coiieli . .. i t r.i. r, let. Moiulny ' r blm-kMiiitlung by M . S. Milliard,
no I h * m * i * oil«!, til i r«l it tl 4 i (nurth pri/e*, •
lor r^liHinko to in. • t .in.! 1 'M‘nrl bvr • \\' |> UanuM an d H . \V K n u ; b avv
to I k * an non i i * e«l la ter. <»K 1 III 8 'i ' J
need of the stimulant preoNxibed as
medicine; provided, tiiat a pbyai*
cian who does not follow «Tie prac«
lice of medicine as a principal and
and usual calling shall not he au ­
thorized to give the prescription
provided for in this section; and
provided further, that no person
1 -li.tll ho permitted to «ell more
than once on the prescription, nor
1 shall nnv person l*e permitted to
..'•ell nt all on the prescription of »
physician not herein authorized to
give it. nor on a prescription which
is not Hated, signed and certified
as above required; provided, that
every person selling such stimu­
lants upon the prescriptions herein
provided fur s h i l l cancel such prea-
cription by endorsing thereon tha
word ‘canceled’ and the data of
| cancelation, and shall tilt aama
! awav. ”
Section 17> also provides that
any person who shall "sell, ex—
‘ change or give away, with a pur
ip'se of evading the provisions of
inotliei, M u . Mary I id ^.*ue to th e J o !i u May for a m o n t h ’ll
this law, nnv intoxicating liquors
I’ortlnnd, to l.aidlaw.
cam ping.
r m a v M t i i: U A U . o r .
whatsoever, nr ;n uny way violate
. H orner, I. .Cert l l o n i e r and * N. vt g ran g e n u v t i 'i g ,
i\it!i full
provision« of this law, «hall
(hi«’ vote for
U I . Myers, of l.aidlaw ;
t ii. il>» parnplieri'iih.i,
S aturday
he punished for such second and
Sp .ugb mid .lean W i n e r . o i 1'uiu.ilo, j „ | v H , all com e.
each subsequent violation of the
Mr. Co.\. of l .u i n o n t a ; h ml J . \V. ii ml \ ,
Next l riday niglit. July 10, at the law, by both such fine and im*
I 1 e n r n t i u m i d g e , of C r a b t r w : me
n* the most popular
ehureli in l.aidlaw, Frof. J . Alton I prisoninent.
liabing above (tend.
('rook rouiity,
inunur »■iintn i
I •
Tliomphon will lecture on “iiocialism;
i Realizing that in order to ob­
t m ~ i in ’* V4»r k Von* Ir < a - t Ar m i it i.v > i
- ♦»
Wliat I t H uh Aceompoalied."
tain the benefits of probioition,
Socialist Nominees.
vurK-< c o i n r a s f o l l o w s
• the law must bo enforced, to fur-
N UA\ Y OR K, July .» —Soeiali»ts in .
Democratic Nominees.« r u t from paper
l '
j ther thiu end, the U w and Order
New subscrip tion « (>c .$1 year
¿00 eoiiveiition named this ticket —
DENVER, July 7 —Democrats in
league offers a «landing reward
bor I*ieaideiit — Martin K 1’reaton, conv ntion named tlnn ticket
Now paid u p wild renewal«
$2o for evidence leading to each
j.\,r I’rcsident— Wilham Jcunnigs
F iv e yoaro h i ad vance (>f $ 5
¿ ..V H I . of Nevada.
hi Ivs.
I •«."*P» ,
o r job work ; oorli
op n t
'I II. t ' I t ' f T t » J
: i.i. i
aud every conviction.
For Vice-I’r. f i d t r . D o n a l d Mu.iro, Bryan, of Nthrasku.
* I V v tr* ,i.
Zi.-e i V j ’dL'Pt nr.t
c: rca.Tutca
?:•/ '/ Constable, tlcc'y.