the river lias more than «titeen hors« power und few of them ha\e over fen M it V «»f tl»e engines used III the river craft are «*f light design, amt while the horse power Is «mall fhe> attain a spee«l of from soo t « * I. ihsi r%»v • •lotions js*r minute Mot**r boating on flu» Mlss|s»«tppl « ; rin |*d*oning fiMiu gas engine« has j has taken a remarkable advance In Usvim* s*» «Mininoti that «•crnicn au i popularity In tin* last season Motor I tlh»rltl«vt urge that cylinder« »f o\yg«»n U»at club* lia \ ^ ticen organi/cd at alt Its» kopt near, and that engineer* he of tin* smaller towns along the river, taught to apply inhalations to i«v4U»«*l I as well as at the cities, and theta* I* \ lettimi I now a mo\ « nient on between flu* K\ por I ni ent ha« i h o « n that nn el*v I looking toward tin* organisation til«* a tv i*tiii Is* entployisl under water Mississippi It|\er m«>tor bout for fusing metal The intense heat ¡ i bu» to liit’lud«* atl of tin* smaller tunte the water sumuindlng the arc ! ganlraflons Into steam, thus forming an Insulating Where a couple of years ago there cushion o f vapor If has been suggest i were a d«»xeti launches In I.H rosse • n ! that with proper apparatus f p eh«* j waters there are now more than I'**1. tr'«* s iv «>>u!d U» einplovtvl hy divers ranging front the sixteen foot hunting for quickly cutting thr«mirti lar»*e chain j s«*ow t«» f lie niMgniflccnt tl ft \ f« *« »I cru!« cablivi «>r Iron plates utnier water. I er« t»f the more wealthy boatmen LOSS 01 THE TO R FE D O D E S T R O Y E R T K ï I K A N D T H I R T Y SIX LIV E S i. Science v>?4nvcntion THE WEEKLY The “ axle-light" s\stem Is In use on A H O F T T l i i : T A M A L K HUSKS r e trains of tîi.» kt. hu n. r-»pck i anl • f I*» «-»it pro» Manta Fo railroad on an extensive I In» llr- udled «*11 his «l'ale Fjimh'ctir has Its awn storage > « • • » l n « l u « l r v l i p % r l o | » r t l I»» 111 m it «I for Ilio • • 11 «• < I h I mu *«. ** ^ * p * - - î â * Ç K * . |X£? T j d i r o f «Ils. o\«TX. batteries supplì«* l wirb elis*tr!c!tv gen "!»o >011 know," sahl the fum ile fiend 1 #‘ M T u s t I |||» I l f the |t.»still N e w s I »»rail'll by the axles of the wheels, .tini j to .1 Kansas I ’lty 'Times man. "that a I • • * I « r. the first \in«-riean i»exv»p«»l»et . I the kicotnotlve Ite.»«Lights »ierive flu ir go . .,1 part of the profit In the tamale 1701 mieti I I • I , . I•ortu Illumination from the natne w u r v . It •-V.k'ïîJÛ j trad»* goes to tfi»* farmers of Johnsoii ga«“.«* fo|. .S th !• lied b> fio- I I • Il II •s «»stlrimttsl that ea»*h full train, ex 1 t o»u»t>, Kansas ” ami Spanish ut l*atil«* «»f \l!nitiu\ T H E COLLISION B E T W E E N T U E T IG E R A N D T H E C K l IS E R B E R W I C K c)mthe *>f the |«vsnnotlve. devebq*s near "Oh sfiiicks"* r«*turn*s| th** other I 1*1*1 1 >«'nierara l.iln-t» lo I • r• it Ititi.un. "as) cars!le power light P n t. The itluetru* Vc*. that's lust It TliK,farmers out • I W ti throw »1 « ' i r » hi- h i NVItb.ln the past f \ « * : » r s he eu«*.I j there «iippty the Kansas i'lt> market I b l Y * D e l i o . T r i p o l i . « a p t . h . -«I h> \ a i < i i- •*aii marines nr i f tlm n »I ut thè M : 'I suine kept Dur'.lit; sou.' ni* !\*Vtus Inis thsm tntr»s!U‘>st In Fion da, i with th«* *s*rn husks the tamales are and « r.» R. i ir • ■ I gcr'ran < • »l'.ir». Imt l*'-l lin* »•« k 1 * • • r t » f « ti put lo «halli nearly every <>(T tin1 »until «■••. and It* kindly growth there Is believed w rapp«s| In and It would surprise you at i '««nsi ani iiioj.l. »:lI im I N' Intinsi tu Her" K Until : ft Hie Iter­ U li. roas tin' I -» a to Indicate that If might U» ext »nshely j to learn the ext* nt <»f the business \i»y ■ >\ «T li :i» « >k imi »¡la . I , , » . ile. with the \ i »».■ > \\i-: - «•ultlvatisi In the «»ufheni pfirts -»f that • •hi e«»rn husk won't «l<» for the business. Th.» I n i ¡ !< I y « e 1 1 !-h. U ti“ * I », ! I » f 4 I ll" ;!« to the I li I olo' **f »;l\ in ! n- Tin' result ti nt t » VI the nus < ut in two i» i " mi tl State. The en -alyptus Is «*f very rapid 1 elthi*r If you’ll look at Illese you'll Sjsllll im'iit nf I he iu tlif il«vk lient- flame shut up from fi>re|>arl. un «ti, g!>*wth, but It «*»» 1 »!»*»! withstand frosts '*«•»• th*» text lire | h very elose. t he sill 1 vu - Balli.- .• f San .la• lilt«» th>* fnriuK i » nul wont hi in!» were »:. It was planted In O d lfo m la from Vus • :.!•«• smooth and that th** I rug hs nr«* 1 Furl ni « ’.ith. ari np(M»l|lt«'«l f « » V • •ralla many years ag*. and now flour uniform o n ly th«* Inner husk U us»*d. l s " i-riHii nf i ‘«madn. m!. talk i g rap'd!' ¡uni \ v .««Tous.y 'a. that (ht* lirait 4ios *•? abundantl\ on the IV«*d • I tin* fin«* w hit«* eoverlng that grows ii«*vt la . Flral F in a. li.-in |«*»f«ge stniiqt« le the «Ti le « iiim I In li'iivln»: oKUif fhat Ita \\«s»*l l* ext naively e»n I to the *ar I'tie pr**|s*r length Is aK ut •lieti. I'm left here loin«* nffrr nur • pn rre I hill • ilarki'iitvl ployed for fuel, t*»Ma and lumber. 11.1» » il y nine Inelns. t«» allow for th** ends be 1 S.V, The 1 «•n* h nrnIV «let «•atei tho 1;» urtieti i am Banc y Traveling h«* • -s:iij» [».mi­s «T my lift» Sunn' tin i Phe prmlihtlon o f «»xygen and hydro j 'ng folded over the tamale when It is Y mm in li K»p*. 1 « 1,1 M■ « ««tr« •nf kt» \ tin mi il*» »n't ; ; ■ Will y i ui Join r«Mt xx ill I • * :tri» Huit It I* Itir prIvIli'u«' gen on an Industrial scale by the de ; steamed, as you see them now,’* I 1 lad.' M «mer \n, «» Sax« n \v n* k«'d me III ¡1 V »■ .M-K : » \ O' u.'k .11 t 'll» •f the .*;«l t«* remoli*' rati' with tin1 ''omposlrton of wafer with electrolytic "Why. w hod go f « * all that I n »U ht "IT • Il I -e 1 II* «•. VX II II 1«*«S of •j;t7 lives. » a funny time for a meal, t hi* duty .«I the young to »ppsratu* in (ifrrimny has led to the for a dinky little business ilk«* this':" 1 • g t •‘sks i ‘liarles IHtém» the 1 1 '•lit 1 1» 'eve in eal : ng when y m are iston in jKl t i«*inv t«* admonishment, suggestion that h.vdn»g»»n thus pi>siue asked the listener Iner«sli||oil*l x Stnf«*s f*»r home .. t ti I •I SMfi’4 lint with resentful retruspeet. Tein >:u. v There. U » . You take the Hie xx in*!»« • U h «* and t he business I m n y find n wide tie I of employment "liotherV Dinky? Say. «lo you know K'*v * ruinent « «»n» bid* •1 a ticatx of eirtlmi leaneil h o . n i' ip■•:. ' p i" ■ tale.', as betits luu. I utiie lave l«*ft t* » v < » :1 ^M1 r hr«»ther holds ;»s a lighting agent. II Is now used th« se «vrn husk* nr«* shipped In li**r«* In P«S»IT Wlfl the Su «uX Ill'll IIIH of 'he bridge A I the silent Yuii won't refuse that, w li t In trust f il! X*»u rt*tu rn lli> » i l l la' for Inflating military balloon« For light si |Miim«l tmles? That's quite a r«* 1H 7« tjilcen i i» tuna «1celar«', 1 ! rnpr«”»< streets, the ntiseiue nf ,.fe. tue dark v,,.; p. my w i f e ! ” i gins! *»?o\\ :\rd f« «r ti** la upright and lng purposes if Is «*o in pressed in Kt«s»i s|ss*tahle *»lr«s| Industry. I take It St of Inibii ness, accentuated un-re than tnsl j out hi* g a** toward the ¡ » t :«*r • r.*us, ari.l sueli an nfTi'«Tli>n fur «•jdlnderw. With a i»r«»i*er burner If Is my rat«*, the Kansas farmers have < ¿ rant « tomb, llixerunb* ’ »rk. \cvr >j the even spHeeil g » lalic-s. »eetiievl P> !.uly which *toud In the r '♦* i»v* niivey the idea nf a deserted e.ty as -,.r , f • : i i ; i n f t * ! p l e i ‘e . W j M i tli** |a'Hi»' that a«vtylene, ft«» relative «>* mï for «spill •*t|s*nse <• f t*u>tng presses to bale the IV «s VI tt t arf/i» « ‘uba. bomb irded br If man. aweil hy the levastation lie hail I . t*il at tin* picture ««f a gentle «bdtig h- n^si b« m i n » Ai'ia'pt m.v Illuminating power ^»‘'t'.g -Ò for hydro p.-odu« t and a large agricultural supplv A meneau »•piitdrou under V imitai wrought nil fair \ h arc's t i e bad tied - :•»» a happy moth in* Hut. oh ! niv lad. » h r il! drf.-al. S pa nm rdi •eti.y underneath the bridge. tuent 1 f'dl«»wcil by a quick gleam n! Mnnda "\i-* t-»' ii*»«i for ni»* 1 11 not l*»t dimriiainna. iia in tlm l w!il!r allvr nnd Hske|** •‘ Von tob! me that you mar V»il r- id tin- IrtfiT, IJ 1 : s ■ A t tempt to blow up th«- fat«*«« f It I* tuo am» dmiv I iik fri'vly In th*- fb'lil of virar \ thing else that w-mld d«>?" Tiie lureh of a heavy body against ! r I Miss Arley !" t he Wrlland «suini red Hut I am "fT ikaln. 1.1 I I) » prlto rva-.'iitly Invrntial KnitHal Instrument, ".Nothing that would answer as many the brooding man brought him bank “ So I did " Lionel's eyes twinkUnS. th » time m tell you lu>« I e.-t on." ,« ! ] « | the vita«»»iie. la mid to atnK'l/ n purposes 'I'he «'«»ni husk tiolds the fix*7 Treaty of j»«»a. e b«-*w. «-ii Snlxndo sharply to the present. A lielateil trav­ **A health! T o my wife!*’ and Nhnrugus « |ii"l nf \ru ifshi "Not without 'o u r bn nkfaat. my aon dealderattmi In tJila I« I« tamale xvhlle It Is r.'. a font !.m; I Ham* time luqiarts a flavor to It ft rued hy the mantle of snow which by •trank the toast. Idonei kept his broth­ «' be ir*ap|Hilnfia| f you ¿ 0 nwav a ml an Inch ami a n »If «Iso holds the heat ns nothing e!«*«» Tiis time had turned sidewalk and road­ er served with the simple meal, and «Ith oilt «•••• UK her I told her the g »ol |n diameter Th*» letLs«*« are «*<* *’*>!.» would." way Into one level highway, hail slipped under tiie ..f his surroundings news of y«»ur arrival." btned that an object 20 lm*I»«*s away "Well, It l«»nts tn« an Id th«* other >u a *now tlpi>ed heel an l fallen against and the badly n*»eded T ink I. Toni seemed ••Well, nil right Hut n^ier brenk- mny he n»agr»lfi*sl 1*J diameters At a ! man. an they went on “ 1 m*x«*r gave the loiterer on the bridge. The latter, to forget everything else but to satisfy fast 1 must say g«w»d h y e " disturne of ^ Ina’Is-s the magnifi*nion It much thought, but alxvay«* sii|>p«»*»*sl to brus'iuely amused to time and place. the * raving o f his hunger. "iVrhnps." said Lion«*!. Is diameters. j Hie tamale men bought up all the old »rarted at the sound of the other man's L »nel went to « desk, unlocked it and II»* led h!s brother upstairs and. wit* ! mattrcs.NHM to get fh«*lr c«»rn husks." voice, anil peered, with set eyes, into t'Sik out h sijujire, blue envol¡>e, sealed rare tact, «-ft him nft«*r g vlng him the BOAT H AS EX PR E SS SPE E D h.* fine. The recognition was mututil. ! and nddr ed In n firm, clerky band. Kcprranlo «•. X olnpiilt. k«»y of th«* an «*nt oak ciotlies best “ Lionel!” II h 1 [»rlinury 1 1 1 1 1 1 » " f ita a » i ' i « i un where their mother had kept their sr««*k H o l r r n IlM lfim ri Kipert Tliclr “ T o m !” • li Mil >t.a Uy nmy tn* f-.iiry! tn tin* i ' iih ,* • f hous«»ho 1 men. th*- - little i*.tl*jr » n n ( r a i l fo Ileal All lleconls. Tiie tones of their voices differed ; » Irh «TibTi It lai m !»• n<*i|utrH>1. a im sh«>es. and other frifl«*s of fond rem«*ni- A I'mft with the »pis>(1 of nil cypress In >h«* ('ttmitlian > naie -i f I II In wa. atm was of glad amazement, the other licurgo Harvey of i'olJsTsnlo. Ili thè S«*iuii«*r M« D'ltial'i •>( Itili i » li • ni titillila bran«*** 'Torn iinl*N*k«sl *:.*■ chest and train ha* long ts*cn the dream o f sev of bitter ltttPt!S;,y. We are ia»n offen*«! n n*N4«lntioti «I iiirmg ! lie t tu mi - with tn-mbling bunds «Irexv out the eral motor lemt «»thualnst* along the North American Ret lew “ My dear lad. who'll have thought o? v I need by [N>r«onol »'ils-rleisa' of fin* fru ìu»n n f IlitiiiooN ««li ■ ibi be I faili-'l 1 « cl«»thes that In* had I«»f: I . hind his upper Mlsdlsulppl River and oevera de tnis'ting you here?” hurri«*d d«*parftire fr** thè elalm thut niijilla'ntlon umi li ns (Mm'ülil*'. nini th«* (*iifm«li»in f««v- unii' »"ine signers have been working together Just I'-*' Lionel held out his hand, but the irt\ t■ • - Mi*1 nu! "f tli•- »in- years b«*f*»r«*. Th«*n. i f ’ .T TulibiiiK b» with the result that they have produce,! of one liour# s day, l>y a fnlrly » e l i ernin«*ni proffered mirk of friendship was uti- |H'rinl govern ment t*» limit t !»•• influx. «!r**ss«wl himself nrnl \x li’ .-il islm-ntcd isTson, for a ¡»T b «l of tlir.s' 11 bout with whb li they crpci-t to «hat heedeil. With b illy erect arid taut, ill Srnator S« «*it i«ni«l ih«* <'nt»a«luui u«»v«*rti* Th«* gong soiindts! Limi •MI • “ • 1 ter ull the present rissirds. anya the monttis. Is aiifiliTeut to lunure rt'iisoti mrnl m ** ii f Mi»< k«*n/i«* Km/. «!•• |»*tf> mm- a voli-e which a hli'ial o f b rterness and alee pr*ill«Ti-i:'-y Imb'isl, s i i l i thè ald i»t«*r o f Inlxtr, tn l.n/1/unl f««r »lini |»«ir- nnd !liitkm “ Yes.” returned the other. With »-innntil; :il i.ii Kri»''ia| river In the fun 101 is But, the him .- h ! 1 iiwinlmr of any otlier miilomillt.v I'!»«* I/ o I m I"H T n m m «■>11’ • • r :i! • • ta ness !" I wish you n m -h Then hdpl>: \vi*r* ■ I- cruft which attained a ate-isl of ueur • [Ms^.^,-,ing 111.** melina of frullatililon. I * r ** m i « l«*( 1 1 him na If In* ¡1 n "!'l aerjt «’ll ' h iih ■ » ui /«* «in .t 11 it r* 1 1 •I •m J nut the angry Tmn . an«! . turn- nini', a ih I bu » • I b ¡1 r feudi i » . j # • «, t Ini'» .i i f. • r<*< I twenty ml lea hm lionr with u nine ho ne ■ Piai fin- alreugtli >,f làstieraiib* III»» In inni, hh x h limi t li** 1 * r » — g on 111 a heel. atr*"U* "IT. r¡nt noticing. ti)M »n a <111111 «il iu i> liuti tv ill (-oiniiinill llu* tin' «¡in ;> nf .1 litil 'a renily niuail'ig almpllclfy la Indi .11 T Kiri . li'/ [lower engine and for ihris- seiiaons 11 • • i• 1 ,M • > /i i that lie «• ing in il! 1Ilia In,t mood!. m \ ni i *it t !t \ nini moral *• 11 1 * | »« » r t of th«* • ivil* were iTumoring for A tut I'.'-sab- ••alisi by fin* follo., log iseiiparlaoh the s|MS'd reisird on the upjs r river til«* dir.-, tlon « !ii -!i Lionel had been I « i ! I *- r pur! iciilnrH of lun j >ro - Tom winiasl at the name. In Knglieli 'T h e Internililonal lati l/«*«l world The Hat has been sold to a physician , pursuing. jionji I n , biiyi fip* run* h . xx ilt I*« uvx.i it«*• ! guago slsMild be lauupriTu'listlile to lite at (Tisavllle, WIs., and her engines »H I “ lai you take tea or coffee*;” as mi For a few moments the latter stood with ll»«* «!••«* p« - t inl'H-Mi in nil tti«* • •» f i*"S «Isti,' isloi'iiti»! «u rlìi : bui no man on of flie world, and xx lint •• v *• r iniiv I**« his hostess ; but she ri» cived no repiy. la- used In another craft haiking at his brother's retreating fig­ calili ciisijtt tbe Volapuklnt woiild (hoiij(ht **f ll»«* |»ro«|M is n f th«* Htriisule I'litll the advent o f the Chief o f Re. lb r brorher In-law laid half ri-m from ure. then with a smile of comprehen­ his diair. Ins eyes rivet.i| on a lady erd, formerly owned by A ••iirdm r ol •sanprcheml cren Ilio »orsi 'Volapiik ' ” witil filin terrible «‘\il ¡um«'«' ni'ii «'\*ry* sion he hurried after tin* wanderer. In Volapiik "Piik («'viiiicllk (»nkapn where will win!» him victory in ll»«’ fray. « ho a 1 in the disirway. In-r li.inils Wlnonii, the Hilt outclassed nil Ismta ••fonie along home with me. Tom. oin fa vo| lollk pekllllvnl . alai meli í,et us have a talk a Unit old tini«**." My Son Themas.” Handing It to pres-ssl to I mt brisist. her liss.itn, gray- on the river, large and small, and rould The f'hini'H«* mon* v • lianßers of I Ionic- clad ligure outlined against the door's leave the fnsti-st stisimhoats In the mmik tabi scalim 11 voln;s-kc)s. kapalmn koiijc nr«* support ii»K I lie •■ xisiinj' hoycott “ Do you Imagine I have any desire Toni, lif said : [siikI lekunlx, 'Volapiik.’ " Hl'iimsl ili#* .Inpnti'HM w hielt him roine into to discuss the past? My father drove " N o « , i'll U-,no you for h minuta or ■ lark background, and swaying « l i t i stern waves. finrdner's twat. 2!Y feet long, with In lósis-ranfo "lui llngvo Interna ex ist cnee ns h r«*suli of ih«* T11 Hu i M um For a moment a dead al­ me from his presene«* with a hitter two Will!» you i (* hi | your (*|ilartt*. 1 agitation. • a estua koinprenlt» de la tuta inondo incident by refluitile 1 «» n« eept .Inpiiiiesn ienee fell on the room. Then, with a a nine horse power engine and 4 foot taunt. You married the one girl----- " ahn’n't bo lotyr u\v«y.” liot **M even Ht U dixenlllJf. T h e «IrilK* “ fonie now. old fellow, look here; l«*t Suffi' 1 T 0 » : k thi- d'Hir, hi* i-riMif up- glad cry. Toni broke the sja-ll of ns- lien in. was, until the middle of the »*«!\iklta ; s»*«I n«*nla h*nie» mir In t«*rO I »is «leal plainly with each other as man a'aira, cliuck i . g to liimacif at nvary tiiii siinent which isifolddl him, and season, the fastest boat In that terrl ekskluslve la vulaimkWtoJ konipr.-naa ! • o 1.1'1 ........... ment nnd membera lire inakiii^ il«>p«mi(a tory At Wabasha on July 4. In the In iirtun Hmtvon ‘ Volapuk.’ ' *0 man. Nay. you shall hear me. Where srep. rose up in li!» place «>f money ns eeeurily of fln*ir k « m »«I failli. motor tsant race«, the Chief o f Record an* you going toV What are you doing "Bessie !” “ What a lark! I ’oor old T o m !” The deposits of niemh*'rs who do not hold W o « * « o f ( h e A in it l e o r. outran the Bat nnd other boats en now? Down on your luck. «*h?" Tom waitcil •:!! Ilia brother had'Toned "Torn !” lo the iKiycoll are (o la* forfeited to ths tered nnd finished nearly a half mile lie strode up to InT. «elf icov«arnm«*n( society. "W h at is that to you ? I want no thè diHir and tllcti rlp[aal open thè en- The »ymputliv. uot eveti juati' i', froni any velope and look mit th»* Iefter : "You «iiiNsl for me. tiien through ' 1» the lead In a six mile course A Manila dispateh rejMirts an «•nicaic'»* Chief of Record attained a speed of of my o « n k1 11 . ’ 1 "M y S"!i- Y 011 and I parted in antrer. all these years?" me lit hei vv * •• • 11 American troops ami c«m- for the Ile atayKered and. bui for bis broth- Y"U bave g >in- a « a y , I know ii"t «bere, Mlatmlnrx, and M«»ro oiii I iivxm near Lamm, "Yes. Tom. I would have -.vallisi for­ twenty miles nn hour and horse-power Installed was considered ja town on the island of Mindatio. Two -r a u[i||oiilinK ¡irai, u • i!d bave fa!len. loiivinir 'olir fatlier and vour brut ber ever." members of the «-oiiHlnlmlary are rejH»rl “ Steady, old obap, « e re nearly borne. 'vitbout a good t.,e You have no! writ­ The slinfile words «eu t home. He the fasti-st boat between Hf Minis and ed kilbnl and three soldiers wounded. V Vou've boon runnln i yourself too fino. ten, and li-uv In my last days I find , drew In-r to him. till her head sank St. Paul. 'i r \ V column com|Kme«l of a b.ittalion of tlm Late In July the Skip, owned hy I loro « 0 o r e !” myself eut 1 i f f from mmiinication with U ' S i II his breast. Broke', y he lliliril tr Kiicliteenth infantry and cv»n«itiibiilnrv un­ V U \ i Eugene I*, flleason, o f LaCroaae, was By ties timo they bad reached n my eldest sun. But before I die I wish , e meat, which was ready cut, from a cup- you to kuow, ahould this letter «ver they pretend to he. >•• **’« « t*eretic." attained, nooe of the fastest bosta on time to chew tbe r> «. :