/ 7 Our Duty: To Publish All the News That's Fit to Print—Your Duty: To Support the Home Paper at $1.50 a Year LAIDLAW v o li, ill.- No. :u. r ¡vrr* ome LAIDLAW, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNK 18, 1908. Jï t f fi' lid!aw e H ii CHRONICLE FORCE NOW 79 Chaffer List Closed, bur Right Time to Join Has Not Passed Picket Island grange nun in nt llit* church in Laidlaw Saturd crt-on», nr fol­ low»: SUM NOT to V. No Limit to Possibilities of Fun at Big Carn/val of Pafr/ot/c JulySporTs. Barbecue, Speeches, Baseball. i to its many readers this week for the abridged appearance of the paper, but tho editors beg to assure their subscribers that such an occurrence is due to the fact that during the past week strong) inducements have been offered forth« removal of the editorial staff, if not the paper, to R edm ond.' The negotiations, both in Redmond and Laidlaw, ecu pied considerable time which could not be put on tho paper. i For the present, at least, the Chronicle will neither be moved nor run under a new name in The Laidlaw grange lias full Redmond or anywhere else, unless the bonus sug- charge of the big events July 1 posted by the people of Reitn md be increased or Other people besides grangers, j i hr .satisfactory assurances from tho people o however-EVERYBODY!—will . aiilaw be not forthcoming. !beiv" y " ‘ •'T».«® T " d’ , u r tm m , f - t r n t r mrm * 1 . u t __ A basket picnic o f the three B ’c T II. ...\ Y E l i N I, tho bnaburj,’ management in Crook Mupty; ^ W ill be continued—and. as ev< I.ybocjy knows, this Laidlaw and Powell Buttes; will moans an UP TO-THS-MINUTE ncWEpaper. L k * hold on Picket islands and the RECALL «EMORIES OF ’7 Kaoj» » v. Helen of the finny tribe extant, and LAIDLAW CERTAIN several thousand speckled beaut­ ies will be barbecued for the de­ o f the town’s guests. TO WAKE BIRD OF lectation Final arrangements will be at the meeting of tht lx*al FREEDOM JULY 4 made grange Saturday afternoor That Laidlaw will cel­ Come to Laidlaw for tht ever Glorious Fourth! contiguous shores of the rippling Independence Deschutes, most beautiful of all ebrate rivers- Day •> this * year is now’ an The literary program includes assured fact. While the the Declaration of Independence, by Miss Dorothy Schoolcraft; an boom of cannon and the oration by Hon. B. F. Nichols as sizz of the skyrocket speaker of the day, a "windjam ” w ill be left to our more by William P. Myers, chorns we singing of patriotic anthems by affluent neighbors, the multitude, a dechmation by are requested by one o f Mrs Lou Pulliam, quartet sing­ the disciples o f TO LAIDLAW Izaak ing by the Gist Redmond chorus, keep that and otner features, including a Walton to solo by Mrs- G- A- M- Lilly, o f date open; be assured o f Cline Falls. Hon- and Mrs. H. C. a feast lit for the kings Ellis are expected from Bend. There will bo a baseball game - a fish barbacne So one on the new Laidlaw diamond, a and all. far and near, tennis tourney between the save duly 4th. and your crack players o f the 3 granges; appetites for a rousing there will be races of all kinds, from ponies to greased pigs, and good time at Laidlaw. there may be fireworks at night. W. D. Barnes and other noted Matoles and the Deschutes for Come to Laid law for the over fishermen will fine-comb the the largest and juiciest members Glorious Fourth! I I COME July 4 ! 1 * IU m k<- r, 'I lifo. I i . Ki ll, I iron!** Itcnhnm, .1. II llennrtl, Mabel |ti iiii«. t•**rkiti| 2 , J. N. If. I ¡pricing, Mr». J. N. It. tJerking, \V. It. Hall. W. 11. Hall, Mrs. W. H. Harper Alliert Harper, Letitia llar'er, A. J. Harter, Mr». A. J. Harter, James C. .1»me», Alnnson James, K. It. James Mr». Ella James, Nellie K. Jens*.n, T. A. Kochenderfer, D. Ii. Knchenderfer, Kuliy I.everenre, K. W. Murk, Arnold, Murk, Frank Murk, Leota Murk, Maria Myer?, Mr». Stella Myers, William P Nichols, Mra. Clara Nichols, J. L. ' ’arks, A. 1). I’ aik's, Mrs. A. I). I’ atton, J. M. Patton, Mrs, J, M. Ramsay, A. F, Ramsay, Belle Itainsay, Fanr ip K Gelehrate the Glorious U iCITIZENS ENTHUSE ENOUGH AND PLAN PiLSiA AII i - ii W. Itarncs, \t . I>. r,.i k> r w h o l e no . one week longer, until June 19-! to be present, as nearly . very P R IN C E A L B E R T OF WILL INFORM ALL Miss James will hold a com pre-1 pupil will either recite or -ir.g. hensive program this Friday af- ; It has l>een a very sucoessi'ui nine ABOUT S0CÍ Al ISM ! 1 roooru and ure2S aU Parents mon dis’ term. W ALES. IV ta r e A d e r t o f W i I m . tin- h eir p r e s u m p tiv e to tin* B rillali th ro n », I» » r o llic k in g Imi nu.t uh fo n d u t a th le tic s p o r t » n» s o ) ’ A m e rica n hoy o f h i» » g e l l w o t l y be went to Kensington with his tutor to witness tlu* athletic sporti at (he queen s club und had > royal outing The accompanying photograph with taken ou that uccuh I oii , when the little prince was saying good by to l.urd Alteratone *~ --------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------- ■ • S o c ia lis m ¡8 u n d o u b te d ly spread-1 . : ,|lpr,.lur. e x , l i ent 111 ,; i ’ ' ' its teaching», it» claims, its tendril- oie», its accusations and promises '' SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 64 GETS READY TO HOUSE ITS PUPILS BY — SEPTEMBER are more than donili» (hat numle i flchool district No. 6 1. situate lie-1 on Mrs I. J. WirocrV homestcau who Imbeve that socialism is itu v W. Allen, Laidlaw. ex­ ! instead of oil L. V- Root’» land, as ¡table, eavs Prof. Ruskin suitl; “ A little group of pects to Lavo its school house read, j originally voted. Trouble expor- 1 1 . need in finding school bond wiM, |ieMr|,, ¡„ |^.ltPr than a tvilder- v for classes when the first »einest- , mw .. .. f.tt n i ■ | |• j W“ nk" h** b,H'" ‘»’ "«»»•d Tbe dis- n0Bjl rt( (lM,,. *« Would it not be tween Tumulo and j w l l c u i . l i n o. .||J .,11 W Stivil.-r anti 11. II. I l „ l e y ———- Scabury, Florence Eeabitry, John A. Heahury, Mamie T Sherwood, Fred {¡intuans, Alie« Tul lar, J. ('. I* (»dike, Earl Updike, («. W. U a I Inee, F. N. Wallace, Mrs. May Simtuoiis, Al ice Simmons, tìeorge I, flirr »J. M. Soyder, (». \V, Snyder, Mrs. («. W- Stiles. John t’. Stile» William (ì, Stile«, Winnie I) Swisher Frank V Thompson J Al'ou Thorp«*, J. C. Thor}*«* Mr». J. f*. Thorpe, William P Tnllar, Ednu CELEBRATE THE FOURTH IN LAIDLAW. B,.| u n a .r.l.n ilin i „1 »h a t till, movement means? It is propo-ed that all who arc interested get to gether. and l»y reading and dimen­ sion of tli«’ various phases of social istn try to get a better idea as to what it mean», in order to mtclltg- entlv deetde whether to be for or againstt\ To get the movement starlet . n .meeting will be held Friday ni.dit. June I-'. ntM o ’ clock sharp’ None j barred by age, sex or present con­ dition of servitude. Last Semester Ends. j j School closes in Laidlaw this week so far as the lower grades j are concerned, but Trof. Thomp­ s o n 's upper class pupils will t tudy JOSEPH LE1TER, WHO IS TO W ED AN ARMY B ELLE. Joseph Lelter, who Is said to be engaged to Uiss Juliette W illiam« of Washington, 1« ooe o f the uioat widely known society nu n In the country. 11» hi a son o f tile late L l> . le tte r and was born lu Chicago In 1WIK. lie waa frrnduatcd from Hurrnnt lu 1S91 and In 1.81*7 was the hero o f tbe most during wheat deal ever known. Mr. letter wus very attentive to XIUs Katherine rik ln s livfore her engag«