• V • Our Duty: To Publish All the News That’s Fit to Print-Your Duty: To Support the Home Paper at $1.50 a Year. LAIDLAW VOL III.- NO. 80. liA IK I.A W , C R O O K CHRONICLE C O U N TY, ORKGON, S A TU R D A Y , J IN K « , 1 !«)». WHOLE NO. 134 Entire County Votes S TR O N G for Local Option. SPIT FIRE .... . MAR GIRL therein to thoroughly irrigate all o I CHRONICLE SERE TO WIN BIG SUCCESS , tbe land now actually occupied, aorne two tlioiiMnd five hundred : acre«. Therefore no one ia a« yet pi VERDICT OF LEADING TYPE FOUNDRY t imy way injured and the (pieation is! | ¡company in whi<’ h to complete i , Haul contract, the whole of the I company’« »eg rogation will be thoroughly irrigated and prepared Portland. Ore., May 19, 1908. to rai»e ordinary agricultural ¡crop». During all of th« pant five J A. und F. E. Seabury, Laidlaw. Oregon I year* work him been ttlnadilv pro- Editors of the Chronicle: « ’ j greening on tlir »rg> egatmn, over We have just been hxiking over a copy of the Laidlaw Chronicle (one hundred and twenty-five ( 12.V| mile» tif ditches have been boilt for May 14 and were wondering if you had made special efforts on "••**rial at this time auen' ha» planned to, and will, over- The ground upon wbich all Oppo­ sition to and attack uj*m the who has the courage to attempt such a difficult task. We are confi- 00,1,6 *1»« “ ,,,e hy large »torage re»er- c o fiip u n v i» b e m g m a d « i» t i , « » “ it dent the results will lx; worth the cff >rt and add to the value of vo,f*> *•"• of which ia to contain over OHUUL I Uli I UVLO haa llevelopod tliat liier« ia ineuffi- the paper as an advertising medium. Besides, the paper is chuck *,evrn ,,u" dr,'<1 ■ » tlx in i»ct, ui a °f *" the *,ul cient water in Tumalo creek to ir full of news, the makeup is good and it has a prosperous look from •pecificatiwn* submitted hy the prnle- 1 ------- — the number of of adds you are running, You deserve encourage­ S uk Nun Resident Laad lultfcrs liil rigale inore than twelv« thouaand ceiMior »how, » .torage reservoir *«. Elevea Year Old Girl, ia Csatact l i t ! ment for attempting to give your subscribers a first class paper, roil leu I plated and provided for a« part , r r l c . . m. T a t Lillk Stack ia Lato» Uterine« ' 3C,*'B ”■ Whil. it ha. be«n found and we are confident you will meet with success. You certainly of the water supply .y.tem. The d,.- | L*«kt^ (« 5oluK , tliat thia lU lf n i i n t i i )irobibly Irue at Big atiaa taraas, kkcsc Lame .<■ i«r »■ ihe natmai flu» >4 the »r¡ h have our best wishes. covery of the fart» 1« to the natural S c G m I EaUrUiaflKGt Yours truly, How of Ttimalo creek will, therefore,' E ibartaliaa Is to Be AaswercdSaaa. irt" k u C4M,c*r"*d> “ “ ‘ dm,,uH ' r the tarne »Inten.unt and it it a (»n require that the «aid plan, and apeci- ' lescaed frota lajarr kj Her Teacher. A merican T ype F ounders C ompany , lh»t there it at pri-aeut anipl e water C on t in u ed on page 6. 0. R. B a l l , Manager. 1TNDEU DATE OF MAY 19 EDMOND. Jnne 4 (Special + ' the Columbia Southern Irri. Correspondence) Nellie Cov- company, T. W. Clark, vice pres- ;rt, 11 years old, one of eight ident and manager, sends out a children participating in an enter­ very Iona letter to non-reskfent tainment and basket social held holders of land in the Icxuil legre- j at the schoolhouse Saturday eve­ gation The letter is a tissue of j ning. came into contact with the lies and will be answered next State and County Election held In Crook County, Qregon, June i, 1908.—Official Count. flame of a gasoline cook stove week by an eminently capante — y— _ just before the curtain went up • M local citizen—The letter reads: . and narrowly escaped a horrible • ¿ M ï a i M ! . r» Portland Oregon, May IS, 3 i T M - K a ' drath by burning Her sash flared 1 8 t »- X M \ a X Ì 3 T a 3 i 1 ». ! X M V t « k - up instantly, and had not Miss Ih ar »ir: It bat como to the not­ isv i i m V X & E c ■ m a t p £ 1 S « < ï 1 'A | j Alwilda Wilson, the teacher, stoic- 1 r C 1 s ¿ ice o' the Columbia Southern Irri 1 Ä ♦__ r-— ! — — — — — — 1 ally slapped out the fire with her — i — e itiim Con party Hint ulxnit April l .m Kli-Ki>t»T«Tirs Ta ( v n i u i 1--- i 1 7 W K KlH>, oft matlltarmaatf ma' bare hands the girl would have 1 7 6 1 ' 7t T ir* 4 7 6 7 4 1 1 3 •¿7ih l»»t, a letter was a»-nt you,I 2* 12 17 , > 6 1 s 1 14 3 «»* been painfully if not fatally in- • mieii-iblv by one A. P. Donabiie of 4* f. Naa4«ri ul Wasew euantf' 6 t « 1 a X 19 1 '«* > 1 « rihaffer.«»I MultnoftsAli cam **«? |>rob s: jured Mi»» H'il»o n »ut-tained »«vrr i 1 1 1 » U 9 l.iid'aw Crrgmi, but imiiletl Ht K th i JraTt« i or rwr m t im m r<*v*r. c ‘ ► • I burr» on one wrist Immediately Poriland, informing you of it »nit Hold H llaan. of l.aiir ruiinty. rmp ru 115 40 45 U W U 71 Hrlgltk, «'f4ihrru»an . |»roh after the exciting incident, Nellie 6 1 « 4 > i 11 •7 now pending Hgunikt tbe Company c c *' J llrli, ) T9 of*rr»M»h S e n I 16 14 - ’!< went on with her part in the Jap- i * i l*v (lie »late td Oregon, making rr»M |»4IM\ AMD Foul! €«>■ Il IRAI f»M 9. ■ I j . ancse drill that wns put on. The 1 1 4 J. kail«), of RitillQoumb county, rap 3a 4*2 oa » ! u i j » . 63 certuin other «Intérnente and rep- j f. 14 knarry, of MuifnoBtRb cmjuty. 4rm i a5 2 13 A) 23 1 » i * * » proceeds of the ent-rt unment, re»« Illation» relative to the condi­ « K 11 « li ln«, of yainhlll county, pfuli. J6 3 » 16 • 1 ! 2 / 1 »... l »l,*|. » , » , « « * » » . TO». which were given to raise fund for 1 tion and affair» of »aid company | 1 11 Am»«. <>f Multnomah county prob 1 1 1 3 •» 10 »1 the purchase o f a bell foe the belfrv, and «»king that you eend one do! j Il M (•*•. >.f XullD.imah r-mnif rrv A-, 27 4 30 41 10 1S 46 c i : amount to I4Ô.10. iM'orir K. « YmmUcrlain. of Muiiiiomah c«» J. 1 21 5 • 44» ! ** *• 46 44 lir a » a member-lnp fee in the J. «*. t Niprr. of Yamhill rotiul) . lur 0 n * i « S m "Recovery Allocation" and to de­ Ton lU iu otn tnaaiMioM R j The Redmond baseball team de* ! ‘ » 45 7 10 fray t'xpenae» of other »uit» or pro­ . Ij.lr H Alirblomi. nl Mullnumah anual, r _*« :» 4\ 21 M ^ fettted Prineville, 18 to 11, in the J r. Nvwall. of Mnllnomali cuunijr. »r.. 1 19 s 31 » Complete precinct ceeding» againet the Company, Ufli-flff Y»»uiif. «if Multnomah county. «1cm. 13 lu a * ! 2 t tu i game played here Sunday. Tbe 4 ‘24 1 returns will Be found w :i» 10 14 Ï0 “ to recover money fierctofore paid A K. ll.iMlIin«. ..1 Mullnnmah rnnub m l U a week before it was Redmond 12, r<>» ri.4l'.u i>u ATto«»lT; Tlh J( v i — in the next issue of by you" to tide Company; that lat­ Ini) 4 » .In, »1 W«»«a rnuuiy : dr», 2 1 7 5 7 Bend 8. It was a hit and run game -i. 33 31 10 *26 49 the Chronicle. Ai 7 u, er you were »eni a blank applica­ m i W W limn, Wowa count) . rrp 34 37 *• SH M with plenty of error« thrown in to Kn» Ji>l»T*t»4TO». tHK|»»».T*>«l»l l»l*T tion fo; tin-mtiereliip in the organi- j ilmrf» FI Mrrr,M»a. ul Mtmilb muni, . r Ti 2\ 47 [ i n7 i 37 i « i’ sweeten thing» up. The Redmoud » 1 « ; » I ,7 43 M J 4 M ! *i cation mentioned and a hlank II »prbw* f. “ t «'rnu* rnunlK ; ilim M 13 :>5 IS c: 6 hove »cored 9 runs the first inning, i lu» K»r»*«»»T»Tlv«. JUliKtr»'» »T'v« I m . t - 1 u *i i T i 1 I power of attornev. Il K. 11*1 kli*». ni Cf««* munly, rap. 9 and then Prineville changed pitch­ ‘ 4 1 SI *9 (U 4 3 tA low 3 7 * i 13 7 40 9 14 4V 10- Ti 46 mi 703 ers. Batteries: Redmond. Rannalls 6 Before »¡going »uch paper» or II A HrUI*!n. n# l.ak* manly. r,-p-dm : Ko» •-'*>« » » » l ( i I . . . 74 tnkiiur part in »uch proceedinga or Il I- Kill», nl Hand, r v 47 105 km | and Tetherow; Prineville, Hinkle, u r» •> « 71 4 $ 62 i 1 3 i 2 i joining »aid or any «uch organi­ J II llnmaf. ul M»4ra»;»i< » 11 A) • S6 zation, you »re reijneeted, by the J.W. Wrlibl.nl K,la«rlll»;d*4» 0 • * & 1 • 0 » 3 1 Mr. and Mr*. Chappell will company, to inve.ligale fully cer­ Kn» » » » « i r r - / - n 41 14 ^ spend the summer at Corvallis and 12 42 s 1 4 » W. C. ( Uiiflrlnn. al r»u|la». dm tain fact» briefly act forth ill tlda 9 74 143 6» 64 30 34 h$ 10 Krank RIkIn». ul M»dr»|. rap ios ' other Willamette points. They start 5 10 6 letter and to cunsidar the '-on»e- K., r Long, ul rrlntflll»; »ne b M i ' from here this week and drive a- Uuenc«! of placing further ohatruo» Ko» n i a i — Al 1*7 44 (hì 41 .’N «*2 ïo 94 * arm» lirown, «f frlny^UU; cross. Mr. Manderscheid will wat­ 1 1 lioim to the completion of the work H P. Wllhult.nl rrlu»sm»: «O' 17 i 3 , A 11 4 j • • » er the cro|>s during their absence. ¡ U| hiii the segregation in the way of K«» T i n » •»■ - ino* 4S , 4 » 1 61 «7 1 10 W. K Ktnf.nl l‘ rtn»»lll«. rrp * No definite news as yet as to thi» company. 10 n 43 ! W, K MrK»rl*nd tJ Prl»»,ille. drui i 41 JU Li M * 1 1 » when L. E. Lamb will return. * i 7 .1. Il Nnillb. *.l KipiaïlIU; »or * ! Irrigai Ing Yarn Spun Blandly by C. » . Co. OAiinr rnn rnni Q Flames Scorch Hands After Firing Sash. FLURRY OF FEAR R w PRECINCT ELECTION RETURNS. U THE CANDIDATES ! Z ¿\ ; A» a preliminary to vour inven- 1 Ko» AMtaaoa- 1 S 47 41 ligation» it »hould be firmly e»tab- F K t>aytau. id l a 1*1 law. rap 6 TJ *V| iDhed in your mind and remem­ ¡ P I^KnlUWr. ni Krln»»lll«! d»w . n " i 7 1 u, . C. t>.Sw»n«nn. ul Krlu»'lll* -*c i bered during all such inve»tiga gon (< »*>04. »i r»»i»T »»D »»r ! 1 ri M3 W K l ’imk, ni lAinnnl» . d*m * tiona by you, that tip to the present 71 49 16 K. A - K**rd. nl »l.l«r(| irp 1 10 79 time this company In*» not failed Kn» »1 » I »Tn« 33 , 1 in n »ingle material particular in Jaron K Haiiham, af luilAlaw; toc 9 ?0 I 33 W»« 1 r II Iluat.kn, of PrlaaTlII»; firm 1« n ! » ! bi complying with the terms of its frrd A Rico, of PrlneflPa; rei* 9 1S 40 i K«»a CouaiMtoMia— contract with tbe -tate of Oregon; W II H»rnrr. ni l’ rlnrrlll»: »ne 13 A 1 21 i 1 t that while there bna been Home de­ Jam*« Rica, «>f llaycra«fk. rrp 7*2 ( 1.1 31 1 i lay during th# pa»t year and a half, t M» 4'«'»*>»»» — '2 4 1. A. Mrrall, ol HUI»,»; w 1 j : 2d 34 in the work of the company ns Lnrtb 4II-TIO» For Prohlhlftlon 9 : planned, the »»id delay ha» been •2U 41 41 Again»! t'iiihtt.tllMii 27 •27 1 4 i due to cau»es over which the + - comptny had no control hut which are temporary only; that therefor«, at the present time, no cause of act.an whatsoever exist* against ^LECTION DAY is over, and th?re have been a number the company’, for no injury hn» A prises. It was a foregone conclusion that Crook been done to any one nor i» there i w ’ould vote dry, but not even the most prescient optimist any injury imminent. 43 •V. 10 i 46 , IV *N V* 43 1 ! o * i • } ! ) i 1 1 7 i 11 1 -6 6 » •21 45 tZ 6 I 1 i S i s»; I la; • 21 I 11 i.l ' 20 1 57 u 1 14 1 1 73 I A « TH I 1J I 1 a» 49 16 111 .\f* t ! 11 10 i-:: 41 .V) ! 1:1% -: So .V » 19 1 1 1 1 &l 7» liv »! 71 rt 40 * .. ¿2 i « 4 « .Sonic day he will drop in on u*. It seems now a* though be is prob­ ably waiting to see the voungest :.4 son pass the state. V *14 Quite a number of callers at this Í 2«T place Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Park, ¡ VVt . Kil bad been improving very slightly for a day or two, but is worse row; not, however, as an effect of tl • company. an W. B. Lamb lost a black hoise 112H M3 Sunday morning after working w ith him all night. It seems to have been a b»d case of bats in the stom­ ach. 296 6 ¥ 1*4 1 «1 u 10 11 REPUBLICANS SWEEP COUNTY AND STATE of sur- county opined ! that Sisters, Bend and Prineville. in fact, every precinct, would The company is prepared to , adopt local option. Sisters carried for prohibition 82 to 27, Bend carry out the project of irri» avion i\ jq 29 Prineville 112 to 109, Redmond 63 to 28, and Laidlaw and the »aid contract and while f 81 to 11. With several precincts yet to be heard front, the county considerable change lias bnn tntije went dry 1,113 to 537. front the the original plan*, tfie , . . . . , 1 Chamberliin carried the state for United States senator by a * im‘ *!inK nec