w W M • ^ ■ # n . . - ÍTKE W E E K L Y HISTORIAN .v r * . ü g ¡ s ä fe s ^ ip llp . < «i 111 « i« I t«»u of l*«»tafora. ('ultlvutImi h I iou M «*oiiiiiieiu*i* Just mm hu « hi hm th«» voting plants Ix^lti In tip p«*nr nU»vt* th«* temutiti Th»* tl«*M may l»«» K«»it«* ov«*r lili a ll«l»f harmw. or, tx*M«*r nt 111, with a \ v « « m |« t Tills In 1 « rlo'iip iimOnxt of iMiltlviitlnii. alii«*«* a will# MpatM* Is (x»v«*ri*«l It Is alno «*IT**• • tlv«» lu tiruaklnt; any uriiMt that may ha««* forim*«1. In tlcstroylm; Minali wtssls When Captain Charles I V Forest The r n l t o l StHtr-i Roveninient N t>' nn«l U»\«»lhuc rhlt;«*N Id t In plautini: lii(j Into the airship ant balloon bust Chandler of the signal service was vis («rs fllii* M cllm th. \s soon an th«* rows «un lx* m «* cii th«» Itltig his parents In Cleveland a short in*»* on an extensive sortie In tin* near Apph* tr«*«*s art* usually pr«>|wigatt*»1 «'it)tlv 11 tor Mhouhl lx* iim «,«I If th«» time ago he told s newspaper man future. The War De;>irtment h.i* as!« In tho nursery «*ltlicr l*y biubllng or ^r«*umt hnr !«som«* par ooast ilofous«> airship* Chesapeake bay in a balloon, the con­ Larg«*r »««'tilings may In* tuk«*ti up ami th«» plants 8 i|tm«x|utMit «aliti vat Ion The most exaetliii: requirement 1 + test being planned by the Aero Club tlu* n»otH out Into a gr«*ut iuiiii I h t »»f s|inill«1 lx* fr«**pi«’ut *11»«* <% i»iiM«*rvatlnii : Sr I .ou1 * Ine dentally he mentioned sued In the pro;sisal by the W ar I V WVlhUlM (tv«* or si \ JlU'llCM l«*ug l p«'*» * *f molMturc h.v fr«spi«*nt tillni;«* rn It hot the determination f the l nlted States partmiMit I* that before a.'-eptam-e i thrsc the Melons of th«* «hslr«*«l '¡in«' l>«* t*M» mromjlx « i»f«»r«s*»t Th# oh! n«* trial enduramv flight will Is* required »ignal servl.v official* to Increase the tie» hlioulil lx* grafted l»y means *»f * 1 »'* 11«»11 that tlllaK# must « s * mmc ; im m « x > ii as airship facilities of the service. He whip amt tougu«» um MI mh I «»f grafting, o f at leaat on»» hour, tlur iiz wli h time th«* hloMsom appears is wrouif It as show u lti th«* ii«vtmip:iny lug tllun tin* flying maohlm» must twin n oontiti said shouhl lx* «'«»litlitu«‘it ns hit«» lu the «on iratlons Thin grafting «!«*«•* not r«* 'There is no longer any question nously In tho air without I a tilling. son ns tl • vIn«■ s will p«Tittit. \s th# «jlitiv any wav, th«* part*« l*iug simply Kight boro is where tin» invent -rs of about - e alrsii p V t g the best means tops !>«’¿ i • • * Mpr«*:ol «»ut ami «*«»v«»r fh«» lioltft tugeth«»r h> t»ftn«lli)K " ‘ th twtne **r rtying m.vhuies "foil down" « t'a the e f obtaining Information about an en­ Mpatv h«*tw«*«*n tin* r«»\\s they partlall> raltla U«x*t grafting *»f thin Mud 1* French government not long ago. The emy or fore'gn foe. For Instance, we sh.n!«* lh«* m «»I| 11 ml thus lessen th«* I«« hm usually done during tin* wlut«'r tltu«*, an examine the situation o f great iventur* reside In I ».tv t >n. Ohio, and «•f m«*!stur«* hy « \ ap««rat lot» mid tin* grafts a tore« I In moist muiu I «»r Now, when a general tiie Freu-h representatives said that ureas of land. Ih«» «*iilvI vii f«»r shouhl lx* wet as nar noil until tin* ground t» tit f*»r plant they would buy the ma fi ne if the In­ g . * into battle he must mow exactly r«»\\ as th«» Mp:n «• hetween ntul U«x»p It tii| S them outbid«* In tin* spring l hey ventor* would ojierate It su »-ess ully. how the land lies We know, of course, «•«tvi'nil with a ItMisi* tiiuhh r.vp«*rl should th«»n l><* planted lit nursery rows, Making a tligbl of a ivrtaln number of by map* But It Is Impossible for one en««* ami «•! perl unni s favor nearly l«*v j and In two or thr«*e year* shouhl make n.les and remaining in the air a cert a a man to obtain an accurate Idea of the «•I eultlvatlon, I !\« « mm I v«* ht) 11 ii|C In tnvM lari;«* «uiough to transplant to (n*r strength o f an enemy and how the land length of time. tersiti«»* the Injurious effisus «»f dry maneiit ¡Hisitioiis is as far a* his opponent is eon lo make a long story short, tie' \v«*;ilht»r. The hest eultlvat«»r Is «»in* Top grafting is usually done by (he 1 French did not buy the machine and .-ornisi except by getting w hat I* called h.ixlmc a numh«*r of small tc« th, m «> that a bird’s eye view. That I* the whole hibited by the pei e conference held at cleft methixl. as sho" u lu the l!lu> teihody else has bought It thus far. It w ll leave th-* soil flu# and compara* In this method the » bun* This compact still bold* trattoua. A number of Inventor« pretend that «•■■ret o f the worth o f the airship to Che Hague tlv«»ly U»v«»l. Ba »uns for for fiv e year*. No balloon or airship are cut vv«x|g«* Hha|Hil and lilted tlrmlv , they have certain seerets about their g e t til«* b ird * eye view Into th«* cleft made in the M to«-W . which i it is purpose are out of the question be­ Is to carry dynamite or other explosive machine* which the other fellows do Pitch I'orL AI U rb m ra ta . 1 m usually cut off M«piarely where the not know and which must not !>e re- cause o f the fact that they cannot be bombs. In k « i th«»rlittf 111 » fnxihly «»ut grasa <»t branches are from one to two tiu*tn*M liirte* have been Invented with such i euled. But Fncle Sam says to a " controlled except as to altitude. Mo­ hay, «*t<», with a pitchfork u simiil In diameter« two scions being plu«*c«l lit | such In his specifications that s»s*ret> tors are now being hung under them high power that if a balloon Is sighted «puiiitlty mlliei« N f• » tin* proni;« «*f tin* cadi stock. Ill this. UM lu nil meltuxl* cut no figure. He must have the goods, i so that they can be driven about with over a camp or fortification It can lie f*«rk €*a«*h tin»«* n of grafting, g n a t «-are must he taken j hit at the dis-ance o f several miles Me says that the bidders must furnish certainty and dispatch. pi?«* Is llft«»«1 In n to get the enmhium luy«*r. «»r Inner " It is not necessary ro go Into the The gas bag or other vital apparato* •vuiplete scale drawings of their dev I e short whIU* th«* bark, of the nt• n ■ k nnd » lot» in contiu t and they are notifieil that it Is desira­ question of operation w ith any one here could tie riddled with well directed fork !» «* c «» in «* M lu at leant one nidi*, for It 1 m at this ble that the machine shall he capable 1 In tills country. There are no secrets shells. Of i-ourse, war Is a game In «•I«» ititi si and u » m » 1 «* sm . It Is only tin* ques­ which one Invention Is pittisi against point that union taken plain*, and any It lx»ltiir mss'Msary of belDg easily nnd quickly taken apart here or anywhere and reass« mbled ai d be tr:ins;»>rtable tion of working out the details ill the another. f « » r«*m««v«» each par problem lu the best way. and I am sure in an ordinary wag >n. t!«•!«• hy hand. In The cost -f tties«- airship*, say for «» r «1 «• r t h n t this To protei-t tin- government against that we in America rau do this better instance, like Hit* one operatisi by San- « h-unlti*; in a y Is* tos I lumout. is alu-ut ».«■*• Then Irresponsible and visionary person* who than any one else." don# nlm«»Ml auto j S -me pi* Imagine that the airship ea h one must have a shed and gas set up claims to lie Inventors of prac­ mathully, a NVIa I ant where It s to Is- located, making tical dying machines, bidders will be will be u- *| for the purpose of carry «xiftNlu man has « 1 «^ < i > ann orr i i « y reipiired to furnish with their projsisals in-g destructive bombs which could ts- in all yion.m»' for each machine. Ten M iniasi th«* uttachmi'Ut f«»r [*!t«hforhs a *ertlfied cheek to the amount of 10 dropped front overhead on to an enemy of th e s e for Ooast defense would CoS! ntiowu li«*r«* A transverse •>l«*ar«*r h:«r In camp This mode of warfare Is pro­ $!.(**(.000 -Chicago Inter Ocean. l«er -eut of the prbv of the machine. Is nrrancai lx»I«>w the tines of the fork, ¿mides on ra«*h end «*f the t»nr partly her severely. is not an untinul— I " I renounce the profession from this enclr«% !lng tin* «*mt proni;»«, ix»rmlttlnt; + mean, nut always an animal.” he cor­ moment,” he declared firmly. the bar to slide fr«-ely on t?»e pronta rected himself " I n this ease It is a “ And the teapot?" she Inquired. I'lvottsl on the handle o f the fork Is a sum of £.Mi. which I should regret ex­ He h*»k<»l at her with u [•utbetlc ap­ hnr which conn«*« ts with «»(her hum e i tremely having to hand over to I ’eu- peal. tending to tin* cl«*(inlni: hur ami to tt hurst and Vrasti-r.” " I t means £50 to me." he said apolo­ a!e«*ve which Milden «»n the handle Ity 'I thick I shouhl. too.” she remark«»! getically. moving the sl«x»v«* on the handle th«* d-fr-fr-i-i. pensively. "Both Mr I'raster ami I » r d She rose, nnd. crossing to the sld«* cleaning bar alldes over the prongs of I ’enhurst are quite rich enough ns It Is. board, opened It, und drew out a small the f«»rk. removing anything adhering She paused and bit silver tea[»)t, which she held up. The Burglar was at the sideboard whilst you to th«*m " W ill thi* one do?" she asked. her lip. when the door opened and a remark failure lo connect the cambium Isyers U r f M l n s i hli’ kcna f«»r Market. “ Admlrsbly." he said, brightening of stuck ami scion Is sure to r«-»ult In ably ts-autlful girl st<»sl on the thres­ “ Oh." *«ld the Burglar, "don't mind Uav«» them In pr««|x»r ftesh and keep hold. facing him. finishing the s»»utoii Ions lu top graft them from feed ut least twenty four With one small satin shoe thrust < lei - rich I'm only a younger son. and to Into the bag at on«*-" lug, the wounded surface* should I»« hours lx»fore killing t'uf the throat so Walt a rnotneut," site replied, with iv itr m l with grafting wax I ately forward aud one hand still rest l«e quite candid « ¡ i l l yon I have Is-en A good they will I»l«*«sI pr«»|x»rly. leaving the Jng on the knob of the door, which sh- seriously thinking ■ f taking up *«>itie tantalizing delilieratieii. "B efore I give formula fp-r this Is Four parts o f r«-s h«*ad on S« aid In water that Is not t you you must promise me two thlng- ■ rofession lately. Burglary struck m«- lield open. h«-r lip* part*«l In an Inar lu, two o f !>**o*waX ami on«* tif tallow, t'M» liot. In order t«» have th# skin nl«*e Tbe first Is, that you will return tie- by weight, in *-1 It« 1 together Top graft tleulate gasp of surp,fi'o\ and her great m. In which you are to be a burglar again not even to win In nil tills prttpagallon work great I »raw entraH h from a small np«*rtur»*, prettiest debutantes of tie* ast London -ss likely -ie be shot by Sir Thomas I" a horse?” • •are should U- taken t** select scions “ A pony." be eorre« t«»| mildly “ Y'es. from trts-s bearing the very Is-st ty|s- ! • T««p «»nd of wing hone over has«* of The I’.urRlar s. e lieti heavily. season. wing hone in fr«u»t and hack When The Burglar at the very firs’ g'an.s. “ What (!<**s t matter, after all. If I I will promise both things faithfully, f of the varieties Intended for prop.* they have I mtoiu «* p«*rf«st!y cold hy —observe. It’s my turn now! i f ----- ” conceded it. The slight shade of an run s!tot?" hp mnttpred. gatlon. .Nurserymen, as a rule, are not "H o o n ! " she commanded sternly. careful enough lu Ibis respect mid take liiingliig by th«* i«*ef. «ut the b«*ad «*ff noyance that crossed bis features ¡«is - “ It matterà n good deal,” she ex " I f ----- " scions from any trees so long a* It Is sm«H»thly cinsi* to th«* «*nrs. nearly, and •si Instantly, as he turrnsl towanl her •latin*tl with pTieriry th«* »»kin will remain in pln«*e. This is " I f you will proud*«, to marry me. of tint desired variety II I II with a little bow. "To whom ?" he asked in d.-Je,i’t <*d b«»tter than cutting the h«u«l off with lie sab! ns. with n swift movement, he "W ho are you?" demanded ,hc g' i. A b o u t ( (MV 1 r a l l n g . lmfch'-t or ax at killing, and tying skin her eye* still riveted on his fa e, Hs •'ro w le >m ? Well, to— to— ” «lie suddenly «-lasps her lu his arms. Prof Fraser of tin- Illinois Ki[s-rl over end of neck. “ O h ! " she cried, -’you have made me though in a kind o f fascination, which, ment Station says that a complete drop the teapot and the noise will nevertheless, seemed singularly fr e e knowlctlgf anil mastery of the dairy I*«»ullrj 'lip*. very likely wake Sir Thomas!" from any element of terror. "W h o are Kggs need to be turned In the Ineu* business cannot he secured without "t!r««it heavens!” he ejaculated I you?" she repeated. In a rather more testing each cow. Many farmers anti liator. bun’t m»gle«*t it. stooping quickly and [picking up the js-remptory vole**. dairymen think tills testing of the cows Make the tienta handy not only to fallen utensil. “ Anil he'll [probably, in "Oh, don't you know?” he replied, is too much trouble, and do not want cl«*nn out but to gather th«* eggs from the excitement of I lie moment, shoot u< with an aiKilog*-t|c gesture. "I'm a I to “ fuss" around with It. but If they The wet gras« Is no place for the both !” burglar." I considered the profits to he reall/.t-d young chicks to run unless th«*y are ex* They listen*«! a moment in tense, nnx ! She regarded li!m for a moment with from a herd o f n-ally good cows as perted to dl«* of cramps ions attitudes, but not 11 sound came ’ the dawn of an appreciative smile hov­ ! compared with one of poor row*, or I I hr«-!tk the peaceful St l lit-t tpf fho F ow l« I Ik«- green f « * x I as well as an> ering round thp isjruers of her beauti­ ; even a mixed herd, they would soon see house. other class of stock. They m*ed It in ful little mouth. I that It really istys to "fuss” around " S a f e ! " she exclaimed «t !«-ngth. w l’ h their bualneKS, Mo If Is giMMl policy to "Mr. Tolroy,” sis- said sweetly. " I with the scales and Babcock test a deep breath. “ Now. please, take the keep them supplied. think you would look ever so much i Where «me cow will give goo»! returns teapot ami go go at once, tiefore you nicer If you took off that stupid b ack I A bushel of grain n year for mich I for her feed anil care there may Is- drop It again anil really do wake some- ! mask." another in the stall next to her that is laying hen Is said to tx* the pn»p«*i* one. I will let you out quietly by fit« 1 The Burglar gave « l;it|e r<-s!gned j not [laying h<-r Istard. but is eating up amount to count mi in estimating tho front do o r----- ” gesture; then carefully removed the bit ; the profits from the ['living cow. But cost o f keeping poultry. “ You're an angel." he murmured, at of hlack eardlxiard from his for«tb<-nd. ! bow Is the owner to know this If he tempting on«»- more to folti tier In I s' l 'l g I' pii l*olnl#ra. "T o think that you should have r-e I does not lest them? A pair of scales embrace, but she eluded J , m wttii a Ulten feil tlry, ttlicllctl <>irn ls more ognlztsl me!' he murmured, as h<- and a tester do not cost much, but they quick, supple movement. pennonib-iil lliiiu cortuiic.il t• > fi-pi) tc P'aeed It on the table b«-s,de h m. ouy big profits on the Investment. I M A BURor.AR. "No-— not again riot ore-t-" sbe warn­ fntlPiiiriK ho|{". ‘ Ilecognlzed you I" S!i<- • tiered a A irlcolln ra l Kitrnalon. ed him. "till you bring back the teg. low. musical laugh " I recogn 7 .*-d you Thp hvvIut* lirccilrr in rt-H|Mirmllitp noi One method employed by the State the moment I shut the floor. I(o you! pa list'd an Instant, “ to lots o f [»«title— pot !” only l'or «In- conililluntt In- [irovitb-H but agricultural ««tllcges o f reaching the tii your friends, for Instance." The Burglar plait«! the teapot care­ Think I should have -siiiie Into the room j for H iohp Ite [H-rmitM. “ Oh. they wouldn’t irilntl much,” h” fully In his bag. put on Ms oven-oat, farm boys and girls o f the country Is and talked like this to a burglar I Tltp Itoy and tlu- | i 1 k . Kcncrnlly tqtcnit a»surt«l her cheerily. "T h ey’ll get < ver thrust the black mask Info Id* ¡»»'kef, through deportments o f agricultural ex didn’t know?’ In«, nrp (hp lni|iortiint ftictor» ou H ip tension Such departments have been " I t certainly would not have been It Iri a day or two. I really don't think and looked nt her solemnly. A mprlt-nn stock fumi. "Then I will bring It back tomorrow established nt most 'if the older col­ strictly proper,’ lie admitted ; "hut I anytssly would mind much. There are Dt-sirablp itrcctlitiK <|un 10ii-n ln n leges and tlu-y are doing a vast amount imagined my disguise to be quite per s” i b hca|is tpf iitlier fellows to take morning early,” he said, w ith q u id o f good. The extension department of hcrtl uro llxtsl by n I oiik llnp of t-nrp- one’s plats*, you know.” ileel*l( n ‘‘ It Is agreed." fe e t." Ohio Is one worthy of the attention of fui »olpi-tlori and brc<-tllrif. "Don't 1»- silly! They would mini. He looked at her reproachful y. the agricultural world, for through Its Wlipn an all turn rnlion Is fed Io Some wonbl. ' she replied, becoming a " I '« nliurst,” be said, an liour Inter, “ Surely you don’t think I am such an monthly bulletins thousand* o f chil­ (CrowlitK | i I em H ip unisci cs o f H ip bmly to a tcry sleepy young nob.cinau, “ I Intolerable Idiot as to brenk into a per little confust-'l. Tlie Burglar tmik a step forward am! don't *.« ant to disturb yo-ir slumber*, dren and teachers III the Htnte have ilo not dt-vplop lo Hn-Ir nonnnl slzp son’s house at night nn«l run the fearful T o stH-uri- thp I h ' h I rcsulls cure sbolliti stood bulking down nt her with a sii'l nor CraytcrV. but you can hlndli w rite been Interested In farm edm-ntimi who risk of being shot by Sir Thomas Just me out a cheek for £50. Here's Sir would otherwise have never heard of (tp inkt-ii lo feti) H ip I ioes accordlnif lo for fun. do you? I was dining to night ib'i expression of earnestness. the college and what It Is doing iiRp, coiiillMons miti time of innrkpHnR. "Woubl you?” he asktsl bluntly. Tho lias teapot."— The Sket-n. with Charlie t ’rastiT and Ixird I ’en hurst, and they bet me a pony that I In sc I pc H uk breedliiR stock It Is an Her eyes dropped, ami she let her V a ccin a tio n o f H oa*. wouldn't burgle Sir Thomas’ house aid p-lieek rest on In-r tiarul as she gazed at F o r K n icn u eiiten t llln ic *. Item to Itnow tliey hi - p frolli n fnniily Secretary Wilson states in his anru fetch away a silver t«M|x>t, or some­ i)je dying einU-r* lu the grate. " W h y did you ais-ept George so sud­ al report that blood serum from hogs noled for ft-rtllity, as thls Is an Inlu-r- thing i/f the kind -t o prove I had rea ly "W ho dare* greatly," sin- iiiurmered, denly after you had refused him only which have been proved to be Immune Iteil quallfy. got In, you know; and I took the be’ , "achieves much.” to hog cholera has ls-en iisi «I In vacci­ last week?" l n I h » Shrt-p F o li!. and they are waiting round at I raster's “ But you. lie made a mute gesture "BecHiise I read In the |tn[i<-rs that nating oilier hogs, which arc thus pro­ But don’t tu-Klect tlu- old shppp. Feed chandlers for me now.” o f pro!«-st. “ You are file ladle o f the diamonds were getting cheaper.” Ba1- tected from cholera for nlmut thris* ••But” -sh e knlttisl her brows In per L'Snlon s**a ««/ii — whereas I am timore American. weeks, as shown by experiments. I f Klein ut thè H r I ii time mul in Hu* rlRlit ple xlty—‘‘ what do you want a [»my for, only----- ” blood from diseased hogs, however, Is place, Mr. Tolroy? You’ve got one horse al­ When a man falls In business, some lnjectf»l with the s«-ruin the protection She lookt«! up nt him under her lash­ Th e re Is tliat sheep w lfh h a lr la people are sure to say, " I ’ll bet he Is extended to about three and a half piace of «visti. «Jet her ollt of thp fltS'l^ ready. haven't you?’’ es without raising her head. ‘‘A pony," he explained, glancing at feathered his neat” “ A burglar!" she said softly. Wool la wlint we are after, not halr. months. < h . ^ |ji;h V f jii I h | The Burglar i | and the Belle l t i i l-S.'t l»mrli of IMnitrd IV of IfntUnd Hkkl I »m i) I.mit* t lii'ii I *' r, l.ondon, hr«»t Opcllltl. I»W«' It* Siile ilrx-r ll'it'd ill«* M IMMlMMlppl mill f«*«»l« | m »**» i • loll »tf I ,ot| DO I M.« l«Hil I mi «if \ItterI« utt lt«**«*hit »«mar jr war pro« Ini iii «'«I by t\»agi#ss 1 «'.» • M.’uiui;'. t.f i ;.«*!-«• IN »f Kitglaiid ami « **1 r• • tm* «if Itrunsw lek 1 • *.» \| : HNippI (i-rrilot > r'iliihliithrH l S« » S ItoiiiMM I ntlioll,* 1 1 *«It•*«I l**l( \ 11 1 «-.I Uriti*!) »u l Spanish army «•ii I «• i ••« 1 th# «its « » t I t(iil«Mi*#, Fran«-# The I! mr I » iinl r W* el 1 11 « gt •»«• € 1 •*f•*(«t••• I th I ii in Ii uml«*r Sonlt si Ton l*nis •• IM.’* I i i .)>d Slut, hoik re loirtrred for twenty \«*nrs. with a «spiti»! «>f INMMNNI. 1H1H I »r f A M I ! * luir« h orgsnltcd IS-"-» t • «111 *• rn I Willis in H noth, founder tif th«’ Salvation srniy, ln»rn in Not* ting Its rn. |s.y» M«ii««» forbitile further Immigra* 1 1 • • fl front the lulled States ISIS M.txf It. Y Itnmlnll Thomas l»a«rid «in n rclihinlmp » » f t ’anlerhury. IwYrn IS.« I I ngl.p«h \e«-«l I an« mis . mit?» s flag «.f tru« «*, tir«*«l on nt < ) i |«* h # s , on# of tin* In*.; Im. 110 aits >f I l»e ('rlitvai war. ISi.l « »ulbrenk «*f the h»at greai Inaur* r«x*tlon In Poland iS«*:; I .'derni for««*» ntln< k«-«l Fort Sum* ter. is«;.* lien hr siirrellibT#«! tn fíen. « • : Mitt at \p;K>mnttot t'oiirt limn»#, is*;«; « ‘ 1 . 1 I li ght» loll pn - « I o?er IV#»i «Jrnt JollliHol)'» veto is;:i ti.’ii lMv*r»r«1 It S f'anby rmirder e.| by th« M. k I o *- Indian» in northern i 'alifnriiin 1 S'.* 1 Kir»l l«x*omotiv.* pu He»l through th# St. t ’lmr tunnel ISTI Hering m 4 prf the Alhaja l'.Sk» f Jen. M;o Arthur »mxeeded fien. <»ti» an « «.iiimaiuler in fh# l*b!lif>* pme» ILMKt King Alemiuter «*f Servia »(»spend e«l the «'«»nstitu tin ii ■ * f that fonnfry I ’ nif•*«! Slat««« t ’ourt of Appeal# declnnsl the Northern S«H*i»rttiiHi t ’otnpnny merge r Illegal. 1ÍHVI Mr» Hot kin rs»nvi«*ted of murder in San Francis«*«» JtlfK" Haft leshi p Mllim^of* nt NewjHirt N#W# Isunrhed 1Ü07 Izonl » ’miner r«*sign**«| as Hrttish ng« rit am) consul general in Fgypt . . rtilted Stuf-» Supreme f'oiirt d#c»d- • «I th«» Isl«* *.f Hin«"« was not Am#ri* can territory. iç f iO O i-S A lleges In (wo fxillegeg serious riots »iave oe- nirr«*d. .At Arm Arbor the Michigan t ni- \#r»ity students Mtihdued ! lie local polir# and wre«-ked »» flnuter which had eject #«l on# of their t)iimb#r. .Mor# than a scor# of them later w#re arresi»*«! and thrown into jail At f»eorg#fown ( 'oll#g#, Washington, I» »V. ira» students turned the flr# hose «»ti on# of th# priests, smash ed the crockery m the dining room nnd marched in n body from th# ground» be ratio# their re«|ii«*sl for n mention on St. Patrick's day had been refused. Presid«rit .ior«hin and tin* trustees of Stanford university have held their ground against th«* recent student revolt ami tin* undergraduate* as a body nr# ugniti at work Th# «-(Torf to g«*t an agr#«*m«*iif to withdraw sign«»«! hy 'JÒO students, failed although inmli hitter feeling remniiiM, due to tin* action of the faculty in suspending .«•v««rnl st mienta conciTtied in th«* revolt. President .l«»r- dnn says that tin* present trouble arose from the deterniirinlion «>f tin* nuthoriti«»« *o get rid of student drunk«*nne»s. Ib*ginning Oct. I this year, by an sr- rangement In* tween the government of Pm « la and the f'srnegie Foundation for the Ad\ano’iiient «»f Teaching, from twen­ ty five to fifty American tenrh»*ra who have graduated nf some college and taught at least on# year in a red logo or high school may visit tin* schools of Prussia with nil expenses paid by the Prussian government. Similarly. Prussian t«»licheni will visit American schools. Th# trustees of the fTniversify of W y­ oming hav# removed President F. M. Tin- del «m charges of iniilndininistrafIon, In- sii bordi nation and untrufhfulness. Tisd#l had <*harged tin* trustees with hurting the university b.v polifhnl mnehipath>na. lie is a nephew <»f Fluted States .Senator f Mark. The hoard of managers of Swnrthmor# college has declined to accept land nnd ««ml property l«e<|ticathed to the institu­ tion hy th«* late Anna T. Jeanen of PhiI« adelphia, on comlition that all partiiips- tion in intercollegiate athletic aporta hh <| games «ease