Our Duty; To Publish All the News That'» Fit to PrintYour Duty: To Support the Home Paper at $L50 q Year, VOL. III.- NO. 2«. LAIDLAW # Cft'RONICLE LA 11 »LAW, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 190«. WHOLE NO. 130 Mecklenburg (Bon vent ion M et 132 Years Ago Today BIG SAWMILLS ON R. R. WAV Mount Hood Capitalists Get Busy. U IE T L Y but surely there haa been erected and put into operation a large new sawmill miles southwest o f Wapinitia, in the Laid law tributory district. Its output is over luQ.OOU feet daily, and for tlie past fortnight it has been running full time six days a week. Two mills o f epual capacity are contemplated, with a combined «laily output o f a quarter o f a million fe e t Material for U m » sec­ ond mill is already on the ground. Iuiving been hauled thence from Dufur over the right o f way o f the projected Mb Hood railroad Inasmuch as the new sawmill, with its tremendous capacity and ample supply o f marketable lum­ ber, is built and operating on the eastern slope o f the Cascade mountains, it is a safe gueys to say that the railroad will quickly follow. Q W U k Ike w elk er I* cool. And the “kids" f t to ochool- Ok, poeta, submit w your rhymes. We have to born fnel To cook us oar gtnel; So hurry it to us betimes! Death Angel Thwarted CURIOUS CROWDS FLOCK C l TO ATTEND M AY T x P X\X TAT i \ . x _ j ^ jyuMALo,:ore . M*y 7 ****** As the Chronicle g t a te today, the lory in the case of the State of Oregon against C. Sam Smith et al„ for anon, is being impanelled. The trial b now on. Next in local importance te the battery complaiat sworn to by j A. C. Lucas against J. H. We- < sandy, of Bend. This charge has been dismissed by the court, and Mr. Wenandy exonerated. 20 The cum * against Henry Turner J of I’owvll Untie., (<>r an alleged crime ugain»t nature, also Mamie dieniieped. K. J. Green, of Rowland, wae fined $20U (or telling liquor with­ out a license. T. H. Joiiew and Karl Rasn»u«scti each of whom pleaded guilty to larceny, will !w sentenced today, hut to« late to prim the penalty. Henry Gilroy failed to appear to answer to a gambling charge anent a quiet little game at Ash- wood, and thereby forfeited a hail ; v-auxe:— Jotd M cC u llos awd 1 -The big sawmills are on the imud of H. t , (¿rater, hi« colleague«, were actual right o f way; 2 -Tney are owned by the ML Hnoi ITS each. WHY? Hood railroad company; 3-They are sawing railroad ties, among other things- Another b ito f intensely inter- esting news to Laid law people is the fact that a large surveying c re w —much huger than ever l»o- fore is working this way this side of Shearer's bridge, building up the Deschutes to Laidlaw. I CHILD, 2 MEN, MUCH BRUISED H«., defendants. IS T R IC T C O U R T for the May tern» convened * t I’ ri itevi 11«- Monday, last, with a heavy docket The cit.e of mo.t interval i. that in plaintiff, vs. Hugh O’ Kane,defend-1and Florence E. Hardy, defend­ which 0, Item Smith, «-x sheriff of nnt. ants. Crook county, and other prominent G. M. Cornett, plaintiff, v«. Geo. Fleckenstein Mayer company, a men, an* charged with the anon of W. Whiteett and Maggie Whitsett, corjtoration, plaintiff, v«. Emery W illi a menu'« Mg »hc-p .hearing defendants. Sr-sl« and L. A. Moore, defendant«. •died« on O c I hjco creek. A . the The Northrop & Sturgis com D. F. Stuart, administrator of -criminal ro»«a are ret for trial fir«», a ry. plaintiff, vs. Hugh O'Kane, the estate of Fuller and company, i Smith and liie co-defendant« will defendant. plaintiff, vs. J. I. West and B. F. is th «t for a scooperino. Brother t lie in the public eye from the «tart. A. L. Goodwills, plaintiff, vs. W e«t, defendants. Rowe? And vouched for by two Several prominent Laidlaw citizen» Hugh O’ Kane, defendant. Michael McGrath, plaintiff, vs. Laid lav/ citizens who saw the went over to the county «eat solely K. N. White, plaintiff, vs. Petri K. C. Row-lee, defendant. mill in operation within the *e'*k! to wittier« the criminal trial«, and Pope sc ue, defendant. J. 11. W igle, plaintiff, vs. Frank the curiou« have (Kicked in from all John Devine, plaintiff, vs. S. J. Klkins, defendant. |tari« of tin* county, many of there Clcnimens, defendant Arthur G. Alliugham, plaintiff, being pioneer« who personally know John Morris, plaintiff, vs. Ora vs. Lily K. Allingham, defendant the defendant«. Poindexter, defendant. W. 8. Nichol, plaintiff, vs. Ivar Several o f Prineville’s nimrods Following i- the trial calendar John F. Mackintosh, plaintiff, vs. L. Schofield and Lizzie E. .Scho­ have tried their luck on the vari­ uh prepared hy tlie clerk ol the B. Gatewood, doing business under field. defendants. ous streams o f this vicinity re­ court: the name and style of the “ Gate- A. Thomson and Arthur Hodge*, cently, with fairly good results Charier Boyd, plaintiff, vs. the wood mining and trading coni plaintiffs, vs. J. F. Welborn and says the Review So far McKay Bend livestock and produce com­ pany,” defendant. Ida Welliorn, defendants, creek appears to be the best pany, Charier II. Erickson, Bettie Norris Morgan, plaintiff, vs. M. W. A. Bell, plaintiff, vs. Charles small trout stream, but the Des­ Krick«on and P: L. Tom pkin., de­ A Morgan, defendant. C' Buchanan and Myrtle Buchan­ chutes is fa r and away better fendant«« W alter Rav Wilkinson, plaintiff, an, defendants. than all the rest put together. J. D. Merrill, plaintiff, vt. G. M. vs. Beatrice Annette W'lkinaon, W. A. Bell, plaintiff vs. Ciarles Thousands o f fish are being tak­ Cornett, defendant. defendant. Buchanan, Myrtle Buchanan and en from the river every week Mary L. McDowell, plaintiff, v«. A . B. Ksvebent, plaintiff, vs. J. C. K. Person, defendants. now, while the warm weather T. M. O'Connell, defendant. McCollum and Lydia McCollum, J. W. Horigan and H. 1>. Still, continues, and y et the supply C. W. Klkinr, plaintiff, v«. th defendants. partners; doing business under the seems undiminished. GaiewiNul mining and trading com­ Th« First national bank of firm and style of Horigan & Still, pany, d< fendant. Prineville. plaintiff, vs. U. 8. Cow- plaintiffs, v». Ralph Sharp, defen. Gavril Todrove Daritch and dan: el» et a!., defendants. Nichola« Rosinin Daritch,plaint iff-, Annie Mating, plaintiff, vs.John K. T. Slayton, administrator of vh . the «late of Oreguh, defendant. Slayton, de- McPheiHon, defendant. J. W vi.t of lieiid in leading a move­ Alta A. Rumllett, plaintiff, vs. tlie estate of S. U. ■ l Eliza J. Hering, plaintiff, vs. ment to liivn Pleanmit ltidge enter in the Ixine Pine trading company, a ceased, plaintiff, vs. G. J. Hardy to a compact with ilend (or I lie form­ cor|ioration; John H. Coe and L. ation of a union high «clio.ddi.cnct— I*. Welch, defendants. the high achool, o f *»ur»e, to be h-.nlt A. Thomson an l Arthur Hodge«, at Bend. The tame acheine mi tried plaintiff«, r«. B. F. Jones and Nan­ tinsucoessfully with LuidLw last year. cy Jones, defendant«. Hatton (W ash.) Hustler; A il By authority o f the secretary D HOW Laidlaw Always Best Not So Fast, Bend. Dae T » Get Harried. I t i* highly ini|Tidtiii.|e that the «chool A. Thomson and Arthur Hodges, triune«« and citMen. ol I’ leuitaiit Ridge will lie niadedu|«e« to «ny aucli titer, plaintiffs, vs. C. A. Cline, defendant. cemtry plan; they will r«liter take the Annie Mating, plaintiff, vs. Fred correct view of thing’ , and organue a Cbtypool et al, defendants. joint district with their nearest neigh- Hhauiko warehouse company, fa or— tlieir real neighbor— Laidlaw. V j » •<*v r Ja* * Jr* * Another Scramble Due. The Central Oregon Bunking *nd T m ft Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vt. A. H . Grant and Mr*. Bertha H. Grant, defendant*. LuU M. lfahn. plaintiff, vs. Joali- tia P. Hahn, defendant. Bessie Folgtnt, plain tiff, v*. W il­ liam K. Fulgatu, defendant. 1 O Correspondence)-The team used by P- Van Tassel to haul the mail from Laidlaw to Turnalo and Gist took frigh t last Friday while standing unhitched in front of Jensen’ s mail box near Tumalo, and dashed madly along the county road from that point to Gist, stopping voluntarily, pant­ ing. in front o f the Gist post- office a fter galloping six miles. In the rig at the time was Mrs- Van Tassel’ s baby, which remain­ ed there without being thrown out, being removed from the wagon at Gist by ready hands- The child’ s le ft heel was bared to the bone, it is reported, by a com er o f the heavy seat cushion falling on it and pinning the in­ fant down, but this is deemed fortunate otherwise the baby might have bounced out o f the wagon bottom and been killed. George W Noble, plaintiff v i. P B. P i M n t e r , Isabel P x iu lriU y, W II. Phltef, n r Stuart' and W .-A . Booth, partners, doing UtMitVSs’ iin- der l i e firm name and style of Pul­ ler A Co., I. XV. Ward, Will and D P. Stuart admini«trator of lire estate of \V. II. Puller, decease«!, and II. Smith and Col. P. Smith, defend­ ants. Mr. Van Tassel had other busi- nees to attend to that day, so let his w ife carry the mail- She took the baby with her. When she alighted at Jensen’s to deliver goods bought at Laidlaw, a gust o f wind blew her bonnet into one o f the horse’s faces, starting them off. Ole O-mei »nd Nets Lcyon, plain­ Messrs. Baker and Clark, at tiff», vs. August Peterson, Bertha work on the road taken by the Peterson, J. M Hunter and W . H runaways, tried to stop the flying Staats, defendant». steeds, but unsuccessfully. Bak­ Edward C. Pease and W\ II. Hob­ er then mounted a saddle horse son, surviving partners of the firm and started in pursuit. Just as he of Peas A Mays, plaintiffs vs. J. P. was about to head off the team Hahn, defendant. his last week- June I. to stumbled and slowly. He was painfully hurt, W. A . Bell, plaintiff, vs. J. H. and perforce had to abandon the O’ Kelley and Mra. J. H. o ’Kelley, chase. defendants. Farmer Powell, plaintiff, vs. H . E. darling defendant. STATE COMPELS TITLE TO LANDS A « p » , 1! » ! i l U p i i t o h f r o m S i i I * i i i » » T » : T h » » t a l » l a n d hr»r»r«l a n d III» D w h i i t v » irrig n lln n and p o w e r com p an y have reached nn it in l « r » t a n i ll u t r e n a r » ! i lie re le a e c ot Hen on re c la im e d la n d a n d th e c o m p a n y h ae a r­ r a n g e d to h a v e th e h o ld e re ot l i t e ii i o i - t z u i c » » » ¡ a n t h e r e l e a e e e . T lii» a r ra n g e m e n t e n a h le e the »ta te to e x e c u t e d e e d « to a e t t le r « w i l l » t i t l e c l e a r o f in jr a p p a r e n t c lo u d , a n d the ia e u a n c e o l «te e d « w i l l hei| in at o n c e . Anti-Saloon Lectnre. Top Torn Off Buggy. Tom Arnold experienced a rath­ er disastrous runaway in the Cloverdale district this week, in which the top was t ora off the buggy in which he was riding. He, himself, was thrown out and painfully bruised and lacerated, but not severely enough to keep him indoors. livers Kisiig Rapidly. The John Day river is rising rapidly- The Deschutes remains normal here, but is up some be­ low L ow er I ridge. The Colum­ bia is rising sufficiently to pre­ vent any more government work on the Ce'ik) locks before Aug­ E. P. Zinuneiman, ot the Anti-Sa- ust lonn league will di*coui*e in the (.aid- law church the evening of May S8 on liam Brown, a well known bach- of the interior 131,643 acres of the subject «»• the galoon and it* ejects •lor farmer residing two miles public land, excluded tfrom tlie and intiuencea. He is an able speaker east o f Hatton, improved his j Blue Mountain forest reserve, n d illustrate* his lectures with stere- house with a new coat o f plaster i will be subject own horse Rock Island Plow C o , plaintiff vs. threw him to the ground so hard Will Wurtswiier and Arthur Hodges that he was able to arise but defendants. League Meets la y 15. There will be a special meeting ot settlement opticon view« which both edify and the Laidlaw interest hi» hearers. Development Fwdsy, M «y 15, at 8 o’clock League^ ’