TEAM OF HORSES ¡WORKMEN BLAST LOCALS CORRALLED BOLT IN DESERT AN 8-fllLE DITCH O N HOME ROUNDUP Might men regularly, anil ten Rnl ¡ulvts. ari'aure puliera, Gibson, living 7 miles ¡ men at intervals, have made the tí. \V. Horner is ur»pared tu «lo northwest ot Laidlaw, lost his team hills resound with dynamite l>» ! firs, o H ish jew* lrV repair work, in the desert near W . 11. H all’s «luring tin* past fortnight while t'oai Od at tlie “ Corner Store” 4iio. place a few days ago, the horses j busily engaged in preparing the ^ . g-|lül| a g-1|oll |0 bolting with «1 ragging lines. The Deschutes rechupiition and irriga­ Correspondents wanted at Rend, last seen of the team, until found, tion companv diteli for proving ui> Si-ters, (¡ist. Madras and nettrhy they were dashing madly past the th.s month. About eight miles of town*. K. li. Sturgeon place and running I n,;u|v Hoy KaonalU of Cline Kalla was west. here Sntnolay to *«»• l.a ill law city, re turning home Tuesday. J. D. Smiling Skies Again. Laud 24-liour Stage. Have yon got an American battle- >ldp premium souvenir postal card at The lowering went her which be- the Chronicle ott}eev SuK-eritier* and Persons who travel from Bend to gan Sunday changed to smiling j advertisers get one for each 0 vet, the \\ enandv stage company The ruin which vv,il,aoc. A. F. Hnmsay and N. C .C o r • . • . . , dav9 in the year, carries no mail, this rapid trails -1 • , . . ne1 tu», all of Laid law. portation enterprise has already ------- - , 1 ,e" *a,it 've**k, and in showers, was * , k very welcome to the parched sou ! Meredith Bros., at Cline Falls, are won general commendation, though | ^ umjer irrigalion. One One ef- ef- closing nut everything a. cwt. Good* - till less than twoweekj in pract-, dti |oi kinds in iheir hig stock of gene- feet of the rain in the higher ice. Next to a railroad, l.aidlaw ,, . ral merchandise must go CHEAP. It the Deschutes .... 1 » “ up ti> Veil to buy now, has only praise for Mr. Wenandv # tUl **' " ' 1 , r i ‘ Mondav morning, push and energy in making the u ft "t . * \ , , r.irl McLaughlin, the county sur- but as everyone Lerealiouts knows . „ . ... • veyor, ..ud his on in; from 1‘rmeville outside world a whole day nearer. , ______ c______ ! lhe r,w r can J°rt *° h,b’h an,i and Laidlsw, c o m p le t e d , the 18 ,..ile oo higher, owing to the overflow , lirvr> of the , „ w Horner road from seepage into the immense lava bed thi, p0» e|j buttes 'Tuesday of this week. ■ caverns above Bend. LOW/ Tidings of Tumalo. M'MAI.O M,»> 1 (S|irt K onr\|w*M«|rncv| ***»•» !>•*»• of Klmuatti totioty mnnlitoit hero uttr nl«lil %l«iflliif Hi«* w«»ak wl'h 'A0 Itvat! | of ci«(Ur. lie iiwui a Hu«' Mink aih ! hay rmieh J dm B. Bell brought the editor n on kUuiAih Mimli. mim I U HUMtalvi'ljr rn «I III Ih«» (‘«tlltf hl||||»»M || m I miiik hi Hit* of wood Thursday. FMlilr hf Ilf lii4*t Hllh Imu In (he Ajunto crork Mr. and Mrs. \V. \V Long came in coiiutr> . Mini rMporta lltv prlro on ih« liool inoeh bflli>r than 1 » yourfitfo. Saturday with John II. Bell, Frank V HwUhff. Hrhow rrtitrii with Mi For first rlnaa jewelry tep.iir mother froiu l.ltchfluhl, Minti wm m nouucrU work see (.5. \V. Horner, Laidlaw. In tin» t hronU’lr Unt nark. wuhllNin thu»« t>nrt« mm ah n|t| irif ml. trlv«l Mint trot*. A. F. Ikmahne left for Forilaiul t'lmrlf« II Hpmigh, In, K. \Viuiur*u*t T. A. yesterday to undergo treatment foi JrtlAou H«r«* |>U* asmii t in I If 1 • nl T iiium I o H m I urtUy Thr) hiivfi ron»pl«ir for tho »utuiiu-r found ere nightfall. j irrlgatiiitf l iriiit r» him wvll Mlonit w ith anrlii« umln Anthon Ahlstrom of Cline Fall- iiUultui, find there will hf « hi« lurrvka#III passed through Laidlaw Monday en ii ’W iikv unit ylvlit compart»«! with iaat y#cr. 1 dufh hut l.Mfii ilcarcil aud pluulfd route to Bend and return . hi.» e| rll.g. Frank May, ex-candidate for count) I. II Kdwar«!« ttiroiicii hrra ftilunUynn hli surveyor, came to Laidlaw this week way homo from Itrud* lit* it ailll hmilliig »aw , t>>g* f»*r thf mill al that plmv. to work on the ditch survey. Rates EAST Wilt 0 hr. MAUK hv IHK , li. & N. 1 Mi« »aivsui* swm r»»i » ww v R O U N D T R IP TO Mkki r Chicago St. Louis St. Paul Omaha Kansas City $ 7 2 .5 0 67.50 63. 15 6 0 .0 0 0 0 .0 0 — — — — ■ 1 ■ 1 11 M ■ sii If you h.'.ve a crippled waten or clock bring it to Laidlaw anil havt Correrpondents wanted. Tl* K htl W i l t hk uN Shi K e«>ii reduced in price within limits. pupils this week al the local school ind is sold at the “ Corner tjfore” Marian and Arthur Heabury eiirullvu ' The Chronicle reipieats all farmer* orbet Fut in your cider now for the tine last week. Miss Nellie James now ha. mil ranchers who are sowing this G. W. Updike came down irom the 12-page “ blue and gray” Memorial day 4d scholars. eiring to nolily this office ol ihe kind tor any fut liter information oil on headgate this moruing after provi­ ■edition of the Laidlaw Chronicle! Two d crop* Iwing put in, number of sores. F M. Donaldson of Cline Fall> sions. E. J. Wilson, j extra copie* will la) luri.islied free to proved lip on his homesteads befon T' p outlook and j.rogress of farm R. A. Ford, republican nominee for l.iKAi Ar.rNT, ail PAI D I' F eoh*crihera who speak in II. C. Ellia at Bend Tuesday. H . work. couuty school superintendent, was a The Christian Endeavor social Or write to time. Kxtr* copies will be mailed or witnesses were John Tetherow, J. B Column rate will I m > paid to anyone l.a id la w business visitor today. held at the local church last Sat supplied to all others as follows: Prior Cochran and J. R Rannalls, nil nl who will get the eourtlioii.e nuns at Wm. M cM u rra y, John C. Stiles has tn«d<-d a lot in urday night was attended bv al! of to May 7, lc. 1 copy; then to May I I, Cline Falls; Walter Kutde, of Culver; 'rineville lor the Chronicle; cou'ili t d M M I rAMKMiKR AUKNT. l.aidlaw to Sherwood Bn s. of Pleasant . . . , , . . 2c. a copv; then to May 21. 3c. a Coin Sidney K. West, of O'Neil; anil Fran- ■Ihcial, deputy, lawyer or lawyer’s I'ortland. Ofrjrof» the town people but few from the' 1 ' • , Ridge in exchange for #80 worth of then to May 28, 4c. a copy; after May | ci* M . Phillip*, of Gist. The entire clerk preferred Write at one«., sub grain. country, owing to the cold weather. 2 $ (Jrty ,,f publication), 3c a copy or parly aie dinner at Tullar’* restaurant mitring fir-t bitch of new» witii. oi ■ Grover t.erkii.g stopped in Laidlaw | The gross receipts were #11 !»0. C copies for 25c. j m LaiJIaw Monday. awin'ing n reply. on his way home from Bend, w here he bad been with a load of hay, on last Friday. Grover says hay is not very dear just at present, bei that what he took home with him from Laidlaw is. How do we know? Additional Local Items. ! , , /9, city to DON’T F THE Dnlsi Earn $11.90 At Social. C. T. Pbikham left Monday for Pine Creek crossing, across tbo wJobn Day river beyond Antelope near Fossil, I where his iamily have remained on : the old ranch. He tokl the editor be­ fore going that Laidlaw will »«e his ultimate home, as he has great faitli in the local future. He is inetely go­ ing to Fine Creek for the summer and i«M localise his home is already built and furnished there. Next year he will return here to remain. OráerS. S. Bauer. - Mr. Advertiser: Jt has finally been decided to send to Elgin, 111., for a banner h>r tk« Laidlaw Sunday School. -------—o— — — F o il S T A T E S E N ATO R To the jieople of the 17th Senator­ Res|met for your intelligence and | S tile tti oing plates B jj the ^H onth. A l J it, IT-;., 'ji la id la w and. v io it iitj a’igahle | S> mcmberali^.. in itia l >oo iws SSet«- Levolar meetings the lull ’ititbuj la each | B «. S pace . | 1 inch. 2 inch. 3 inch. 4 inch. ,5 inch. 6 inch. 8 inch. 10 inch. 20 inch. i page. uuuUi at S. 1’ . M. I)i rectory Kr*«., Í . X B . Gcrkfnp V. I’re*.- E. B. Jam«.» Secy... Wallace A si't. See;» - C. 1*. Becker Tre as. W ®. >i. Stile» V.*gad i.oamtUte . *C. f Beetee ^chairman 1 S r H. Cayma f x C. Tullar Joba Kryreur W. D. Clark Jingcshoand! Swa. XtiterTWiBe 3cun. S ihoirmaB. j )/ J. B. Fry rear. E. B. Jane». , B b Jamci.cha.Tuiao < If X, Dayton. C. T. riokhoM. W ial district of Oregon: •J*¿¿ili i£7 >jrtJkkf?'<^S2Ua£*ü Column Laitllaw Development League - 3 t ib-sire to serve your best interest, impels me to declare my platform O ne T im e . 1 wo T im e «. Hv M o n t h . Y e ah ' s C o n t r a « r. » 0.50 0.25 $ 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.50 150 1.50 0.75 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.25 250 1.25 2 75 3.00 1.50 3.65 2.00 4.00 460 5.00 250 10.00 915 5.00 15.00 1375 7.50 2570 27.50 13.75 i page. 50.00 52.50 26.25 1 pa?e. DOUBLE RATES W H E N P R IN T E D IN RED. # 015 0 30 0.45 0.00 0.75 0.90 1.20 1.50 3.00 4.50 8.50 16.00 «s tmm «j» us, a * l , < I believe the statement No. I phut % is the ouly practical way to accom­ plish the election of U. S. Senators by the people, and is therefore the gutewny to a!l other national r>' forms. The people of Oregon regentive in the U. S. Senate ft* V Choiman f J. N. B. Ocrkiug, C. M. Mndd. Bali Hood Com. B. if Jftohoio. [ Honorary chairman t W.K.Myeri,ehalrmau. j E. B. James. Ç 0. W. Horner F. N. Walltce. Wm. O. St ile a. iriiko Oregon the A . Ü. Parka Redwood W m , LUov.n Valley View Stock Taim. roe Lvergiccc Ranch k » ir vie«« Cooper Gro m P.aatj (¿over Dad ****** meas­ intelligent, systematic co opera­ tion. Let us advance every in ter­ Y ou’re Too Shy. est. I’ ush for Oregon. Pull for Oregon. 0 . Springer, Democratic candidate for State Senator. Owner Mountain Vj«\w huBD ywdc La. in state ures, honest political methods by I.EPAMMKMTOr THK iNTtBlOB, J. W . Brown Sii arose Ranch Star Ranci» greatest for good toads, good schools, pure Ranch Directory Jumper Lawn. Ore­ reoources are Unsurpassed. I » t us •- foods, honest weights and Jntcrtainueu: Com. n- gon livestock breeders,Oregon fruit, e growers are world famous. 0 " 't ’ Oii R. ííyera. Vsnie are tirely competent to elect tht r rep li N The J. P, Haley I Geo. W . Witner ic,8onj ¡ J. B Nicho!; C P. heckt i C. M. Model, Ficho!; Hardi. ' nl taudlsw, Oregon, ¡'red N Wallacr, of I Mdlaw. Oregon. A T. ftiiBwcy of taldlaw. Oreyon. V. C. Cu:n«ltJ*. cf I.ulillu'*. OrcKuD C . C. Cooper TV. E . Burkhard Waa. Oregon Msreh 19th, IW8. Nolle« i» hereby given that W aller Wheatley of I.shtliw, Oregon, liaa flle.l nolle« nl bln In tentlon to make proof on lila ileaurt claim No. ai',7, for Ihe NX !« section 3V, T, I* s Kang.. II K. W. M, before H I'. Kill*, II, S. Commr at Ifeii.l, Oregon, on tho GOth (lay of April, 190* tie name* the following wltncrsea tuprovr Ihe rnmplcto irrigation anil rrclamallon " l «*M land; li. Cjcrking Jay L. Pullen, i 3.s> c W. MeDrc, h«gl;t*r,