Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, May 01, 1908, Image 3

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Presldant Alani« Hat Covved Hiyll by
Thousand« H om altu, Circus Wracked
Wholssalo Murder.
ard Railroads Blocked.
Pori liu Brince, llnytl, Aprii 21 -
Port Worth, Texas, April 20.— An­
Whllu lliuru Ini vii buon iiiany arresta
other rise of three feet In Clear and
of native« lutpudud or ¡.ympulhy
Westfork forced thousands of per-
Friday, ApHI 26
I will conduct the Investigation Mann sons to flee from their hornet In
Newsy Heins Gathered I rom All Pa rti
cal prlaonnra continua lo ho hrnught
ArK*t- * * * *• * • Miller
(K an ),
Kt afford Hast Fort Worth today.
Bo far aa
Surrounded by Hordes of Ribelllous
In In batch«« troni Interior polnt«, iiierits In favor of the president's pro-
of the World.
Hannon <<)), Hlrns (Ten n .) known, four persons have lost their
there huve been no more public ara,„ for four battleships consumed * n<* Hynn IN. Y .)
At least 3000 persons have
Kurds, Well Arm ed.
MmotinK* nwe.
InritMMl, tna kov - |llOHj #,f t
M©«»lon of ! hr wnnte to- KltzKurald creafml laughter by re- been rendered homeless
and all
eminent <Innle« thut uny Viiore to* ‘*cu' day.
rib*«, of Wimhlrigton, opened »wring to the itpeaker an “ the whole Streams are still rising.
I »oft* how- (|m
declaring that the Asia- ^usines»“ la the hmjse. He said that
The railroad service Is badly c r ip - ’
Oenersl Review o f Important Htp- flou» have tiiK«’ii place.
ever, I h Incredibly In view of the fact tie situation affectlnK the Pacific *,4# ^ d told aonie people, who had pled. Five hundred delegates to the Floods Cut O ff Assistance — Qr«n<t
p « ' ,lng » Presented In a Brief and ihul milny persons nr« known to huvs
wa„ „ menace to that section, written him about wood pula, not to Htate labor convention are weather-
Duka Nicholas Going South to
, ,n dragged from • I»“ 'r bade at _______
,IH war clouds
rise wmti< their time
bound ______
here. „ A cloudburst In Park-
Comprahanelvo Mannar for Buay
______ might quickly
______ ,
______ on the
___ white
___ ... house, ______
Examina Situation Personally —
Readere— National Political HI*« !,I k
n,u* l,iul
truCM ,jl tl*eui hus there over some clash between Am- “ * the president had In a degree re- er and Palo Pinto counties last night
, _
, .
“ ''Vn VKt
. .. .
erica ns and the Japanese lie wanted cently lost his Influence with the will probably send the Brazos and
Troops and Supplias Pouring Into
torlcml and Commercial.
lu the executions of March 16 last u fleet kept in the Pacific.
Trinity rivers two feet higher and
T rnns-Caucatia.
I resident Nord Alexis achieved the
This, he declared, was a measure!
" W e will stand by the president th>se streams are now higher than
double purpose of obliterating ns ,,f peace, and not of war. lie came, to the last ditch,” he humorously re- In 26 years.
many of the foes ns he could lay he said, from the section of the conn- marked, 'and 1 expect we and thel
North Fort Worth, Mineral City
Adinlrul Kvaus took an auto ride hands on. and striking terror Into try that must he tin- storm center of president will go Into the last ditch and Cleburne are almost completely
St. Petersburg, April 21.— The lat­
and Is ru ling much Improved.
¡the hearts of those who were beyond any conflict In the Pacific ocean. The together."
Engineer Kong and his
est news received here of the bound­
The boycott of Japanese goods by )'*•
th“ |> hu « « m e and people of the Pacific were In favor | The McCall campaign publicity hill firemen were found dead under their ary war— that a Russian detachment
F I i I im nc has < xt<‘iitb (| (o Australia.
i*hut of his roclous lieutenant, u«m- of four battleships.
He »©nt to the today was unanimously recommend- engine today.
Their train left the U had
9X%. !JrTU
... and W
HJt calling
been penned In
¡eral Jules
who p«»r-
per- vice president's desk a statement o f ( ed to the house for passage by the track in a washout a mile north of for
7 Ab
A,1' xls Coicon, who
reinforcement*__has aroused the
The supreme court of Illinois de- sonnlly dl 11 reeled th « shooting of the h vote of 163 lolltors attending a committee on election of president, Cleburne.
Crops over a large area anxiety of the foreign office It shows
Including ........
some ...
of .....
his ......
own meeting In New York,
and representatives in
In nave
have oeen
been aestroyea
destroyed and tne
the estl- that the entire population
DoDulatlon o f this
H n"
* l" < ',l ,' 1',l" n la*
prisoners, ■ ...............
>>■■■», which,
. he
. said
r president
i o mo u anu
strikers blood r* 1 st Ives,, ar* mentioned only showed 120 In favor o f the four bat- eonrress.
Though introduced by a mated I osb will reach over half a district composed of well armed and
stoned the car burns and several ur-.J" *h l«p»rs. All lluyll trembles b1'- tleshlps and ih " president s policy f o r ! republican, It had the undivided sup- million dollars.
warlike tribes is riiRhine to the
rests were made.
fore them
naval expansion.
I port of the democratic members o i l
Cleburne, 20 miles south, was port o f the brigands who have been
lieutenant Oeneral Mnevltcb w h o 1 , AI,XIH, h;',» ,tn* d". « ? " h Ignlflcant ! While he had never been one of the committee, and of national pub- struck by a wind storm of tornado attacked
br,* situation
aU,,,, who may
_________ The
become uit mini in in rai, viti n, wr.o atateinent that, If he Is not permit- those who feared war. It should not Hclty law association.
proportions, followed by a torrential etill more serious if the Kurdlsn ban-
■mitinged the UiiHslan retreat from t,.,| j,» ,.n(j |,|M term of offlse unniu- he denied, h said, that there was on I
downpour o f rain that literally flood- dits who Inhabit Russian territory,
Mukilen, Is dead
I tested, he will, rather than submit to the Pacific coast a peculiar co nd ì-1 Washington, April ‘¿ I __ The ra- ed the city. Within 20 minutes after encouraged by the retirement of the
KeprcMcntatlvc Knyner, o f Ma r y ­ deposition, write his name on the tlon, and the time was coming v.hen |ported purpose of the president to the storm broke last night the two Russian tro oM Join th“ r Persian
land, saya It in time to curii the scroll of (into In the blood of such s
h- people of this country would send the fleet o f battleships
o w o on
n bayous,
bayous that
e A J and threaten X the
l f Russian
hattb^hips n
that run
run through
through Cleburne
Cleburne n
dispatches setting
situation of the Rus-
Persia are fully
by official reports
Nicholas Nicholaie-
quletly from here to­
day fo r the Crimea, traveling Incog­
Hlready resulting from the long
nito In a reserved compartment of an
The llllnuii democracy has In­
lordinary coach, Instead of by private
et i uett d Its delegates to vote for
Voyage From San Diego North On* car- The trip ostensibly Is for per-
Bryan und us«< all honorable means streets begging pit« ously, and even « rapid gait, despite the fact that the „hlpyards, by making repairs through
sonpl reasons and. It Is said, will be
k , owij mechanics on board
Continuous Ovation.
to secure his uoiuluutlou
'o f short duration, but the Grand
silver lace, beg cup In hand und aro 1000 (elision bills were put through,'
I.OS Angeles, April 20.^— Kos A n - ' Duke's departure Just previous to
(lenerul Manager timber of the profuse In tbanks for a dole of 6 the largest batch of the session.
geles sent more than 100,000 of Its the imperial family reunion for the
< I rent Northern, mtlmntca that t Ke c,.„tg
q he soldiers beg because1 A bill was passed providing for the
Monday, April 20.
citizens to the oceanside today to Easter festivities and to the marriage
damage to that road by the bursting
t h e i r pay, when tin*)' get It amounts protection of Ilf«* on navigable waters
Washington, April 20.— It is the welcome the American battleship of Grand Duchess Marie Pavlano to
«it t he lluuaer
lake dam was
about to b*«s than 30 cents a month, nnd during regattiiM and marine parades.
what else they are able to secure Is There also was discussed at length present Intention of the house lead fleet, which steamed Into San Pedro Prince Wilhelm, o f Sweden, Is con-
land-grant , Harbor, 22 miles away, In the full sidered an indication o f a more lm-
. 2oo
. . the Burleson resolution demanding
Kos Angeles will take about 3300 small.
gourdes n month equal to about$27,
report of the Commissioner o f tes«»lutlon for consideration in the i radiance of a mid-summer sun, and portant object.
men of the battleship fleet on a tour ^ ,
* "r.l. r t«» ilvo he must add Corporations on the cause of flu ctu a-!“.0“ ^
ojn°rrow or Wednesday, and ' dropped anchor at 3:30 p. m. The
Despite diplomatic denials, Russia
of he city.
I hen they *HI have a s hu , ^ h s m T t f i l m
«Ions In cotton
The vote on thtft the belief Is general that It will pass 16 fighting vessels and three auxll- continues to forward reinforcements
barbecue luncheon and sec the wlldi * his ‘ oeome as best h
» H I be taken tomorrow
without amendment. It Is now evi- larles, leaving San Diego shortly and munitions o f war to the Can-
w«-«t show
llarly all government officials who
dpnt that tha demucraiic. fllllbuster after 6 o'clock this morning, had casus. An American traveler retnrn-
nre paid In th«> debased currency are
will continue to the end of the ses­ steamed up the 100 miles of surf- ing from that territory recently says
causing expected to ri'coup themselves In
Thursday, April 23
sion. but Inquiry discloses that the beaten coast In single column for- that he saw train after train loaded
great Joy to California farmers.
aome manner.
Washington, April 23.— After one democrats are generally favorable to mation, 400 yards apart and in full with soldiers, proceeding In a south-
it Is reported that threats have
of the hardest fought legislative but­ the resolution and will not under­ view of thousands of persons w h o 'e r ly direction, and the railroad to
been made on the life of Abe Ittjef
tles of this session, the house of rep- take to make It a party measure.
gathered at every vantage point.
¡Kars is so swamped with military
Repr*»sentatlve Fordney, the lead-
rcsentatlves. late this afternoon by ?
With the Connecticut leading and stores that it la unable to accept pri-
Sudden warm weather Is causing
M. vat# freight.
griat damage In Ahiaku troni floods Dsath List at Chaises G ro w »— Large vole o f 2 47 to 8. passed .he Fulton lnK representative of the lumbermen, wlth
lund-grunt resolution without amend- ’ promised last week to withdraw his Thomas on the bridge, the long line
Relief Fund Needed
Four million oysters were destroy­
I'rlor to the vote on flnal objectlon to the resolution, but today of ships pointed within the break-
ed by striking fishermen ni Cunéalo,
Boston, Muss., April 21
_ a ' water at San Pedro bay Just half an
Many passage, Fordney’ s amendment was he declared his purpose of making
¡thousands of people today walked voted down. 43 to 227
The résolu- ' fight, as he said the house cummlt- hour behind their scheduled hour of
A bunco man who hes been
rob-¡through the ruins «if Iho fire which tlon will go to the president by the
tee had decided to table Mondell's arrival.
The Connecticut, Kansas, Fir* Consuma* Bed iss of Victims
Injured Wait for Hour*.
lilng women bus been arrested I* one we«-k ago sw«qit through Chet- end o f the week and will promptly resolution.
has Vermont and Louisiana took berths
It was an orderly crowd, and he signed by him.
¡reached no such determination, but within the sheltered portion of the
Melbourne, Australia, April 21.-
Four masked robber, held
« ¡ îbo militiamen snd
fashionable club nt llut Springs. fc. " “ rd h!,d ,
'* k
Ark . and got away with »lu.ooO
tho rhurch
big «>ut -«>f-<l<>or m«**
All the regular urmy troops la itc squares und pnrks
Isold portion o f Its grant.
For the will get little support,
reached out Into the open sea In a sons being killed and 60 injured.
the vicinity «if Seattle will partiel-
One more body was found today In time being. It Is understood, no pro-
— -
line nearly two miles lo n g .'
T h e Bendigo train, with two heavy
pate In Iho welcome of battleships ! the ruins.
It Is believed to be that ceedlngs will be undertaken against | Washington, April 20.— After coa-
engines, crashed Into the rear o f the
« I that port.
jo f Captain il.-njamtn F. Knowles, a lumber companies nnd other pur- 'sidération of less than two hours the
Ballarat tialn. Five cars o f the lat­
lien In h Hawkins of l-«>s An- (T r«n<1 Army veteran.
This make, chasers from the rnllroad.
¡senate commitee on naval affairs to-
ter train were wrecked. The wreck­
n ',w
7* ,inv< ithe 12th body thus far found In the.
¡day reported the naval appropria­
age took fire and was almost com­
t e d there
« rhnng* In ruins
I Washington. April 23 — As the
hill to the senate.
U carries No Hope for Settlement o f Chastar pletely consumed. Many o f the bodies
Streetcar Trouble.
her c o n d i t i o n I
I I l f K'-IM
IMI relief
I« « |«I •
# In
••• •
a « s«-nnt«> was about to conclude
consld- 1
1 i 1 « 1 l 1,546.649,
,oio,u>J, U
o 1
f f $7,579.-
were unrecognizable when recovered.
statement today, d«*clar«,s that 13.- oration o f Ih«1 naval appropriation 031 over the amount passed by the
Pa., April 20.— A ll hope
The Bendigo train suffered but llt-
w,.ro made homeless and bill today. Senator Piles, of Wash- house.
’ of an early settlement o f the street tie damage, but the two engines were
Elght consrc •utive in Min 000
Foril bribery t rial testified that Gal- ty.Itt iij . ouo of these need not only Ington, proposed nn amendment In-1 ( j n (j),. battli'shin construction nro-
r strike, which began in this city piled on top o f the rear coaches o f
scenes fol
injured being
and were
was a long
nurses ar-
p revailed
J unanimously opposed to that pro- turbance during the day.
among the injured.
nnte « I Supervisor Gullagher, of San j
I gram
j fpi,e traction company resumed the
Francisco, by blowing up his house Sends Big Fleet to Threaten Turk­
Amendments to remove that re-
1 Increase of 2 9 per cent in the pay running of cars within the city limits
with a tomb. No one was lujured.
ish Port^.
ed lisle estimating that since Die i n - |0f lho ° ” Jr,’ rs of the n:iv>' and civ* this afternoon. They carried no pas-
Russian forces hnve repulsed th#
21.— An
Italian vestlgatlon of the steel trust some ' JL‘7
' . L
" ?
* 1!“ 01,0”
,«engers. Traffic was suspended at 7 Allows Establishment o f Italian Post-
Kurds who had them surrounded.
squadron , under command of A d ­ years ago tho price o f steel armor the Naval Academy, and of 10 peri
\ committee o f the strikers went
offices and Settlements.
miral Grenet, will
set out . for _. the
$550 and
pay of the enlisted force ! to Philadelphia today and hired a
a loon forces
l o r i « ' » were
w e r e generally
x r u . ' i o i l j sue-
had o been
in im n i
$3.553.969; increase of the pay of „ „ „ l b e r of 'buses, which will be
April 21.— The threatened
« .wHii" in Ih.- recent local » » “ ' o n . J X ^ R e ? *
The squadron comprise,' *6no per ton to $416 por ton.
professors of mathematics, construe- fplaced In service, the purpose being trouble between Italy and Turkey ap­
j l l warships nnd
and lnclud«*n
Includes the battle-1
tors'corps and civil engineers' corps to compete with the traction com- parently has ended as a tempest In a
W»dnesd»y. April 22
to «>qual
of the same r pany.
Two dry kilns of the Seaside
. . Kttm-'„hip - Regina Elena, . commanded
. . . . . by]
. . . . that of . officers
. .
— «-
teacup and, for the present at least,
her Con’ i any were destroyed by fire, the Duke of Abruzzl Altogether, th<> | W iutfngton, April 22.— President rank in the medical and pay corps,
Mayor Johnson at 6 p. m. gave there will be no demonstration by
I.oss $2 0,000
vessels will carry 5095 men and Roosevelt will veto th<* naval Hppro- $16.450.
'permission to saloonkeepers to open Italian warships in Turkish waters,
A Ht. !< ou I h councilman has been their objt^tlve jiolnt will be Asia prlatlon bill, should th«' senate, n-»1 For public works additional ap- their places, contrary to the advice indeed, it now seems likely that the
l.rlli.rv nnd sentenced to Minor, some 700 tulles away. . I t has did the house, fall to make any ap- proprlatlons were made as follows: 0f Deputy Superintendent Kumb. of incident will produce a better feel­
. ..
b«M'n decided. If It Is deemed nfH-es- propria tlon for the two battleships Norfolk. Va., $200,000; Puget Sound, jhe state police.
sury, nlso to occupy n small port un-jwhlch are authorized In the measure. $140.000; Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian
Rome, leading to an agreement by
Partners In nn Idaho mine quar­ til Turkey sees the error of her way The prompt announcement of this Islands, for naval station and dry-
the two countries on many differences
Muat Protect Own Children.
reled and fought a revolver duel. In and gives full satisfaction.
More fact to senate lenders today is re- dock. $1,000,000
Helena. Mont., April 20 .— Holding ' » h ic h heretofore have been the cause
which ono was killed.
energetic measures may thus bo gnrdod as resp«>nslble for the i > d -
of not a little friction.
that it is the duty of parents to safe-|
Turkish government has given
nouncement by Hale that he would
Kansas courts hnve qunahed ln- a voi ded.
Baturday, April 18
The difficulty between the two na- propose nn amendment appropriating
Washington Aoril 1 8 — Criticism enard their chlId when ln known its permission to Italy to establish
dlctments against II. H. Tucker, the
tlons nrlses from tho refnsal of the $7,000.000 toward the construction of bwBh entenain ni'nt by Sch Am -
postoffice, i n T u r k i s h cities where
«dl company swindler.
Turkish government to permit the of th«>se ships.
» “ •I»»-
'eric in dinlomats in order to «stab- today reversed the decision of the t j,e other powers may h ve like In-
The houso has ordered nn Inquiry lnsta"atlon of Italian postoffices
president ........
Mated his
1 ah road
a was district
court i w.
of Silver Bow county in sMIUUOns,
stitutlons. anu
and in use
like manner
..... I«.»,
uw.« f i . j i h' .. „
Into the paper trust nnd a commis­
on this point with unusual emphasis
h(1. d g,na.,v tn fhe the suit of Harrington against the met the Italian demands with regard
sion has been appointed.
. Navy Wanta
and suddenness today, upon learning
. .
“ “ *, , ;
f th Butte. Anaconda & Pacific Railway. to otf,er questions that have
6.000 Men.
rhlch had awarded damages for i n - |8ubjects of dispute,
Minister W'u Ting Fang says he
U . - Antic.-
* , ^ pVy'a1*-pnpor” S o v is le n ° f o r diplomatic and consular bill.
The ■y to a ^ child. Allow
K“ '* ing unattend-
had nothing to do with starting the pati
ting favorable action by congress
n#va, ,ncrpnao
Authorization of the t ^ upa' lon o f Dorchester house. Lon- children
^ in
J such places Is defined
Sheriff 9ued for Reward
boycott against American goods.
fii»» iinmiiHliliin
for 6000
TiOOO nddl-
nddi* uhlna
„ „ „ mudo, ),„«
on the
proposition for
ships was
but no money -----
cor­ don. by Ambassador Whltelaw Reid, I ’ as „ prima facie neglect, a now prin­
Spokane, April 21.— A novel suit
Superior Judge Cook, of San Fran­ donai men for tho nnvy, of whom rled to make the provision effective. and a similar display of wealth in ciple so far as Montana courts nre
Berlin by Ambassador Tower, were
cisco, has nsk«*d to bo excused from .suuu
3000 mny
Such » legislation
presiden* particularly emphnslzed In that con- concerned,
may be
>e obtained
umaineu prior
i>nui to
... July oinj.
g.s.a...... as this,
no., the
i «.«■ pi.siu.-u
7, , ,Y ’ , the
' matter having been for $12,000 from sheriff Shoemaker,
trying the California Safe Deposit 1, Instructions have been given to mnde known to his numerous con- neotion
of Helena, Mont., has been started by
t0 ,be ^urj
Detectives McPhee, Macdonald and
r.'sume recruiting, which was bus - gresslonal callers, was a travesty as
As ono moans of counteracting the
Briley of Spokane. These detectives
Admiral Evans Improving.
T. J. Ryan of San Francisco, testi­ pended some weeks ago at which to effectiveness as well as bearing efr" V o f thT ir” lirtentstVon It was
Paso Robles Hot Springs. C a l.,’ captured Ed Frankhauser and Chas.
fied that psrt of $500,000 used in time the full quota had been at- all the earmarks of legislative leg- \irged by many that America should
April 20.— The seventeenth day o f McDonald, who held up the Oriental
The department Is anxious erdetnaln Intended to make rldiee- own Its legation buildings.
the crookeil ferry deal, went to poli­ tnlned.
to take advantage of the willingness lous his campaign for the greater
The charge that Emperor William Rear-Admiral Robley D. Evans’ stay Limited train at Rondo, Mont., last
of young men to enlist, nnd the nd-t nnvy
based hIs ol)Jectlons to I)r H i l l as > t Paso Robles Hot Springs shows September, securing $40.000
Florida republicans held two acp- vorllsements will be through publt-
That the president's quick and Amh .ss.dor to Berlin soli Iv on t h a t i,he o)d warrior to be much im- robbers escaped from the Helena
«rat«, and rival conventions, each one oat|ons which reach available young vlgnrou
corons nctlon Is to ne effective ,9 1 gentleman's
lack ^ of f fortune
and It is _evident that
gentleman’s Inck
fortune was
was r«*-
. .. jail a few_ weeks ago; and^the detec-
electing delegates to the national men.
evidenced by the action o f Chairman peate.l by Longworth of Ohio.
He treatment at the big Kurhaus is ti es hold that Shevlff Shoemaker,
thus caused them to lose the
¡Hale, o f the senate nnvnl committee. m
I. str.»nir nlon for the ni'.lnten- proving successful.
Past Assistant
Assistant having
Id pa
□ emana? l « o o r Legislation.
ia announcing that at the proper nnce by tho government of suitable Surgeon P E. McDonald this morn- reward offered, should
pay It him-
Two more bodies have been dls-
made the following statement: self, and are suing him
Chicago, April 21.— At a meeting “ m* L*c will propose the $7,000.uOd legatlon building, at the various for-
ri.vered In the ruins of Chelsea,
elgn capitals
• "Adm iral Evans continues to gain
Mnss., making tho total deaths by ,«>f the Chicago Federation • f Labor amendment.
Favors Organic Union.
The diplomatic bill was passed ,,n- strength gradually.
He sleeps well
the fire 15.
¡today resolutions were passed pro-
Tuesday, April 21.
der suspension ot the rules. It car- and h*s appetite Is Improving,
Saratoga, N. Y., April 21.— The
A movement has begun to release tentI hk ngnlnst alleged hostllly nnd
Washington, April 2J.— Against a rled an aggregate of $3,520,283.
Troy conference of the Methodist
Harry K. Thaw from the insnne nay Indifference of congress to demands united democracy, which denied the
After having been ln continuous
Prepares for Cruise,
I Episcopal church adopted a memor-
l u m .
of workingmen
Included In the sincerity of the republican majority,
since .. April
Vallejo, vo...
Cal., IV,,...
April oo.—
20.— V.VO
ial to the general conference, re-
. , .
. ................
........ .........
.......... 8 by ----------
- to]
.VO lal
The second trial of . Irey L. r ord resolutions was a petition for Im- the house today, by a vote o f 184 to the process o f recessing from day to nr,d coal are being rushed aboard the questing that body to take some ac-
for bribery has begun In San Fran- mcdiate passage of the Wilson bill 110. passed Speaker Cannon's reso- ] ,jay. the house at 6:15 p, m.. ad- cruiser Albany, which arrived here tlon looking toward organic nnlon o f
•’ I**’®-
¡amending the Sherman anti-trust 1 utIon providing for an Investigation journed until 12 tomorrow, when this morning.
The vessel will sail the Methodist Episcopal, Free Meth-
A Los Angeles woman has slept law and o f th«1 I’ ere bill limiting t h e 'o f tho paper trust and, in pursuance j eulogies will be delivered on the at u o ’clock Mon«1ay for Central odist, Wesleyan Methodist and other
for 75 days and shows no sign of powers of the courts
to Issue tnjune- of Its provisions, the speaker an-j|nte Representative George Smith of
America. Th? refrigerator ship Gla-
Methodist bodies. The conference de­
tlons In labor disputes.
nounced as the committee of six who Illinois.
'rier sailed today for southern waters elded to take no action on a memor-
----------------------------------- --------- — ito rejoin the fleet with nearly $30,- ial asking that the paragraph forbld-
A Jury hns been secured to try
Fundt for Draining Swamps.
Violated Pure Food Law.
¡000 worch of provisions to be dis- ding dancing, card-plavlng and thea-
Honor Grart's Memory
Banker J. Thorburn Ross, nnd the
Wnshlngton, April 23— The senate'
Washington. April 22.— As a re- tributed among the various ships o f ter-golng be stricken from the book
New York. April 21.— Commemor-
trial has begun.
*» iznioe
nhtroo tun» n ia ....... —
----- ------
K.nve further consl c I ohi tIon to the a (i 11 of the first convention under the
> irglnla and
Mryan den lea the «n « r a e thnt ho is b|rfh of 0rnprn|
Ornnt, a mem- bill devoting: about $!>,<>00.000 re- pure food nnd drugs law, N. H a rp e r,» Maryland will sail tomorrow fo r i
Disarming M o re«.
.' i Intoernt nn.t sav's ms views ar |o r jn| HPrv|co was h«dd tonight In , cel veil from the sale o f public lands president of the Washington Cham- Bremerton.
| Manila, April 2t.— Detachments of
n i hanged by wen
'Metropolitan temple, at which 8ec-,ln Alabama, Arkansas, Florida. Jill- her of Commerce, a drug manufac-
the .Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth for Anscnrte*.
Infantry, with the constabulary and
BiiMstnn troops who were sent In^rotnry of W r r Taft, Andrew Carne-|nols, Indiana, towa, I.oulslana. Mlrh- turer, and one of the best known
punish brigands on the Persian fr o n - ,K|0 nnd ex-Secretnry of tho Treasury \ Ignn. Minnesota,, Mis- business men of this city, was today
Washington, April 20.— To gratify armed launches assisting, nnder com-
tier are surrounded nnd cut off from ( i.onllo M. Shaw mnde nddresses, and sourl, Ohio nnd Wisconsin, to the sentenced by Judge ________
Kimball In the ¡the wishes of the people of Anaeortes mnnd o f Major Finley, are engaged
all lv-'.p
¡Grant. Post of tho O. A. R. presented | construction o f drainage works In police court to pay a fine of $500 on Wash., who will be unable to see any |n disarming the Moros on Basllan
Both political parties In congress‘ n nntlonal flng to the church. This ¡those states.
¡one count nnd $200 .>n another count of *he Atlantic fleet while In Puget island.
The troops are distributed
nro disposed to ascertain Just who Is the church nt which Oeneral Grant
During the day the naval nnd as- of the Indictment recently returned Sound, the navy department has de- around the coast co-operating In a
wns to blntne for the financial panic during his residence ln this city at-Irlcnltural appropriation bills were against him for manufacturing and .elded to send two cruisers to that series of closing-ln movements and
¡selling a mislabeled compound.
I port for two days’ stay.
'reported to tho senate.
tended worship.
seizing all arms.
of List fall.