Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, May 01, 1908, Image 1

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OurDuty: To Publish All the News That's Fit to Print--Your Duly: To Support the Home Paper at $i.50 a Year.
VOL. 111 .-NO. 25.
D ew ey Sank the Spanish Fleet 10 Years A go Today
> t r p pi vel l i .
Watch our «moke!
Hot ax coke!
Aa we liven up tke people of Crook county.
grow !
Don’t you know
Our fair town and paper need only your bounty?
Mt. Hood Road Magnates D E S E R T YIELD S UP Rejuvenated Chronicle Is
Visit Laidlaw; Trolley
Warmly Welcomed
Men at Prineville.
By the
------------ ------ - —
H O W E L L BUTTES stage station, 18 miles east-northeast o f Laid-
law, is exultant over finding an ample supply of excellent ar­
tesian water at a depth o f .'iCO teet The strike was'made about a
HESS comment on th** at »rear- u»rnti.l John A. ><*abury. with J l«r**t*c ;* hu
I bury*«« «wielai# Mfor. If U p * inil!;il
week ago-
ance and n atty TliAKPUp of ninirrlh« iu;W
Unn ludkatur wh
Elmer Niswonger lives on the place and maintains the station; the r e j u v e n a t e d
stisn«isss » « * * ■ • . for u> » prettya«
* .perilled pup. Keep It up. I.roth* r st-ubnr>.
hence the new water supply will he o f mere 'direct benefit to him «h ic h first
issued forth two week?
1.r0, 1. in. „ , _ rtt(.
and to the traveiing public than io the stay-at-homes and people ago today war general throughout hbduiitfA bi. d
lu « nrw
I to
living adjacent to but a few miles awatf from the spot- Th? chief the state with the exception of coluVN. lu r . i 'h t i , matte» i* crUp ana iicw>>
people o ver ther«* In the Ijtidlaw
cause for exultation lies in the fact that water abound* in the des­ 1 Crook county, in which all the country w ill be hard to ple»*-c in< 1 c«‘ ,'l if this
«••ti* factory. 'Ill-* geiuffad coafttriuaif
ert at a reachable depth beneath the surface.
C hronicle’s « x r hnnp-'— -vith the o i* f not
opinion aeenm to be that any printer can
It has been known for many moon? that'good water exists only noteworthy excep t:«:; of ihe M A D ­ e 1 ii u w eekly paper. Tivi* opinion in erronrou»
a few feet down in the thousands o f dry lake beds and river bot­ R A S I'lO X K E K — refrained from and ur#« never proven more clearly than by
the ufM'i-date p*|>< r aboye referred to.
toms o f central Oregon, but it haa always been a dubious theory as ¡broth erly words either through
Ma Iran l*ion eef—The
Laidlaw Chronicle
to whether or not usable water could be Upped elsewhere in this jf 'i l l o i l h V o r t o o m u *b h e a v y l a b o r made it» • n * ’» r«uc«* l« » t week in a new and
attractive dress. ap|»earitig as a aix col
seemingly barren region, withal 30 very fe r tile under the magic . m e n t . t \ h e p r i . m . t r y e l . e c t . i o n r♦ . u r u n . very
nm n quarto with a tw o page insert, * ix page»
touch of v/ater. This theory, heretofore debatable, now seems set­ I t W a s v e r v a m u c i n p . i l l this con- Of whi* b were home p .in t. Th- name plate
and »««in« of tS * »»h ertiactnenu were printed -
tled in the affirmative, for all time and to the lasting glory and * i w i i o n . lo note t, #e eud.ten
*pruc- U|
Ilv|||| tt lolu.h nf
tn lhe nc* ^
benefit o f the Oregon inland empire
l i n j i U il of
n e a i h y C O M * mpor»irie£f tunic. The roluuit!.« were filled with liv e byenl
n u o n V I P I t.*
aA.Hn aud bright p ertin en t« omiuent, and fto»?
Already there is much decisive talk by other desert homesteaders ,a L i o T lh
e C H R O N IC L E . m*n..gc- p. per^ . w, conJ ^ l:oil. Work „ rTery
o f drilling for water, an ! then reaping tha potential dollars now nielli beg« to thank its more dlh- psrtiucnt. Mr. St**lmr., the w . *llli>r «u-1
lying dormant in the soil.
tnnt exchange« for their words of « • « «». a
^ w i th. «rwa
V E N TS o f th • pant ten day«
A indicate l-uitiluw, Bend, Sin­
ters and Redmond may gvt a
railroad much sooner than is now
expected by the patient but al-
• f i t desi nirmir residents o f these
town« o f the irrigation b elt
Whether it will be steam or
electric, or both, is a mooted
question: but a question, nevur-
th»'le«s, imbioixsl by desire, for
either kind will do
at the latter |«>int a: d supplying
the coal for rt*duci"g Ashwood
The concern will be known as
the Portland construction comp­
any, which filed articles o f incor­
poration with the county clerk
at Portland, stating that ’ he cap­
ital o f the new firm was #500,(HO-
l)r Keeney is president of the
new concern, and Mr. Maaon,
now vice-president of the Con­
i’hc visit to La id law Monday of struction & Engineering comp­
this week o f two astute and pr •&- any of I’ortland, is on« o f the
perous looking gentlemen who other officials
veiled the r busine « under the
**">are not in a position to di­
shadowy observation that they vulge our plans,” said Dr. K*en-
were merely "looking over the cy, “ but we will be able to give
country." but who in reality are the public information as to what
isc provt-ineut he ha« made in the appearance
.laudation* and herewith
repro of the Chronicle, which re lie d » credU upon
believed with little ground (or w e propose to do w ithin a short
t *
i ,
him. and upon the (.'immunity iu whiehUi*
duces what borne of th**m said.
* pubxiaheU. r
contradiction to be agents or time Further than that I do not
Sherman County obrervt t ~- Cat« law now ha»-
officers o f the projected Mt care to say anything ’ ’
an op u> date i.eway ii«-w .p t
T t
IP o J railroad fron P o rt’and to
C bruit ir k U in Of* Land» o f* pracUc^ii print-
The company has made filings
Salt Ia«ke. forms the baii" for the for water power at a point just
I Ms Ih rtir Gaxrite—I h s
L a i d '« « rhrnnlele
jirgument* o f thejsteam road ml- below government reclamation
hsa K liaus.ii hands, w P. M>rrs ha- relm-
PnrlbK the pa.I week numbers nf the ta b i-
vocat»*«; the visit to the county service filings in the Deschutes
Try Thorp's Werh Notiri«hiuetit free | C. W Allen can e in from hi*ranch ,,alshed c a itro l aud hcnevh.rtb lhe papt-r n il) law social rio b hate bestirred them selves on
seat a few days ago o f other river: The proposed dam will be at City Barber Shop for next 30 day* | Monday afternoon.
the Jsrdia -In Witt.- uniti n . .» the m erry hum
Florence K St-ehury, iete o l C a lifo rn ia .
of the tennis ball, aud the kisaia« tmac k of th-.
Portland capitalists who openly 100 feet higher than the dam
Bert Miller line been fixing npG.W.
O rstt Valley Journal—snhu A. .-anbury, the cr.siiiet bails, is an actuality
Ted Sucker
IVdeiU.-iiiti» Rnnuail. *md Mcrc<l:tli
interviewed business men a'>cnt
| new editor lu c-harue o f the Daldlai» Chronicle
leveled otf the pared - ground with a 4 -hnr.o
designated by the government’s wniked up fwm d in e Fulls Bund-.iy Horner'« «tore this weult.
liss made a b i« Im proveiacut la the lo o k , of drag. J.C . Ttiliar ehaneed the course o f the
the proposition o f an electric engineers when irrigation from
■Mr. and Mr., tierking and Miss Fnv III it paper by en la rg in ; and furaishi 11« an e x ­ smalt lateral and Ed W itte an.l Itarry Smith
line, comprises the shilleleh of this stream was under considera­
tra lar.-e amount 01 lutnesliu-« read in « mat- | boachi d their eouncie, on tne huraaux-ks.
(Jerking Went to Bend Monday.
Hsttoii W:i»b j lfu«tl^r A.Z. ( ns*-
the "w ire pullers " Both are tion- The country over which
James R. Bi-nliam goes to Brine-
has traded hi« irrigateti lami nt
tangibL* projects- •
, T c of i.Htdl»w . Oregon. * »• uuder ' " T
rhr,‘ '■ • ’ Start ^ your subscription
this week.
tit*- " mniiiigp*
the electric road will run is simi­ law, Ore., fora bouse and
verni lots I v**le 08
io alami a week.
t '
‘ “
The mysterious gentlemen who lar to the region between Shani­ I ill Kablotus.
Miss MäTgaret Obisholin is talking
visited Iuiidlaw and inspected ko and I’rineville, and while some
K B. Mlltcig of Bend yesterday «».id of returning to Tacoina or Seattle soi-n
this campus as the probably site o f the grades to be encountered •40 acres of bis ltJO-acre r.tneb north of
Mr. and Mr». J. C. Tullar and son
for a division jioint, yards mid are objectionable for a steam Laidlaw oil tim Descliute« for a gw vjly
Kranklm drove out tu their ranch this
roundhouse, liecause o f its cen­ road, it is said an electric line consideration.
i thorn in(
tral location, level ground and « ill have no trouble overcoming
Tbe West brothers, owner« of t bo ;
Miss Ruby Koehenderfer was in for
abundant water;
traveled by the difficulties. The road w ill studhorse Renown, were laitb it|< from
the Cn'i-tiau Knde.ivor « last
automobile from Silver Lake avoid the heaviest grades by fol­ Lower Budge this week, one Muiniuv .
. ,
' Saturdiiy.
north- They were seen a week lowing a course descrioing an , and the o ’ her ttalay.
Dr. M .V. Turley of Ben.l was a
VV“ l,,r Koclwn.lerfrr left Monday
previous at Shaniko by W P- c!ongated letter “ S ” Enormous
Myers and F. V. Swisher as they !>ower can be developed from professional caller in this metropolis ^” r " atsbutg, Mash., from whence
•s l” ,k »i''.
entered “ the forbidden land” of the John Day and Deschutes riv­ yestwrday, anti nniimg other things
Dr C XV. Bair mid hi« eight com-
Harrimun, H ill et al- by the same ers. The elevation around Con­ ! took tiic editor's pulse.
Silver Lake Central Oregi-nian: putriotnlmve retiirm-d to Astoria from
gasolinouR means o f locomotion don, ’ he northern teim iral, is
So, rah! for the iron horse and about 2,000 feet above sea level, | Freighter S. Strauhe arrived in Silv«r their Lake county expedition
the steam whistle which means and in the Laid'aw country the Lake yesterday with a 0-horse load of
F. V.owi«her brought in two loads
freight for S. A. la tter.
wood tile end of the week, one for
civilization and commerce.
altitudes are but 900 feet higher.
teoeiver’* office and one for the
Ur. H. J- Keeney, George C
dw trrt.
Mason and Mark W. Giil, Port­
ver Lake the last of the week en route
land business men and promoters
Howanl \V. King had his tisithache
flout Lakeview to Bend on husine.a.
repaired at Bend Saturday, besides
o f the proposed electric railway
R H . Bayley, w ife and daughter transi cling ot her business in Liidlaw’s
from Condon to Prineville and
were in town today, pribr lo the eom- ! husky sulmrh in company with W. D.
Pond, are the electric road capi­
C. C. Bennett, while crossing the I missioner’s departure for Prineville to j Barnes.
talists who visited Prineville
1 attend the session of tins count v coin f i
In explaining their project to Deschutes on the footbridge t'» Mid­ litXt week
Rev. (». A. M. Lilly of nine Falls
1 led the oiMMling of ill« IVmlletmi prtss-
business men these gentlemen dle Picket island Tuesday morn­
Mrs. Ella Jl. Ives was a caller at the .
, ,
, .
. .
bylcry hi Mom last week. A iiuniber
said that if their present plans ing, fell into the liver and was ¡Chronicle
otlioe this week, and I-ought , , ,
. ,
, , ,
. of Indian delegates attended the con-
are marked out they will con­
36 extra copies to send oast, That
1 ventimi.
the wagon
struct their electric line by Hay current to tieyond
real boosting for a real town and a
Cre°k to Prineville and then to
Tom llyan, a wealthy enti 'email
real paper.
laidlaw , with
branches from witnessed the mishap, and ran to
Silver Lake Central Oregonian; Mrs fiend, sccninpanieU' by hie. family,
this place to Bend, the Howard the youngsleiV assistance the min­ Emilia I). Wilson of Bend was in Sil­ came to Laidluw Saturday to n.cbi
mines and Ashwood Regarding ute he toppled into the water. The ver Lake this week to serve as u wit Mi«» Fay Baldwin tin liar return from
this enterprise the
Portland rescue wa* made in the nick of ness in a timber proof made by Mr«. the nortli. The entire party stayed
time, and a Carnegie medal is due. M. C. Keene, of Narrows, Harney over for the ice cream social.
Journal says;
Jim Harter and Waller Kochcnder-
An electric railway company
Official primary election returns icr started with a big rig for tSnan ko
organized by Portland and Seat­
Iron» T il* Dalles in the contest for Wednesday, to furni.-li transportation
tle men w ill build a line from
! prosecuting attorney nf tliu Sev. nth from the railroad terminal to Luidlaw
Condon to Laid law, crossing the
Small laterals and water wells
John Day river and securing about here wer- troien over half an 1 judicial district imvc W. P. Myers of b r Jess H«rier, wife and baby, wno
fat id law R * , and F. W. Wilson of The aa-ireturumg from tq-okuie. Wash.
power from that stream, also inch thick last Saturday morning.
Dalles 1.J57 votes in \\ asco county. [ Timl-sr claims, disci t eutrirs and
erecting a dam ‘200 feet high in
J. K. Gibson is putting in fully 30O| 1 1 -«meatcads, to be legal, should be
the Deschutes river and develop
acre« of wb«at,.2tJ0'ohit alreudp sown Ayeovcd up by puolication in the n-wa-
ing power. They propose to tap
Ed. Whit* has-240/acr*s> Bw the M in e! paper nearest the location ol the land,
a coal field near Madras and serve
Paine Humor ( o l lu some uioru o f bar Abe staple, and John C'. 8Mlkr Bar a nstwed I Laidlaw is the nearest tow u to muny
the Oregon K in g gold mine con­ work this w n k wncu t report gslned crudencs
crop of 125acrm it> whsaf,oai*i«tac«r, of these olaims, and tho Laidlaw
trolled by Jack Edwards near ih a t the S q ii.w crock ditch «m t hnsdgate hud timothy and alfalfa. X. C. Thorp has j Cbroutcle is the paper to print your
been dynamited. So It hss. but the d cv U try
Ashwood, constructing a txntltcr (rs e s rire d l wo years- s$c.
la acres seeded tc wheat.
j notice cf publication in.
Actually Play Tennis.
‘Corner Store’
Scatched From River.
I Proprietor, a
In the Lap of Spring.
Just Hear of Deviltry.
*9 * *