V T l 'M - f t ie »«. .V * K K .M I RUMIOME LKTTKK IÍE N S J. M. Lawrence,o( Kosclxirg, forim-r- lv ol Bend, arrived in Bend Tucmlii) X tivonilw r lì». P.HXV uiglii to I»* here sevvi¡kl d*v* on hiisi- " e arc looking lo r»»n l with pie*»- ,„.M While lien' he is the guest of ure to the eeiiei of article* by Mr. i ^ y| l»ri*ke. Xiehole, et*|>eciiilly ’ hot p»)t dealing , Win, O lh n l-^f Tweowin. Wa»hilig- with hi» experience« »ml connection j UM1> W1U j , , y , n j o l l | „e.aiiy, trai.i- K n lin iin d , O i i f n n , with M»rcu* \\ hitnmn. Some yeai* acting bunim-s*. Mr. «»limn is inter- ngo we h»«l the ple*»ure ol rending ii|> | ¡rriK„i„| Umle in the 1». ! on Marcue Whitman ami hie connec- | A p. am| Columbia Hmitfieru aegrv- ' tion with tlie Oregon country ami hi* i gntkmt nml sec* a bright iulnre lor j influence in saving u to the United j ww,tern t'rook comity. State*. We nuule it the eui.ject of a Mike Morrnton left ewily in the week j eerie* of talk* in the high aclioo) at j |(>r Sliamko to meet hie wife, who for 1 Sutton, Nebraska, where we were work- | ,* Veral month* has Iwen confin'd to! inn at that time. The |Hi|>ile, fam, L hnepiul in Portland, eeemeil to tin»! tlie aubjeet very inter- , Mine Lisa Woods, wlm lia* la'en a i -THE WININEK GOMPANY- -INCORPORATED- DRUGS, FURNITURE and HOUSE FURNISHINGS And Dealers of Edison Phonographs and Records. ----- Prinevllle. Oregon. ----- W e have just received a complete line of up-to-date, strictly first class JBW ELBRY. Comprising the only complete stock in C E N T R A L OREGON, consisting ; in part, of watch cases in Solid Gold, Boss, Crown and Orescent filled twenty eetinp. ! guest of Mr*. Drake for several week*, and twenty-five year guarantee, sizes 0 - 1 2 - 1 6 and 18. By the way, what a atihjei t \ \ hitman j returned to l‘>>rtlaml on Momlay*. nml hi* work would make f..r a Fourth , K. 1>. Wickham was in Kediuond The celebrateb Elgin and W altham movements in all sizes and qualities •>f July oration. It »h>e» not leml it- ; Momlay and Tuesday on Imsinee*. Ladies' Neck chains, W atch chains. Guards, Bracelets, Stickpins, Lockets, *eff so readily to the spread eagle style | Dr. U. O. Coe was called to Hister* W aist sets, Belt buckels, Hat pins, Charm?. Crosses and Brooches. o< oraloiv, Imt t»ir patriotic lesson* ; |.,sj week to attend Mi»* Cyrus, who A large assortment of rings, in solid 14K gold and 14K roll plate either could rot lie excelled. is sutTcring from typhoid fever. Another sixty feet of six-inch hole l>. McMillan and wife left la*t week . plain or set with genuine stones, at values ranging from $2 50 to $35.00 has been poui.ded into the earth here for Nevada where they ex^iect to make in an endeavor to find water. One their future home. hundred fifty feet ol casing down E F. Hatton re tiirm il from Port- prevents any more ca\ing in. Anoth : lami Saturday. er lii«* construction ciew h a * *:• *t a* Mr. A. Khret has returned to hi* far as the Atkinson place, alioiit fifteen I i o i i i c in Newtierjf, .»iter an cxten»le»l; miles up the river. The work has lai'ii visit with his hoy* here. ! delayed somewhat hy the heavy snow We note that John Clay is luck j up there. »vain from the Yakima country and G e iitle in e ira W a tc h C lm iiH i i S in g le , IK m blp, R o p e, D ick en s an d F ob . E y e G la ss C lin in s an d pins. C u ff L in k s , B u tton s, an d S tic k P in s. K in b lim a tic b u tto n s. P in s a n d b roo ch f‘s. A C O M PK TAN T W O R K M AN AND E N G R AVE R . A L L R E P A I R S G l A R A N T E K I). t U T* N M l It T . M »R P C B I.IC A T IO N l ■ U u l U S ». I t . l H I H O r .fv s Ausasi 1*0'' Notte# I# t#r#hy f i t # « Hist %• rwHtRlUa«'« «U h tb# p ro ti.fi ll, o f Ih* « i l «>f t'onfn-M # f iu uw J. 1ST«, t utili« 4 •« t fur It«. M l. o f ¡ 11 uih .i liliito lu lb . Míale# o f I ’.Ilfortd a. 09 *’ j full. N w sda #n«l Washing toil T#9f lt«»4f #*' •• I .• I.U 4 .4 iw #11 I h. fühlt« 1 and Mi a I »a l»y « « I uf A #guul A U f i . it i t i fnUnwihtf n «m * «l p»#r*t»n» Um t* un All* »UM I fiIw^l ih IUI# «»liier U m tr • «• • fi» ululi' in»*ut», to * II: J a m b L Mi tttfV. t»| II«*n«l, rtM iuu t»l l'M h il, Mal# «il (»r e g o li. ■ w orn »In fo ltito li N»a tMtll, l«if Iti# p ii» e Uhm* ol M v llu n I I n H i I o f se»’ Huit Ih, 1 ota iialily» Ih N . Ilaoift' Id K . W M K m m i ut m M u n i t . o f Menti. #ohnlT n i f'ru«>|. Hutu o f O regon . kw««rn ftlulinuenl N o ** '* for th r pureha*i* o f t tir N ‘ g N K V «I n*t N W ^ t t R Ig o f aft ItnN Hi, I «•«% t• «I » !I» Ih N . Itungt» IO ► , \\ M litu i lhr> W ill f lie r |*n»..fw |«> ahovt 11«« t tIII* U n d « ««Might urv »»••»# « hl il u hit' fo r t hi* lim b e r or atone iherttin thuii lor itvrlen llu ru l |»nr|*«*»«••«. ••ml it» # « i« l» ll» h U trir e liih u « t«» «uni U n d « U 'f re II. I ' I* III», I M. r o m Ml i#» lo n e r. Ill blu «tfMee III Item i. O iegtitt. on N'.»venib««r 11, ItMN. *lhey num e the fo lh fw liig witnea»eu .Itilin N leld l, Me»t \V. I u «ln . il W. M elier«. A ltieri I ' l.lieu », I Ituinua T m et h iol John Il M f in iid y , Ol Henil, ttreuott A m ? «nti #11 p. rum. • «lalutlng • d » » » * . l» anf •r ih# al»«.#.' »harrllirtl ta «da ar# r#»|te-»i»*4 »«• Al. Ih. fr rialma ••• I*«'» . . •» «,r t>.for. IL# •uhi liti». «lu> t»f N o i em b er. l'M». MI» I IA R I. T n o I.A N . #»a. a>«l t>* ealatdlah hla claim !•» aaId land before It ( ’ Kflls, I II. CuiualwlMwt, at bla ffflie In fin d , <>rr|>a, working at the Johnson ranch j NOTJCK^OR PM JLICA'noN Neijrhfsir Khy i* clearing some laml j c g u m c^ , * , * • . i>n(oa> »H-u.is-r uih . e*«. for A. C. Me La I Ian. Notti*# f# ho rot» y | t v n that In rt»m pilarte# We tiuderttaiul that Mrs. C. M. Red- »I t h the provtaiona o f tb# art «»f t‘.»ngr«*u» * f Jut«* 3 t*?*, rut It ¡cd "A n art fr»a*la and Waahlttffon la rm e 4 M < «a ll o f HI •tara, «»rrgon #1 tended tu all the l ‘ ubilo Land State# b/ act N o n a : k i » k im h i . u A i m s N o n e n F on r i iti. i c a t i o n N o t h * V. Ki »H n iii . u a i i o n H arr ■«it» A Mels in. o f Mieterà, 7 | | . „ tl,,t in «»« « i» I la nee w||| th9 ,,r..tUi..»a ..f the a. t .«f «.ngr### « f with Ute the care of l>r. Coe. She had congee- thl# day filc «l in this o ffic e his .«worn «tu tc with th# |»n»alai«ma o f th«* a<-t ri o Tie |»r#?tal.irva |»r«vlabina uf «*f (he the a act «»f f ('«•ngvraa of I 0 4 the #6*»vw A n rlletl landa ar# re*|a« ated la June J. iu7a. .-«tnl.-d " A n act fur (h# aale i'*. Y*“ ’ * " ' ! " “ l Jun* J. J97M. ent:tl.«l %» art f..r the w ir f lion of the brain ar.d was threatened inent N o 3440. fo r the pun-l*Ms»* «»f the \V*t N\V*; Ja».«* .*2, 1 n ; m . cut It l«^l " A n act f . f th«* «ale ..f tlm»er ljr «l» In thr State» .»f t '* i:'..m ia. tire t Initier lauda lu the Míate# uf California. «>rv •U thelv rfnlma tn this uM e# an a# hefwee th « and N\V‘ 4SW l 4 o f S eetion N«>. 11, in l o w ns h ip tluilær lauda In the Mtatea ..f Calir«»rnla. •aM 1'Jtli dn> of Nuvt iiiU r , Ta». g«»a N«*va«ia an«l W**Mtigtnn T e rrito ry ," •• gun. Nevada an«! Washington 1 rrrltu/y .** aa g»ai. Nevada and Wa«hingti»«i T e rrlt»»ry ." •• with spinal meningiti*, her lite being No. It* S.. K a n e eN o . 10 E .. W. M.. Mu n « R i . I S u e t s . K t-gM cr ext*nd«*d to all the Tubile Land D iitra by a«.*l e « (»tid< d tu all the Tubile Land Mtaie# hf nei extend»-«! t,» an the Public land States by u t And w ill offer proof to show that th# land •*f August 4, 1802. of August 4. Idfti. • f August 4. I «Oft, despaired of for two or three days. •»uebt I# »o r # valuable for its timber «*r at*»n# E l l a N o r a it I't m , M r k î o N M U RI a «O L I». I At* MA M Pt’ LLKM, The protracted meetings being held thaa fur agricultural purp»##«. and to cataiiliaA Heatfle, co u n ty of K in g . H* r | c o f Timbar Laad, d e l Jan# ft 197ft hla claim to uald land t<#for# II. C Kills. t\ S. o f rh illip «b u ru . ro u n ty o f tira n ile . a la le t»f 1 of. Bdttd. Cmtiitv o f Crunk. Atate ««f O r e g o n .' o f here by Mr. G«sorge and Mr. J»»hnson t outmlaulouer. at hla ofBc# In D#nd, ortgm m , j Montana, ha» th i» «lay tiled in this u ftc e ht» luta fin » dny ill« <) iu Mil* *• ffl- her «u «»rn «la te W '••hlngltni. lia* th l« «lay filed In Hila nifi. • t N o i IC K E o H H H l.(C ATIO N m«* t N o . .".1/3. fo r the |"t r lix t r u f »h r E '| A W »4. bla awnrti ntaleiueUt Nt». h»V fo rth «- |«itrt*ha*i ; «w o rn »»atcnii-ü l N-. 3RJ. for the pu rrhaae o f ( are well attend'd, judging from Sun­ on the lJth. da y o f January, 1»)7. 0. ft. Land tufi*#. The tulhr«, Oregon. HÌNW* i and L i t 4, «>f A eetlon N««. :tj, m • •f the W l | N 9 » 4 ai.«1 \\ *,MU » 4 o f Met il .n Nt» .*4 »he K ^ S K 'a , SE*gS\V1 $ mid L«»t 4 o f S-*«-tlon s«> H e n a m e« a « w itncascs: A "gn *| /«III I-A» l llth lf» N .i 14« . tinnire N«i lu ► \ \ M lu T o w n »h lP No I « M hang«- Nt» B* K . to' >1 « day afterno«>n. 3t\ in Itiu u a h ip s o M S .Ratine So 11 >., w. ! E lm e r N i«w *uaer. o f Bend, Orerjon. Swflc# I# hereby g lem that In rempltane# And n lll <»ffer pmnf tu show ?t>at thè land And w ill offer pr.wf to above that the land And n lll offer pTus>f («. ahuw that the land I ('h a r lo t M W e ym «»u th ,o f Bend. Oreffon. Neighbor George Wood is reported ► ■ufht Is m«>r# valuable for Ita timber «.r «tone •nufht la a>**rc »tlu tM * f»r Ita tluiher «*r »tot«# •••ught la «nor# valuable fur It# timber or el<>ne • Uh lb# i«roviainua uf ibe art *»f ('««tigr.-aa « f John H. W cn an d y, o f B end. OrcROii. rh«n t e i egri cultural p»tr|«^ea. and tn eatabllah thaa fitf •gr|.*nl»«*al iurp.-#»a, a id tu eetaMlah J«e«# 3. halft m u l l e t •• \u a d for the aal. » t than for agricultural purp.«#«, and to eetahliah as haring bought two span of horses, A lb e r t ( ’ . L u ca «, o f B en d , O regon . Ma ' l*lm tu aal«t Un«! tiefurv li. <’ F illi 1‘ . M hla claim o» «aid Und before It <* Kills, t* M fl»tab#r fatid* la Ih# Mlatea uf < a Ufo# ids. Or#- hla claim t « said land bef«»re II. C KIIU. I". S. C Aunjlaaloner, *t hla o(B«-v In Itend. • »rrgon, CumaitMloutr, at hla uffiew In lWnd. «»rrg..a, gun. 1. *a«!a awl W aabiiif |..a T*-rrl»uey," a « Commissioner, at hla «.(fi. e In Bend, oregwtt. A n y an«! all prraons Halm in* adveraely any lately. • ■tendi d •«* all ih » Tubile f au«l Míale# by « r i o f the at>«»#r-tlc#rrlb#d landa ar# rmineat«*«! to o » the 10th. d a y o f January. ÜMI7 tul thè 1.1 li. day o f Junnary, TJC7. » t»ti the Ï2 th tiny *»f January, l!RiT • f Aagaa« 4. Is93. A new stage driver on tlie Prine- Cl«* tholr elalitia In this offlr# on or beforv tb# kit* ti h in«*» a « w II n e» i h » I le nam« » »• w ltpe»e«*a He n a m e» as w ttiicaac«: w I LI I ah V Hl* MT. ville— Cline Falls stage every few days »a id 12th. d a y o f January, 1W7. N irh o la » Sm ith, t»f N#tnl. « »regon. A rth u r T. iMMiuhilv, o f f.al«llR w , O regon. < h a rle » h<>y«l, o f R**ud. ort-gon. M IC H A E L T. N O L A N . R c p lu tr r . o f l.« ld la w , rttuuiy t»f (*r«*»k »»a*c f se n d , «»regon. is no new thing. Joe McClay tried 1-11 ha* th l» «la\ filed In ih l» ofUct- h l» »W tiin » I « • ■ i. h.r th e pur» hi«»«? < f f I»«* W J «ffe r »‘ *n VV B erry, **f H l»f# r*. O regon. the reins one dark night. It was the W illia m A lim it, t»f L a id i » * . O regon Timbre Land. A ct Juu# S, 28TS. A rthu r r . ro n o h u e , o f ijtl K *, t»f Mt.« i o , N o 21, lu lo w tM ln p N • Any and all persona Halrulnf advcraely any A ry sud all person« claiming adverarly * aoy Aay and all p*-r»otta claiming adveraely any j j j g B an ge ftn H» K . to. \|. NUT1CK FOK PL HLirATlON night the lamp was lost, but we do not o f the ab«iv»*-deaerib#d landa are r*-ju#«t«-d to *»f th*‘ llaiTr deacrllted landa are requeated t# • f the above d e erib e d landa a re re«jur#t»d I« c . ft. Laad o « r # , Th# iMUr#, u rrfoa. And n )U offe« pr«mf Io ah-iw that the l» .vd file their claims In this office oo or be fur w tb# flit thetr ria Ima in (bla office #• or he fere th# Cte their ««alma la thla ufllre un #r bvfore tht hold Joe responsible for that. auuRbt la mue# valuable for Ita 1 1 u*l*er or a*.>: « O ctoi er J-'ah , I**.. i.'fh «I»»y o i J itm ia r), 1WT. » • id lUth. d a y o f Janu ary, NW7. I /Hi. d a y o f January. I9u7. Iban fu# agrUahural t*«tr|«.wea. a> 4 I«* eal.ald *b Joe Murphy, of Prineville, is now Nottc# I# hereby flv c a that la compliance 1 M IC H A E L T. N O L A N , K e g U ic r. M IC H A E L T. N o l.A N . I(« g l » i r r M i c h a e l T. N u l a s . ICe-ixtcr h'a claim ».« a#ld la».«I »efure II ( ’ Filia, t 8 with the pro#l#a. with the 1). I. A P. people. His olfi- June J, IMTM, ratified "A n act for th# • • ¡ • o f timber land# in the State# o f California. Ore- j on the lith «1«> of N ttvem lier. IWx*. cial designation wa* given to the re- fo n . Nevada and Washington Territory.** a# II« bnua« • aa w iiu «a * c » N O T IC K F«»K 1’1 'H LIC A TIO N to a ll the Public Land State# by act i jmrier as official stenographer to the extended E r«n h F (la v im i. o f L a id la w , O regon. • f August i . IMS. i hr a r t s t a t «»r t h / i STRRtnn, AM b n f I* Ib .tioh n e, o f L a id la w . Oreg«»n cashier. HlKH FTtt VCHTESirHT. i h p rle « H-.yd, «if ll«*n«l, O re g o l«. leniti f »flii-r nt I ht- liait* h, nifi,* in. r s Ttl OROLQKBBhD The latest lumber hauler is Bert o f L a id la w , cou n ty o f C rook. * U i e o f O regon, (¿e-.rge W r .iiie h . o f I a ld ia w (ife g »»n . h a « thi.« da y filed iu this o lfice hi# sw o rn state N o tie r I . I i . t . 1.) s i t , i. l l i . l J' I I * M i K i i 'i t i i Any and all prraona • -lalialng adveraely a*»y DeLarinur, who is having a house incut No. 35*#?, fo r the purchase <>f I>»ts* J an nf N o n tuber, 19*». And w ill offer proof to show that the land Contractor O. H. Long has charge of W. J. BUCKLEY. M i r . MK II VEL I N O I.A N . K r g la U r H om estead E n try N«» l l ’-M» in ad# June 12, •ought I# «x>re valuable for It# timber or «ton# > 7 11 ' ' r a o , n.r I lie M*y¿» E1# R’»«l N ' , * E »4 o l ht-elinll 9. the work. than for agricultural purp-.*«-#, and to establish lo w u a h lp L» 8 KaitR«* TJ E. U . M claim to acid land before II. C Kills. I ’ . I . Mr. Hennemer and family, late of hla For Salt Tlirou^l. Passcnscr, Kxp>r.-*s and Fart Commissioner, at hla office la Bend, (>r#goa, A u d Ihm »a id pr*n«f w ill b * load# h e fo ie Freijilit srrv:cf frulli Slianiku by way of II i ’ E in ». * . H. t*«»n in il»«lo it# r, a l h i» olii* lu Pomeroy. Washington, arc living on the on the loth d a y o f January. l'Jt/7. Vonr Choice now for 75ccats. Tln »l»# r L a m i, A r i Jutit* 3. I*7M, l i e nam es as w itn esses: Iaiiionla, Forest and Kefiuond, to lien «!, (ire g n u , «»u (h r l i l i » , «*•) o f llm - u iln 'i, Iverson place. W e did not learn the lf.d. N O U C K F o k n iiL lL ’ A T lO N . A lb e r t C . Lu c »«. o f Bend. O regon , ÌLa>dlsw. jtarticulars, whether for the winter, c h a u n e c y P. B ecker, o f Ijtid la w , oreg*to(tice, Redmond ; fSl.aiiiko generally does. II 9 g n »( I, li*.»-/, llo u l, Miamko A M E R IC A N C E N T R A L W i i l i a m U B arm rs , Post master C. N. Ehret carries a o f l.a lA liiw , com itY «»f Crottk, 8t«t«« o f Orrtfott, IN S U R A N C E C O M PA N Y badly burner! hand. It lurks as though I hn* Ih f» «luy fil» «1 In t lil» o lfir r h i» »w o rn »tut«- j m en i \«* f«»r th r |»iirrhn»«« »»f Ih«* H W 4 o f he might have been trying to mix hot St Loui*, Mo., April 24, l.*)6. Í th r N E*4 o f S r r ilo n No, !•*, Ili T o w ita h ip No. 17 asphaltum and gasoline. It is only a M. HMOtfr N o. Il E . W . M . To Our Atr^nts and Policy Holder*: ! A n d w ill «»Ifrr p ro o f (•» »h o w flint th r )nn«l guess, however, and must !>e taken for W e have telegraphic advice »«• i ir I ii I» mori- VMlnnhlr f«»r lt » tlin l»r r o r »ton i» what it is worth. thMii ho a f rluuM ora i pnrpn»«-», « n « l to rata M I» li | from tlie managers of otir Pacific hla r i al in lt» »a lti lum i 'trfor# Il t*. EMI», r B. Neighbor O. H. Long's family is e x - , cm inlH»ionrr, al h i» (»file r in B ru «), o r t R o o , oí» tío- I Hi «I •> o f Jam iu rv. 1977. pected back this week. j Me8 f)j ^ nierjcan Central Insurance H r n'«ni- » a» w ilii(* »o » Neighbor Hensley now has bis wind j I C Company o m p a n y b by v t the h e conflagration g r a tio o w llid l J«y»»r 04*t»Fkfif, nf L a ld litw , Ori C<» i i . mill on the tower ami claim* to have chnrl'-a w, A ilrn , • • f L k H U w . Orrir«»n V.“* ? I visit ad Sin Francisco at rrank k . i»»«> tn. fifteen barrels of water. It looks as Tii«' 0 «li tv HtM*kt-r o f l.nlil'.RW, Ori won F IV E H U N D R E D though, with the amount of wind we Alt y nnd all |H*r«oii» c ln lin lu g H t lv r r v ly f h r h I i M r «1r»crihc»l lundi» urr rr«|tiri>l< «I lo Ili«« T H O U S A N D D O LLAR S. have been having lately, he ought to When near our store step in and examine these goods, rest in our easy chairs, and listen to the wonderful Edison Phonograph. r r S I Laidlaw Express & TRANSPORTATION CO. BLACK LANGSHAN Cockerels E. e. P A R K , Redmond, Ore. WE SELL FOR GASH That’s Why We Sell So L O O K 7\T_ TH ESE P R IC E S have more than that. Yours Truly had four barrels, the other day, and the wind had not been blowing at all. Nine buyers are reported at lieing in the past week. We did not learn names and addresses. If any one who runs over these notes ha* any suggestion* as to how they may lie made more readable to the general public, the suggestions will be gladly received by Yours truly, The obligations of tlie Company in the Han Francisco disaster will lie: promptly met. After paying the ettimated losses, the Company’s financial standing will he as follows: Cash Capital, 11,000,0110.00 Surplus to Policy Holders 1,048,031.00 Assets, — - 3, 822,031.00 Hound indemnity should be the first consideration of tlie ]>eople, and E. C. Park. financial strength is dependent upon I adequate rate*. The remaining re- j TIXALO NEWS sources of the Company justify the j We have been having some fine con fidance of our policy holders, t he ’ showers of late, which is good on fall public, and the continued good faith' and support of our agents. W e urge; grain. J. M. Patton was here several days our representatives to push for good | business. this week attending to business. Faithfully yours, Win. Baker returned home ftom the Geo. T. Cram, Dorrance Bros, taw-mill where he hat President. been employed, lie it now working It fmy« to intm r in a company like at tb* Hightower-Smith Co. mill. I E. W i mer and Charles Hpaugh the above as in coee of fire your losses made a trip to the Haystack country “t1» adi*i»t«id at once and without long last week after seed grain. «nt! expensive litigation. W e arc Si Perkens left a few days ago for »gent for the Amerior n Centra! Co .Klamath r a il» where he exj^cts t o ' «'id »olioit your insurance. W . P. •yeud the winter, * j Myers, at tbe Chronicle Ottic*. Then Gome and be Conv High Grade H ard Wheat Flou r - W H IT E R O S E o r G O L D G R O W N $1.50 SPECIAL foruNOVEMBER: R oyal Club Syrup 1*2 gat. SOetSf Iga l.9 5 ets. 9 Gans Gorn S 1.00 . IU Pounds D ry Granulated Sugar $ L OO 8 Bars Fairbanks Soap 25cts. We save you 20 to 25 per cent on CLOTHING, DRY GOODS and SHOES. EHRET BROS. The Largest and most Progressive Store in western Crook county. R E D M O N D , OREGON. t h r ir r i In i» in fh l» o lfir r ini o r l»rf«»rr »u lti i' BMh. »lay of January tR»7 M m m a r i . T Nui. a m , K i'iil»t« r. il '» TtaUwr f^r»d. Art Juna ft 1979. «* k p i i ii . i c a i io n 0. f t Land Oftr#, TU# I lai Ira. Oregon. lÿep trM h rr 1 l i l i . . mutt. N«*tlr# ta hrrrhy fflw n that In r?»mpllanr# i with tU# provlahma «if th# art Tonfn-aa o f > Juur 3, 1979, m tltlr d "A n art for Ih«* ani# « f I flrnfor laiote In th# KtaM-a «*f Cnllfornla, Or#- ! fon. N#vada and Waahlnfton Tt-rrllory,’ * •• I axtrndrd tu ai) ih# Tubile Land E tat#« l»y a d j o f Aafuat 4, 1993, Li H Mi RT T. Bu h r , J o f T in n alo , co u n ty o f Lronk. Htato o f O reg o n , I un» th is day flit d in l lil» « ffir«« h l» - u «»rn »fa ir - ¡ D i«nt No. 3229, fo r the pu relia h © o f th# N \V*4, o f S r rtlo n No. «M, In T n w ilr lllp N o. 16 H.. Bnnifu * No. 10 K . W. M And w ill offer prrw>f to show that th# land aongtit la more vatuahl# for Its timber o r »ton# than for nfrlriiltural pnrpoara. and tn #»t*M I»U hla rlattf. to aald land I»#f*»re II. (* Kills. (7. H. i Cotnmfaalonrr, at hla ofllra In Band, Orrgon. n o t ic e f on th# 12th. day o f Janilury, H r n a in e» a » wltnifM ca: JamcN A. Mr<’*«II, o f S L tc r ». O regon I l a r r la«»i» A. M e lv in , o f H I»t»T*, O regon . K o h rrt A. T »«*tf , o f T u n r ilo , O regon . John II. E d w a rd », o f Tu m ulo. O regon Any anti all p#r»»uii »-»aiming adrrrnrly any • f fh# ahnv# d«’»«--rlhril lanil» ar# rroiD •* «1 to •I# fh- •Ir r»it,*>«« •** fh«» • e n«f o r hrf.>r# th#» an Id 121 h. ol JAtiunry, T.HYT M I 'H a k i . T N oi » s . K r s l.'s r . It • PR O VE IP Tour Homestead or Desert Land b e f o r e I I . C. EHis, U.H. Commissioner at Bend. W e wifi make ont yotu ap­ plication free at tlie Chronicle oflice.