Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, November 23, 1906, Image 3

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¡ ' - ‘' T • T p r
ar* ' - i ' *
• *.
to dance ■ stupid polka with the wick.
D o You
W u u l lo H u y a T r n n i?
1 have (or mil«
k < mm I
e«cli weighing 1200 «m l
liiirui’« « for ohiii «
liu n o ,
A I»",
together » o o good
Htlllll li«kl l « « 1 ( 0 0 .
Queen Lurline’s
Wishes-and Mine
Cup) right. IWW. •>» H>nu»r Mi-rag»«
A (••«•'KitiM If «olil
At the f.'iuey drea* hull the prolile of
Queen I.urline pleu*ed me greutly, *
Laid I« i* , Oiegou,
henal fill Hue fro: ii Hie gold handed,
A id in ' construction 1 « I»i-» 11 ir iliiiir gem decked forehead to Hi« piquant
on lli« new church tiy Mr. Hull «•;!n where 1 ivineiiiliered year* hufura
who li t« ill« coulrscl lor tlu< building. n dimple hud larked.
It will l«i « I imiii I imiiiii ' «triu’ tu i«, wlii'ii
"Your chin U ctiurinlugly the tain«,"
«-<• iii 11 1<• i I «m l « ciedit lo tin* town I murniurnd. bowing lo'.v before her.
noil riioiiliu illly.
"And your cheek, Cordoli Hell."
I luiiplied. Min ni» from the lip» of
You »Inmlil older your tlirkay nt the
la il »llgìit ful ; also I won plea*
Mint Market mi .Ha t ind.iy
W lm r
ud that r.lie had recognis'd Ine I look*
Tlotnk»giv mg
ed with distaste nt Hie croud*
.I««« lf» r t « r lot« tlint n«w house u!•
"I»o you know u huuk whereon the
Iliiwt lio n «■ Jimt Mutch It l«iy« mol wild thy lie grow a ?" I aaked »«tlue-
w li«u tlo< lord O hio « « In ill« ni'»t hi lively.
will io «k « Jim Jo in |i »trmgln U|i!
•T Co. I.vit's find It."
It was down liy (he lake, and over
IK you w «o ( In HUY hi H l.I.I, i v in I
uud uroiiud wua moonlight, eureaalug
E»tnie » T C. It. H i ii h o, tli« IInil K»-
I.Urline'* face, lint! looking her eye*
tut« loan nl lli'lid. Oregon.
glow like the gem* In her ilurk huir.
J«rry l l « l« y Ii*« ' m .oglu lli« I’.iiil
" I l loi» U't'ii nine yenr*," *b» *uld
N el »on 80, «m l now lot* no« n( tin presently,
".Vine year*, iw v niooiha and a day."
liivl tract« of d ltd i land in
1 corrected "Uavu you received your
money's worth 7"
If you »u n i to prove o|i no ynoi
"I auppoae ao," *ha a.iawor-.- l. color
l*iil> deforc II. I'. K ill« l ’ . M. I Ini;.oil lo«aly. "I uoed lo think If I could bave,
«1 Rend you « mo In n « III« a|i|illc«tln|i a gold «u tili and u plano I ahoulil he
luud« not ut lli« Chronicle nlli««.
George Giiltcll,
Vi. \V. I' | id iky « « n t nut « c » t nf tnirn
\Yado«a<l«y to iln mun« r«|imr wmk no
out» of lli« V'ooi|i«ry fluiu««.
I ll« lint nt now ic.ijly nt llin ilmik
(nr (Uli«cri|itluti« for "tnrk in lli« 1 ,nnl
law 1«« Co. ’Mini« wilt la* 2l( »Inm
00 |H>r »liar« K 'e .v on« liil«r«»t
•d in having ice on Ininil« fur m * i
•tioiio«r jili « » « nii I mici ilm.
Huy your c«l«ry . crsnlierrit's «n
• Must |M 1 1«11 m 'M for Tlialikagil mg ul
t li« Mewl Market.
\V. N. It.iv Ii«« niov«d in, mol n
now residing no lii« hnoir«l«iiil.
11 •
has a co»y |d»i'« «m l u Intel of Imm
I loci will Ui very valuable, if 'lie low t
I lie 1'oliidcZler llo|«| in I'rihrvilli
in tli« I m -»1 in Eastern Oregon.
0. M.,
l*ti ip.
t'r««il Triplet ami Kliimr J. Merrill
o f Ik'inl, wi'ie I.uldlaw visitor*
loom ing
Aak Cnud «h u t Klmerw.i
Carrying around ill lila noekel.
In *y a mad« III la n llii« a pleataot c. II
wlnle In tow i i .
N O T IC K .
N igh t telephone aervic« ha* been
arranged for la-tween Laidlaw am
(tend. After 8 00 I'. M. Minute eillir. i
» .
“ DO Toll ggow
n«*n WMKIIliO* THJ
T . A Kuthcrfurd or K. J. James.
. . WU.U X tlliU t omowm I ",
ed prince.”
I *aw her fhe next day and th# next
and tint day after. We reveled In rand
ulseeueva of the time when we wer*
boy nnd girl together lieforo the « t i n
trie aud rich Mrs. Vais Houter. struck
by tlie orphan's great promise of beau­
ty, Had adoptad her. I wus fairly car
| rled a way with Lurllne * c h a r»*, but
I prided myself on my atrong will, sum
* h<> did not know bow my ■i-m* aVAnn
to bold her.
When wo were together she wa* not
at home ty the prim e, for which I wn*
duly tliankful, but I exerted all my
etiuryle* toward making Iter reln'.xe the
horror of n unluu with him Hh«> would
not argue, neither would she promise
to refund h.m At last I appealad to
Mr*. Van IJoutor.
"It I» not right o f you to let tb« chlbl
■acrltb v h «t'»«lf!" 1 blnxed.
Mr*. Van Houter regarded me laxlly
"Would you mind telling uie why you
don't want Lurllue to marry thi
"H e I* a wreck, pbyelcol and moral,'
I answered, trying to keep co©| “ 11*
Is a drunkard. I should think these sri
• uttP'leut reasons."
"H ave you told them to LurllneT"
Y«a. blit ahe Is blinded by her
{U(j^ t<i j #|| A young girl cannot real
l/.e what It means nnyway."
1 "H ave yon no other riaiaon, Gordo*»?"
I felt my face grow liot. " I think
1 you know there Is
I f It weren't fot
| your wretched money, Mrs. Van i«ou­
ter, I would marry Lurllne Holland If
•he would let tne."
"And what have you to offer her
■ boy ?*’
"T w o clean hand* and a tongue thal
has uover spoken evil o f a wottins
and the muutfli-ent resources o f n vll
lag« doctor." I added bitterly.
"Good. I should advise you to tell
the child *o.’’
1 stared at be» o »« « t t'*ek up my
hat. "That la Impossible. Mr*. Van
I [outer I am not a fortune hunter."
Mrs. Vnu Houter laughed. “ Sfaks
your ndud easy on that score, flo e
don. I liave lost every cent 1 ! « d
<»nly Lurllue and I know It yef. liut
I wa* unfnrglrlngly rude, but I wait
«1 to boar no more
I hastened lute
the garden—to Lurllne.
"Lurllue. girl, t want to explain those
three wishes- -|Kiwcr. position anil pelf
It wasn't 'for themaelve* that 1 rrav
ed them.,()ear. but Iwcauae 1 thought
their |m«iae«»lon might help me to'wln
you. The barrier la down Iretmsen us
now. My tH'kived, may I tako you Sack
to tbe old, home and the wintergreena?
I will lie good to you. Lurllp*.”
Into Lurllue'n face flashed roo* col
or; rrom her glorious eye» looked hoar
en. 1 took her Into iny army, that »rere
«o glail so glud, and she whispered:
"You didn't n*k me my tbre« wl*u
Gordie. The first one wa* you. and
'll« second was you. and the third .was
Hidden hr Th eir Celera.
To understand the value of what set
entlflc mm call protective coloration In
aulmala one need only look at the com­
Uav buyer* are very plentiful in perfectly happy, hut when they came mon ruffed grouse, or partridge of
oo'nfnny oilier thin*» came with them North Aoucrtcn and consider how s»yd
t In» »eel¡m i. M r. lierkm g hu» iliajm»
that 1 ffflt like the l who ha* too It la to sec him In the woods, «ven
I'd of nil lie had lo »«II
VYe preillc
tunny gifts at V'hrlitmaa.
I didn't where nothing Intervenes to hide hlito
^20.00 hay bvlom »pi log.
ills colors agree so well
know widt h one to pluy with Drat, and from view
M. M Neill cam « in with heigh
with the background against which lie
ho I got tired of them all."
Thumduy mid r«|mita the ro.ul» I
Her dark eyes held a look that bad ■ tanda that tbe eye la alow to mike
Nhaoikn in very bud cuodi'iiNi and tin uo right * lu the eye* of three and him out. Mr. Gregory, In blx roltáne
of African travel, "The Great K lft V*l
woatliur up (h er« *lll! worae.
" I f youth, henuty and riches cannot Icy." mention* several striking In
,1 Irller juat received fmm I'lullii
bring you content meat you must lie stance* of animal* thus protecfel.
M ) err, formerly of Chile F a ll*,'»ta le»
among which that o f a certain montey.
hard to jiloanc," I ¡nld.
tout lie la now Iccated in jioud Kiver
Hhe gave an Impatient shrug. "And Colobus occldcntall*. Is perhaps he
U « »«o t ur III* aultacriplion, mid Iln rovnlry you forget that or perhaps yon most peculiar. Tilla monkey U cover
Chronicle will reach him from now in didn't know. I support» 1 aui to be the ed with a long, allky fur, arranged In
ot llood Kiver.
Prince*» V'«*ltnlr.''
alternate stripe» of black and w h ir
"Lurllue." I exclaimed, "you wouldn't! so handsome that the akin la much
A ll ahnnld altemj the school enlei
Why. he 1» a beast! Ilia uame Isu't Ut prized by tbe natives for making head
la ioioen t and basket am'ial no nexi
to lie mentioned In u woman's pro»
ornaments The contrast of black and
Wednesday evening and help a good •art."
white I» so marked that at first slitit
cnu*e along,
"So I've heard." she answered calm
It would seem to preclude concealmeat.
but It* value I» nt once evident wbsn
Arrangemvnta arc lieing perfect«'. I IJ- "hut he'.» u prince. Shouldn't I re
to have a Christmas tree tin* year, ward my benefactress l>y making her the animal la seen nt home. !t lives
a mother lu royalty, *o to speak? I lu high forest*, where tbe tree* bar*
jum I a general good time la expected.
think 1 shall tell him yes."
black trunk* and branch«*, draped
T h e t in t anow of the reason full here
The ijticcu leaueil toward me aud with long gray masses of beard moss
fust ¡Saturday night, and we have hail
touched my nr:u. "W hy don't you tell or lichen. A* the monkeys hang from
several little Ifnrrtea during tli« week,
me of yourself, tfordle?" she n»kod the brnuchcs they resemble the lichen
hut not hud for tin* tim e oi year.
wistfully. "And the old home aud so closely that Mr. Gregory found It
the school house—ore they stilt there; Impossible to recognise them, even ata
Ami the wlutorgrecus nuil the old onk short distance
Alfalfa amt wheat liny and threshed tree?"
reheat at my place four mile* north ol
" I linve brought you n picture of thi
XVhrn Wobatrr XVa» W r o « ,.
scboolhouse. The tree 1» gone. Thi
J . S . 0. (Jerking.
It Is cat-y for even a good man to be
wlntcrgrccn patch Is Uiere, hut lierrle» mistaken.
Win. A. Hunt ha* been ut work at
aud leave* seem to have lost their fla
Daniol Webster was a good man. Yof
the Hightower— Smith saw-null tin* vor. I wonder why?”
Daniel wu* positive that a steam rail­
week painting the telephone poles fur
She beat over the picture, which road could never In* made to work.
the LaidUw-Sister* Hue.
showed dimly In the moonlight.
lie was quite willing to concede that
\V. W. Long made two trips out to ! "Ho you, remember when we used to a locomotive might be able to akate
the mill this week after wood and
along nt a pretty good clip while at­
' other* bad gone and play three wishes. tached to a string of car* running ou
Gordie? If you could Usvo three wish Irou or wooden rail*.
M. C. Aubrey has been i|uite kick
e* now. what would you usk for?"
Hut having admitted this much, b*
for some day* hut i* some belt* now.
"Power, position and pelf," I answer arose to call attention to an insur­
When you are in Prinevillo atop a ed promptly.
mountable obstacle to tho further *uc
She sighed; "You are foolish. G od cess of the undertaking. He said the
the Poindexter Hotel.
die. and I ant surprised. Your letter)! train, once under way, could not b4
C. M. Stroud, Prop.
these ulne years bnvcu't sounded that ■topped- that It would keep right on
The Chronicle hits gone up!
We way."
going and ultimately crash Into soma
moved upstair*, in order to have more
Her voice, mellow nud full, needed thing and kill ereryltody aboard.
room uud belter light.
Just this note of sadness to make uit
Thus wo ace that even with tho best
E. U. Jam «« made a businees* trip well nigh forget that I was only n yll Inception* It Is easy to make mistakes.
lago doctor and sho an betress. Sh*
to Hend this week.
Daniel Webster didn't owu catutl-
mustn't tnnrry the prince, but I must l oat stock, uor was he for any other
I I . K. UeWalt, nf New Mexico, is
remember my place. I Hud uo right to
the latest arrival to become a perma­ explain to her Just what my three «elfish reason desirous that railroads
should not come Into existence. He
nent resident here.
He has begun wishes really meaut.
(¡Imply was expressing an opinion
the erection of ii new house on hi*
"Lurllne,” I said, "tlio old school about something he had never »eon In
land and will soon bring hi* family master, crippled Dick Gregg, still liras operation. And unfortunately for Uia
In tho village. Wbeu he know I wat reputation as a railway «Xpert be aaw
W. P. Thorp has decided to take a coming to nee you he said: ‘You'll not things that weren't 'there. — Detroit
Bud hnr changed. l>oy. except perhaps Times,
course of law in the office of W. P.
taller and more winsome. The good
Myers, liilliu is a bright young niuu heart of little LurJIno Holland could
g S S lIM .
and with perseverance will succeed.
not he tarnished by Paris or London or
"Jack Thompaou la a very wltty fal-
A. H. Andrus was a businoaa visitor the court* of the wicked.'"
“ Dear, blessed old man!" I was sun
"W«l< he's a cherulst. H* ougbt to
in Lsidlaw Tuesday.
I could detect tear* In her voice, b it ba.”
The hunting party, consisting of
•bo added lightly: "Too bad ymrtl
"Now. wtut on earth lia* Chat to lo
tiie two Mr. Becker* nob Mr. Himes, have to go hack and tell him hi* uHfr
wtth hla w l t r
returned Wednesday. Wc did not take. Isn't It? Take your queen In.
'Evtrythlng. njeraists should ba al-
Gordie. It must ba nesrty time for qm w ir a rtsdy with retorts!"
Imun wlial luck they had.
Humor and Philosophy
How Bn« »nd <t;in«ly It ivo .Id ba.
H ow v«ry, very nice.
If wn could travel on our shape-,
Kor think about th» price;
If we < ou'.d taka a railroad train
Whane ar w» would go henc*
T o any portion o f the lan d
R ega rd less o f expense.
If w» could order up n cob
Or buy u touring car
Ard fee', whin wo received the bill.
No symptom of a jar;
If we ecu.d own n private yacht
And sail the public sea
And say to those tvho shook the#
"Expense can't bother mo."
If ro could pick a suit of clothes.
The finest la the store.
And lay offhanded to the clerk.
"Bend up a dozen more;t'
If we could purchase right and left
Whatever we might see
The same as though we owned th»
How lovely It would be!
THri > J i i W T K 1 — OHrtOME
Writes in three colors with but one ribbon
No other typewriter does this.
Valuable for
Statistical Work
Intricate Tabular
Htaternent Work
Legal Documents
Library Indexing
Wholesale Hilling
A'a*. th" thlr.x that hamper* us
When we would cut a dash.
Is not o'ir modesty—oh. no;
It'» lack of la;nt»d cash I
How fine and dandy It would bo.
How very, very nice.
I f we could flit about and say,
"Expen»«» cut ro Ice!”
Garments For Ghosts.
Some ot our »tuilloua magazlr.« writ­
er» nro i.naking a serious effort »o dis­
cover wbat Is tbe latest thing In
clotli-t* for modern and up to (late
A fter talking with men who hid met
ghosts, though th?y claimed th«y had
lieen drinking nothing but water, the
I n vest I gr. tors came to the coticluslou
th it tha refined and particular spook
made It n practice to appear among
m ci dresKed in garment« that were
cut according to the latest patterns of
the day.
. ‘ ■:■■■•
Tills 1* quite n tribute to- Haris,
which fets the pace for .the world In
su'd» things. Doubtless the ghost looks
over the fashion magazines or perhaps
If he Is busy tells libt tailor to get up
something In the latest style regardless
of expense, for he Is going to walk
around on earth and must be garbed In
a way that will do credit to the artlst.i
of Spookland. We do not claim to
know for certain that this Is right. You
the next gbost you meet.
If you would like to see the newest invention in
the typewriter world, call us up on the phone.
The Smith Premier Typewriter
247 Stark S t., Portland, Ore
I commenced ti»-
I dy your
tiotirUhment in
I »«ft-ml>*r and in
three monthal had
a food growth of
hair and dandruff
wa* f*krn «ut eae
Irr than any other
way I have tried
I have used man>
¡When I betrmi u*-
| log your remedy,
^HorpN Herb
, ‘Nourishment,
for the hair and
yf alp. 1 was losing
my nair very rap-
u11yaji<i after ur -
ing three bottle«
of your remeoy I
Belated Luck.
/ wiUie n c K d -s
l KOO / twin T you to r/sr’ J
different kind. otj.Wfll Remove Ilaiidniff, Stop railing Hair reived an entire
hair tonic but
I new growth of
found nothing that
hair aiul I heart!*
will gfee »atUfac
tl<Mi like Thorp «
Herb Noiiriahmcnt
Predace a Compiete New Growth.
jly recommend itto
any one having
Apply liberally to the hair and tcalp threv,Ke' ° * Ptnkham.
time» a week, rubbing well into the «<* alp.
P R l C g I I U) P K lt H O IT L E O K !
6 FOR 4 ó 00 W IT H G U A R A N T E E
A* a pteparation for
ladies' Hair THORP’S HERB
NOURISHMENT i* uneq ualed. It contains no oil or
gum but keeps the hair soft, silky and fluffy and
will rapidly lengthen and thicken the hair. It will abso­
lutely prevent Tangle.
Thorp’s Herb Nourichment Co.. Laidlaw, Ore.
C. T. P IN K H A M ,
P r o p r ie t o r .
Best of Hay and Grain
Continually on Hand
"L ittle W illie went fishing without
first asking bis mother's consent.”
"Did little Willie catct?anything?”
"W ell, not until aftcc ii* got home.”
----- r r f - ^ . -
Young Impertinence.
"D o you love your teacher, Johnnie?”
“ Nope."
“ W hy not?”
“ She'd be too much stuck <fn herself
i f I did."
It Always Follows.
“ I hear that Jennings baa just got a
."Is that so? When does the wedding
A Dead One.
“ Is he a good manager?*'
“ No; I don’ t believe that he could
manage a cemetery.”
There is never an opportune moment
for encountering misfortune.
A contented uiuiJ and a full stom­
ach are close neighbors.
The Pilot Butte Development Company
When love becomes u circulating me­
dium it ought to have u meter at­
Dry, Perfectly Manufactured Stock
Meekness secures pardon for’ a mul­
titude of transgressions.
Doing a good job is apt to keep y<*c
too busy to slauder the other fellow’s.
Dignity that needs to carry an affida­
vit to Its genuineness Isn’t worth the
price o f the seal.
Don't blame people for having silly
thoughts; anything is better than a
T ? r.
The Corner Store
Opposite the Bank
m iu p ,
* j«e j
«01_ .
Expense Is the only thing that keep«
some people from being wicked.
When Imagination becomes fact sci­
ence and Invention take a long ioap
Laidlaw, Oregon
A self made man rarely seems de­
sirous o f keeping hla factory numtat
A woman Is often tnoTed to ’ et mmm
one else talk for the sake o f rarM >.