». í 4 * Tluil.i r Lai»*, Art Juli. J, laja. N O U C I C F O U IM i i l . K A I IU N l'. ». Liad l i l i ,, , TU, l l a l l a Orrfoa, June :ü, i*.» a . "¿‘" Z '• «“ ‘ "''■r « '• '» ««•« ln llaai« a Uh ih , pro.U .... . ..f Ih, „. ■ lini* i ' "V*' .'■ «*""• " A « ari f..r Ih, ..I r of Tim tier Land, Act June 3. 1878, NOTICE KOK rtlBUCATION. l ulled StaleN Lil- l <>Uice. I be Dalles. Or«kgon, June 2U. l ’jno. Notice is hereby given that in com|«iiunee »» o f «"'I. K „a ila i',n ' T.llrrl|1 ' ! r ì / w l' •• Iiruvl.l.ui« o f Ihr a ,I n i Collari »I »Itn iilrd |o all ih«* Cubili* lim i st«t*-a li» «ri **• titled “ All a« t fo r lile* ille of the M »ale 9t Àtgu»t 4 . invi , tim ber IsmJ.** iu I lie Stale» o f C aliforn ia, O regon, Nevada and Waidiingtiiu T e rrilo ry ,’ ’ u« exteud* M m v \V. (ìiitKoN. of Bend. roniiiy <>f Cr«Mik, Stalo of Oregon, ha» e.i to all till* l*uIdle Laud States by set o f A u­ gust 4, ih*-«In) filed lu I li I r i tin o hi» »w orn hint** M a r y a . It.« knic «. iiMMit No.£*07. for the puroha»m o f the NF.t/ „1 H«oi on Ko. 15, in lo w io h ii. No. 17 8., huiigt- o f l al ll. i w. county o f Cr<»ok. state o f Or. gon, N 11 . I I K . . W M . . lia» ibi» day filed in Ihi» ofticc Id» »w orn »tate And «III offer proof |o alt.««« that th* laud "le o t No. ¿yt.l, for lb«* purehake «»i the S *\ ', o f •«•iifltl la umr** valuabli* for tta tlrnlmr or aion# ihe N K 'i o f Sectiou No. in, in Tnw uahip No. 17 Ilian for a gricultural lujrjma«-a. and to •»atabUch >•. Kaiige No. II K . \V. M . l»la «la lu i to aaltl laml Iwhir«* II. ( ’ K ills. I . S. And w ill «.Iter |>rooi to show that the land Coiuuilsaloio-r, at hla offi«•* in |{« mh J, O rrgo s, »••oglu i» m ore valuable f«»r it» tim ber o r atom* i»n the Ifiih. d a y of O c to b e r, luuti. than fo ra gi(cu ltu ra l purpose*, and toeslu bIi»li Hi* linn,«» a*. wltiii*»»t*a: hi» claim to »aid laud '»efore II c . Kill», 1 S. Com m i»» loner, at hi» Oittee iu lieinl. O regon, I a * v I C. \\ liliti U. of Heiol, Oregon. Oil lilt* Lilli, «lay o f O chibcr. 1.0b. K iig jn la l. W hitted. of Henri. Oregon. I rank Gia»», o f K eduioud, Or« gon. He nam es sm w llnea-ca: Jt»hu 8 iei.ll, of Heud, O regon. Jt*»»e «'. Oeorge. «if Laidlavv, Oregon, Ait) ninl nil |N-raona • Inlinlug »ilimM-lv hiij churle» w. Allen, o f lati«lluw, Oregon, o f th»* above described ImiiU are r«*«|iiea|ed to ira n k k Payton, «»f Lai«llaw, Oregon. file Ilielr elalnia In th!« ofTlee on or before the William n. Muriie». o f LaM law . Oregon. ruid tJlli. day oi October, L « i . Aliy uml all person» cla im in g u«lver»ely M il’ ll A Kl, T. NOLAN, R igU tcr. the ab««ve-diaM*rihed liinrovi»i<*..4 of lite a«*t o f C ourt «-«* of Cuited States Land ottl.-c, Ju n ed , I«78. futili«*«! “ aii a< i for thè »ale o f 'I lie Dali«*», Oregon. timbi-r landa in Ih«* alai« » oi c a lu n n ila , or« g*«u, July 3, lüOfi. 8« vu«la ami Washington Territori ," as extem l- N«»ti«*e is hereby given Unit iu cu m piiau ce e«l io all thè ru b ile Land Slule» by s e i «>f Au­ u ilii lilt* pruvisimiH o f the act i»f C««ngr< »s «»f gii»! 4. IH'.tJ, June :», 1878, e m itlfil “ An a«-t for the »ale «»f jo i . s < . wil.Non, lim ber land» in the Stale».*! C a lu n n ila, Oregon, o f rh illip 'h u rg , eontily o f «itauile, stale o f Nevu«ia and Wa»hingl<«ii '* i r rito ry ," a»extend* M ontana, has this day rit«-«l in this ofiice Li» l *«I to all tile I'u b lic Laud Stute» l»y a« l o f AU- sw orn »intciuiMit N«». 2 fio. for the p«ir«-htt»e «./ guai I, 1892, III* SK1« o f ««H-lioii No. ’> , in Tow nship n o . 1.'. » , K i . u k » J. m e k iiil l I 2 0 , 1903 . for K J iN W M , W 54N K M , Siction an. T o»rsl.il> 1 1«. * S . , Range s lu K.. VV. M . I.v « AK« J. Q f IHKRU, contestée, in which it is alleged tli.it said ( ‘.irl . 1 . Quit*« rg has n«-wr establislied or maintained a residenc • u|»on said o r cultivated or improved lit* same but l ; s wholly aU m doncd said 1 uni for more than six months last |>ast ai d do s not now reside thereon; that .aid alleged absence was not due to his «m pioynient in the annv, navy or marine corps o f the United States in time o f war. S.iul parties are hereby notifi«-d to appear, res|K>nd and offer evidence touching said allega tion at l o o'clock a. ni. on O cto’ *;r *Jj. 190 S. lx-fo e \V. P. «Myers, a notary public, ut Ili» ofiice in I^iidlaw, Oregon. [«mUhat final hear­ in g will lie held at l o o 'clo ck a. m <»n O clo I kt 3 0 , l^nóliefor* J the K giste r and Receiver at the U nited States K in d Off.ee in The «Julies, O regon. T he sani contestant having, in a proper affida vii, fi ed August 30 . IpnC. set fourth facts which show that alter «hie diligence personal service of this notice can not l*e mad**, it is her«*by ordered and directed that sudi notice be given by «iu« and pro|*er publication. M k h a k i . T . N o i . a n , R egi-ter. 9 21 I o l> Timber Land. Art June I, 1878. N O T I C E F O R P I B U C A T IO N U. B. Land <>0<*e. The Dalb'S, Or«-gua. A licit * I bill . ivo»*. Nottr« la h«-rrt«y riven that 1n rompllani*« with the provision« of the a«-t «if ('»ngr«*«a of Jane 3. |S7K. entltb*d "An s«t for th«* «ab* *»f 11 mb«* r l»ii«U In th«* States «*f California. Or«*- ffnil, Nrva«U «mi Wnahlnyton Terrlt««ry,** at exten«le«l to all th** Public Land States by act of August 4, 1802, W illiam a . H unt , o f Laidlavv. cou n ty o f C rook, s ’ ate «»f <>r«*a«*n lia« this «lay Hi d in Ibis office hi» »w orn stat«*- liw nt No. :tnar under 1 yr.- 1 W i n to s e, as I saw then. ‘ 1 he In-use so large and tall; A nd. too,the sweet old apple tre*-*. Th at grew by the garden wall. W here, on many a summer day. Underneath its pleasant shade, W ith my little blue-eyed »is «*r, 1 have very often pl u»*«t. I ro U I.T K Y C. M. 8tro«id, Prop. 3-2 Plymouth Hock Cock- F’ H Woods 1: Kirk Whited is preparing a novel K. O. Immelee 2. scrap hook. On one pagi* he is mount- j Plymouth Hock H en- H O. Immolit 1; ing the [dants native to this country I’ ll WlMlIl - a .d on the oppoaite page lie is placing Pen Plym.Rock Chick.-—H. F'. W o « k 1 s 1. photographic and other views and a’.»n Pen HutTOrpington ’ -H (). Immelee 1. articles desriptive of interest in the Brown Leghorn Cockerel— county. — L L. Welch 1, Mrs. J. R. Harvey 2 Mr. II. S|>nngh, of Tumulo, remem­ Brown Leghorn Hen— — Mr«. J. H. Harvey 2. bered this office with a line large head of cabbage today. Brown Leghorn Pen Chick«— — Mr«. J. It. Harvey 2. I Notice the ii3W nd of t h e Menili ' Black Lungalmn Cockerel- I Company oi Beml in this ¡.-»ne a ml __Ruth Covcit 1; E. C. Park 2 ! you will want some of their bargains. He líam e» a» witnesses: Joseph N. H unter, «*f B end, Oregon. Auderaoti L. Hunter, o f Itciul. O regou. John Bios*, o f Sister», O regon. Levi C. W hitted, «*f Bend, Ore^o. . Ary »nil all peraona rlalmlng adveraely any of th«* above-dearrlbed laml« are reqtiert«*«! t«> 4I<- thrlr «*lal*” * th1** <»*tlee <*n or before the »uid 13 tli. o f O ctober, 1W». Alfalfa- J X. !!. Cierkin« 1 . ; '*»t tliii wet'k. F. Redmond 2; F. Forest 3. j When you are in Priueville stop at Clover- John Johnson 1; B S. Cook 2. the Poindexter Hotel, riumthy- J. A. Vnshurg 2. C. M . Stroud, Prop. 3-2 L. D. D. \\ Wiest 2 j ?ch(»ol liegan last Monday for the \etch- L. iest 2 VEGETABLE. Mi HAEL T. N oi . an , Begi.-ter. Largest Pumpkin- F'. M. Ehy lit2 ” Sqiiftgh- F. Mmk 1; E M. Ehy 2. M Watermelon-W. H. Struehocker 1; ” ” Mr. Wilson 2; A . J Ruhl?3 ” Potato- Bert L i n e y l:j John Johnnon 2. ” ” B A . Kendall 3. ” Cabbage- Mrs. F. L. Ricker 1. ” Onion— G. M. Siry; 2. ” ’’ P. F. Hensley 2; Bert Laney 3. ” Sugar Beet— L D. Wiest 1; ” ” E .C . Park 2. Best Jhn. Potatoes— John Johnson 1; — J. J. Ellinger 2; E M Ehy 3. Best Jhn. Onions- F. Redmond 1; ” " L L. Welch 2 ” Six Beets- L. L. Welch 1; ” A. W. Booth 2; W . Archer3. 8 - in U)-;* Tlmber Land. Act June 8 , 1878. N O I IC E E o li H l l l . K ’A T IO N IL 8 . Land Offi«*e, Th* l)all«*a, Oregon, Augii.» 2 ». ItSkì. Notte«» fa henhy glven that In e«»inpllanee wllh th«* provlaiona r th«- aal«* nf tlml*er landa In thè States o f California. Ore­ gou. Ne vmla ami Washington T«-rrlt**r.v," aa extendei] tn all thè Public Lami States by act o f August 4. 1802, The follow ing-natned persoti» lieve on Au- «nat 1.1906, fil«*fti< e tlie r»w<»rn »t «te- meiit», tu wit: J a r L. N t'k c Y , i o f Itemi, oou n ty o f t 'io o k , »iato o f O regen, | -w orn »tateinent N«*. .’MK’-I. f«>r thè p'nchn»«* of thè w , -sS\V|« o f Se.-tion |l nml K'%SK l/4 o f m * c - ' tion 15, rovvuship 16 8 ., Bau- 2 «' 10 K., W. M. R obkkt II. MfNCV, i o f It« nd, eou n ty «4 nil*! N \ V '^ K ’ 4 " f s « ‘ ‘* Hull 10, I'owuidil n It'» S., Bailee IU 1- ., W. M 'I lint they w ill offer pr«n«f» to »how that the land« »m ight are m ore valu able fo r the lim ber iir ^ lhcrtfo|1 tlllin f,,r agrie u ltu n il ptir|M«aea. \ n-l to eatabli-h Ilielr c alm s to »aid lam i» b«-f te If. C. ► 111», I*. S. ( 'o in ii:l»»Ìo ««*r, nt hi» «•ttii-e In Itemi, Or«*g«*ii, on N ovem ber 12, ItWò. They n me the fodnvving w itne*»e»: .lo h n s t i .1. Ih* I W. l a In. 11. W. Heller». AB eri C. Lin n», ’I lioiiiu» Tw ect and John II. W enam ly. <»f Bend, O ie.-on. A".v amt all p«*r»ona < !«!nilng adversely any of the above-described landa are rei|ti<-rt «*<1 to file their elalnia ln th!« offi« e on or before the | »««id 121 li. day «»f N ovem ber, 19UT*. MK IIA K L T . NOLAN, Regi»ter. 8311 10-26 To W e are in to c lo s e lia v e IF you want to BUY or SELL Real Estate see C D. Brown, the Real Es­ tate man of Bend, Oregon. A few days Once we received from T. A. Rutherford Home cxcellnnt photo graphs of Updike Falls. We expect to shortly reproduce some of them in the Chronicle. 'The lilac bush beside the door. A W'eleome fragrance spread; T h e old pear tree beside the gat«*. Slay« k leaves above our heads. Am i just beyon d theganlen wall, W here oft the cow lit* 11 chimes. ' 11 i«*r«* was a hill covered o'er with ire« s A n d pretty clim bing \ines. Another place, «Icar to our hearts. W as th«* old grap w in e swing; There it hut g from topm ost branches O f an CK*k, above the spring. In the d ill, a bro« klet rippled Underneath tne leafy trees; W hile along its glistening surfac *, Softly blew the summer breesc. O n its green ban k, we used to play W i.h our shepherd d<*g and go: l; M aking boats o f w ooden shingles, Gaily setting them afloat. tou ch , w o r k in g in h a r m o n y w it h t h e | , , u b l c a n N a t io n a l th © Rev. O F. Pinkham has received a call from the church at Gilmore Wash, and will assume the duties of his pas­ torate nt once. Sunday Shaving and Hair Cutting, 25 A 35 cts. respectively. J. C. Thorp A Son. H e- BEM> l> M e (] o n m unt und his achievements a , • thought in the campaign. central filed August 30 . 1906 , set fourth facts which show that after due diligence personal service o f casnct is u hereby t this i n s I notice S « « » V-.l« lUJl be m . i made, i m u c , it 1 » »a c i i u ; ordered u i '* . u < am] dlrrclr,, that , uch nnlice |, given by due W e desire to maintain the work . . . . . , , ,1 Through Pa««engor, F.xprer* »nd Fast . of this campaign with popular su b -. 0 ., , * ' Freight i c r v i c « from Shaniko by way of scriptions of One Dollar each from 1 amnpta, Foreat and Redmond, to and pro(^r pubi!rat,on. Republicans. To each iuliscribtr we Laidlaw. I M ic h a e l T . k o i a m . Register. r w.ll send the Republican Campaign Lrftvea Ijkidlaw Friday noon arrivaa 9- al lo-"» In Shaniko Tueaday night. Leave* ------------------------------------------------------------ Text Book and all documents issu­ Shaniko W edneaday morning, arrive« at Jfynnwantto prove tip on yonr ed by the Committee. Laidlaw Friday noon. ! ,;im, l)e,ort, H. C. Kllia U. 8. Commr. Help us ach eve » gr»a' v > t»r James S. Shernian Chairiua 0. !' x ‘2063. N. w York The Smith Premier Typewriter 247 Stark S t ., Portland, Ore Co. THORP’ S I co m m e n ce d us­ in g you r hai> n ou rish m en t i D ecem ber an d in three m onths I had a g ood grow th of hail and daiidrut) w as taken «»lit «’a»- ier than «n y other way I have tried. I have used m any different k in ds <*i hair to m e hut f-’tiud n oth in g that w ill g iv e satisfac­ tion lik e T h orp 's H erb N ourishm ent A.K. Weeaner. TRAD* H erh Jff JS. » J* 1 M ARK NOURISHMENT For THE HAIR Will Remove Dandruff, Stop Falling Hair and Produce a Complete New Growth. D I R E C T JO.%S A pply lib era lly to the hair and scalp three line» a w eek, ru bbin g w ell Into the scalp. When I began ns ing you r rem edy, T h orp ’ s H erb N ourishm ent, for the hair and -calp. I was losing my hair very rap- o ily ami after us­ ing three bottles <*f your rem edy I I «v 111 say that 1 re­ ceive«! an entire new g row th o f hair and I hearti­ ly recom m en d itto any «»lie havin g falling h a ir Rev.G .K .Pinkhum . PRIDE $1 AM) PER BOTTLE OR G FOR $5.00 W IT H GUARANTEE OFFICIAL DIRECTORY The Laidlavv Banking & Trust Co. CF LADLAW , CROOK COUNTY, OREGON L A ID L A W , 0th C T M r n o d M rs ( o r ,, fe w If in C K ll i* h it S u n d a y i . , l l i c v i |l e o ll u . » i '- ,1M . a n d p l e a s u r e . T h o s e r r x it l r n t s o f B e n d w l i o A t t e n d * l *'e R'd'noml fair rc|>ort n ver> pleasant time »ml a moat successful j HIGH Slat© U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Telephone 21 OREGON Boot & Shoe A f (¡redsilli fr< in Ids t-sste'ii tri Oc tober r x p r r tod i I hmi I GRADE DRY Rough and Dressed L U M B E R and S H IN G LE S HlfiHTOWER— SMITH CO. Will five and o n e -h a lf m iles w est of Laidlaw R E P A IR IN G Prices Reasonable and W ork Guaranteed , , The hunters in and about Benu are . . , Retting their guns ready, in prepara- A. D. Pike. Uon (or , he a|l, iroilflling dock BPil8,m . , Mr. Blnknley hn* 8 0 fur reciivrretl J. G. from hi, , „ verfiBttRcW ty, lhoid ,ever as to lie able to sit up a portion of each d»y. O R E G O N Roar Office P ;« H a ’ a tten tion paid to Surgery an«i Dit- ca te t o f W om en. IT E M S , , . , n , , » t o p p e d o n h .a r e t u r n t r i p a t P o r t l a n d t||(. a ( |m i n is t r a t i v e a n d ! | j a * r « o n a ] i t v i n u f i t l>© a c e n t r a l f i g u r e If you would like to see the newest invention in the typewriter world, call us up on the phone. TH O RP’ S H ERB NOURISHMENT CO. P resident UNITED STATES Vice-P residen t .T h eod ore Roosevelt At a piepnratinn for ltulit-f’ hair TH O R P ’S IIKIU5 Secretary o f State Charles \V. Fairbanks- Secretary o f Treasury NOURISHMENT is unrqunted. It contains no oil or ................ Kith 11 K oo Secretary o f In terior fa s lie M Shaw grease to gum but keeps the hair soft, silky anti Huffy and Secretary o f War K.A. H itch cock Secretary o f N a v y ............. will rapidly lengthen and thicken the hair. It will abso­ W - H. Taft Secretary o f C om m erce . .('. J. lionapaite lutely prevent Tangle. Postm aster G eneral . .V ic to r II. M etcalf A ttorney G eneral Thorp’s Herb Nourishment Co.. Laidlaw, Ore. . .(J. B. C ortelyon Secretary o f A g ricu ltu re W m . II. M ood) .Jam es W ilson STATE G o v ern or.. .G eorge E. C ham berlain F. 1. Dunbar Secretary o f State A U T M O U IZ E D C A P IT A L , $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 C. 5 . Moor« T rea»it rei . A. M. C raw ford tU orn ey G eneral fiN C O H ^ O R A T U D l. Stearns A. M. Drake returned to Bend on Tuesday from bin trip to Boise t«> at­ tend the irrigation congress, having t ltd io n T h e C o n g r e s s io n a l c a m p a ig n Work And we watched them sailing onw ard, and o { a R e p u b lic a n C on greF S . i Gorreffpnmlencft Intrivato Tabular Statistical Work Statement Work Legal Documents L'bmry Imb*xii»g Wliolewiln Billing G M. Couch recently cut the second crop of oats grown this year on the Name same ground. C o n g r e s s io n a l C o U H I li t t e © ill fftV O T o f THE NEW TRI—CHROME SMITH PREMIER Writes in three colors with but one ribbon No other typewriter does thi3. Valuable for J. R. Couch left a short time ago for a short trip in Washington and north­ ern Oregon. promptly end upon favorable terms. J. C. Thorp, J« hn Stilts and J. M. Cbrottici© Piib. Co., Patton returned from the Valley a few days ago and repoit tl ing« v et lut iti Liw , Ore; and muddy. They say preparation is fo r w h ir l i DIRECTORS : Finti inclosed 9 being made for the Corvallis and East­ ern extention early next year and that picare send me the Laidlavv Chronicle J. D. L A ID L A W VV. A . LAIDLAVV T. A . RUTHERFORD many people are becoming interested tu the address below for a pmnd President. Vice President. Cashier iu this section. every 'r t " ’ o'c|t‘ k » n, " „ 0 c " * r « 9=6 W o r e l e g i s l a t i v e r e c o r d o f t h e p a r t y , a n d , W . P. Mvers, a notarv public at his o n ce in . 4 . fr. , fl . . Laidlaw, Oregonl .n d '.H a . final he:,ring » ill be l l l a t 8 0 . T h e o d o r e R o o s e v e lt e Headquarters at the Chronicle office, .lt Be„d you can have the application Laidlaw ; poatoffice, Redmond; Shaniko tl).M|e out tlie Olironicl*- • Hie Hotel, hhauiko. A large church building is t«> l*e 1 - roctetl in Laidlaw in the near future, the coutruct for the mateiial having nil end y been lut. W . H. Hull will in all probability be awarded the contract tor construction which a-sures us < f cxcillent work as Mr. Hull dins no other kind. R e p u h l i c a n . '. a n x io n ? R e p u b lic a n Said purtirt are h e r e ',, no.,Red .o appear, re. ^ ,| » n d :ind ofter evidence touching said :dk-g:i.ton I held at to o 'c lo c k a.m on Octo«*er 30 . l<*x* he fore) the Register and Receiver at the United Mates Land Office in The I>alli?s, O regon . T he said contestant having, in a proper aff.davit, first term in the commodious mw building which has just I mh * ii complet­ ed. Our principal, Mrs. Ni« hols, re­ ports it Hplemlid start in the work of | the term. j Ik-st Six Sugar Beets- L . I* W iest 1: E . C . Park 2 ; W . Archer 3 . Best six C a bbages- Mrs. F. K icker 1. Best s!.\C.irrots-lh.-it Lan«-y 1; K. Ü. Ii.anc ce 2 , K M . E by 3 Best Six Parsnips-Bert K m ey 1 ; (J«-o M cQueen v. Best Six Turnips- K O. Imtm-lce 1 , Bert L u c y 2 ; E. M. Ehy 3 . Best Six T om a toes- W in. lktcgle 1 , A . D Parks 2; Ihrt Laney 3 . Best n x Cucumbers - Mrs. F R edm on d 1. W . Archer 2 . Best Throe Cantaloupes- B rt Ijin e y 1. Ikst Three W aterm elons- W , J S to n e h o ck .r i; Bert L i ey 2 . «Mr. WMson 3 B st exhib t o f agrictiltur.il and horticultural product-, from any tract in the Pilot Butte s«*g- regation- F. R edm on d 1 ; D. (¿rccualgh 2 ; .1. l i . Buikholz 3 . Best Six M angles- Bert Laney 1; E .C . Park 2 . Lirgest M angle- L L W e lch 1; G eo. M cQ ueen ea; K. C. Park 3 . H alf Busht‘1 Largest Potatoes- Bert Laney 1 John John son 2 . — Continued next w eek— PI B U U A T IO N 11-2 I'm thinking o f my childh ood hom e, 1 hat is to me so dear. I love it lust o f all loved s|x>ts. On this terrestrial S| here. movK vv Sunday sch o o l ut each Sunday. All are co rd ia lly invited to attend llmse services. Kev. J. C. G eorge, Pastor. O re the waters soft and blue. Black Langshan H en- E. C. Park Lt2. Mrs. W . 1*. Myers Ima been quite ’Till they reach the rushing river. ” Pullet— E C I'aiklA'2. s ek with the gripp since the Redmond | And were lost to chiIJish view. ” J*en Fowls— E .C . Park 1 Fair, hut is able to ’‘stick type” again T h en m other stepped upon the poarch ” M Cluck»—E C Park 1. now. Am i called her children hom e. Best and Largest Display of Fouliry- 1 hear il yet, her gentle voice, Mr. Todd of Oakland, Calif, was in — E. C. Park ! ; Mrs. J. It. II irvoy 2 W here e ’ re on earth 1 roam . this sect ion of the country a few day» FARM PBODUCTS But those childh ood «lays are ov«*r, last week and was well pleased, espec­ l lireslxd Out»— C. M. Mudd 1; And the time < t jo y and play, Timber Land, Act June 8 , 1873. ially with La id law, which he declared And we struggle, struggle onw ard, n o t ic e f o r i m h u . k - a t i o n Frank Glass 2 was in the finest location for a town of U. 8 . Lx ml Of&.-e, The I)all«*a. Oregon, A lon g life's weary way. ” Wheat- J. N. B. Gerking 1; Juue'ikth , I'.NN*. any place he had seen in central Ore. Yet, sometimes, ’m id weary labor, N-'Clr* la bcTfbjr glv«*n that In «'«»mpllaiK*«* ” M 0 . M. Miuld 2 Like the sound of distant sea, Dr. Turley brought ns some of th 7 » ' « " »• ' * 3, '.h" 1S7*. , / , rJ,,i «‘ "'."1 '.*, V, “ *h' *• ' f«»r ? J• titltbd An a«t the sub- -J of Twelve Stocks of Corn Thus. Arnold 1; C om es the thought, to sooth and comfort. tlmla-r land« In th.* 8 tal«*a ..f r«|ir«.riila, «»r**- finest samples we I a* e ytt re* c ve lf ’ * L. L Wvli h 2. NVvaala ami Wantifiigton T«-rrlt«»ry O f the days that used to U*. sugar beets measuring 17 inches in eitfiub-d t«» all lb«* 1’ubllr Land Stat«*« by avt Wlicsit. in Btook- E. M. Ehy 1 — IM ia K. Nichols. uf August 4, 1892, circumference and 13 inches long, tur­ K uuknia J. W hitted , Oiits in Siock- John Johnson 1 ; nip 34 inches round and 8 inches thick «»Í Bend, m u m y « f (,r**«>k. H tatcof Oroiron, has U NCLAIM ED MATTER I L. lluro 'et 2. ilii»«lay fil« «1 in this • tti. c hla »w orn »taicm tn l John Johnson 1 ; vetch < ver 7 feet long and some very Ir. Laidlaw P«>8t Office, 8«*pt. 1, 190fi N«*. 29K2, f«*r the pur« h i s e o f tlie N 1 .N W 14 , 8 \> 14 Shcaf Barley- excellent sugar corn of the in air bled N\V *4 êt NW 1 , 8 W *4 «*f S« cti «<11 No. il. in T h p No. 14 S. B a rg e No. 10 K , W. M. varieties which is one of the best for A in', will offer proof to allow that th«* land Dotv, Mr. Rolln G . \V. Moore 1 ; ” v y iip iit — ■•■tight Is oi»ri- valuable for It« timber or atone this country, being early, haidy and n n Prather, Mr. J. M. L. F;. Pnckct 2 tban for agricultural purposes, and to s«tabllab very prolific. ; *I,B !" ,an'l la*for* II. C. Kill*. I’ , s. ” Ollts- W m . G. Stile.*, P. M W. Archer 1 ; Commissioner, at bla office In Ben«!, Oregou. Mrs. Pinkham lias been on the sick on the 1 t . «I y o f <)« t ber, l'Jüi». J. N. B. Gerking 2 CONTEST NOTICE D. 8 . I.and Office. The DalleS, Oregon, D K P A K rM 'T O K T H E IN T E R IO R . Julv :il»t . 1 m « . Notte# la hereby glven that In compilane« U N I I KIJ M A I KS I .A N I ) O F F iC E . •riti« thè provlaiona <»f thè act <»f C«»ngr«*aa of T h e D a i i . e s , O kk < h )N. lune 3. 1878, entitl«-d “ All act f<>r thè sale of tlmlier lami« In thè States «»f California. On*- S»*ptemlH.-r 1 1 . I 906 . gon. Nevati» and Washington Terrltory.“ aa A sufficient contest affidavit having laen filed rxtentled to all thè Tubile I.and Stat«*a by «et •f August 4. 1802, jin this office l»y F. K. D a v t o n , cont* stunt, M ay II. HPAtmiot'R, against homestead entry No. 1 1 1 «> 9 . made June < f B«*«nl, eounty o f Cro«.k »ta c -«f Or<*gon. ha* I 7 , lyoa, f«>r N W R , Section 28 , township I 5 . , ..I vr.• 1 a „ S ., Range 10 . K .. VV. M .. l#v D a v t o n B o n d . No. #«.», f«*r the purchase o f the NK ‘ 4 o f H p ■ ** . . . „ t|, n S o. :\4, in T ow n sh ip. No. 15 S., Bange No. 1 deceased conte,tee. in which it is all« ged that 1<| K., W. M. ’ said Davton Bond never estahl’shed and m iin- An«l w-ltl off*r proof to *** mined a bona fide residence ujw>n or cultivated »•ugbt la umr* rslusbl** f«»r Ita tln«b«*r or at<>n# * than f<>r sgrlm ltursl ptirp.•■«•■. ami to «‘stsiaish or improved said tract o f kind and that said hla claim t«» aal«l Is ml tH*f«»r«* It. Kill«. I Dayton Bond «li»*«l at Shaniko, O regon, some Coniuilaaloiier, at his offio* In Bend, «rr«*g*'a, t me in the year 1903 leaving a w idow . M rs.------ on the 12th. dny o f N ovem ber, 1938. Bond, whose given name is to affiant uukn«>wi ; l ie n am e« a» witneaaea: that said widow o f the sai«l Davton Hond has .Tam« » A. McCall o f Sister». Oregon. llarriHoii A. M elvin, o f 8 i»tera, oregou. nc\*-r improved, cultivate i «r resitted upon M arie« !.. Edward.«, o f Tumaln, Oregon, land hut has wholly abandoned the same f«ir jo h n II. Edw ard», o f Tutnalo. <»r»»g«»n. Any sn«I all persona rlalmlng adver««*ly any more than six months last post; that s.iid siltun- •f th* above «leaerlbed landa ar* r*.|u« «t.*d to fli* th«*lr elalnia iu tbla offir* on or b*f«*re tb# ,lonm,-nt » , » not Hue lo .he nulhtarv or nav.V services o f the defendanIs, in the army o r wavy sal«l 12th. day «*f N ovem ber. 19Ub. M ichael T. N oi . an . Register. of the U a i.e d n u .t r t i» tim e ot war. 97 M y ner, at olln-e iu in Huml, Hcml. Oregon, ori-cnii. .... . ...i,. amt w ill offi-r proof t«> »h ow t liât the lain! o n li.e 13tli. day o f (a-tober. l'.lxi »«»'i-ln ¡» m ore vatu.ib.a f u il» U iii I k t or »loin- lie nam es a» wit liesse» : Uiun lor agiiciiltiiiM l purposes, ami to cstab- Krank k . navlon, o f Lai.llaw’ , or«*gon. lisi» Id** claim («> • n id lai «1 b e f.n c II. C. Kills, Arthur i*. Com diue, o f lAti.llaw, orep«»n. U «S. t oiiiin i»»ioiicr, al in» « Ilice in b en d , Ore­ « harlc» Boy«l, «*f Bend, or« gpu. gon. 011 the Lidi, day o f O ctober, 1‘Jub. j«din a. W euandy, o f Bend, or«*gon. lie naine» a» u i 11 « sacs: All) HII-1 all |»ei moiis fliiiu iin g abver»ely ill«* Joseph N. H unter, o f Bend, Oregon. i«b ove-d e»cribed lam l» are re«|iieste«l l«» file Anderson L H unier, o f Bend, Oregon. th eir cla im s iu this office on or bcf«»rc said John Bl«*»s, o f Siatera, O regon. 13th. day o f October, I yob. H orace K. SlilHh, o f li«*u«l. Oregon. M ich ae l T. N oi . a n , Keglster.. A n y and all person» «-luiuiing adversely 7-27 9-21 the abov«--«le»crlbe«| lam i» are r«*«|ue»te HI« I their cla im » in this office «ai o r before said C O N IE S T NO I K E. 13(1« day o f O ctober, lyu>. Department of the Interior, M i c h a e l T. N o l a n , K igistcr. 7-27 9-21 United State* lwind Office, T he I >all« *, Or« gon. Scptemlicr u , i «#« k *. A sufficient contest affidavit having lieen filed in this office la F r a n k K. 1) a v t o n . contestant, against lionH'strad entry N o 111 35 . made |une ( IIt It« If D IRECTO RY P reselling services first and second Sunday-«, 8:00 P. M .-t h ir d und fo u r 'll Sundays, 10:30 A. M. m Prop Prioeville, Ore. T h orp & S on . BARBERS m M O T A X O C O L D B 71 T H % L *r)r in C o n n ectio n . tlu* tir-f of L z id t< H O i c - i L A I D L A W M A R K E T uimiiiitniiiiimRiimtiTititiiniiminiHitmiiimitmimiiicHiuuiiminiiimutiMiicM'i'miiMifiiciKii't'iimmii iim iiiicmuinimiimiuiiiiiiumnHm:^ W . D. CLARK Sole Prop. FRESH SALT AND SMOKED MEATS W e will pay the market price for Pat Cattle, Hogs and Sheep and all kinds of Farm Produce. W e Guarantee To Satisfy. Laidlaw Oregon j;; >(. .LiUl-aKKOTTr"'?» IF