Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, August 24, 1906, Image 4

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Write«' “ Three Veer* Ago My Syetem
Was I d a Run-Down Condition.
Owe to Pe-ru-na My Reeortation to
Health and Strength.”
Earthquake at Valparaiso, Chile,
Is Followed by Eire.
G re a t P o r t and S u r r o u n d in g C o u n try
S t r ic k e n — T h r o n g s o f H o m e le ss
C r a z e d by C ala m ity.
( M i s s R j c k a [ e o p ^ p / ;
Mias Rieka Lsopold, 173 Main street
Mtnaeha, W i»., Sec’ y Lierterkranz
“ Three year® ago my system was in a
terrible run-down condition and I was
broken out all over my body.
I began
to be worried about my condition and I
was glad to try anything which would
relieve me.
•‘ Peruna was recommended to me as a
Sue blood remedy and tonic, and I soon
fouad that it was worthy of praise
“ A few bottles changed my condition
•naterially and in a short time I was all
over my trouble.
“ I owe to Peruna my restoration to
health and strength.
I am glad to en­
dorse it.”
Pe-ru-na Restores Strength.
Mrs. liettie Green, R. R. 6, Iuka,
111., writes: “ I had catarrh and felt
miserable. 1 began the use of Peruna
and began to improve in every way
My head does not hurt me so much, my
appetite is good and I am gaining
flesh and strength.”
New York, Aug. 18.— The Herald to­
day prints the following:
Valparaiso. Chili, Friday.— Without
the slightest tremor of warning an
earthquake visited this city at 8 o ’ clock
last night, bringing death to hundreds
of persons and leaving many hundreds
more imprisoned in the ruins, many
of whom were burned to death before
aid could reach them. Fire started im­
mediately after the first shock and
every branch of the city’ s eervice was
paralyzed. Panic and consternation in­
describable followed, and thosa who
escaped death and injury became fren­
zied with fear and could render litwle
assistance to the victims.
The business section of the city is al­
most entirely destroyed, and fires are
still raging. We are suffering here a
repetition of the horrors of Han Fran­
As night comes on, the city is every­
where aglow with unobstructed tires,
and clouds of choking smoke and vapor
settle into the streets and houses, where
throngs of homeless ones are wander­
ing about, crazed by the awful calamity.
It is almost impossible to ascertain
how wide an area of country the visita­
tion has laid waste. Nothing has been
heard from Hantiago, the capital city
of Chile, and it is feared that the fate
of that city is as bad or worse than that
of Valparaiso.
Telegraphic communication is cut off
in all direction?, and every one here is
too much depressed by the calamity at
home to seek information of other
places. No trains have arrived or left
here since the first shock came, as all
of the railroad tunnels are tilled and
miles of track on the surface are twist­
ed and rendened useless.
It is only
known from general accounts that deeth
and destruction are on all sides.
There were two distinct and terriffic
shock?, the second one following almost
instantly after the first and completing
the work of destruction. The day had
been unusually calm and pleasant.
Many landslides have occur red around
the city and scores of lives have been
lost. At present it is impossible to
state the number of dead in the entire
city, hut it is believed that there are
several hundred, many ©f whom are
still in the ruins. It has laid waste
the best part of the city, and has doubt
less put Chile hack many years in the
scale of civilization.
B O O K IE S .
H e rin g R e p re se n te d H im se lt W ealthy
Man S e e k in g “ S u c k e r s . ”
Chicago, Aug. 17. — Absolute proof
that Henry Hering, csshier of the
wrecked Milwaukee Avenue Htate hank,
was financial backer of a bookmaking
syndicate which laid odds on horse­
races, was brought to light late today,
when Inspector Hhippy found a check
made payable to Harry M. Smith, who
for years ran the Buffet at 56 South
8tate street, and whose place was closed
this spring, E>ecause of running a hand
book, that handbook being none other
than that run by the syndicate headed
by Hering, but whose name nev^r ap­
peared as connected with it un .1 to­
day. Other men in the syndicate were
Charles Francis, Thomas Rowe, Walter
Frantzen, Harry Thorpe and Henry
All these men aere interviewed by
the inspector and all admitted that
they were connected with the book, hut
denied that they knew Hering was con­
nected with any bank, and said that he
represented that he was a wealthy
man, and that he wanted to increase
his wealth by separating “ a few suck
ere from their loose change.”
H a r rim a n S e c u r e s R a ilro a d
by J a m e s J . Hill.
C o v e te d
New York, Aug. 17.— It car. be au­
thoritatively stated that control of the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail­
road has passed into the hands of E.
H. Harriman, via the Southern Pacific
Railroad company, which is controlled
by the Union Pacific Railroad com ­
pany, the main Harriman concern. A
rumor to the effect that Harriman
sought to own the St. Paul property
has been heard on various occasions of
late, but not until today could it be
learned from a competent authority
that there was good foundation for the
As a railroad deal this purchase of
the St. Paul by Harriman is more re­
markable than the coup by which he
secured the Illinois Central control
nearly a year ago. Harriman had for
years been an important factor in the
Illinois Central management, hut until
now he has never been mentioned
connection with St. Paul.
The present deal is also interesting
from the fact that in 1900 James J.
H ill, Harriman’ e arch enemy in the
railroad arena, made strenuous efforts
to purchase the St. Paul, hut was re­
fused control by the same Standard Oil
interests which with willingness tur. eJ
the property over to Harriman.
fa v o r ite s i
11 u \ 0
< Hiilfrn.
There are bond* of all sort# in this world
of our#.
Fetters of friendship ami ties of flowers
And true lovers' knots, l ween.
The girl and the boy are bound by a kiss.
But there's never a bond, old friend, like
We have drunk from the same canteen !
It was sometimes water and sometimes
And sometimes apple jack fine as silk ;
But, whatever the tipple has been.
We shared it together in bane or bliss.
And I warm to you, frieud, wheu I think
of this—
We have drunk from the same canteen !
The rich and the great sit down to dine.
And they quaff to each other in sparkling
From glasses of crystal and green.
But I guess in their golden potations they
The warmth of regard to be found In
We have drunk from the same canteen !
We have shared our blankets and tents
And have marched and fought in all kinds
of weather,
And hungry and full we have been ;
Had days of battle and days of reef,
But this memory I cling to and love the
We have drunk from the same canteen !
For when wounded I lay on the outer
With my blood flowing fast and but little
Upon which my faint spirit could
Oh, then, I remember, you crawled to my
And, bleeding so fast it seemed both must
have died.
We drank from the same canteen !
— Gen. C. G. Halpine (Private Miles
P a trio tism .
Breathes there the man with soul so dead
Who never to himself hath said,
“ This is my own, my native land !”
Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd
As home his footsteps he hath turned
A l.n io r r .
From wandering on a foreign strand?
Two gentlemen dining In a New York
If such there breathe, go, mark him well!
restaurant were surprised to find on
For him no minstrel raptures swell;
the bill of fare, the Item, “ green blue-
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claihi—
“ Walter,” one asked, “what sort of
those titles, power, and pelf,
blueflsli are green blueflsh?”
The wretch, concentered all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
“ Fresh—right from the water,” said
Eye W itn e s s D e s c rib e s W a r s a w A fte r And, doubly dying, shall go down
the waiter, offhand.
To the vile dust from whence he sprung
“ Nonsense.” ’ said the man. “ You
London, Aug. 17. — Tne Tribune’ s Unwept, unhonor'd, and unsung.
know well enough they do not take
Sir Walter Scott.
Warsaw correspondent telegraphs a de­
blueflsh at this season.”
scription of the scenes witnessed by
The waiter came up and looked at
him after the disturbances Wednesday.
the disputed item.
“ The hospital surgeons, fatigued by
“ Oh, that, sir!” he said, with an air
their labors,” he says, “ were unable
o f enlightenment. “That’s hothouse
to attend to cases, and wounds regarded
bluefisli, sir.”
as fatal were left to take their course.
Ilia H a r d l a r k .
Buying a cup of tea may be a trag­
“ The scenes in the morgues were
"Yes.” said Mrs. IlerUb.v. pressing a
horrible. In one I counted 32 civilian edy or , q cotn**d*5 Much depends on
damp handkerchief to 'her eyes, "he's
bodies, all dirty and dressed as they the sex o f the buyer. This fa the way
an unfort’nate man, me Cousin folia 's
a man buys it, nAys a writer In the
man is. If iver there’s anny ehanat H a s S u r p lu s o f O v e r $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ,
“ The people have grown callous London Sketch. He slides sheepishly
S o u t h e rn P a cific $ 1 9 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 .
o f a good thing he's always a little
with too much death. I heard a young Into the shop, takes the seat In the
to wan side. If It hadn't been for that
New York, Aug. 18.— At the conclu­ girl laugh heartily at the sight of a draft of the door that everybody else
he'd be In his home now, iustid of in sion of a meeting of the executive com­ woman whose brain-pan had been torn has avoided, and says to the waitress
the hospital, ma'am.”
with a diffident smile:
mittee of the Uni<m Pacific railroad off by a bomb.
“ Why, I understood that Timothy here today statementn was given that
“ In one hospital I saw a youth who,
“ Oh, would you bring me a cup of
atepped backward off the staging and no announcement would be made re­ when bayoneted yesterday,
feigned tea ?”
fell clear to the ground,'' said the dis garding a dividend. The committee’ s death. The soldiers trod over him and
The waitress, who returns the smile
trlct visitor, sympathetic but puzzled.
estimate of the income of the road for their heavy boots crashed his fingers or does not return it, according to the
“ He did,” said Mrs. Herliby, with a the year ending June 30 showed gross to a pulp, but he successfully stood the rule of the establishment In regard to
ordeaf. He was carried to the morgue, tipping, brings him
fresh burst of tears, "but if he'd fell receipts from transportation $67,281
tea, slams It
a bit more to the right, there was a 542, increase $7,956,593 over 1905; when it was discovered he was alive down, scribbles out fa check
d sails
great pile o’ bricks, an’ It wouM have expenses and taxes, $36,963,773, in­ He is now progressing favorably.
crease $5,101,059; surplus available
“ Last night resulted in an orgie of
broke his fail, unnyway.”
The man tastes the tea. flh t ilth s t it
for dividend, $2,201,844, increase $6,- blood in the Jewish quarter. The num­ Is bitter from long
brew im i slips out
W h y M D id n 't Show .
416,337. The balance after payment ber of persons clubbed or bayoneted ex­ of his seat, pays the
1 hurries
b if
“ Has that new frieud of yours any of dividends on the preferred stock was ceeds three hundred.
away from the shop.
business ability?”
The sum for expenses
‘ The morgues are crowded with
Now let us see how a woman buy*a. a
“ Oh, yes.”
includes $2,206,619 for betterments, dead.
The bodies were arrayed in
cup o f tea.
“ Well, It doesn't show on the sur equipment and repairs.
rows, the clothes dirty with the tiltn
She marches Into the «hwp- «¡- ph ^
f nee.”
The estimated income of the South­ of the streets where they fell. No
“ No, he’s an official of the under ern Pacific company shows: Gross re­ effort was made to do more than pile little boy on one side of her amU4i lit­
ground railway.” — Cleveland Plain ceipts from transportation, $105,619,- the corpses in morgues, and very little tle girl on the other*~
“ I want a table fdr three,” she says,
110, increase $7,478,531; expenses and has been done towards indentifying
taxes, $70,586,649, increase $4,993,- them. Relatives and friends of those In the manner o f one about to order a
T h e B o o k « A l l I t lt f h f .
The steamer was to leave in an hour, 029; surplus, $21,560,712, increase who lost their lives are fearful of dinner at ten guineas a held.
“ Yes, madam,” replies the m eet at­
and Mrs. Impaling was in a flurry of pre $9,128,740. After payment of a divi­ brutal treatment at the hands of the
dend of 7 per cent on the preferred authorities if they visit the morgues.” tendant. “ Will VOi} kjnflly flTfrp this
“ Mother,” asked one of the children, stock, the balance was $18,790,833.
“ where are the books we want to read The sum of $2,117,236 was credited for
“ Mummy,” says the little boy, when
O ld e s t F x e d D ate in H isto ry .
while we’re on the boat?”
betterments and equipment.
Chicago, Aug. 17.— Professor James nt last the party Is seated and the at­
“ Never mind the books,” she said, with
11. Breadsted has announced in an tendant Is waiting to tiike the two­
her mouth full of hairpins. “ They’re all
S a n ta Fe B u y s Tie F a rm .
article in the Biblical World that the penny order, “ mumjh', " w has that
packed in your father's rrsophagus.”
Han Diego, Cal., Aug. 18.— By a deal “ oldest fixed date in history” is 4241 lady got a turned-upj nose?”
In I ae.
closed today the Hanta Fe railroad be­ B. C. In that year the calendar was
“ Want a scone,” complains the little
“ Where’s the boa constrictor forty foot comes tl e owner of the famous Han established, the year beginning on girl.
leng that you’ve got painted on the sign Dieguito ranch, just north of the city, what would now be July 19. Conse­
“ A pot of tea for one,” orders “ mum­
out in front?” demanded the visitor at comprising 8,659 acres of land.
The quently the calendar now in use was my,” “and would you mind bringing an
the dime museum.
price paid was $100,000. The ranch is 6,147 years oid last month. The pro­ extra cup. so that my little girl can
"This is wash day, and we’re using
him for a clothes line," explained the Cir­ to be used to raise eucalyptus trees for fessor arrived at these conclusions du r­ have some milk?”
ties for the future use the road.
It is ing his long exploration trip in the
cassian beauty.
“One tea and one milk?” asks the at­
proposed to plant about 600 acres esch Nile valley, when he compared the as­ tendant.
N o T r i c k nt A l l .
year, and as the trees are quick growers tronomical data in the old and middle
No, thank you. I thought I gave
Canby Dunn—Do you take any stock it is figured that in 20 years the road kingdoms of Egypt.
my order quite distinctly. I want a
in the story that a man engraved the will he able to harvest six to eight tie?
pot of tea for one and an extra cup
entire alphabet on the head of h pin?
to a tree and keep up the harvest there­
T r y N e w S ig n a l S y ste m ,
That’s all.”
Y. Knott— ueVtainly. He could have
engraved the ten commandments on it.
“ Yes, madam,” says the meek at
tleship« and torpedo boat destroyer« of tendant, and drags herself away wit
It was a coupling pin. King ofT.
S c o u r g e o f C h o le ra C h e c k e d .
the Atlantic squadron returned to Rock-
the firm Intention of becoming an ac
A Danish colony of 500 families it
Heattle, Wash., Aug. 18.— F. P. port harbor tonight, after a day spent
seeking a location in Mexico. If the col Warner, connected with the beureau of in secret signal practice and in maneuv­ tress, let the stage be what It ma.f.
"Just one moment,” says “ mummy,’'
otiy prospers, it will receive large acces prisons at Manila, returned to the er«. Since the warships have been in
when the tea 1« brought “ I should
■ions later.
States on the steamer Dakota today. port here for the summer operations,
He says the health authorities in the the fleet officers have been studying a like to make sure that this Is not too
Philippines have checked the annual new system of signals entirely inde­ strong. Yes, It Is much' too strong.
scourge of cholera. From June 1, when pendent of wireless telegraphy, flags Will you let me have a pitcher of hot
B ro k e n D o w n , L ik e M a n y A n o th e r the first case was reported, up to the and siren whistles, and the maneuvers water, please? And I don’t think you
W o m an , W ith E x h a u s tin g
time Mr. Warner left the islands, only today included experiments in this r.ew ! *inv<‘ •Tought quite enough milk."
Half an hour later she marches
K id n e y T ro u b le s .
13 cases had been found in Manila. eyeteni, which is declared to he abso­
proudly from the shop, having paid
Mr«. A. Taylor, of Wharton, N. J., Speaking of the island prison, Presidio, lutely unique.
exactly the same sum for these privi­
«aye: “ I had kidney trouble in itr at Manila, Mr. Warner says there are
leges as the wretched man who could
Rebel Headquarters Broken Up.
most painful and severe form, and th< 4,000 persons confined there, of whom
st. Petersburg, Aug. 16.— file au­ not swallow a mouthful, and who sat
torture I went through but 100 are Americans or Knglish.
now «eeme to have
thorities attach great importance to tlie lu a draft.
Frauds by C offee Importers.
been almost tinheara
capture of revolutionist« at Moscow and
* i t t r 1l n K .
ble. I had backache,
New York, Aug. 18— Collector of vicinity. They believe they have brok­
pains in the side and Customs Htranahan conducted an exam­ en up the headquarters of the military
Mr. Gaddle— The Boormans celebra
loins, dizzy ppells and ination today in relation to the com­ fighting organization and arreeted the ted their silver wedding lust night,
feverish head­ plaint by Scott Trnxton, government leaders. In addition to eeiaing their didn’t they?”
There were agent of the Porto Rican Commercial clandestine printing establishment and
Mrs. Gaddle- Oh, no; I saw all the
E>earing down pains, agency, that a firm here had made a large enpply of bombs and explosives, presents.
and the kidney secre fraudulent declarations of a clearance of including shimoee powder, the author-
Mr. Gaddle— Eh?
What do you
tions passed too fre­ coffee. The declarations were made by itiee secured elaborate plane to be used mean?
quently, and with a burning sensation. a boy who, in manifesting several hu- • in the event of an uprising.
Mrs. Gaddle— It seem» to have been
Th»y showed sediment.
I became dis­ dred hags whicn contained coffee as
a silver plated wedding. — Catholic
couraged, weak, larquid and depressed, “ choice red beans,” omitted the word
Seared at Prison D oor.
Standard and Times.
so sick and weak that I could not keep “ coffee.”
New York, Ang. 17.— Charles C.
tlltttnw Roih W m u.
np. As doctors did not enre me I de­
Browne, the convicted eiik ex­
cided to try Doan's Kidney Pills, and
“There ts one big advantage In thii
S u it a 's T h a n k O ffe rin g .
aminer, who was ordered release.) from
with snch success that my troubles
Constantinople, Aug. 18.— The sultan the state prison at Bing Bing Tuesday matinee Idol business." mused the hand­
were all gone after using eight boxes, has ordered the release of all the pris­ on a writ of habeas corpus, ieeued by some actor, as the curtain went down
and my strength, ambition and general oners in the empire who have complet­ Judge llongh, of the United Btates on his thirty-third encore; "when yon
health is fine.”
ed two-thirds of their sentence«, as a Circuit court, was rearrested as he hit a ndss, you are always sure that
Sold by all dealers.
60 cents a b oi. mark of gratification for the recovery stepped from the prieon today and ar­ you will never miss a hit.” -
Foster MiIburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y .
ra ign ed before Judge Hough.
of his health.
P olite
R u i-m nn .
sU ng
A ll
Am ericas.
In the cities of Burma, where the na ! j 9 “ tired out” an Americanism? This
tlves hare been long In contact with | question Is put by a London paper in
Europeans, says the author of “ Burma j discussing the use of the expression by
Painted and Described.” they have lost the Vieuna correspondent of the Times
some o f their traditional (toliteiiess; but ! jU connection with the dismissal of the
In the country districts old school cour American embasHador to Austria Hun-
tesy is still the custom.
j gary. Anything that seems slangy I*
An English gentleman who had generally stamped as nu Americanism,
bought a new pony was trying hiui out luit in this case, us in so many others of
on a Burnian road, w hen the animal j i similar nature, it is shown that the
Nearly every one likes a fine
bolted, and ran at top speed down a I phrase can be found imbedded in the
hair dressing. Something to
narrow road.
lassie* o f the English lauguag
make the hair more manage­
I ii the way abend was a native « art. •ut" an Americanism? Well, in one of
able; to keep it from being
in which was a family party out boll Shnkspenre's sonnets, as one of the
day making.
London papers says, you may road :
too rough, or from splitting
The pony dashed into the back of the Yet this «hall I ne'er know, hut li*» In
at the ends. Something, too,
cart, threw his rider into the midst of
that will feed the hair at the
the merrymakers, and severely injured HU my had angel fire my good one out.
An American school teacher and
the Burman who was driving.
same time, a regular hair-food.
Before the Englishman had an oppor i this is another Illustration that comes
W ell-fed hair will be strong,and
tunity to explain his unexpected on to mind decided that his pupils should
will remain where it belongs —
daught the Burnian picked himself up drop the word "say" because it was In
elegant. The tendency to begin a re­
on the head, not on the com b!
ind bowed low.
“ My lord, my lord." he said, a polo mark or a question with “ say” may cer­
T h e b est kind o f a te stim o n ia l —
“ S o ld for ove r s i x t y y e a r s .”
getically, ‘ the cart should not have tainly be overdone, but, u? a bright
pupil pointed out. if “ say” Is vulgar,
been there.”
Mails by J. C. Ay*r Co.. Lowell, Man.
Also manufacturer« o f
how should we regard the use o f It In
Koan<l lie W n a a C a n n ib a l.
the first line o f "The Star Spangled
A new arrival in the town entered a Banner" “ Oh, say, can you see?”
restaurant ami ordered his dinner. He
How He Knew.
had Just been served when a large, ro­
Wedderly—That milliner of yours
tund person entered and seated himself
I I n d i n in C l o c k .
it the same table, and finally reached must he a bird.
We can not say that perpetual mo­
M rs. Wedderly— Nonsense! Hhe has
over and helped himself to his neigh
tion has actually been discovered, but
bor’s bread ; seeing that the other man’s neither wings nor feathers.
Wedderly Yes, but just look ut this the radium clock comes very near to It.
boiled potato had not been touched he
A small quantity of radium is put in a
took that and ate it without removing bill of hers.
glass tube, at the lower end of which
the skin. A piece of chicken followed.
To Break in New Shoes.
is un electroscope with two long
By this time the waiter reappeared
Always shake in A llen's Foot-Ease, a powder.
strips of silver. The activity of tlie
and handed the bill of fare to the It cures h<>t, sweating, aching, swollen
Cures corns, in g row in g nails and bun ions. At radium Induces the “ minus beta” rays
all druggists and shoe stores, '.’.V Pon 't accept
“ Roast beef: roast pork. Which shall anv substitute Sam ple m ailed FREE. Address to be conducted to the tips, when t lie
leaves of tli« electroscope expand and
I take?” said he. "Well, I guess you Alien S. Olm sted, I.e Roy, N. Y.
touch tlie sides of two conducting
can bring me roast beef, a double or-
Wot*« of the llonwe llnnter.
wires. Of course, the currents art* at
“ Mrs. Newcome, have you shot the
once released and the leaves fall back
“ Thank heaven,” said the man oppo­ chutes since you came to town?”
“ Not yet. I've put in all my time flat­ again. The beats are repeated every
two minutes, and the calcu lation is
“ Eh? What did you say. sir?”
ting the flats.” — Chicago Tribune.
that it will continue for no less than
“ I said ‘Thank Heaven!’ I was afraid
30,000 years, which is about uh near
you were a cannibal.” l'iftsburg Press.
Eveiy schoolboy knows that the fa­ to perpetuity as any one need trouble
H eel p r o d t y.
ble of the fox and the sour grapes is about.
“ I declare,” complained Mrs. Duzzit, inaccurate from a natural history point
“ I shall certainly have to punish the of view, says u London newspaper,
children!” says a writer in Life. “ What and, as usual, every
schoolboy is
have they been up to now?” inquired wrong. An eminent Oxford professor
¿ V IS E BR0
her husband.
on hearing the point discussed the oth­
"They have simply upset my sewing er day actually brought some gropes
room. Nothing is where it should l>e. and then went to the zoo, where he
, main > o * 0 ' \ - Vv
Needles, spools o f thread, scissors, darn­ tried them ou a fox, who ate them
3 **/ '’ WASH STS
ing balls, everything I have has been greedily!
poked away into the most unexpected
M others w ill find Mr«. W inslow ’s Soothing
corners. It is perfectly exasperating."
Syrup the best rem edy to use for their ch ild ren
Mr. Duzzit surveyed liis wife with a d u rin g the teeth in g i <*riod.
benignant air.
1 ii Confldenc
“ That wasn’t«the children, dear,” he
“ I know," lie declared, “ that we were
said. "I did that.”
meant for each other from the very uio- Season 1906 and 1907 Opens Sept. 15
“ What possessed you?”
ment I first saw you.”
Prepares for Dramatic and Operatic
“ It was kindness o f heart. After you
“ I knew it,” she replied, “ long before Stage and places Graduates.
straightened up the papers and books that.”
nized by leading theatrical managers.
on my desk so beautifully. 1 thought
“ You did?”
Send for Catalogue and list of gradu«
it was no more than right that I should
“ Yes. I may tell you now in confi I ates and their succet-B.
return tlie compliment by putting your denee, since we’re engaged and it’s all I
settled, that mamma had been mapping Egdll DrdllldtlC ¿Hid OpCfdtiC School
sewing room in order. So 1 did.”
our our accidental meetinj for three
Egan Hall Arcade Building, Seattle.
T h e I n e x p e r t t M l \ k h 1 h .
months.”— Judge.
FRANK C. EGAN. Principal.
‘•Y-yes, sir, l want to marry your
A . H a ir
D ressin g
.y ers
Egan Dramatic and
Operatic School
C IT O s t-
tu s’ T>anee an a all N e rv o u s DUcanes
f | I u p e rm a n en tly cured by Ur. K lin e 's Great
N erve Restorer. Send for K H K K S2 trtat b o t t i" and
“ Does my daughter favor your stilt?” treatise.
Hr. K. H . K iln , 1x1. »31 A roll S t., I’ tiila., I’ a
“ 1 have her assurance that she does
DI « c o u rn tied .
“ Are you aware that my daughter’s
Sherloc’t Holmes had announced his in­
detective work.
taste is very poor?”
“ My dear Holmes." said l)r. Watson.
“ N-iio, sir.”
''Remarkably poor. Of course, this is y«m don't tnoau ¡4!”
“ Quite so, my dear doctor,” he said.
no fault of yours.”
“ Those Philadelphia detectives have made
“ Thank you. sir.”
me look like a bungling amateur.”
“ Luckily she has a father wbosf
Shooting another charge of dope into
taste is beyond criticism,"
his arm, he assumed a William Gillette
pose and stared moodily into the fire.
"I understand, sir. Good day.”
“ Hold on. Give me a chance to fin
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
ish. I say that it's lucky for you hoi
father’s taste Js good. 1 like you. my w ith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as th ey can n ot
j reach the scat o f the disease. Catarrh is a
boy. ( ’ofue up to dinner and we’ ll set blood or con stitu tion al disease, and in order to
tie this affair In short order.” —Clove I cure it you m u st take in tern al rem edies.
H all's Catarrh Cure is taken in te rn a lly , and
land Plain Dealer.
acts directly on the blood anil m ucous surfaces.
Saves Its Cost in 1 ime
Labor and Starch.
F* A b s o lu te ly U ninjurious to the finest
n e v er causes
d iscolora tion s,
m akes the clo th e s s n ow y w h ite, and hy-
gien ically clea n , unlike o rd in a ry laundry
soaps, k e e p s the hands s o ft and white.
Free Sample for top from j m in i cartoon 20-Mule-
Team B'T.i.x mid «leucr’ s name, yournum eum l ud-
dress and 5c In s'amps including Free u Souvenir
Picti re 7.x11 inches in lOcolors. Address PACIFIC
COA.V1' BUHAN CO., Uuklaml, Cal.
I H all's Catarrh Cure is n ot a quack m edicine.
| It was prescribed by one o f the l est physicians
No (/'oiigciiMic« Vet.
in this cou n try for years, and is a regu lar pre-
“ He hasn’t betu in politics very long ; scription. It is com posed of the l>est tonics
kn ow n , com b in ed w ith the best b lo o d purl-
has he?”
j tiers, actin g d irectly on the m uono* aurfnce-.
! The perfect com b in a ion of the two ingredients
"No. but how did you know?”
is wna*
at produces such w on d erfu l results in
“ 1 was walking with him to-day Just ! i cu
rin g Catarrh. Semi for testim onials free
F. .1 C H E N E Y A < <
Props., T oled o, O.
as a police patrol wagon dashed up
Sold by druggists, price 1
behind us. and he didn't start guiltily
H all's Family Pills are the best.
or look nervous at all.” — Philadelphia
A b le
R eta lia te.
Byron was writing his “ English Bard»
and Scotch Reviewer?.”
31e t O fte n .
“ They’ll find I’m no Keats!” he ex-
“ Why are you bowing to that man?
Do you know him?” asked Madge, in claimed. “ I’m a ba-ad man from the
headwaters of Bitter creek, and I can
hit hack—darn ’em !”
“ Yes,” said her ehutn. “ lie walked
Regretting that his lame foot was not
over me so many times getting out be­ a real club, so he could use it on them.
tween acts nt the theater last night that he dipped hi? pen in tha vitriol again and
we got real well acquainted.”— Detroit confided some more of his burning
thoughts to the sheet of paper before him.
Free Dress.
¿ iiS u jïïf f a
AVegclable Prcpnr.ilionfor A s ­
similai mi} the l ood .ind R e lik t -
ling the Slomachs ¡ind dowels o f
I n f a n t s ¿ C h il d r e n
Promotes Digestion Cheerful
ness ami llesi .Contains neiihcr
N o
a r c o t ic
<V O! J Dr *. IMI T l iiTVHLR
Pumpkin Seed-
M x Stnnu -
PmMh . W/r -
Jhfwrtrini -
Ih i m rim naU Soda *
ffirm .fan/ -
Aprrfrrl Remedy fnrConslipe
lio n . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .C onvulsions .Feverish
n ess and Loss O F S l e k p .
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre­
sentative Business Firms.
t III A M >1- P A H \ 1 i 1 H ü
W e R S S T S n t N 1 In* u . Mb
Separator to be the best. W rite lor free cutaiog.
Hazelw ood Co.. Fifth and Oak.
M K N ’ B C L O T H I N O — BnfTum A Pendleton, sols
ng»*nfs A lfred Benjam in
t'o .’ s correct clothes.
FA erv th in g In m en 's furnishings.
Morrison and
Sixth streets. Opposite posioiliue.
P I A N O S A O H O A N S — M a n y Hue Internm ents re­
vert to us account s < k ii*ss or rem oval o f buyer
W r l 'e for descr ption o f p anos now on hand,
term s, etc. W r ite today.
O ilbort C o., Portland
P. N. U.
No. 34
T h e K in d Y ou H ave A lw ays B ou g h t, an d w hich has been
in use fo r ov er 3 0 years, has b orn e th e signature o f
, an d lias been m ade under his per­
sonal supervision since its infancy.
A llo w n o on o tod ecelv e you in this.
A ll C ounterfeits, Im itations and *• J u s t-e s -g o o d ” are b u t
E xperim ents that trifle w ith an d endanger th e health o f
Infants an d Children—E xperience agaiust Experim ent,
Castoria Is a harmless substitute fo r Castor Oil, P are­
goric, D rop s an d S ooth in g Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains n eith er O pium , M orphine n or oilier Jiarco^lo
substance. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys W orm s
and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and W ind
Colic. I t relieves T eeth in g Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates th e F o o d , regulates tlio
Stomach and B ow els, giving healthy and natural sleep.
T he C hildren’ s Panacea—T he M other’ s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
E tc Simile S ig n a lu r r o f
■ Q
C Q g W
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 3 0 Years
r-t cc— ...
hi —
.... err..
\ T
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