Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, March 30, 1906, Image 4

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    Spring SViedgcine
The best is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It
is the best because it does the most good.
While it makes the blood pure, fresh
and lively, it tones the stomach to bet­
ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu­
lates the kidneys and liver, gives new
brain, nerve and digestive strength.
A n unlimited list of wonderful cures
— 40,366 testimonials in the past two
years—proves its merit. In buying medi­
cine always get the best, — Mr» s. l . c»neton. Ay r . M a s s . .s a y s : “ For
a p e r f e c t s p r i n g m e d i c i n e t o g i v e s t r e n g t h and
get Hood’s.
t h o r o u g h l y p u r if y t h e b lo o d . H o o d 's S a r s a p a
r i ll a is h e ld in h ig h e s t e e m l»y o u r w h o le fa m ­
Sold everywhere.
ily . 1 h a v e u s e d it fr o m c l ila h o o d a n d fin d it
Liquid or tablets. 100 Doses SL
a s g o o d f o r m y c h i ld r e n a s f o r m y s e l f . ”
R eckon ed
In e v ita b le .
(o f
friends his new residence)—Now, what
do you think o f that for a Looey-Quin-
sy dining room? I guess them Astor-
Astor hotels uiu't got nothing on that,
Friend (from New Y ork)— I should
say not! By the way, you have uot
■hown mq the library?
Porkand— IJb’ ry? Wake up, wake
tip! Why, Carnegie’s made ’em so com­
mon, all the best families are cutting
’em ou t!— Puck.
Itching. HI nd, Bleeding, Protruding Piles.
gists arc authorized to refund m oney If 1’ AZU
O IN T M E N T fails to cure lu 5 to 14 days. 50c.
Electric fishes, exposed to the action
of radium, have been found to lose their
electric power completely, and to suffer
in health.
P erm anently Cured. N o fltsor n ervousness
____1 a lta r first da y ’ s use o f D r. K lin e 's Great Narva
Restorer. Send for E r e «
trial b ottlennd treatise.
Dr. R . H . K line, L td .,M l A rch St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
A cremated adult human body leaves
a residuum of gray ashes which altogeth­
er do not weigh more than about two
T h e r e Is m o r e C a t a r r h In t h is s e c t io n o f t h e
c o u n t r y th a n a ll o t h e r d is e a s e s p u t t o g e t h e r ,
a n d u n t il th e la s t fe w y e a r s w a s s u p p o s e d to b e
in c u r a b le . F o r a g r e a t m a n y » e a r s d o c t o r s p r o ­
n o u n s d it a lo c a l d is e a s e , a n d p r e s c r ib e d lo c a l
r e m e d ie s , a n d b y c o n s t a n t l y f a i l i n g t o eu ro
w it h l o c a l t r e a t m e n t , p r o n o u n c e d i t in c u r a b le .
S c ie n c e h a s p r o v e n c a t a r r h t o b e a c o n s t it u ­
t io n a l d is e a s e , a n d t h e r e f o r e r e q u ir e s c o n s t it u ­
t io n a l t r e a t m e n t . H a ll’ s C a ta r r h C u r e , m a n u ­
fa c t u r e d b y F. I. C h e n e y A C o ., T o le d o , O h io , is
t h e o n l y c o n s t it u t i o n a l c u r e o n t h e m a r k e t . It
Is t a k e n in t e r n a ll y in d o s e s fr o m 10 d r o p s to a
t e a s p o o n f u l. I t a c t s d i r e c t ly o n t h e b lo o d a n d
m u c > 11 a s u r fa c e s o f t h e s y ste m . T h e y o ffe r o n e
h u n d r e d d o l la r s f o r a n y ca se i t fa ils to c u r e .
S e n d f o r c i r c u la r s a n d te s t im o n ia ls .
A d dress.
K J. C H E N E Y A CO ., T o le d o , O
S o ld by D r u g g is t s , 75c.
i l a l l ’s F a m ily P il ls a r e th e b est.
President Diaz is not so wealthy ns
accredited. ilia fortune
short of
Sliding seats were first used in rowing
races in 1873.
Paris has the biggest debt of any city
in the world. It amounts to $400,000,-
In ch es.
o f th e
W ave Circle
a*, ounces ^
is the home where good cooking is
loved, where the family enjoy the
finest of biscuits, doughnuts, cakes,
and pies and other good things every
day. The baking is always delicious
and wholesome because
Uts MAHÍ® 1
>0». «A«*'
B a k in g
Pow der
— the baking powder of the wave
circle, is used.
Get K C to-day! 25 ounces for
25c. If it isn’ t all that we claim,
your grocer refunds your m oney.
Send for “ B ook of Presents."
C h ic a g o .
H ii I I iik
l* » n « lo n .
Old Stoxanbons— Arc you sure that
you can no longer control the thing?
His Chauffeur—Yes. sir. I’m afraid
It will got away from me very soon.
Old Stoxanhons —Then for heaven’s
sake run Info something cheap!—Puck.
liver, L> tul, i
upper,»!. »
IV.U price 1st >
pire w ork soil
tionul Hank.
Portland Trade Dir- tory
Name« and A ddresses in Portland of Repre­
sentative Business Firms.
T H OTO HI’ P i’ Ll EH: Kodak d eveloping and print
»V uodard, Clarke A Co.
log ; w rite for price:
M AGIO L A N T E R N S — W elster Co., Portland,
lo w e s t prices on la n te rn s and Slides.
E L A S T IC H O -1 F R Y ; Supporters, B race«: Knit to
F it ; free m easurem ent b la n k s: W oodard, Clarke.
H O R N E * o f all kinds for sale at very reasonable
prices. Inquire 275 Front Nt.
TRUERKH sent on a pprov al; we guarantee fit In
m ost difficult ca s e s ; Woo«lard, C lark» A Co.
S W E E T P EAH —Mend 10c for pc kg. asstd Fair Gold
Medal peas. J. J. Rutzer. IHS Front street.
A H ri F h I A L K l i 8 ; eyery shade aad shape . in
nortment sent on a p p rov a l; W oodard, Clarke Co
C R E A M S E P A R A T O R » —W e guarantee (be f.N .
(Separator to be the best. W rite lor free catalog
H azelw ood Co.. Fifth and Oak.
M E N ’ S C L O T H IN G — RufTum .* ! 'endleton, sole
agents A lfred Benjam in A C o.’s correct clothes
Morrison and |
E v ery th in g In m en 's fnrnHbings.
Six th streets. O pposite posioitfce.
F R E E L A N D IN O R E G O N under the Carey Irrl
tton act. Deed d reot from State. W rite today.
muc let and m ap tree.
R. N. C ooke A Co., 261
A ld er street, Cortland, Oregon.
P O U L T R Y FOOD—I f you want you r hens to lav
m ore eggs wr te ns tor free particulars about PC
R I N A P O U L T R Y F E E D S —A cm e Mills Co.,
T ori-an d, Oregon.
T A I L OU S—C olu m bia W oolen M ills Co.. Portland,
Ore. Latest sty le d o ttie s m ade to m easure cheap. |
Our self m easurem ent system Insures peri eel til.
W rite f«>r free sa m ples and prices.
P I A N im a o r g a N s — old est piano house on Pa :
rifle «-oast, o rg a n s and Pianos on easy paym ents.
W rite fhr list. us q u ote you a prl«-e. A lien .* |
G ilbert K am aker C o., P ortland, Oregon.
O regon H erbs—S pecific Ibr all K idney and Bladder
troubles. Cures B A C K A C H E . Price 50c. t rial
Bite sent by m ail for 10c. in stamps. Send Unlay.
gSOS Third Nt.
U n m a n Hair G oods—Sw itches, Pom padours. Men’ s
T oupee* and W ig s ; best qu ality; lowest prices,
•end for tree price list; malt orders a spec ialty
P ar a lla ir Niore, KW W ashington 1 U Eat IMA
Saturday, March 2 4 .
Washington, March 24. — Hazing at
the Annapolis Naval academy was dealt
with by the house today in the pansage
of a senate bill with a house substitute.
The action was taken after a protracted
debate, which placed on record the
impressions of the special committee
which investigated the subject recently
and a severe criticism by Hepburn of
efforts to condone hazing.
amendments were proposed, but all
were rejected save one, it being the
duty of cadet officers, as well as other
academy authorities, to report infrac­
tions of the rules.
The bill repeals
that portion of existing laws which
makes it compulsory to dismiss mid­
shipmen guilty of hazing in any de­
gree, aud substitutes punishment ac­
cording to the nature of the offense.
Cruel and brutal hazing may be pun­
ished by dismissal. Previous to con­
sideration of the hazing bill, 265 pen­
sion bills were discussed and passed.
The teacher in the primary depart­
ment had been telling her pupils about
three kingdoms of nature—the animal,
the vegetable and the mineral. When
she had finished the New York World
says she asked:
“ Now, who can tell me what the
Friday, March 23.
highest form of animal life is?”
Washington, March 23. — Spooner
A little girl In a front seat raised
today concluded his speech in the sen­
her hand.
“ The highest form of animal life Is ate on the railroad rate bill, and the
fortifications appropriation bill was
a giraffe.”
taken up and passed. It carries an ap­
M o t h e r s w il l fin d M r-. W in s lo w ’s S o o t h in g propriation of $125,000 for the erection
S y ru p th e b est re m e d y t o u se fo r t h e ir children
of a powder manufactory, and Daniel
d u r in g t h e t e e t h in g p e r io d .
spoke at length in support of the pro­
I le lp in fc O u t.
vision. He declared that the nation
With an exclamation of delight the
was entirely at the mercy of a powder
hardened tourist rushed out on the bag­
trust, and urged that the amendment
gage platform and started to smash his
should be adopted as a safeguard. As
trunk with an ax.
passed, the bill carries an appropria­
“ Hold on !” shouted the baggage man. tion of $5,278,993. Tillman also spoke
“ Are you crazy?”
on the railroad rate bill, suggesting
“ Not at all,” replied the hardened that the Interstate Commerce commis­
tourist as he continued to smash. “ 1 sion should have authority to enjoin
read that baggagemen were overworked the railroads from increasing their
at this season, so I thought I would rates. He said the suggesion had been
smash my own trunk aud save you the made by a “ corn held lawyer” in Ok­
The following bids were also passed:
T ak e L A X A T I V K BID > M < >0 ill n i ne Tubi et n. Drag­ Creating a steamboat inspectors’ dis­
ar If U la i s to cure.
E. W.
trict in Alaska ; providing for filling in
•e is 011 each box. 25c.
G RO VE'S» mti
the naval station at Honolulu ; author­
An A ddendum .
izing the Chicago, Milwaukee A 8t.
David Christie Murray has an anec­ Paul railroad to construct bridges across
dote to tell of yvhat be says Is "the the Missouri, Yellowstone, Snake and
champion printer’s error o f his experi­ Columbia rivers.
ence.” At the close of a certain story
from his pen, published some years
Washington, March 23. — The con­
ago, Mr. Murray wrote:
sideration of the legislative appropria­
“ Are there no troubles now?” the lov tion bill in the house today was enliv­
ened by a small spat between Prince
er asks.
and Tawney, a proposition to buy a pri­
“ Not one, dear Frank, not one.”
And then, in brackets, thus [ ], he vate crtr for the president, which was
put the words, “ White line.” This was ruled out of order, and a jeering speech
a technical Instruction to the printer, by Smith, of Arizona, about the sup­
and meant that one line of space pression of debate by the rules.
An echo of the statehood controversy
should be left clear. The genius who
had the copy in hand put the lover’s yesterday resulted in an effort to cor­
speech In type correctly, and then, set rect the journal. Williams maintained
ting it out as if it were a line of verse, he was put in the ridiculous position
he added: “ Not one, dear Frank, not of moving to instruct the conferees
after they had been appointed, a mo­
one white line!” — London Tit-Pits.
tion clearly out of order at that time.
The correction was made as suggested.
The Home
U tD E ..—A M ayor and Chem ist,
'tttln. S pecim en prices: ( fold,
>1.1. Silver, 75c ; G old, 50c : Z in c or
le lests. Ma llíng en v elop -s und
ti application, c o n tr o l and I'm -
R e fe re n ce : Carbonate Na-
the k i n g
Thursday, March 22.
Washington, March 22. — The state­
hood bill was taken from the speaker’ s
table in the house today, placed in the
hands of three selected conferees and a
request made of the senate for a con­
ference on the disagreeing votes of the
two houses.
This action was not ac­
complished without many words and
votes. It was developed, however, that
there were votes enough to carry out
ihe program of the leaders. Then fol­
lowed 40 minutes of fiery speeches, some
of which provoked much amusement
among the large attendance of mem­
bers and the crowded galleries. Then
came the final vote on the adoption of
the rule, which 175 members approved
and 156 opposed.
The legislative appropriation bill
xmetituted the subject for the remain­
der of tfie day. Criticism was made of
the management of the library of con­
gress, and Hardwick, of Georgia, found
himself opposed by members of both
sides of the chamber in his endeavor to
restrict the white house appropriation
so as to eliminate a social secretary for
the wife of the president.
Washington, March 22. — The rail­
road rate bill occupied practically all of
the time of the senate today. There
were two ppeeches, one by Lodge and
the other by Spooner. Lodge spoke in
advocacy of his amendment, looking
to the enlargement of the Interstate
Commerce commission, and in doing so
replied sharply to some recent utter­
ances of Commissioner Prouty. Spoon­
er devoted his attention (O the consti­
tutional powers of the inferior courts,
ontending that these courts could not
be destroyed nor their jurisdiction
taken from them.
Revise Second-Class Rate.
Washington, March 20.—The house
ommittee on postoffices and postroads
reported the postoffice appropriation bill
to the house today.
It provides for an
expenditure of $191,373,848 for the
fiscal year 1907, or $913,221 leea than
trie motlified estimates of the Postoffice
department. This amount exceeds the
appropriation for 1906 by $10,351,755.
Legislation for freeing the mails of
heavy matter and for gaining informa­
tion to reclassify mail is included in
the bill. One provision appropriates
$10,000 to pay freight on supplies.
Still Fights Rogue River Reserve.
Washington, March 20. — Senator
| Fulton today laid before thejforest serv­
ice numerous protests from Southwest­
ern Oregon against the creation of the
Rogue river forest reserve.
Pinchot is not convinced by these pro­
tests, and says he se^s no good reason
for abandoning the idea of creating
this reserve. No immediate action is
looked for, but it seems quite certain
that in time M l Pinchot will recom­
mend its establishment.
Senator Ful­
ton will carry his protest to the presi­
All Eat Chinook Salmon.
Washington, March 20. — United
States senators and a few 'avorsd mem­
bers of the house feasted on royal Chi­
nook salmon from the Columbia river
today. Senator Fulton acting as host.
V hig 50 pound fish was cooked and
•erved Oregon Style, and liberally
xerved, to every senator with his lunch­
So popular has fresh Columbia
river salmon become that it is impossi-
'e to hold a qn< rum in the senate
wh n one of these fish is being served.
8 W I F T ’3
Wednesday, March 21.
Washington, March 21.—The entire
No other remedy has given such perfect satisfaction as a
day in the senate was devoted to the
th e or eat
consideration of the railroad rate bill. blood purifier and tonic or is so reliable in the cure of blood dis­
Culberswn began the proceedings by eases of every character as S. S. S.
It is knowu as “ T he
presenting an amendment prohibiting
corporations coming under the opera­ K in g of Blood Purifiers,” and the secret of its success and
tion of the pro nosed law from making its right to this title is because " I T
C U R E S D IS E A S E ."
campaign contributions and he was It is an honest medicine, made entirely of purifying, healing
immediately followed by his colleague
roots, herbs and harks, which are acknowledged to be specifics for
Bailev, who offered the amendment
long promised by him and followed diseases arising from an impure or poisoned condition of the blood
this action with a speech in which he and possessing tonic properties that act gently and admirably in the up-building of a run­
explained that he would not now pre
sent the amendment but for the fact down, weakened or disordered condition of the system.
that Dolliver had referred to and criti
One of the greatest points iu favor of S. S. S. is that it is the only blood remedy on the
cised it in an interview. He indicated market which does uot contain a mineral ingredient of some kind to derange or damage the
some displeasure over the interview,
system. It is the one medicine that can be taken with absolute safety by the youngest child
but exoneratdd Dolliver from discour
tesy in the matter. The Iowa senator or the oldest member of the family, aud persons who have allowed their systems to get iu
disavowed any intention to reveal a such condition that most medicines arc repulsive to the stomach will find that S. S. S.,
secret and the incident was closed
Both Bailey and Dolliver while thorough, is gentle and pleasant iu its action, and has none of the nauseating effects
made speeches reiterating their views of the different mineral mixtures and concoctions offered as blood purifiers.
and they were followed by more or less
A s every part of the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment and strength, it is
extended remarks by Tillman, Patter­
So long as it remains
son, Heyburn and Knox.
Bailey was necessary that this vital fluid be kept free from germs and poisons.
interrupted in the middle of his speech uncontaminated we are fortified against dis­
by the announcement of his father's ease, and health is assured ; but any impurity,
. G«ntl«m»n:—8. S. 9 . U us»d as a family medloln» in our
. • .
1 J
home. I m ys«lf have taken and alw ays found it what it is
death, and immediately left tho senate t
to be. It thoroughly cleanses the system o f iin­
tern and affects the general health.
Pus- puritl«*. Increases the appetite, Improves the digestion,
Washington, March 21.— Represent­ . ,
- °
builds up the general health. I have given It to my
ohtkIreD w ith fine results. It prom ptly restores the appe-
ative George R. Patterson, of the t l lla r eruptions, pimples, rashes and the
J1,' 18 “ nd c l,a r * th* “ kin o f alt eruptions. It is a very hue
Pennsylvania district, died different skin affections show t h a t t h e blood
• ,
blood tonic and has my hearty endorsement.
suddenly here today. Heart failure is . .
124 s. sth st., Lebanon, Fa.
p. h . T h o m p s o n .
ascribed as the cause of death.
The house adjourned immediately af­ result of too much acid or the presence ol
ter it was called to order, out of respect some irritating humor.
Sores and Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the
for Mr. Patterson. The statehood bill
blood, and Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison etc., are all deep-seated
will be taken up tomorrow.
blood disorders that continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains.
But all blood diseases are not acquired; some persons are born with an hereditary taint
in the blood and we see this great affliction manifested in many ways. The skin has a
waxy, pallid appearance, the eyes are often weak, glands of the neck enlarged, and as the
taint has been in the blood since birth the entire health is usually affected.
In all blood troubles S. S. S. has proved itself a perfect remedy aud has well earned the
title of “ K IN G O F B LO O D P U R I F I E R S .”
It goes down into the circulation and removes
all poisons, humors, waste or foreign matter, aud makes this stream of life pure and health-
Nothing reaches inherited blood
troubles like S. S. S.; it removes every particle
of the taint, pnrifies and strengthens the weak,
deteriorated blood, and supplies it with the
healthful properties it needs ana establishes the
foundation for good health.
A s a tonic this
great medicine has no equal, and it will be found
especially bracing to weak, anaemic persons.
Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Skin
Diseases, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all other bipod troubles are cured perma­
nently by S. S. S., aud so thorough is the cleansing of the blood that no trace of the dis­
ease is left to break out in future years or to be transmitted to offspring. If you are in
need of a blood purifier get “ T H E K I N G ” of them all, S. S. S .— aud good results are
assured. Book on the blood and any medical advice desired furnished without charge to
all who write.
Tuesday, March 20.
Washington, March 20. — In less
than 20 minutes the senate voted away
$140,000,000 of the public funds. The
sum is carried by the pension appro­
priation bill, which brief document was
made the subject of very little discus­
The railroad rate bill was laid
aside for the day and the major por­
tion of the time was devoted to the
consideration of the fortification bill.
In that connection the question of the
necessity for seacoast fortifications in
the Philippines
discussed at
length, with the result that all provis­
ions for such fortifications in these
islands was eliminated. The consider­
ation of the measure was not concluded.
There was also a brief discussion of the
power of the conference committee to
amend the bill providing for punish­
ment for premature divulgence of gov­
ernment secrets so as to make the in­
hibition extend to senators and mem­
bers of the house of representatives,
but the subject was left undisposed of
for the time.
Washington. March 20.— The house
of representatives today did business
with a microscope in one hand and the
bill making appropriations for the sal­
aries of its officers and employes in the
other. The result was that, although
hours were spent in reading the
amendment, less than 25 pages were
The spirit of economy in
little things was all absorbing. Points
of order were made and many of them
were fatal to proposed increases iu the
salaries of officers, janitors, doorkeep­
ers, messengers and laborers.
A point of order which made the en­
gine room of tiie house cost $270 in­
stead of $280 a year, as proposed,
caused a constitutional debate of more
than an hour on the point as to whether
the house could do as it saw fit in the
matter of fixing the salaries of its em
ployes. The conclusion seemed to be
that it could, and that it prescribed its
own action by its rules. However,
these rules prohibited increasing a sal
ary without provision of law.
Monday, March 19.
Washington, March 19.— There were
three speeches on the railroad rate bill
in the senate today. McCreary, Bailey
and Heyburn were the orators.
Creary announced his determination to
vote for the bill whether amended or
not, hut said that he would not object
to a reasonable provision for the review
of the Interstate Commerce commis­
sion’ s findings. Bailey replied to crit­
icisms of his suggestion for a prohibi­
tion of the suspension of the commis­
sion’ s orders by courts below the Su­
preme court. He contended, that con­
gress had the absolute power to pre­
scribe limitations for the courts which
it creates, and cited a large number of
decisions in support of his position.
Heyburn advocated a review provision,
but expressed the opinion that, even if
it were omitted, no person could be de­
prived of his right of admission to the
T H E S W I F T S P E C IF IC C O M P A N Y . A T L A N T A , G A .
Prof. George Howison of the depart­
The old box-like compartment cars on
ment of philosophy of the University of French railways are being gradually dis­
California has declared his belief in im­ placed by veatibuled cars oi a more mod­
mortality for animals.
ern type.
Mfafl Drilling Machinery,
Drilling & fishing Tools.
Irrigation Plant,Hydrau­
lic Rams, Spray Pumps.
W rite Us
182-4-6 M o r riso n St.
P o r t la n d
O re g o n
St. Jacobs Oil B A G S !
Is the short, sure, easy cure 5 for
R heum atism
N e u r a lg ia
It penetrates to the seat
ol torture, and relief
promptly follows.
P r ic e »
25c. a n d
See t h a t th e y a r * p l a c e d o n y o u r n e x t o r d e n
T o Get More Strength
from Your Food
of j people are starving with
a full : stomach.
You know, it’s not how much
we Eat,
Eat but how we Digest that
makes U3 Strong, or Brainy, or Successful.
When the Bowels are filled with undi­
gested food we may be a great deal
worse off than if we were half starved for
want of Food.
Because, food that stays too long in the
Bowels decays there, just as if it stayed
too long in the open air.
Well, when food decays in the Bowels,
through delayed and overdue action, what
happens ?
The millions of little Suction Pumps
that line the Bowels and Intestines then
draw Poison from the decayed Food,
instead of the Nourishment they were
intended to draw.
This Poison gets into the blood and,
In time, spreads all over the body, unless
the Cause of Constipation is promptly
That Cause of Constipation is Weak,
or Lazy, Bowel Muscles.
Measure Oregon Streams.
Washington, March 20.— The Geo­
logical survey has formed a new hydro-
graphic district, comprising the states
of Washington and Oregon. The head
quarters of J. C. 8tevens, hydrographer
in charge, will he at 351 Washington
street, Portland
Mr. Stevens is train­
ed in engineering, and has had several
years of experience investigating the
hydrography work in the arid states of
When your Bowel-Muscles grow flabby
the West. He is well qualified for this they need Exercise to strengthen them —
important work.
The Oregon state not “ Physic’ ’ to pamper them.
surveyor at present co-operates with
There’s only one kind of Artificial
the government geogaphica! survey.
Exercise for the Bowel-Muscles.
Its name is “ CASCARETS,” and its
Relinquished Forest Land.
price is Ten Cents a box.
Washington, March 20.— The senate
Cascareis act like Exercise on the
today adopted a resolution presented Muscles of the Bowels, and make them
by Hansbrough, directing the secretary stronger every time they force these
of the interior to furnish on the first Muscles to act naturally.
Monday in December, 1906, the names
The stronger these Muscles propel the
of persons anti firms or corporations food, the stronger does the friction of the
who have relinquished to the TTnited food act on the flow of Digestive Juices.
states land in the vicinity of forest re­
The more of these Juices that act on
serves. The information requested is food, the more Nutriment does that food
to include the names of those who have turn Into, and the richer nourishment do
not selected lands in lieu of those re­ the little Suction Pumps of the intestines
linquished, -and the secretary is in­ draw out of it.
structed to provide the means to which
they are entitled.
Claim for Exploded Shell.
Washington, Mach 20.— A claim for
$15,000 haa heen presented to the War
department by the parent» of three
children who were injnred by the ex- I
ploeion of a shell on the American lake
camp site near Tacoma. Thi» shell wae
fired during the maneuver» t w o year»
ago, bnt failed to explode.
The ch il­
dren were playing w it h i t recently and j
exploded it. The department ia nnahle ■
t o pay the claim, and w i l l refer i t t o
| L
It needs only one Cascaret at a time
to stimulate all the Bowel-Muscles enough,
without purging, discomfort or loss of
So, if you want the same natural
action that a six-mile walk in the country
would give you, (without the weariness)
take one Cascaret at a time, with intervals
between, till you reach the exact condi­
tion you desire.
* * *
One Cascaret at a time will properly
cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue,
thus proving clearly its ready, steady,
sure, but mild and effective action.
A coming Headache can be warded off,
in short order, by a single Cascaret, and
the cause removed.
Heartburn, Gas-belching, Acid-risings
in the throat, and Colicky feeling are sure
signs of Bowel trouble from food poisons,
and should be dealt with promptly.
One Cascaret will stop the coming
trouble, move on the Bowel load, and free
the Digestive Juices, if that one Cascaret
is taken as soon as ffie first signs are
W e a re M a n u fa c t u r e r s a n d I m p o r t e r s o f
Wheat Bags, Oat Bags, Barley Bags,
Flour Bags. Hop Cloth, Ore Sacks and
Burlap of All Kinds.
Bags of Burlap
and Cotton Manufactured by us.
B R O .
1508-1514 Colorado Street,
W. L. D o u g l a s
• a s i’assHOESR'.
W . L . Do u g la s * 4 . 0 0 c u t Edge Line
c a n n o t be equalled at any price.
Don't fail to carry the Vest Pocket
Cascaret Box with you constantly.
All Druggists sell them—over ten
million boxes a year, for six years past.
Be very careful to get the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com­
pany and never sold in bulk. Every
tablet stamped “ CCC.’ ’
F R IE N D S !
We want to send to our friends a beautiful
French-designed. GOLD PLATED BONBON BOX.
hard-enameled in colors. It is a beauty for the
dressing table. Ten cents in stamps is asked as a
measure of good faith and to cover cost of Cascarets,
with which tills dainty trinket is loaded.
Send to-day. mentioning this paper. Address
Sterling Remedy Company. Chicago or New York.
O ft e n t im e s a s i lv e r fillin g ia
m o -v a d v is a b le th a n g l«i Hut
s o m e d e n tis t s use t h e m a te in i
al o w in g th e m< at pr< tit t -
t h e m s e lv e s . Y o n h a v e to 1 a\ e
t h i« t o th e j t n lg m -n t o f th e
d e n tis t . W h y n o ’ g > t o d^ n -
tt«ts w h o h a v e b u ilt a m i m a ■ ti-
ta in a re p u ta tio n fo r r e l ia b il i­
t y ? t x a m in a t t o n s free
W .L .D O U G L A 8 M A R E S A S E L L S M O R E
M E N ’S $ 3 . 8 0 SH O E S TH AN A N Y O TH ER
1 finn
REWARD to anyone who can
* I U ,U U U
disprove th e statement.
If I could take you In to mv three la rg e factories
■t Brockton, M as»., and show y o u the in fin ite
care with which everv pair of shoes ia m ade you
would realize w hy W . L. Dougin« $3 50 shoes
cost more to make, w hy they hold their shape,
fit better, wear longer, and are of greater
Intrinsic value than any other $ 5 .5 0 shoe.
W . L . O o u Q ia m S t r o n g M a d . S h o . a f o r
M o n . * 2 . BO . 3 2 . 0 0 . H o y . ' S c h o o l 4
C A U T I p N , — Insist up.-n h a vin g W .L .D ou g ,
las shoes. T a k e n o su b stitu te. N on e g en u in e
w ith o u t hia nam e and pri«*«* sta m ped on b ottom .
faat Color Eut'tfs used ; theu mil not uear brassu.
W r it e fo r illu s tr a te d Tat d og .
W . L m D O U G L A s , B r o c k t o n , M ass,
P. N. U.
No. 1 3
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
T T ’ H K N w r i t in g t o a d v e r t i s e r s p l e s s o
m e n t io n t liin p a p e r.