Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, November 17, 1905, Image 3

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1 lui li l_»uí.lu.
V. e :i:n r : ; 0 >iriLY d a
Wc aro ploasod tu «co W. A. Iliint t'Ai,r
O di' I n liA-.àv Ueiuns- . il
ha» rotnrnul tu liis old staili! in Ila
li. P. H »rri"B t.".,o( Priia-vill», wu* bUcklllllilll ..... ,,
I n K o y a i . H otel
in town WYiluemliiy.
O regon
I.,» i d i j W
Building is tlie ordir of Ilio dav in
K. B. Mutzig ami wife, of Homi,
Laidlaw and nioat every one are mak-
wore in town Monday.
mg improvemi-nt» of some Itimi.
New Yoik Cash Stori- Ini# just
S«*i» tllodo nice lemons at Andrew»
Mr». John Ilei! purchazed a resili-1 « * “ »•«• » ,i"*‘ «»•ortment of embroiil-
<t Noils.
eneo lot in block ..ine of thè Town.ite : er>' hi,Us • ,,ìcl' aro
,uld "* thc
\. J. liiirter w-nt to Shuuiku Ibi» | Co. this week, unii will »0011 erecta IX'pnla* |*rice».
Mr. Frank Murk returned Monday
Miss Eugenie Dayton ami M i.
J. X. p.uton started to Bhaniko from a business trip t»i bis former
BMeeting were Homi vi.itoia Tne.ilay. Tuesday, to meet hi. brother S. K. home of Woodland, Wash, Mr. Murk
lluyyour cigar, ami confectionery o n wlm is a merchant of Wait. says that in some respects the Colum­
j burg, Wash.
bia river valley may be u I lead of this
of Andrew. * Neil.
but when the question of climate
.1. I*. Haley ha» gone to work fur
Cha». Brock of Rend was in town
arise» this country is so far superior
the I). I. »U 1*. Co. on the Central Ore- today. Mr Brock is in the locating
that there is no comparison. While
j business and reports many inquiien
gun ('anal.
he was at Vancouver a heavy fog
I lor homesteads and desert claims.
\V. E. Burkhart is improving thc
hung ove that place with a cold east
appearance of hi» place with a new j J. W. Gore left this week for Sunny- wind blowing. Quite a difference in
| side Wash, where he was called on that climate and this.
, business. He )io|>es to return at an
YouM be sorry if you fail to get a
The Ladies Aid Society met nt Mrs.
early date but may be detained until
pair of those $5.50 shoes of Win. G.
Tu liar’s home
Wednesday. This
! spring.
Stiles A Co.
society was organized last June and
As Mr. Miuld ami bis three sons
Dr. Gail Newsom and T. A. Ruth­
its work since has been very com­
walked down the street today eacli
erford went to Prineville today to
mendable. By giving socials making
purchase furniture and decoration- ! M,m wilh u f,mt Kl,|> cn their way quilts, etc. they htwe taken in about
duck hunting, reminded us of the old
for their no v bungalow.
$75 which is to be used for the build­
historic picture of “ Father and son-
ing of a new church. The officers ari­
J. D. Gibson is on the sick list. ^ f(jr Liberty.1
as follows; Mrs. J. C. Tullar Pies.,
He bus been confined to bis home for
J. A. Frau bough was in town today Mr*. J. C. George, Nice Pres., and
the past few days on account of a
enrouteto his homestead northwest of Miss N Hie James Secretary and
severe attack of rheumatism.
here. 11c has been with the Oregon Treasurer.
Oti» O. James went to Bend and Eastern surveying party since they
tiled on a desert claim in 15-1*2. This left Madras hut will now take up tin
The Oregon
Eastern surveying
is an excellent piece of laud and un work of improving his land.
party consisting of eighteen men and
der his method of doing things it will
• f .
all necessary equipment for a winters
1 lie infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
undoubtedly be converted into a li it i
work are now camped at Forests.
Hudson died Sunday morning at tin
They are working steadily southward
i home of Mrs. Hudson’» father, Thom-
and will move camp to Redmond the
John C. Stile* moved to his home- ! as Arnold, near Sisters. The little
first of next weak. J. Jt. Graham,
»tent! west of town this week. He has one was frail from birth and has U*» n
chief engineer of the party left Bend
built a very comfortable cottage large | oil the decline for some time,
today on a trip south for the purpose
enough for two and has 10 acres; F. A. De Coster, F. P. and Tbonm- of looking over the con itry. The
cleared and seeded.
j Thompson of Granger, Wash, and M destination of this party is not known
Key. Jinm tt of Prineville, .topped .V. James of Lyle, Wash, came in but it is thought by many to be Kla- _
at the Hotel Royal Tuesday night on Monday and spent two days looking math Falls. It is also claimed by i g
his way home from Sisters where he | over the C. S. I. lands, they purchased those who are in a position to judge j j
had been called to conduct the inner- I 120 acres of irrigated land, and will that the work that is now being done s
nl services of the infant »on of Mr. and j return later to make further selee is not of a preliminary character but |
Mrs. Hudson.
ihat actual cross sectioning is being 8
Smith it Cleek have closed the done and grading stakes set. W h a tfg
Claude, Ray and I‘"ay Mudd havi
rhe ultimate result of this survey will j §
turned trappers and with very good Minnesota Saloon at Bend and moved
be is only a matter of conjecture n.- f;
success. Last week they caught a | i heir stock back to Prineville, tiny
those in charge are very averse t.
catannmt of ordinary sine and this will probably reopen in tlie spring.
out information, but the man 6
J. (-. Tnliar made a trip to Prine-
week they succeeded in landing an
uer in which they have pi >•« ' ’ 1
extra large oue.
Madras disptN • i>« ■
of mill feed and Hour for his store. -ince leaving
Reward— We have a standing re .
d )ubt
that this is not »n
ward of #100 for any of the “ knock-1 Arthur W. Clothier special agem “ Muff.”
ers” ilo-vii the line who will talk the Mass. Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Mr Fred Hesse representing ibe
about the country live minutes with was doing husinet* here Weduesday
loin- bia Engineering Works of Pori I
out «|H*:tking a falsehood.
iud was in town Thursday, looking 1
1 juries received in the runaway nt Ash
Chns T. Pinkham and son arrived wood recently and will have to um liter business in the interest of h is;
Thtirmliiy with llneti wug.m load- of criitchoa for «01110 time yet.
I company. He has recent!v installed a ;
freight, they have worked up a nice
hydraulic pumpi- g
plant for tin
A petition is now being circulated
business in this line through their
Water A Light Co., of Bend ai
for a county road from here to (Him
business methods and promptness
goes to Clodding to put i * ■
Falls, the route has been gone ovei
of handling freight.
rigatioi. ai.t there for R. M.
carefully by men who arc practical in
It is usually concceded that getting ibis line and several objectioiiabb Mr. Morris will use an 18 inch
into desirable comp my is a bard task, features to tin* old road are to In j | chine with a fall of 19J feet ru - »
but recent developments show that dominated. It is sincerely hoj oil the water 220 feet and with thi
it is a more ditticult task to leave that this road may go through the alone will have ample water t -
gate 200 acres. After linishi
good company when the door is regular form without delay.
work at Trail Crossing Mr. 1 1 « e
locked from the outside.
J. T. Park and family and C. A. will g ) to Paisley where he is caPed I
M. N Niel has sold his inter» st in Reeves of Amity moved in t»> their by a party of Portluiul capitalists who
liis restuarant to his sun, Frank Niel, homesteads near Cline Buttes this are contemplating raising water out i
find Eugene Andrews. The new pro­ week, they will at once begin clearing j of the Chewaucan River to irrigate
prietors will take charge as soon
and fencing their land. These me about 10,000 acres this installation |
they can secure a cook. They intend are practical farmers and arc just the will require two machines one 48 and
to keep a first class restuarant.
j kind of people thc country needs.
one 42 inch und w ill cost about $20,-
J. N. B. Girking returned Wednes-
The Union Sunday School which
day fioni Athena where he has been meets in the Rutherford building
fur some time looking after his farm- ' e a c h S a b h a t li m o r n i n g at 10
interests. He was accompanied by j o'clock sends through the columnsof
his son Deane. Mr. Girking intend- j the Chronicle a cordial invitation to
t r . Newsom.
to clear and seed about 100 acres : every man, woman and child interest
more of his farm this winter.
| ed in the l»e»t social, educational and
EJ> « J C M i N E ö
£5 I
S - ' l €
'UriUt unti Far» .
Buy lots in town of LAIDLAW.
The coming m etropolis of
Crook County Oregon.
The tow n o f L aiillaw is located on the w est hank o f the Deschutes river and is verv near the
G eographical center o f some 30 0 ,0 0 0 acres o f O regon’s choicest irrigated lands.
Laidlaw is also located at the intersection o f the Corvallis & E astern R ailw ay survey and the
Deschutes river which w ill add to the prosprity o f the tow n .
Colum bia Southern Irrigation
Hr. Quii S. Newsom, of Arlington,
\V. A. Hunt tilled on a homestead I
conditions of our new home
about two anil one half mile, n o rth -jin ctM,,r* 1 0reB',M to
by thi lr , arriveil here last week to take up the
east of h-re. He expects to move his I presence ami corporation in bringing ; practice of medicine,
f iniily on the place next spring. Mr. about tlicac ends. -The Ril-le our I The doctor is a native of Crook
Hunt says that he iloea not under- Text hook and all men our brothers. j county, his parents being among tlie
S i i i iitxTi.MO.NT. | pioneers of l ’rineville. Here lie rc-
stand why such a choice piece of laud 1
. I ceived hi» early education. In 18'JJ
should remain vacant so long.
< All gooil tilings come to those that
. .
, ,
, he began his literary course in the
K. If. M irion moved his family t.i; wait and now thc men who have tiling | .
University of Oregon. Aftereomplet-
, .
town this week in order to Iw neai so tenaciously to their range homes .
mg ‘ lie Academic coiirec he began his
s.dinol, he purchased two lots on through ail the years that these
n.edical studies in the medical depart
Birickler Avenue and will soon build ' animals have been practically worth*
inent of the same institution gradua­
a lesidence. He also contracted for less are alaiut to have their ¡linings.
ting from there with high honors, lie
4 ) acres of C S. I. land near his 1 The horse that is now commonly
ing validictoriau of his class. Im­
\ known here as the “ fuzy tail” is
mediately after receiving the dagree of
; rapidly taking the place of the largei
II. P. Nichols is contemplating in­
M . I >. lie entered thc Multnomah
breeds in railroad and canal work
County and City hospital as house-
stalling a hydraulic pumping plant
where size is not so rerpiisite as i
surgeon. Boon afterward the O. It.
for irrigation purpoaea o i his land
i toughness. The converting of the i
& N. finding need for thu services ol
north of town. An export was on the
-Ickert here into farms destiny» the I
. .
. ■ •
, , ,
an active, up to date physician and
ground Thursday going over the
range that thousand of horses have.
proposition and will soon submit an
'surgeon for cast of the
heretofore roamed over and the time
, tendered tiic position to Dr. Newsom,
estimate of tlie cost.
I lor them to rai-c III price could not
notwithstanding tlie fact that there
Lumber hut in Crook county the have been more opportune.
were several applicants for tin i
beat timber to make it out of— new
position, which was accepted and lie at |
and up to data machinery. We are
Tinnual M eetin g o f
! once moved his head quarters to Ar'-
not novices in the business— all kinds
There he assumed active
of lumber, shingles and any kind of
S q u a w G r e e k G o. I ingtou.
charge of the medical work connected
moulding that can be made on a
with the building of the Columbia j
machine. Bee our material and get
The annual election of officers of River it Oiegon Central Railroad tin-
our prices before buying. I.umber
the Squaw Creek Irrigation Company ploying on an average 12U0 m en.!
delivered anywhere.
Do uaxcK linos, Cline Falls,
Ore. was held in Prineville last Saturday, -fhc doctor's position here gave him a
The meeting was nt-ll attended by experience as an emergency sur- j
A very quiet wedding wns solemn- the stuck holders and the following geon, besides the treatment of the or-1
iaed in the parlor* of the Hotel Prine- officers were elected for the ensuing dinary -Recasts of camp life,
ville Monday evening, when Mrs. year;
Coining to Prineville on a visit to
Nellie Chamber»’ of Seattle, became
A. Thompson, president; J. W his parents he was amazed to note j
tlie bride of HcrU-rt E. Glazier’ of Howard, vice piesidentl K- T. Slay- the development of the Deschutes ral-
Bisters. Judge ¡Jell performed the ton, secretary;
Will Wtirsweiler, ley and heliving in its great future de-|
ceremony. The happy couple left ' trensirtr. The hoaul of directors cidid to locate at Laidlaw.
fur their home Tuesday. The Review consists of A. Thompson, Arthur | Thc people ol this vicinity are well |
extends congratulation#.— Prineville Hodge», J. W. Ho ard, E. T. Slayton,; pleased to havj »ucli a competent j
j and Fred Wiese.
| physician here.
the vnsj irrigated i G s i m i in
Come to
It is also
the headquarters o f the
enjoy life,
health and prosperity.
Prices Reasonable and Terms Easy
F or inform ation address L A IB L A W T 0 W N S IT E CO., or J. W . R U T H E R F O R D , L A ID L A W , O R .
lo cal ao kxt .
1 ncojiorated
A u th o riz e d C a p ita l $ 25,000
1 ¡¡3§
O f Laidlaw
The Laidlaw
O p p o site T h e B a n k
Banking Gi Trust Go
Of Laidlaw Crook Countv, Oregon.
Tran--. 1 t .
ral bunking and
adm inU rm
y m ail or telegraph;
I ijion favorable
trustee of
i ^
business; acts as
Carries Dry Goods, Groceries, Men’s Furnishing Goods, Matress.
estates; transfers
es, Bed Springs and Bedding, Stoves and Tin
prom ptly
Doora, am\
NN indows and Paint, Washing Machines and Wringers.
D 1 R E C T O R S
J D . ¡,V ii)L A W . «'i ì : s .
W . A. L A ID I,A W , V h k I ' ues .
E U T H E R F O R I), C ashier
71 .
E . B . J T A IE S
Water Tanks Made on Short Notice
A L L W 0 R K G U A R A N T E E D
G E O R G tZ G O U C H P r o p
Corner Cook Avenue and 5th Street
1 S3
Best o f H ay am i G rain continuely on hand g|
Transient trade solicited
If you »an! the best p where they have a pod
ii!l, pod lumher and know how lo mate pod mmber,
Also all kinds of moulding,
P R I G E S R E 7 \$
/ E
Headquarters for L aidlaw
Br ini S
i •
See our stock ami get our prices.
be undersold.
■■ r '
AA ill not
horrante B ros .
M is s li H. S T U N B E R G P n
Cline Falls
M illinery. Dry Goods and T inw are
G ents H ats, Gloves, U nderw ear,
alls, Etc
J. C . & W. P. THORP
All kiode of eewing aud dressmaking done.