RlSUMt O f THE WLEK’5 DOINGS Newsy Hems Gdthered I rom Ail l’arto of the World. U « n « m l Rnvliiw o f Importimi Hap- |>©niny, # Dtmontod In n lirifif anti Compre h*in»iv# Manner fur liuny Hon«l«ir» - National, Politicala Hila lot teal amj CornmercUl, hlk)l<»|lM in tin* Mi i I km I i * t K'-mral cun In i tier i• .i * M • I llu* hr •Kiii/r Molai i r.itirr may It.i \ « lu rr I I alni «i» • ult an • Í Muiu I hr lair I i ». "•»* a K» B* fi •« r I lu­ ir ( It i r n t il Miai Kn, >v « » n u r al ta llir h a l l I« s i i t i if Nr ht « « ih r fieri Ir IVI f-»r will I m 11 u t K a m / ' ‘ I i'.ifil uf arhitralu l o t tar Mlikc 111 11 • i h i y 11 • K ‘ f i < m l i f i t t i I IK the In « lami. I »io* Ihr Ff, s h y I r I ta» r o t i t i I t ' S tu .H ilft V an absolute i m i al .r. . r f i i h l y « a law i taking I ■ ! . ip a t i t itnhassa akallit a. s, nays rtiltcn I mirti a lu ami that w.tt I tu* 1" "l*" -• mit *f*A a i r t i u h • !««! Mal u Ndftnral I v. 1 « Irnl am! lin i • f ul H ip • I fumi I hr A ll inti' 1 hr V‘ lilt • »» i t i t m o tm i K* r y 1 ami N«w i fléi r iik i a k s up Atlan|j( M.ittirshipn St iri North, Olii* «*rt Ciu South. Han Frinirmeo, May IP Thn Allunile linei ay Imi, «ail«d South Humlay riiorning ut 8 oYIoek, and K**ar Admiral Hperry, in * u l u s to steamers plying on th« Pacific i visions of th»* hill deal exclusively with ( )<.. m 1[«» vii«* f >f :« ttt ami Ai: stratta and * legislation pertaining to the territories, Ufi t !»•* B.irthc ali«! Atlantic t<» S tuli ! the most important of whieh is on»- Am« •rir;in |M*rtA wa tlic stitijc. t uf w arm regulating the sal« «*f )i«juor in Alaska. «!. I m itr in ih«* liuir«• ami tin.iillygcnuscd The pannage <,f the hill in this manner I I m * t • i *•i 1 1<r th«» r«*storatiun o f the negro tb« n i r m i r v Kill w i ul«i 1»«* u nuble tu soldier* *f th*- Twenty-fifth infantry, agree is congr»-»»« is t»» ad jo i irn at au who w*r»» di»chargef the Brownsville Bulkl«*y explained that owing joint resolution ;.ffrav cominitt«*« on Ariane«» ivuidahl«* absence of Bodge sf ting a national uatiun.il monetary commis to th* tu h* composed " f nine senators Masta • M.-tts and Foraker of Ohio, h«? to investigate would not«!«» mure than call attention to nn«J nine i •pr« s«»ntativ« all ina ter*» eoncernmg the ! inking and j I»i» bill. Me hoped to again call it up. turn* system o f the «• »untry. and the He said he was satisfied th«) people *f the country *li | not approve the post resolution was pa s««*-I without debate. Ih» h * nate passed a t ill appropriating ponement of action until next Decem­ ber, as ¡igr»»»^! upon by the senate 1!« nabla t f.ig i culture to e-i operate with states for th»* declar'd if po»***i!*!*• he would secure ac­ conservati n of foresta. It also pro tion during the pres» nt session. \ * f r a commis«ion of live mernbiT« o f t!i** senate an»! five from the house Washington. May 18.— The passage of ’ - > . - ■ 11 • ! % the who!© ou f th the 1. • *e today of the general «]■'» necessity, desirability and legality of fleienev appropriation bill, carrying an the pur*- iit>e of forest hind by the appropriation of F17.36H.672, marked I nife»! States and to r»-p rt to the next th*- c ompletion bv that body o f the last congress * of the gr»-at supply measures. The bill The s*nut«» today parsed the general was pit through under suspension of deficiency and military academy appro the rules, with no time allowance for priation hills, the last of the great ap grnerai debate. propriation hills Th«* republican leaders in th# bouse, Friday, M.ty 2 2 . I In- «»mnihtis Washington, May 22 unis lull was cuii Miicrt «I by the Sen it- r< h >lu ali today until «li .pl»»1 < «Ì by lion f' • sten«! th«* pt-riu« I dm mg whu li F A C E S F I N A N C I A L P A N IC . M e * ieo Take* S l i p * to Improve »it- uation \if Adjusting Duties. M« xifo, May IK. I.unantoiir, the ri’ti t r y u f the tr«a*ury, hein« inter viewed eonrernirig current rumor* • (,out the intention o f the KOVi’ rnment t » tnke nome positive nud active mean ii c h to improve the financial situation, limited biruHrlf to saying that the only measures proposed hy the government for hi y Hijch purpose will be presenter! to contres* for it. action, and eonviat in abolishing the duties on tho expor­ tation of hemp, f Mi * wrrr orderly element, no t!»at thè pearefid ; • •[ ui. K" , eminent will have farming pupulatiun may do their work •n III« unti v mg «I latrici « whcre arme) America. Germany and Japan Hold O ff banda are harrving tl*e farina And vii • rmmnt has start iuges, ia ahown hv thè prornpt arrivai W orld P o w e r » . C O N G R E S S B R E A K S RECORD. imi Marlin Jacoby, of reinfnrrernenta of gemlarmerie nuin D-ndon, May 19— I.imitation o f naval »f a lar^r mercan- he ring ahoul 6,000, who w i’l hi» scat Appropriations N ow Exceed Those o f armament may shortly be agreed to by T ijr • I with mi sap* terni throngh«»ut Corea. the Kuropean powers, according to a Previous Session. i oou uuii and $ > statement made by a high British gov­ Prince Ito hut* i*«tii** | atrirt inatruc Washington. May 19.— The present ernment official, who said: tiun» to .lapnneae a>ddiera nn*t civiliana session of congresa, to enl this week, “ While England has no immediate Inhurjf, l' i . Brian that they muat n »l treat thè Coreana aa M »(•» » is i record-breaker. The appropriations intention of issuing invitations to a a ronrjuered p«ople whieh they are aot *.rrrt primary. .1 1 h* fun of this session so far authorized exceed congress for the reduction of warship l ui tliat ali thè righta of hiw shilling N • v a ■ hi , i • very I M i l l ' O' those o f the fir»t session of the 59th eonstruetioa. nevertheless work is be­ rdirena muat he m p e f l w l un*ler j»en J ll V * . in* nay t r rimuot alty of aevere pun ahment congress by more than ♦3d0.000.00*). ing done to bring about an understand­ low, it«.I Ion The total appropriations made up to ing among tbe powers to this ead. The Putir thonannd Corean poliee, under this time aggregate approximately efforts that are being made are unof­ iJOf .fumiti F Mr!m|rr in tu tur Jnpane«*« oflleera, will !►« enliated and ♦ »-rl.M4.907. This amount will be in­ ficial, and considerable headway already traine»! Four hundr«*! new telephone « o U n r l K m n t h r an |*u\ «-rament en creased bv the general deficiency and has resulted. Within a year is it very telegrnph oflir.-a wdl l»e eataMiaht»d in in e r » I i'ortlntol omnibus public buildings bills and such probable the ground will begin to be thè diatrie?* inf««te»l hv revilutiuniata, Arl i l mt i on f the utrert rnr strike other tM-awures as may go through be­ cleared for an understanding. at» that criav eomrniinieation may he ha I n i t ' l v v r l m I n I * him 1* «m arrAnge*!, fore adjournment. wdh thè snidi*-r* and polire “ Three governments at present stand I t K i m « n o t i n g r o u t tu irn The session has also established a opposed to armament limitatiom. They TI»« crup prosperi througli Corea ia high record for the number of bills, i»nr l u l l wan kii • • 1 mi l |U injured e Ir r ' |«nt are the T’ nited States, Japan and C.er- resolutions introduced and considered inanv. Apparently it has now become in a h || f'liir t^; » fir*-, whi rh dent roved Prince ito todav atten»1r*l thè cele and for the transaction o f executive through a majority of the committee ♦ I ().( 0«> worth of pr *pi rt > a set poliey of the V nited States to hratim of thè 2fith anniverwnry of thè Washington, May 21. The hous*- There ha.ye been 7,127 bills lay down two battleships of the Drewd- opeuing of f'hemnlpo to foreign tradii spetti atioth»-r biiny dav today. Aft«*r' «in ways .and means, today served final business A tof|ik 'ahorna ' a *t At • guar ant y law hat were omnibus pension bills. and hecome a friendly and prosperotia ' On th«- public building bill approprili duction pledge.’ ’ lh« \ hank failed and in slly of .lapan ti«»u were «Itsagree»l to, and a confer n»«|r of AB h ur the deputili or» wei e I e Saturday, May 16. END IN SIG H T . HOPM EN ASK P R O TE C TIO N . «n'-e nsked, and bilia were pasM*d aa iti^ paid in full. Washington. May 10 Practically the follo W s GREAT CO NG RESS PLANNED • hole da-, in th»* sonate was spent iu j mg t«» veto the Ito #■ ?r!t 'H pre, f-.Hlnblislung ;n thè interior depnrt , Lawyers Begin Arguments^toX*»ury in con'i lerntion of the bill concerning for­ British Hold Great Demonstrationt Fa­ p u l i i i© I u Id n^* hl I f rongr«»*** don *1 un ni a bureau of min«*« and prov o! ng • est reserves in the Applachian and Ruef Case. voring Import Duty. p • ** an mit i in j . i «‘ I • n till, and the Delegates From Entire World Going for thè « (» operation <»f atatew f«>r tho White mountains. It was finally passed, London, May 19.— A groat army of • ’title '» Bind h I ‘Mid v provision San Francisco. May 19.— Taking of to London. • • • - v ■ :. n f th« foresta and waters I after a spe.ch nf nearly tw., hours' n on and women interested in the hop testimony closed and arguments were May nod h suit against Senator London Mav 1 *#. Delegates from a uf th»* Whitt and S ittliern Appla .i:m lur.it n bv Senator Tell.-r, of Polorado, industry in England, estimated to num- begun today in tbe trial o f Abraham it f r «1 % ree h i* 1 < * ll dismissed, :ml thousand diocrses scattered throughout ni-* unta, u* and th.. npp mut meut in opposition It carries an appropria I er more than 59.000, held a demonstra Ruef. on the charge of bribery. Assist­ u* has lin n a rre-tod on the grouii*! the world have been select©«I t » attenti llUtiiill.’ll t .pet f iimminii 0. ’ u.n o f ♦*1.000.000, and its chances of tion in Trafalgar Square this afternoon ant District Attorney Heney opened for ili sa«» wa.* im 'N • r mnrri«»*l t>> tht« st»n the Pun Anglican congress to be heb! passing the house at this session are in fav.-r of imposing a duty of $10 on the prosecution, and was followed by [*»r in i/ond«»n in .June These *!el*-g:ites. Wednesday May 20. poor. every hundredweight of hops imported Henry Ach for Ruef. Aeh did nat finish Mrvsn says Alabama j»rimanes wer# including laymen and clergymen, will As a first move to redeem the repub into this country. Washington, M aj L'a*— T h e senate until a late hour tonight. Tomorrow ti most cus»* b»‘ accompanied l*v their today passed thr omnibus public bean promise o f revising the tariff, the \ iciorv over tlic trusts Special trains brought in thousands Heney will close, and it is expected that I bishops, nn*l if the prophecy of the or building bill insetting not only the ser ate adopted a resolution authorizing from Ront. Suw. x . Hampshire. Worees- Judge Pooling will deliver his instruc­ H . m l # r D«nl v, • f I .on i n n i , has bo#n jgntiixers is fulfill' »I. the cor.gr* ss vvi I numerous amendments suggested by tlie finance mommittee to take up the *» r and Hereford, the great hopgrowing tions to the jury late in the afternoon. • ei<«cf#d I v the legislature 1 rank among tin* greut g it in-rings of ti e senate . •niniittec on public build­ •a 1 jeet o f tariff rates and to employ counties, while the east end of London, Preliminary to the opening of the ar­ The rsptihli an m t i o m l convention religious Wíirkors. ings and g: inds but also a few pro experts to prepare information to assist whence emanate almost all the hop- guments. three witnesses were briefly Must *»f the American bishops have will open # ich lay with a praysr. .sell by individual senators. posed As in the revision of the schedule«. The : -k.-rs, furnished a contingent perhaps examined. G. H. I'mbsen. the real es­ sent th«*ir accept anees, an«l. ns each committee is also to report as to legis­ twice as large as the growers and la­ tate man. was questioned by Mr. Ach A fv*ler.«l grand jury has begun an *!ioct-s© in the I nited Htat«»s will also passed I he lull carries a total o f about ♦ .la ,000,000, o f which $0.000,000 is for lation. reciprocity or otherwise, nere« borers from the provinces. regarding the checks which were passed investigation of tli • Nei r Vork cotton “«•ml one or mure clergymen or laymen, A fte r Icing marshaled on Victoria when the Parkside money was first llu larger appro­ sury to enact in order to secure equit­ building c< ntraets •xchnngs. Anterica will !»«* well rcpreacutated as pnations f di new buildings added by able treatment for American products Kmlxinkment. the demonstrators with drawn out of the l'nion Trust Com­ Night ri«i*»rs continu© to do much regards numbers an*l ability; nil the the senate included Riverside, Cal , abroad. The committee will sit during banners flying and bands playing, pany’s bank, and later, in two portions • l.ttiingc by burning tobacco barns in colonies will have th«*ir spokesmen nnd $125.000, 1 \orctt and Walla Walla, the summer. marched to the square, where English of $15.000 each, from the Crocker-Wool- niis*i<>nnries from every portion of the Wash . $ 140,000. K entusky. m.-u with a grievance always have been worth Bank. Joseph E. Green, o f tho May lrt— The process Washington, globe will come to tell of their work accustomed to assemble. Speakers from Parkside Company, wns reealled by Mr. I lit- limit of cost fixed for the sub A s»as has been air«’*te75.000 to $h)5,- ment was continued in the house today multitude on the ruin of the industry j [,aq „ „ t been present at the meeting o f Cu¡tod Hiatos army officer. The sundry civil appropriation bill n divers«» character, and in order to get ooo through the dumping of Ameriean hops! ex Mayor •*----- « Schmitz l _ : » _ - - and ■ William — J. v w:_ The senate amendment provid­ Din- Ke tarns from tlie city election at through the list of pa|n»rs th<* work has ing for a new office building for the was sent to conference; the confer­ into England, and resolutions were gee. Dingee followed, and he contra­ DiiiiTir iihtirate that the tlernocratid been divided into six sections, which | departments of State and justice to be ence report on the military academy adopted by acclamation calling upon dicted Green by saying that, to the best will sit simultaneously during the cek used jointly was retained, the lilti bill was agreed to; the general de­ the government not to delay in helping of his recollection, both Mr. Crocker «•a udii la»« for mayor will be elected. of June Ifi to June 22 mate cost of which is limited to $2,- ficiency appropriation bill was reported, to re establish the industry and placing and Mr. O ’Brien were present at the It is said Bryan will support Culber­ 500.000, and it is hinted that if this and the following bills passed: Grant­ a duty on all imported hops. meeting. son for th© democratic presidential can item is not retained the bill may be ing compensation to government em Aid for tho Unemployed. dotate if he cannot g«»t the nomination [»love» for injuries in the service and The amendment ap­ Hard T im es fo r Actors. New York, May 19. Alexander Law. allowed to fail Six Killed in Tornado. himself. o f the continuance of the propriating ♦ ■* 00,000 for purchase of , i authorization :l New York. May 19.— The coming sum­ New Orleans. May 18__ A tornado who wns delegated to convey to Wash inland waterways commission. Th# pepila of one of New York's an embassy building in Paris to be swept across the central part of Louis mer gives every promise of being the schools hnvo been appointe«! sergeants ington a resolution passed at the recent used as an office and residence also convention for the unemployed bold iana late this evening, killing six and i hardest one in years for the members to report niisc:t amendments court at Philadelphia a number of suits *t. Erancisv ille. the tw ister devasted season it was estimated that more than against certain railroads engaged in in one o f the finest timber sections of the 2.000 actors and actresses were out of mg to sail from Man Francisco on a I report.-.1, had been too busy with the j tltll l»r consideration have been dis terstate transportation o f anthracite state, destroyed manv fine farm man­ work in New York, the largest number conference of governors to grant him a .lapnnea«) steamer. agreed to. coal from the mines in Pennsylvania in sions. tore down all fences in its path of unemployed in the profession for hearing. Chief among these ire the appro­ violation o f tho commodities clause of and injured tnanv people. all charge* manv vears. I’ap.-r trust officials priation of $ i.ooo ooo for the purchase the Hepburn act. o f a rombine. Cholera Among #T rnops. : Simla, Mav 19 An outbretik of chol­ Bryan has carried the Alabama »loin- era has compelled the withdrawal o f ocrutie primaries. nearly all the white troops with Major Ileybnrn o f Idaho threatens to talk General Willcocks' first column into the the dry homestriid bill to dentil »n n.o ' cholera camp. The intense heat and th - absence of running water, necessitating senate. depending tipor. the muddy vilagr water I'.-arv says ne ; tanks, make the danger *'mnnian.|er Robert E. run reach the north pole for an outlay epidemic serious. On approaching Khn o f $59 000. [ink Pass today, the pickets of Major General IVillrocks' force had a desper Konator Stewart, of Nevada, has lost ate four hours’ fight with Mohnmand another fortuno in the decline of min troops. ■ tig xtocks. I Venezuela Pays Debts. Roosevelt nnd Taft oppose Burrows Caracas. Venezuela, May 111__ Tlie for chairman of tlie national republican Venezuelan government today made its convention. monthly payments on account o f the Anna floul.l and Trinco l i d i e are find foreign claims, despite the curtailment ing many obstacles to marriage, but of revenue resulting from the closing of may wc.l in England. tho port o f La Onayra. There hav" A union of tho Mnthodint Episcopal, been no new eases of bubonic plague for Congregational nnd Fnited Brethren four dnyn; should four more days go by churches is being considered nt tho gen­ without a case, the port will be re­ opened. eral eonferenee of the Methodists. of a --ito for the department of com m e r e r and labor building; $900.000 {or tne purchase of two «trainers for tDo I'.mill).i trade; $900.000 for the Alaska-Yukon Exposition of Seattle and upward of half a million dollars for new revenue cutters and light ships. . . of s cholera Tuesday, May 19. Washington, May 19 The scn-ite to Johnson Visits Congress. Washington, May 20___ Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, was a visitor to the capitol today, and spent some time on the fluor of the house, where he was tho recipient of much attention. Demo ernts nnd republicans nlike extended cordial greotings. Tie received gener­ ous applause when he ascended the ros trum and wns introduced lo Speaker Cannon. Tho governor bowed his ai- knowledgments, and for several minutes engaged in conversation with the speaker. Haskell Will Not Lose P ow er. French Surprise Arabs. Poorhc-use Causes Death. Guthrie. Okla.. May 19__ Governor Paris. M av 19.— A telegram received Washington. May 19.— Grieving be i Haskell today vetoed the Eggerman- here from General d ’ Amade, the French cause ho was compelled to go to tho Davis Redw-ine drastic anti trust act. a'mshouse. Dr. Charles B. Warrington, He especially disfavored the section commander in Morocco, says that with for more than 35 years a practicing phy­ giving the attorney general more power three brigades he made a forced night sician in various parts o f Now Jersey than the governor, by empowering him march, and at daylight e f May Ifl, with towns, died in the Warren county alms to go before one supreme judge and 1 a front deployed over a distance of house, where ho had been for the past have a receiver appointed for any cor five miles, he surprised the Mdakea ten davs. poration without giving tho latter no tribesmen, driving them to refuge ia tice. He favors tho provision for im­ the mountains. The tribesmen aban­ prisoning convicted trust mangers. \ doned their cattle and munitions of Mercury Cure a Success. Washington. M av 21. Recent advices 'V11 •’ »»form in g with Haskell s sugges- war. The French lost three men killed and 22 wounded. ’ . . . .. I tions was immediately introduced. from tho new naval hospital at Port Lyon., Colo., confirm the promising re T r o o p s Leave Treadwell. Chicago Employs ChineseJPolice. port made by Surgeon B. L. Wright re­ Juneau. Alaska, M ay 19.— Forty- Chicago, M av 19.—For the first time garding the results of treating tubercu­ in many years, the Chicago police de­ seven enlisted men and one officer left losis bv the use o f mercury. N aval sur partment has engaged Chinese detec­ Treadwell Sunday morning for F^rt gcons'nt the hospital have been closely tives to aid in preserving peace in William H. Seward. Alaska. These observant in the 30 cases subjected to Chinatown. The result of the trial nf troops have been stainned at Treadwell the treatment, nnd progress, it is said, three Chinamen o f murdering a wealtliv for some time, owing to labor troubles. has been such as te lead to the convic­ Chinese merchant has so exercised the I t is thonght advisable to leave a few tion th’at they have made an important Chicago Chinese that further warring soldiers there, although the strike ia discovery. ' thought to have blown over. between the tongs is feared.